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C1, Edison. apers 



Thomas E. Jeffrey 
Microfilm Editor and Associate Editor 
Paul B. Israel Susan Schultz 
Assistant Editor Assistant Editor 
Assistant Editors: Research Associates: 
Toby Appel Robert Rosenberg 
Keith A. Nier W. Bemard Carlson 
Andre Millard 
Student Assistants 
John Deasey : Pamela Kwiatkowski 
Leonard De Graaf Joseph P. Sullivan 
David Fowler Barbara B. Tomblin 

Leonard S. Reich, Associate Director and Associate Editor 
Reese V. Jenkins, Director and Editor 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site 
New Jersey Historical Commission 
Smithsonian Institution 

University Publications of America 
Frederick, Maryland 

Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company. 

Copyright © 1985 by Rutgers, The State University 
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and index or of the 
microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, 
electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and 
retrieval systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, 
New Jersey. 

The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West 

Orange, New Jersey. 


Rutgers, The State University of National Park Service, Edison 
New Jersey National Historic Site 

Edward J. Bloustein Roy W. Weaver 
T. Alexander Pond Edward J. Pershey 
Tilden G. Edelstein William Binnewies 
Richard P. McCormick Lynn Wightman 
James Kirby Martin Elizabeth Albro 

New Jersey Historical Commission Smithsonian Institution 
Bernard Bush ‘ Brooke Hindle 
Howard Green Bemard Finn 


James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology 
Alfred D. Chandler, Harvard University 
Neil Harris, University of Chicago 
Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania 
Arthur Link, Princeton University 
Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian Institution 
Robert C. Schofield, lowa State University 


William C. Hittinger (chairman), RCA Corporation 
“Arthur M. Bueche, General Electric Company 
Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of N.J. 
Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation 
Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund 
Philip F. Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation 
Paul Lego, Westinghouse Electric Corporation 
Roland W. Schmitt, General Electric Corporation 
Robert |. Smith, Public Service Electric and Gas Company 
Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company 
Morris Tanenbaum, AT&T 




National Science Foundation 
National Endowment for the Humanities 


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 
Charles Edison Fund 

The Hyde and Watson Foundation 
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation 


Alabama Power Company 

Amerada Hess Corporation 


Association of Edison Illuminating Companies 
Battelle Memorial institute Foundation 

The Boston Edison Foundation 

Cabot Corporation Foundation 

Carolina Power and Light Company 
Consumers Power Company 

Corning Glass Works Foundation 

Duke Power Company 

Edison Electric Institute 

Exxon Corporation 

General Electric Foundation 

Gould Inc. Foundation 

Gulf States Utilities Company 

The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers 
Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 
lowa Power and Light Company 

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Katz 

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. 

McGraw-Edison Company 

Middle South Services, Inc. 

Minnesota Power 

New Jersey Bell Telephone Company 

New York State Electric & Gas 

North American Philips Corporation 

Philadelphia Electric Company 

Philips Intemational B.V. 

Public Service Electric and Gas Company 

RCA Corporation 

Robert Bosch GmbH 

Savannah Electric-and Power Company 

Schering Plough Foundation 

Texas Utilities Company 


Transamerica Delaval Inc, 

Westinghouse Educational Foundation 

Wisconsin Public Service Corporation 


Reel duplication of the whole or of 
any part of this film is prohibited. 
In lieu of transcripts, however, 
enlarged photocopies of selected 
items contained on these reels 
_ may be made in order to facilitate 

Fe ee aarti a eae eer ES A pees teed thane ol eee athe! 1 LA aa les beh bathe tenia) a ig gts 

A Note on the Sources 

The pages which were microfilmed for this collection are 
in generally good condition in the original. There are 
some pages, however, which due to age are lighter than 
normal. Additionally, because some volumes are very 
large and have been bound tightly and cannot be un- 
bound, there are intermittent occurrences of slight dis- 
tortion of the edges of a small percentage of the pages. 
We have made every technical effort to ensure complete 
legibility of each and every page. 


The technical records of Edison's laboratories and shops were kept in 
a variety of ways throughout the inventor's career, particularly during the 
years before 1878, The earliest drawings and notes at the Edison National 
Historic Site are contained in Edison's pocket notebooks. These pocket- 
sized books were also used extensively during the 1870s by Edison and his 
staff as account books and several of the books contain a mixtu:'e of both 
financial and technical material. (Those pocket notebooks which are 
exclusively financial have been filmed in the Accounts Series.) 

A pocket notebook in which Edison entered specifications and 
drawings for printing telegraph apparatus in October 1870 concludes with 
the note: "all new inventions I will here after keep a full record." This 
determination to keep a "full record" of his inventive activity led to the 
creation of at least four ledger-sized volumes - the "Newark Shop 
Notebooks" - which were begun in late July and early August of 1871. 
Most of the early entries in these books are signed and dated by Edison, 
and the names of his father, Samuel, and his business associate, Joseph 
Murray, frequently appear as witnesses. The entries in the Newark Shop 
Notebooks continue through March 1872. Three of the four books also 
contain entries for the period April 1874-September 1875. 

A second set of notebooks, which Edison called the "Experimental 
Researches," was begun in October 1875. The six numbered volumes in 
this series cover the period October 1875-March 1879 and contain both 
original entries and notes, drawings, and patent caveats that were copied 
from other notebooks and from unbound pages. 

Other notebooks of varying sizes were also used to keep the records 
of the laboratories and shops at Newark and Menlo Park. Fifteen such 
books, covering the years 1870-1880, have been organized under the title 
“Miscellaneous Shop and Laboratory Notebooks." Some of these are books 
of original entry, while others are scrapbooks containing a mixture of 
experimental notes and drawings, production drawings, patent 
specifications, and, occasionally, newspaper and journal clippings. Two 
of the volumes (Cat. 1170 and Cat. 1171), covering the years 1873-1877, 
are labeled "Experimental Researches," but they are not part of the 
numbered set of "Experimental Researches" discussed above. 

After Edison's move to Menlo Park in 1876, he and his staff began 
using soft-cover tablet notebooks to record their experiments. They 
subsequently removed the individual pages from the notebooks so that 
material relating to the same subjects could be gathered together and so 
that tracings could be made. A set of eleven unbound volumes ("Unbound 
Notebooks, Volumes 8-18") was created by Edison and his associates from 
the pages of these notebooks and from various other loose pages. Page 
and volume numbers were written on the back of each page, possibly in 
1880 when many of the drawings and notes from this set were removed for 
use as exhibits in the Telephone Interferences (see Litigation Series). 

Other notebooks at the Edison National Historic Site may at one time 
have been considered part of this series. For example, one bound 
notebook (Laboratory Notebook, Cat. 1175) contains faint penciled 
page/volume numbers similar to those in Unbound Notebooks, Volumes 8- 

Not all of Edison's loose notes and drawings were pasted into 
scrapbooks or assigned page/volume numbers. The Edison National 
Historic Site holds hundreds of pages of unbound technical material for 
the period 1873-1878. This material has been collected together and 
organized under the title "Unbound Notes and Drawings." The documents 
have been arranged by year and, within each year, they have been 
subdivided into subject categories such as "telegraph," "phonograph," and 
"telephone." Among the material in this series is a set of notes and drafts 
for a proposed book or series of essays by Edison on telegraphy and 
related electrical subjects (NS-74-002). 

The notebooks and unbound notes and drawings that were generated 
prior to 1875 relate primarily to telegraphy. Later materia! includes 
notes and drawings relating to the electric light, the phonograph, the 
telephone, the electromotograph, the electric pen, etheric force, ore 
mining, batteries, and various electrical and chemical topics. Most of 
these notes and drawings are by Edison and Charles Batchelor, although 
much of the material on the acoustic telegraph and telephone is by James 
Adams and by Edison's nephew, Charles P. Edison. 

Documents relating to Edison's technical work can also be found in 
other series on the microfilm. Reproductions of drawings no longer at the 
Edison National Historic Site are part of the legal records presented in 
the Litigation Series. The documents in the Litigation Series also include 
testimony by Edison, his associates, and his rivals, which provides valuable 
information about Edison's inventive activities. A few notes and drawings 
can also be found in the Miscellaneous Scrapbook Series. The scrapbooks 
in the Miscellaneous Scrapbook Series and in the Menlo Park Scrapbook 
Series contain newspaper and journal clippings that provide a useful 
context for Edison's work. Caveats, patent applications, and other 
patent-related material can be found in the Patent Series. 






The documents in the Notebook Series have been filmed in the 
following order: 

Newark Shop Notebooks, 

Experimental Researches, 

Unbound Notebooks, 
Vols. 8-18, 1875-1879 

Miscellaneous Shop and 
Laboratory Notebooks, 

Pocket Notebooks, 1867-1875 

Unbound Notes and Drawings, 

four notebooks 

five notebooks [ Vol. 3 is missing ] 

eleven unbound notebooks 

fifteen notebooks and scrapbooks 

thirteen notebooks 

thirty folders 


The four books in this series were all begun in 1871 and were 
initially intended to serve as a "record of ideas" about telegraph devices. 
They cover the periods July 1871-March 1872 and April 1874-September 
1875. The early entries are by Edison; later entries are by Edison and 
Charles Batchelor. The notes and drawings deal with telegraphy, the 
electric pen, and the electromotograph. The following books comprise 
this series: 

Cat. 1174 Bound notebook (1871-1872, 1874, 1875) 
Cat. 1182 Unbound notebook (1871-1872, 1875) 
Cat. 1172 Bound notebook (1871-1872, 1874-1875) 

Cat. 1181 Unbound notebook (1871-1872) 

Newark Shop Notebook, Cat. 1174 

This notebook covers the period July 1871-March 1872, with a few 
entries for 1874 and 1875. The majority of the notes and drawings are in 
Edison's hand and deal with the development of printing telegraphy. Some 
notes also describe experiments with chemicals for the electromotograph. 
Edison signed and dated most of the entries. The names of Joseph Murray 
and Samuel Edison frequently appear as witnesses. The front cover is 
labeled "Vol 6." The book contains 298 numbered pages. 

Blank pages not filmed: 70-73, 76-151, 158-183, 186-235, 237.298. 

B e-1678 CAbviray 
Guly 28, 1871 — 
a Pnaloa, 1872; 
ions. 2).187557. 



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a a:, “Aype wheel, all of. whick 3. rae Oe re Se wanes 

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a tig witch The Type wher Hack ten: Oe ot Hho rao ment eens 

eee ae cig, ow Every Warclume Comparing. 0 nent 
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| aon Hk ie eee taeh. 

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pathol ured, ond th nactolud eee 

an ty We Mw mn 
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pont fro Prulrng a4 ea aA T Aunonnia , Ne. Wag: 

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ae the jerk, Thue wa dbuglt dradk wolim belinen ob or od Anakin wmode ob te aden ee wulk Uh af afi pie ee 
fotki ferk whash elbows “ble. Frviling hiro es eran upp bedaads ; 4 (ual ead th Hutding eis n/Dhe salty bo 

othe. HOLL 9 thus Aye wool, fon emo “to Debio. the Wms eri 

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Prncitting” the hy Ww from jamin out sy Mo vita tx eng 

ww ine positions, on of prsweiting Ue Paring Lense feb 

Urpin an/ Uenera elon 

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pW are W. Mol wrerasamy as ao secord. ree davies ae 7 ae Fe 

‘oe by attacked ahs “tes ee Vwi ol a ee ] ~ a 

Letina, eg dewrerds Ss Ce made Hs Dire, a. drok 

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'S piiteckana, as F arauved, thas olemed oh abs 

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be Whibh te OFd I mar 4 i 

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seen 9 eee 
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TH of wa polanre weagnet Woy kong AM Fscapement, cathe o ohaft 

Jp Comin thy inv ae pees the a SE aC. of Ueda aan ann amaght pro ech au FY 0k parcphiey. of eee 
| mee £; 4 Wiel howd me wawtalimg 6 » Boeny unedw ment 
i she wsty woh mayeell te omy peal cota tare ae eee: 

es paved with me af Sas tke ieee placrs fete 

HW oe eee: ng @ ake ale wat ro wb) be cibtercut ban - tnt a “positions , ana the magni “plo laced w tha. 
HI bet me Ney or. allached t, the Voriow. woolume, 3 Wai mang tht ub wight be made Te awolve by alarming 
? Wow wth Worker obs ot Wc Tiante ob a} wrctiing, net oes offen Dosttins eannent and Cut out all” the Prialing maagauts. 
S&S owt. orginaloy Dae Vdeo. eae Y Wnlode . I$ noes the an Arwurmnery im he meillallre ares 

Z eave Hip by sleyp Mog. ee Wea ao 

. dL wos Arunrrdte cut wr omy prams eae 
oon ITE ne maog wth- would bo Aolalted, vuathl The oun 
\ = es On wg wl of oem when Khe Pees 

MOL OV. Mare oul Arum o ee 
i oa futors test 

hea Wenn OW Oana 
teas le ar are buh “the eats, ele el 

a ; 

ooh oh An Come 

fe Would be. dstroyred and The (%q we agit Se = 

y ie mae aa Se hy ee “Aaa dabfoaact ere Boe —\ Yeh. while all Mu stherracaohims would Ce. Se re ween mt 
lee ie ene Pam alae. Cukeresct..whred..w0nlo. ofr 

| 5 Oba Fi lites, ae jee arco ates i I Wang. A We aa ny . 

| oe i ee 

penis Ws epi ak. msl waek 2. th wa. Ae a 


ras Pere sea eS nD eee rs 

: Beane wren Wg ae. ut e 

iW Qrieke YOO) Ua vuurrobte wna @) gy [hechare, do nel . 

- Ow Extra magn ng polars) wag Act ke nied the - fe. see 
— Cotta, dhcet= vi andcbcal Cucthiny rein Ptq hun 

Ugh Sb sieg fue) ta Shiu) 

: five Z Aas is at 

Soee ashy writing 5 ews Woe die rch Lypromomrercty uw Uke mechanceal 

lock devices j Aa now conslvineled ¥ shit Ubon an openrd Cureuit and at Ihe The obeve dzelch deprroerth a br ling unvolumund. wheel han bua hipe... | 

dscns pesiltons on all “the iy pe wheels, and not on a closed eucuit as hercle fore Wheb ans Praia upon Lie. strips of paper, Hhis.ts. Sone by ove, Magnet... 

wer described, this wmekes at more practtreal and Laster forthe Frans wil trig 

se working Live prvilivig Agvers. or a seperate wmaquet te each lever dub... 

Operator, Jhe Untsons being all iw Acftere ut posthons, ub follows that f abot uth dame cetreuct ane ack ing me ox tee. thin by ted hep him 
Jwishty operate Att fuclenc wes whieh Says Ceitches ow the cathe Bt luin ; cheviee and Ons , . ie “at 

OnoUNS a number of Titer te tune tke slop age of The Wmson by Ha Iqpe 

_ Wheel and Atay. He lrancmilter porulen at B and close the Prustting 

4) _ Atver ane nebrose the pe wheel Then of Coma Che tipper whol a 

Me Lamomullz Correshon Then 9 Tian Chew be onound util J Comes 


tr The dhifting pegs Thin olosette Pla heey unlock Ake wheel and then 
‘ Lyaws wet Wy Message = In case some one of “the Pritiling Machines did 
| = yok happencte lock ox qot out acetdentally the Type wheel would not 
Corres pond uit The Iransmtller So the Message. went): onky be wy mlle 
~of unreadable letters, but bs ok owthe vist? uh teh tle Mero age to ne 
tended for, S Cowte Ats pense college ther with . shifting dato: locking ae | | ie ae Jahdcke 
ie Pt, Acvey, Ad EVE wh would put Hm Jobe of littix. gecert Se tee gs oe , , ere | 
Si unaly which it 15 ena Reso we tha wtosage, but ¥ putin & nt, wee be Printing with a nl of Printing Kevers YOU ENQ. of 
— Jock-the Pt Atusy, Saving Paper,and,as being vaore. seewmly S<Crwewtent on! pe heel, \ Sor doperah wire uno te Cae le Petaling . mag wean care 
— 3 will state hue Aka OVET 1 Year ayo 4 suqqested A Yeap debfant | en ‘al eee eae. shee or tka Tipe wohl Shu 7 (fae wheel vw Aolald._ 

_. Ahould he wishts werk av number of Prevati” Tleg raphe Pr wctiong : 2 | to treeak whadct,, ae Anamawilhas dre ward um et tRe eg Rea 
-—Lnolrnmenk bn one onrend biden o {roms office % faetiny, ae i eer nrg tn ah Tae valccal may ‘he anréaled. at ay leaned 2 
POA eet sek mabrimente wight han type wheels Pompe: fy duprvaong a Ruy, wedipendeint afte eters, hi} 

—Correspowd bub exovy ofan” pour hour Mype.. dels. 3 meltor Aut. lm 7 ‘ t}— dame. Creunt,.,.. dhe . Apred va..eret ally wine war 
| ee placed. ae Afferent positions, Be thot We Arve om the Man. 7 ae ere pee CC Or Te : : ere 

| meee ee al ak Hp EPL TH Edeson ; 
ST ge he Be Re abi i aids cml | + ae Was 4 : pes 4 Abunuy : 7 

ff ron 

it. Thue a- double Tie wheel having’ tach evheel aplit uk 2 ov more 

2S A cAaipicte cama the ances evel s wofed. onaseb sieeve on Jo shoft, 
Whevthe dhoflina device, is thrown one way The seqimeuls of one 

ae ay a rade mt read y her Prouling while thé seqi wal, 

OFT oT ane. own. off OM. angle (hereby wealeig it small 

_ JRan dhe etka utuol an 


if Ene Pie, Cabra &Kteolk wheel wilk w space rr tun 

i is wo -feel when the Sncareyavat | | 

| o ' caren lever 15 wp, and omenck , mip 
the prong ow Sh Ptq Lorsy fikrthe feel uw felia wheel pel 

-.. tect 15, produced Sho Pra Takes place OO 8 Wold buck as 

| edocs Actake fhe Type wokreol -€ Union shout) ct bo aie AY 

Be Chea Ht fre Foner carecut Y.. by tq {scape Visi a 

— M80 ho try we by vag the V teeth of deen). uoel ur raroh, 


PPR pg em ARC Pip Lene eho hah ay 

1 Prewatdewp. will shove “the tips. Wheel orpuny. 


mn printing. dtvey. ts Jet down TR mag net 

oo Whack still Conttn KES 

@. ( ts ) by tyr Rye Cra seent— hue, 
aii ARE [ae errno Leen Earnie is gaa ye 2 ne: eRe Og 


f—Actter: aap trig he “Geapwd- Laan each “web. ees suka 
; WOKING (eG pemudt Lar ee 


ss sat ee _Arum.og aim amd ? p laccs. tee th ofae ¢ Ban uo hed : ay CM.. Wraps) Lou. 
: a tribe. Htowm dorwerd by tie priatry 

dover 9. 30.0W.aWR Lobo 

Comes Te O place where Thin 1s. no teeth Ske ct isto. Unison lr 
open Tee ocoprmend Lomn erent o go ohLad m om opin crout m. | 

) te wonel monn, wate you wskts céleh altth uuleimuts af | 

Warm, then CAnrr cmnendtoa work Prvnbang harner wii Arias = _| 

Ornauigesnt fo wahing Arco {oa whole line of Prinling 
Awards bona’ wiol Jahon, by wears Cage buck” 

—Odnady cuewhd or my Unwed Proith Palo OO Comeat - 
Dhro thane Race rmokt as Aererrbed on. page 1 of 
Lin mite hid aw has Pare 9 dyonomae with bucking 2 a 
Wo ened (or, he pownts om the anwalire , Aurer of Cn moka 
Siasas Auth orrtaliny ANE: a jeune 4 atlao woke “the can ALL mph decenee 
be the Mog ah ie open d nd not closed AD employed Wore wonalf 
WADA, ’ Blan seed Te Wag wor an “ChE ante call 
Une, So Mkab eri Hr tance ERO engine made bere. . | 
Ot Avwolidiim tio brake arto made and of Core th. am... | 
nn Py wisling wing net vibvalus will dK but cots not anreel.._| 
- Ue hub, Wow 9 prove The Type wheel hapa. oh he : 
aaa Negereally adh uns with projechug anwse which p aaa VAI cote cneranmne rene 

pat, Keys aurw when a Roy. wv dlupmased ke an Ata odin, et : 
J jeg) by eer oeliim of Che to coped mm A magn whreh | 

stom, thy. tp woke of lve aprenden ae. 
De ee aes ke by : : 
——~ LW puro A mn dk ore Cumnceltel The ain. Can oeet 

pln such a manner Uiab when tie coum 18 annealed . by. Tha-£1s 

once Arne. ra 
: tue a hrok wheal= Mow toe no 
| Cumert mH he the ormnodure 

a ee and. Catches the drrole ahead: dou anreite uh net oA 


a, le boo ot communes LF clean, PERS te 
WP a full buck wherctke leu av Ratsed, bar aa Lb 
Cred, woaticaly TRC Rn Tee de hun 

| . wv. drown i and the drool whee dase re Aihaee a 
$0 OM, She Reece way wml con hane a sag a 

poms hoeal baton near Gecbie lhon Vea 

y 's aa Gr areerm any aie: Te es bo aan, eer ¥ de 

Laie daft es Leek 

z ae be pg 

* ‘Uaaliconiont Caw on a ae a. £. 

(Jobo ghdlairg dened RE be added uth aha ft 
a lind ered wth i Zz 2) uaa wo incon’ ho 

q Shas shut Ld ba. nae 63 
ng? Wa ohtt ond |” one Union’ 
gf. eu ander oKex oleae Dee m 

ee atiter Ie ey V nRnALIw mah 

Mine ot 1 -wetoo A Re be 
q. an] Te wort ett wheel anh Fegnns 


vob SF add an Galea Peer dow vex fur docking. and sis : - 


Fw Woetote hue thalt-g Lock un th 
eels dock Jrvdrameananhy © 
: eles Ce Ig Th. 
eee one Soon en 

20 siened elle women tical ha - OL OANAS._ tho 3 Wd. mot ened ee eee 
60. ad pialed. Ueat ie will te ot ~tha Wilemanpl ton . 

Acttthe cnnealing mag net 

lees oft: duloor Le Zea tate She pretess of | 

| chert tie volt be IM a aduiion whue One ool 

Zz “Ba beast ‘curhecd uw ao nol + 

; | ee a Fiusl oh the | chsh. J a. Naw ke = 

a f- Bard auer and. seu 

i a 
| © untesl on He ote debbie cos oe tt pea 

| ae | hte. fcque Ly 

. ia vem BK. heel ial Grave veg, lr et 

| 21 | 
am. negmcat de Genrak bo. vewend, i cae uhat_} 
nn puners he i a nad ume ee oe wk 

ALAS OF. is peice whol nei, abe cites bake ot. oH. ee OT CUAL. 
stat. amd ti ik prom Lu Ro WU, a 
4 bluain tone me Foodeeunned Ab a Uar - P ig 
hn able a dteuned thee pecu lesa Moped obi. 
ce f ve Ahowa Ov oll Rew hy Coli acuarnt | 
FOP aac iii are cwhecls VCOWULE to The ‘Nie C A soit? 
Merwe aft ke ag co-hecl, onc Huve ulicls act. rane 
atk: WALL Led ee ie idee 1S, Some ahd. mE 
_ MR” sae rice cements ae eu pace ot" OW jeer pede. | 
» ermine GS ekmevt _ 

Fhnow The ede OAK cbs alroles andr OV... i 
. Oe cok iptitat olan at af oe 

nee yes the Ghar ewheck af neg 

on ce L to” ee oul OUR era.e f 
Shieh ana Be sae pha aes AG ee 

Now ushentRe @preriallinn a 

Yn alia Be. Oke LO. heel , die. pe 

the olrok durielly WM, 

pack Unio, 
“~MNAKS hg AMLA prt 

ras Ree 

tthe or 


rivet urhon ‘anrcatcd. be a oncoalh. 

p Qa arn we preowned be The bheft a 

ii | Sed pact cnet we ve 
| oe ts aoe aur a vod get ao he ‘el 

Dmpraved Wee. teed a eolchng ov ovine ~ Us irelare Sirah 
i uk J ayy : a Mevrement derrned a 41 44 bke pau 
; O SOREW Aremmuct-— anrcaking ‘4 
=o oink om ee a Urhack - “ 

| EO eee eat rhe 
OW mage 26, and [anth, He hee he 

| = th Sa 

= bhook- 
He, ere eee eee 

Pet ft pret Cit ge 
—peth. rove ~ 
| fe tent oa 7 a iy oe 

sac i Bg Fp BREE SRE STEEN ets oe A OE 


. UW. com eh dl se Ro Comah runt Loren an arbkal- She are 

Jcthis Lem om er ovch ofthe path ofthe been Lotte 
| octh bread urhirel weer t fraction OW 
[ Creeper “hentn 2 POS eres i Oi oF lo 


| : X ESO Py en Vex. wun wl, ~The poke Mess mw. of 
uth anes wheel ce meee aes a oe —— 

: Wi Aaedeale A So aa aa | - A ok (ees) tke eas Ld re 


oy Ha. ee ners hee ce Covckat wnhek wilh 30 port 

oa a oe Go! distance Ask 

fp iy 

: onthe Eagan. LM Wwineraa Pricer Nes J ane antalid 

H.... hee frrok. rll oT hag Oinek: dome eal “the “L 
ween es de ei okate | 

25 I 

— Hed iad mes Ry An ame “CAL abs epee... 

hoe Ganka afc the er) vo-herl eee with 
r ete Care op oui Leer wy ede, ae Cra qunentle i? 

Ak ae et ot Reana ae cnet 

ketiiees: Meng nol iW alte lint os Wee pcg. ae a 

Ca tues just Lawn - Ac hao oe Bice PS ar ofthe aun hh 

Pyrvna an AL Then puns ee Joanne. pon Oana Aaintr P owt 
wat Ww. Sool “he pace” Gphsle UV. Se a m 

ae “Ade SEE LO CA OAM ences al cee} 

Wee Lips whack vice’ oclvawers cme sewer Oey eat d ae 

oe ae Lo sete brn pod ae ue TAL 
a Weary tho ye LAA ieee Ve pe eek dhe AC paanete ita 
Cunt et witk aby” Wee ‘Y oapevet demir ro bast 
Orme Kegs ne lk Ay aud Ve Asm P het) of 
— ie fh ley RS gan ~ Vhe brsote hol ade 
ae mn fsa ee Ww ancebel | Rte ad Unbtrn.... ‘ 

eee oe ve ere ae ne _ Reeapatt eke vw ak 
f ot qe & | ee 

vo ONE Cate hreot ic. Fae anes ag & € 
2 dy n ot weed: ae Wren Compan ne se may ee 

sone minty, et aa a anne PE 

a ae Oy Ant | ar iek 



owt... orien ss aa ae conch ornate Ror ran ; 
fe jean Po. conay avound-the Little freak wheel might be dispensed ithe 

ok pa wy. ee ah a a clatch or chek used. the eluteh. beng Iti Hien out. by The aclton of Me 
sp feu ail aC etTS aes ones : 4 nnsling Loves, this clrek oy clutch would be pre vided with. Ar slip So... 
iS th he 7 ofr tha olreke hed Been Ihiown out a Akers dislance sh would come 

ae eg aera Stop a woth: wheel woeutd be onnaalee. 7 OMe ign 
ded 4 htre ovary 

Aso amlled usheod seemed Ihe ea aE 
C Hee chile’ Xe wd book ie mectey ohafh 
S wa, Lewitting bon | 
= Whar the lever ts nebw the patir o tka~ Lekch WW rurd 
pam He ebtk yy drown tet jee ofthe MUL Wheel 6 
= a Sproat ry [La Opa Hck eee toh! 
Le whol tothe - edoft, Yurw 
y bares seeder wei ioe 

a ag ree ase ot declan. eed) Hee 
; tes q ttf 

ea Uaioe, e re eae ond thy ene Pin seeks 

| | BY 
will mention here Mvatuths Avtclion elsthe @ torma, used. onthe. Ema rne.. bhofh.___. 

SF ie Arte Urusarat Use by wehreh othe thm a 

oeol. Ar cow be. ee toe ee CAE Wd, or. con be. etch 2 atte 
a dock 

\VAwy ea bee \rr 29) 
FS wuh dt undeitrod hue LRat 9 com gos Crwbune, Wud... oe, 
Ue r Use amrere arstslaa devrers wow used unr en ie ane 
mM rele, he ony bad. of Prnkung res attach - De 

uv ke One whet. by Step. &) tap ywroltm 
ov ercopenit, Rakekil Woke ov Agkvase En. epandt ae 
pe tea pees uy 4 as Crwmbnre ae tec fis ; 

Wee ye eee LER tly aoe ab prr a 

eee ee ee dhe Pg heme 
= aCe = a 7 co ees 
© “Jweiliim here, Acat 9 ek C\EAA Uf Anna tly fom 
sthic & Cone Ie aus. ann toce Aast . enn eae eS it 
a ee uy Ada aN eeL ws rhe ot of 
Ber ke orn. eum nret— a OAMA wee A y Shapes 
So ao te anit The brute ene eth roe 
AS the. Exawe, Skin whol & Con. 
pay poche, Ly ees eee A : : 
etsy 2 athe (yssuca ol. ad Kw now 
Ob Gages Cnn (oie Cl US ar. ete , 
ae ~4. t it enact Zn, “th byrak hick 
Oe, nelle QL pike es Bases ged ae Seweel Iles 
arene Ore may ST see a tenis cael ha mee seal roR 
jean wh Oe bead he ee. SF 
| Gree, | ecOree J | | 

i pemecnetan 






ia frosts X ct eo = ey —— ~ then cpac a 
= tte SF pnp Sty ny eee lisa oo | oe , | a. 
q eet toe Nan. hig. Hive: ee gl is «ff i H = — 


ate on a See “6 

HB lem gg 

Sid oy oie oo han 

— aA U of Cousac obvious bak: 7 Ununnsrel Courd be. = oy Pa eet ross rer p expan seve Pave. Sig 31 

hu etd” wh an Open Ne Claaed) rrenih y(.te) q el dl 
| JTR Cork dlwenewdbe ti,  Orkel me aan i Jy Pee ee —- (aes es whe skin 
ac larene uae - rss — Goel . ( 7 Atay? c ty Or WM. otha LAr aw) 4 ARR ar Uo =e 
: | ve SI ae 7 rae . ae Ve sy hace ee Canmuoh (wa Misses! ov Oe ee Bees 
Ly ae we as | nannies “(V4 ort (pees Peele egies wthy iA 8 preg WS hie reaps ve 
[pss wcll oA fh lke Unum Sipe ohn 3g eek epost! by rpmdld “panes 
: aw On NLA Go. wrecks’ ie Hee ae eel 5 Ones: dakar Cy ae Sa ny potremtan 
air io elas Cuca WK wnrusol) nov enr)en 
= ka wa Clrelire En vai re the break whorl 
me Woo. be dunn width ae Uv amy 
oe ren chin ver, Loa ae dna y ord fore ! | 
as TS Orthe punelenig unbeet Col Lot att 
Basten of , ~~ : : nea OAL A Ye Assicha weds even tienen te: , cpa otitd 6 4 

ae: w Voce ae Ae epbhout iat Oe peine es 

Be witless eS “Thanx Crrent and The onto __ 
| — ord an Dewees eel ne dre. ate 
; Se . ae urlerd Neco ark eisernrdecd od Mos 
tt , | ae IDLH wna, Te oe. p Shee: vA Aw. aa 
= Aan inv ta Ra. CAn Fv, eS O ee bey nA 
*) Chau A vee molten ov de ae i Lie a dtrad. om — bs ale Sacuaee oe . nx cherefe nw e~ 

As oy oe shee Tenae F ais cle 75 orn a Ae mnrrretin.. | 
; ie 1, O. sae ol So We A ee Nee ape Rr 
the idee.” y pee 

Fy ie dit pee oma cad gems fw EN meg ein apres 
~ Corcene) Pee es has ey ele ea Me Ut, aoe IK pak CALA m4. 
ecm Spot wg diniehe fy eas Gon as = 

casteat tae ea rar a ets a Vice aided 

~ wat A) ieee aoe 
: ee dete ¢ & @ 


alipae vl Bee mdbean oe HE 
io oo ea gon tooth ha 7 

= (Gee 

donot wish te confine myself te emy particular welled ef ans la 

Ve brent on. my Unrucrsol, ¥ canbe. done dks See . 

wav |e se.qurek howl all ou Connsit 

mud Nase vaby aly “4 4 i \ acl 
wR tana dh in Laan og ‘f Pan eer De ARORA 
Ee bit rhea Rey oleae ase ck franck acd of f- ANAL «2 Ca. of 

WW @ a nn a Jeary 

in: kp cos 6 o nw x gq tt on 00 olans 
a} =i} |. HCbacec= Ce 

Cua cx 0 als. (ikaw. Q VA 1 er 
J : 

cas RIAN ay 2 ene CNA ek AKA oh ho 
Pad ores 5 wfire’d 2 

of Cen oe wees 

__ Kk otic ple ft oe & ech Se ee See 
Pet And bak leek ct ee. | 

aa aabaralowr 

[ees Waa nolo / 

E. eats aca, (2 Whe. pow renee 

PAVE Tarere of (hose heorerca crre cltrnntecl wn a 


ow tlie ohait iu placed WA OAR ARO positon Inet ohim arrcats ea, 
te pe wd 3 call be an. mn ofctne ans Wed pode of tho. 

Lsheel A, the Unrsrctroitiidl pewta eLiuvrays poe. 
Ghana tite, a pound 1B urhen, “We wets Canal ve becom. 
Gr Wie bacak coheed. SUA tas tke. eateries of 
Whe Nike Chest by ~Ckee urheed A Aparna BB does 
motmef bret ahe Acq udan partactinns , Nout the mone 
on my UA! ei AAR. Cee ee exer —ced Ob vibrates, Ky 
Onnrnnraturt % arnrcatar tke paawe oa Wr, aS OT ae 
The enncatiang Korner aporemg un onc belurenm 
the pos ATK, Shae cle elke) epee. Cartany rear etan fin 
rere wma bermnty ne Wee heels en Dh Ubhiod 
Gut dove wel: anneet-U- 4. of wow a Reng Le 
Av preaaed.- fee heal ake He 4 nA ALR ancl 
the anne uu beaters anrtrobhe DASHA. Gx Wien... 
wy nective 4s. sce Lok haan: Sa cel a SoA gm de 
wheel usr a aS ON EN CArnaack “eancesach Goat 
Vee crn” pemnmnenn bref ct IA 
uy tke Ruy ve Asc Wao epee pa rment alos 
anh kai pan eo cn eek ee eq portar waa  rarek 
kee a ete ay ce Gig ak. Whe ea a Lh en” 
chancum chen ace Che wretch | arts wnt 
eemnca tre by Drardttern Key braanq  prcers A. 
“fre ket A LApannnn > we) let-- be. clara peniecl 
WAR cad tance peta tercnk crhe tid 
dn yrs tony cb ink ioe ‘t4 CO pte an~oh so 

Cine nee Crane re Jat urhen the En Coonan Asaner 

C.. C wae AW a 7 An, ae Oo-&2 bere A c. haw OL ae 
ies cw J Cann Wace. ean AAAS Ky te che i 


pe oe eeweal Acta bay “b. . V Ub omtarna “ Aka eae 
dtu adrthy Goat 9 ae le ol hy MOTE | ETA. Matt 
(Avwawens eit. ixntetercek. efpeke: “Em 1 Are. 

fe eed iss Salads Jang badd sah weaned! 

cee OT eo ee 

* | 1 a 
DORON S 2 Oa ene APORE: an prerent four ea 

Pe ire © nce i “the a ae ae a oe iqnscete: Gy buat 7 at Le 
Kh urkiel co ngr nn deat “thy ea, of Che. 

se Ue ha AG ag es J OAK ene “the , — 
se Lf ease i poh ek a rs Pee oc cer me J. 

| “3 ae ys a GA Eis = 
= ‘S PWitiaancD =) gon a ea 

ee AR Ves, Hhachune um ohooh dhe Cong une cannves anound Hie ae 
Cok, iC, Ay irae Caray act deota mm Sulit aaes : 

“a roe oa Chikehes a My ceveks “pau etl Ab ace HS 
y Be ands nanmnnneg oom abet planed athe, 2 Aah 
e, uihedlls ane row dad wihbee holes aly 2a 
aa Cake Wxation bay tke hf 
« co 16 OM RARE ina V ck AK 7 Undoumedtt 

se Pra” dane KS AAA MAARL 

Le 2 ene eee 
un. Una —_ 

th W which que tw ae V a | ee ; F dap ahi les betes 
Hc ERE SAME tg ra the ae cuhecl fit ge Ge igs cee A cxtke Frag ine seh = ne pillar ec ete R Os i ohoft 
ares Me AS a ae : Arner bx Waa -Q vo ~fhez onternor L) ur tke 

~~ ot pen : , 
Ae has bins Ld. rn se, eee) jae ff _ | aes Ac 0 ARAL eee tar Chee Via ninen. bo Pure. fee ga 

(Coe few. a On NN 0 om 

aren CA | m Saar ety danke Bb OE op 
Pe a er ee ee Le se ee ee Sr cea a 
a Oo ic r,t Qe eek \. Ries ah es Ihe. coe tu. Wie A a Abt _ -Jd-a— wee... RK a reacacra fa tne eee eee 
| nee re = 7, CO Oe One erclban,,. ee oa on8, Rs A om: ee et are N “ay ae 
~ OAW kK. ' arian ~ thee — ms g a NOON yh a Cs ADIAAA Uhh. AX 
a a CRA. HAR E-Seees eae. ee ot 
team ae a. we comer tR ais 

| j rhe : 
: S. Me settle a Pies pth des ea (ae 

Blo, hvat—~ 

For Raton Solas flee oe e Wheel Ae. wade thas 

ys — Rose. Manta, Ag. where. Ke A: peered, de erie Larcrn oi ~k 
ae foecthen sy Fre... pan Voor. Sdaners, rate 

; iG is fein vw Ge pet dAens | Ihew. (ees aQeewe hag 

ASE i eee spe do obit M the vary atom of 

en Gwe eel ¢ Padicnaaney rte Pyye whrol of 

“(lee Wronwes of 6 ON Qo HO feta nen hy, 

eee PR. eg ain oie ek ns. INS eae. Seanene IX 

- twhocek pases eee 6 pot. of} - te orn ek Waoas 
H Pee be eects aA uy “Pk. dupe VAL IM.- = Ce te ‘y 

QA fea 

MeN Seas bice. <ee Was Aira tad e. jhe, kG ies 
i, see a5 Hotham ieee ee 
| pike wate tec of he ee reer Se 
LAIR: patet catia Stepan. Lee Pare tns 
[ckothe cthu Gd ws eee: A boy Lhe ol apple 
1 at fle are Terces Cary aero pe en (Se ee ite, a Rp mae 
ofc) Viral Wee QD) sates “fp ye ere 




ake Ceeacde aoe a. Get Cree = danecth 

‘eee OQ, Core antithe Lonel 
1 . FR a Gi ae nm aan pee Qc ars aby a ; kact te ae 

Cs waar. WW ad ~¢ \ aw 4 ~ . ? y tene ‘ Aa kt alc asd le. me 
oan Coane & NX ¢ O (Kre « tc vy , a i Lh ‘ ee ee the & 2 ae Gea Cact- ™. he Ky p-e are uUrhere 

‘ | _ re coprrrerrt Weer fe ches fees AL wa Dn. aad tides ve power “hee. ft es 2 fo lio. OA he Aas t. dao rs eae Trew, 
ace | ee a Orla Vd aug ave: with viv ok. OK eglicakt (ASO af ut a x ask Moe “UNM ew CL aes eid. Currents = 

wage peck ofl he aA oct le bre ak dbee | Aer. the ess 


: ad a se Peas ch on Che. adenine.) we a Corer Care = ne) Ov. na Crea. he wads 
‘+ i gi . dhe break hod. a G pe poteel. owe 2 
| - a o cs Cure, Ee 1 ae Ue “the Ve (eer hes 7 RY are. ee anes 
“Td Hee dustaik San ee ean mata) ns COrAL0aO 6. we ce oh 

| — Hy ... anmneok a tke brcale wots 0 qe 
= Keel 4 Cine exheo? of Chal, 
md | . Cees Gy. AY Rect Ae \e2 oe Bs 

ae im Nee. 
cs ia |. . ~Hhe Dey ro, ere | 

f . *f- a tH O, eee 
= | ‘ st [ @ a - See ge Ce ool OVW Sst ah uw. ye 4. Che 
om | Beers ents tet SE th; / ARR Bg OY a Ce Me 
Vode - OV eg SO ve 
f = ; fe wee hase ae mty used = 
ah oe AO heen orheot ute th 
Fs eenar’ ILA. Oa jpoadons ss Pa 

I ‘ ees 

ye (WERE AN AD PU an ok ? 

f WA ae. Pre RAO OW @ ke 

- LAA tntane_ Ql, ro ee, Ge Oe er 

te 2 ee 
DE. as 

ABI \2 . off 

ea sees ai whole ENS Re SESE) aang bey. 
damn Might be oun £ 

4 Sere weiierie pratt lettin fly beck 
SE g0 tHhoek urn Hho fr2. usbaol erro arniakah 

4 oe oe Ce desig rN ct Fe 

ie Ww Bae Faure now | dss nitid? +h a 
ees A Yn w howe .. 
aPeaecunpe agi set eras 
barnes G om a Sleeve ; wk, woh rm sh oi, el 
a creas prs Ko ak holder ee anes 
| mee hos cheack welt Erowale Ko dhern The 
J eee © ov allashamh hick ne Sty S whl © AL elvene a loo walkou w el re 
Corneal, lecaple te “ fe Wore [Waa noth a Aether , H 4s the v. 
ces an tthe out “{ di Pe Uv thopped oo poe a uridae. oe rs ca) BG creme |e! 
bee ws denen, , 
, ss O imem a A wo 

mii the : 
| Ih oe Ai ee “thee es ol aga 1 oe bre Brrol a AER & 
28 oe ¢ 3 de OSS 4 

bie Cha ad VerewaU otha, he is & ~ 
Z bon Oo thea te amin foctke a a 

tq Sree Aa (Ces eo Coane Fe prt POD OW Es - 

wee Op RE Cobre th be ie level DE: 
. woof Ne pe Crbek nm Bh Rae p 
mi tad en sa wea 

oe A. 

é. eee 
ee | f 

£ = : 2 

: \ \ i \ 
2 fet ene ee Non ean paeAnr a 

— 4 
t 4 

: Lk 

H H 

i, \ 


ate corrects. 6 ty Whuel FP Comer, 
Sasa oh \ Centr a Cr gay enw wh oioh 

ge fH Deron cetie alok—Gd 

ae “oe te 
E eee, ee wer ere Cc - ee lean =. 

Riewa: Y t. 9 c -_ h 


Tan le vere . Yea ree = Se 2 acme: _ ie att Gung eteailoiateal 
A ce LE rae tay 
My i ene « et le eps 4. Pee | | ae = 

a etm  wwreheet_ ssc 
Ae tt im 

Lee cis i eee as G : 
Wea ee ee 

belek & ee erey ee Sees ema a er_olf 
Ae Oe oY other 6G OO. ttaeed 
Se Ewa th me bene PAST ses 


ny poaeunue D heures ploeed fe © 
| VWoerehinng “n) Was ane 6 ( Ge rien. 

My WearchM re Cait oof 

 aeade en eee 
- all, 
pam or whale : 6a Qs ere pao ' 
aoe are meng , oF vi) not ne ere, 

Thana | ae —f{—-~ i : 
The tle Gotan age , _ i 

As tot fh, eo iRise Cotaal. eee oe | sate ee 
OG - A - oe nos ae ee, Ree ee Nye aa a tat teag scls acdita has tal pati HORS see eee nl ee 
Gesp- Pepe pe? OA wie as. TV 45 the reer a Reed ONE wAKdaA 8 — 
pa Cau wee 0 ne 4 i elle x ts a CS eo te whieh pe. 

7 os ey Wary bath” B15 a heaw urhi. . 

6 ee 
 Oan tect CF fans 4 gist We un 0-8: hw Ane 


Who CE rw bus the LAL tha shee: | | 
pee, ee ee 
aes gee op a Ufts the clreke off andy 

: * erm en Net ee i 

4. 10 oe ie @ TAS. ds Ow. 


| ee ere 

2 Wergyncts Za by roaaaal 

Pd arrned Rta (pee oe Guns fp olarss 
Come es eo RQ tt 4 Gee we ae ae tire os - Ae 

IeGg - Ep ola a pnnsene ten | 

«x x Ltt us heals 



X va tke Aue Aaa ne prov (pocadt veborabanty 
Udriorl pe whee arte ri Ad ou) Ue 

“J 1 | ae A r—g ht prwe ue Ofer 
Wwe La Fk cai, 


"Ure Sot er Pei 


o : , 
: O\ == ia aa 

Conk. , : 


CA: Uneuel Ubsok Fs 
Speed FL Sine, 12 

~ V1 


fl l => 


itn enon Pecerere re nema 


; ; ; 


| CoATS. L 

Mel bdot Jolla’ 

a bon ye 

Bek Ny 
Ree Aan Ce. tl, f e 

Docrcnth oe a tee 
a ow Stk Oe ae 

Prelel wh g 
Aw cl ae ~ 0 

yh ies 

0 o- 

oo bay ese oO 
ha ' 

Cte Phe Me ch. 

a as 

av rokim Sliinta 

"Olan ck. 
~v mn O, 

pe MAE. bik Oe Lue 


Chl Bory Mosc . 

f nya 

L pall, 
nr whe 
3 f 
- r ‘ 

edal ay 

‘ P. can os Ons. 7 sptirovatt } OA Q ees me 2 : ees 
b Bellon ny Mal. Pe. on od, 
" of 
bd rs nee Seo arig ? “Inoss he : i Gare oA. Cc 4 a 7 2 
uy J f C oven Pn 4 PWCeue. ¥ t o al an OR. A es sy nw 

Yonramy APP 76H — 
Cpowmsih, To C67 Pee Matos: open eva 
De negeune, Metlaniam onerks elo le patlcclads Se ee 

| aoa Fetlinenm Trorke can te ped out! 6-4 
w. Dom Olathe NK ates," yess 
Crear o es ptetorn 0 ‘ Ontter, Abate, alts Go besa 
cae aw Cheep . SomaYe stad Detail on ee aad 

y pS 
vow a ARE LA BSS bye 


/-O- cAbeeste “Cats ae wy out ng nina S Ghanter 

oe as re be a i eee ; fe , 

Dx iloeh he es Me Blo Philbin ect. Te ae 

AK ed war 2 Oe, “fad ; veg ry 
oF eee bP pn: hyo ced: wre as tes" A pe-o'e! sc 


Key a fos , rit 
; x , ~ * . oT 
pee hy aes ee - 

“Cutis eh “p mal Y yey ae! ce “beep = anise 

Bromide ae “Y aon am 
Ty edhe be Sv . ee Ps ret ees Sey 4 . meee 


S se 
aa Teed FOteett OEM ig ihe ada es 

"Auchissol Lean os eee . alkene in . : 
i i rs $ eo Y Gs he 

ype its. CE PE ye LK We ek 

at Pos Ailes oe ve oe wearler om 

A Te mands dplenabadl ae em 

aad Fen . 
cwst enn 2 ees de “Te OA ob \ 

vita Lh, ee L. ne ~~ Thy tebe. ae nas 
CPO ee Boe. ~~ hus meng oe ad ae ee Oa ee meat i 


as anne » a \ 



ee Ct =f, Coase Tr anf Je : : ET SEE Te 
a tomy p ~S 
ge & oe oon > F G PR aap hurte un Mw Cl , Ws E rem ok PP m OC Sree. é Qe 
_ ofS hoe ly a a 
- wz, 

i CARO Ap, dD eo 
2 SET ea ST Carb Bayo He Cl Se gree Pom Onmge | 
: WE i and pds Bh rane as yock See Se ae nanan 
Cone tb ‘i a 

(P yretele, mtg bow <(, “p G~ Q-4 f- Cen clr 00 ee, 
ot ane, Oe 6.. Caw. ele Lin Thonnine 

Cf (i 
(Hf as ee 

We: pag he NPG i 
CU aon [heme 

“yt ak oa 


ee Sore Te zi af 
f est ie He Ck, 

Js P P r 
es ae ; ys oe ef.. on Choe 
: x Zona , va Sr sad 

Mh abybdat Ain ~ He EL 

cA ee 

CSG Pe Lind crf 
ay ve oe 

Lb ' eto “Cin Tle Cf, i 
a i a. ee 

“are ye Ao El, Té nen 

C2 ae Ly mary, i. 

ead le en Te 7 co 

Keehn HM, Ff, 

ye Alt 
Re OL gis 

ha nen A 

To te PAL. Fe pred Perec. 

es pone erat = Ut owk- om . CO. é x Cea OLe 27. bu ec 
ee oe eee Rtas uel ds Pia 
Te ae “Lprcecl, ace ane Ou P ov. © ee Poti: 
Maser e ren Meee tOKID thor: aseloaa 
Te pels Et, fie Pot mek, 
Oia to rae aoe Qo 0. Ea Lome Cheep, 
yr la gqthe 4 poled” Ua CGS. 


nantes re RRS eaibeosytit ee 



Newark Shop Notebook, Cat. 1182 

This set of forty-eight unbound and numbered pages covers the 
periods July 1871-January 1872 and August-September 1875. The entries 
on pages 1-37 are signed by Edison and are in his hand. They deal with the 
development of automatic printing and chemical telegraphy. Detailed 
drawings supplement the text. The name of Joseph Murray appears 
frequently as a witness. The entries on pages 39-48 are in the hand of 
Charles Batchelor and relate to the electric pen, electromotograph, and 
battery tests. They are signed by Edison, Batchelor, James Adams, and 
Edward H. Johnson. 

suy Fda 

weas_ cts. Shey oe 

\ ‘of ast Teleqea'phy., evel” for Geo Harrimalems hs 
eS Papen AIL of whieh. Ok ee oe es 

ON... aoe Se =. 

gm % do not i daees domat fewr prev ioushy canned v- | ei 
J owb anvsutious - but eommence at thidale. age etc 
cee tee reeors all. Ly. ideas wade Prewsously NO eke Se 

Vhs. LOPeUIng of Wns, book whach: 3 have | 

ha re yo. practrect | oprralien eth the | fruce_| 

aA TALC anes ak porstble all fulur. sdec ae 
_velaliuy To Wiss lew while cb shall. be: me 

ie “ - 

__ Aulevest te do so.= ee tt 

aati ad see Sd a a irate oi area vee ee = SE ee ene CAE La SE rE TO Dee a 

_ i “Elon 

oat kee pe tp Page We 
Chemeot Seleqraph Pew, cA dhe agi ges ise saunas ee as i ceases major Me. lst Fee 
b. Andhe cose ¥do nol poco dhe eurunt Shiough the pepe by 4 Ure Li close. eadyuslia@th ob arvied ov.wihart.. ae ec onande. yu ane 4 
- ane se ie woh 3 Tes per playing iw bs lWirew Tie! proags on Me pew: B. Ihe obyeet | 
ope corny mg dummy oO OOo Conduoler unt uswel woy, bub pose: nies i a e 4 cde. eee ee ae 
ke cumwnt fre One pen to fhe otha (pens- ¢.R) aness AKG popnr _ piesa ae eee eae ae re er pie cine Te seduce 
me he pena © B ome moulald from cock he on dhe thoft ond 
OW, connected with Carton. awd thé olher >with Arner , 30 4 We pope’ 
dq .. bs chemreehty Prepared and thi drum a noldled a The sohamrects ws <A 

é coca ee peepey ts salvraled will bz decomposed as lougq ao the ewvreuk, porate 
bs from @ to B Wrough the pope”, but The cument 5 cvlerrupled Ihe meals will! 
A ceast.. she ebjech of AMAA AAUN thn pen Su this manner is fo make the’ 

_ paper resvslance Yor table, 0 hat when Ihe paper iS eet oe ihe ree 

\s short ‘awd Where 18 Ibe much haltery ow AK rE be Bees Mirah ts huge ae Ae 

pews Can be seperated. wh 

. UWACAL ala ta Me” crocation ex te the prscese of the Curnnerct . duns Pe Vea hter 
~ Anele rs wade whroh i's 

oo heavy ot. bluray cohen te pores vs teats 
i oxy Me Cuned Too olFouge -Anollin advantage whol Ths per. has uw 
E Maok, Whe dulenee whieh Thi cumud haste lyavil (haough Dhe PORE con be Jeg 

: ' ‘ ; Ss 
Reduced fo. Ve x ob an mech ox even less, i 

Sy bub th ey na ybe. pr oud] 

, , Lousequently reducing he 
J. Resistance qr tally. and allowing «a nwuwber of hese 

He ceruing op parolucy oe ees oe vt 
fe low. worked (none eureuth without the tlechreal coulktvauces which has been 

Found MSEESEESY on account of thy Ivemendours resistance wh tebatid cu 

twcoawleres iw, parsing Vavcugh Whi pore "UW some. inslances, Pepe: 8 
property wh, has o regulance of 200 miles of 13 ohws eachs booaw 

Consent passing. Jhxough h , But by the use of thes pew the pens @. Bcd 
ee be ay usted . from 3 To Hewes as close” as the Hickness of the pape»: 

thygeoved wera. the. nesuslance “ faeva be yo. tr ate miles 

to the drawn. Shot. Mima line ts. comme cle fa ke pen. cand he <—. et LAS 4 P ape ee ee a aes eee eee 
opposite. volley "and Thi vqvound. wars fel the other pem amd the Wo ey EG 
—opposits. volley = Now when. paper: -perfov. aled wn_Ywo Mtwes | 
Petey gent. Akcough.. Nas follourng. apporatas _ Aig. Ty. _poslwe a Yt. 
Cia. wll. ass. ouev She. line’ when one. asekof holes: passes under [hy 

spurge Seleas cus.ulerted, ree Bie sal bs. aoe 4 ei j 

Baus, depen: per. ~oy_ device. pee RLCO ord 

cthe pen and pass Icough the pen c tbioaqh. lle paper Mhcxee, “sf ee ee es ee 
r ee x 

_Atoutgh. the vellex ty the qvound, As composing, The. ehewceal solution _ i <higs es Ne 
uth whic thie. Paper.ts aia. ow. leaving wok | _2orresp oudiug ts the - a wa J xX fi. 

i roles cathe perforated paperht the ofha tie of tte Awe, now the ‘ 
Some. Comment will pass, Weogh Me vella oti: Neagle the ff A Te 
—pew Os ond, Te Te qround.. but. wm This. SAGE =the. Curse pone Legit ie Ie gee ac nee htt a es a ge Pitt ee ern eo ere Me eA eg ee ee ee 
Nosahaie. Pop. UA OM". oppor. “duction, sousequentty dhe f Pin fe extn = . 
-tiseaks.. the i. wy. wall ba undurwesth the Paper. awd vot bs. wohéed _ } “nce on 
—wohuls, ak willleaus. vowoals on lop - Mow a. cument—e 
- Of pod polaaty ts seufour> the WIT 4" AQLUVEYSO ae aly, 4 
| place - ‘and The Pen. B. Agcord$” “3.0 haba dot on one. le 1 
[will apatoentacoh and adot onthe ether hue will Apiscentia 
1. dosh, Arq 7 Show the | sie ree Fendi the double crowed 
. parporaled paper 7 2 

Ate om hand robber on mwq. pen couslyucled. after the manner of 4 
_ drawima pen, ts secured fe. the. shalt p. -amd we ues.cherely 
on. ch and may be held closely, on the Pape aiys-6 es SPAM Gy nn 

mand Cone. small, _pletimv’a pombe posing lheough each. pay 

ot Vhe yabber pen. Lott sxlzeme_ tnd and belween. whreh {petwbth . 
soluhhou passes on be he paper B. -cecd: (BAe: Woes: Se eM uecliee 
__ Heese. a to othe binding seus. Fans Gand thence Bi Ihe 
bathe X “ys a small dwnnel costs. Wiehe eh Sy phom IR 

dee ding. we The Aracwow. be. Passgs. lap du. soos ata pee ce 
gpl: with Ve Chetircal. solution as. task. as has. used on 
Ke ow whan th. drome. Ns Awolved.. Bormnyang he. “Record 1ig- pape, 
rn mae outa. conmlimnons... Aame.. of Nie. -2emecad 
ee lw Mow which bing, colorless. Jeaves no. mould and 15. elely 2 
Diveubs e4. by _ tes paper ut if the Currents closed: 

eG. call _fhe_sclulrou_ passing he. ‘aaa peas 

ee wall be _decompeshed.: Souce. ~P-BI5A04.. wom. fe... 
twill Neue a monks She se phos _amasght. errr a) 
Ah selulton | Supphed tothe pen. ~ by thaspeprseg.: ate drop 
_. (wasbrding te the: Spxed. of. The. pe ete The. funnels : 
Ons. \ast. 4 will wewlon here. i_Lhet oly. Mod porl a, 

Solution hich us. durseth 

vot holes: Ihe cs ee bifeae OM 4 thes Aine cund_. a i 
Wout An. re ae = Ae eae 

Vm -eohlicet 

gate Boe Og nfs opty, \: x. ol en sashes Rote, 8 Ste ae St ye NS oe ch od ae! = ke 62 ct 
: a aah: aD : : , ‘ 

eae’ oY he Sees 

ae eres “Ret 1 =: € ius ores eos bees wot enaly 2 

~ met th, ai wade { Hun, om. hg 4 yg. Ah are Dee et 
tk 5! tad. 8 | pow, ox voller at teal 
ed onwskKk an. el cane band ee gs) ae end 
tes peer are oh, We Ha—Tunent aes, eaaaine 
— Wwondd. Gs. Goro wg t=. Pec: oak. aes es ee hee 
ord >. x 

‘Gees LOW TT 2 a. Neen na, LAL OMA 

Ort Drum A, might hoe an \ Mama ( Bi or 

orAvcund. 1. ond Hane nae AT pi ee pee A. 
ies ofthe —stybins C. wentd..G:2.. gee pt 
. ez. vk. SPOm. the: P-APee.. oa TART adits ide. af Te pepe — 
Oy ter div um AL org hk. hh awe an losers. voller: ae 
te ule a. sta hk. dane an The mod d be °| wt. 7 pap 
driv cetty undicthe vo lla emterah Ce so Wet, 
“phn cthe roller was Fro Syl tone ts SS UAE... ae 
soddvereut Ta woke thi aa tak aa long ao Her , 
soe? knee Ce. abe ea ser z pase Seana onan 

7 i 



Se gives) way - ab reesivring on arcu pee — 

Licleays SOULS. gee ac aa The. ewe HT an Lane, a 

[ia tonne. te AE chum A, cam) the evento. 

1 akesd. athe... distant stolen. Neaves. dots. am oreo. a 

by __ aekin | the wean hive. Curren | eo 3 ub None 

Hes dvawback. mura ime ranolteatatela ee nicerantonaa wnaminn. | 
ck. G, ytke work a aa Jocel erent vs Ake te. Acsk- : Pe Oe 
Lash | Tort out. 7 Ge) Woulraue to male a more he Ca 
hes. ceased, Ya erere faces Woes: os wetmyet= been trblaimed. 

Ne cBete tenes is Se proed Mis | “Vee sna ond us brought ’ ee aaa 

| about 4 couneelucg The WMagut E , ie m- Ve aia at iS : Wasauel 5th 16 : J A. Edison 

| Crewe, canadcttars stybie Co Byam AL Chem iSieectll : 

sa, a ie er en ee re foe De a Pesce 
ws te deo BD pom the” ae cue 

aX Vv pote wote) ah 

gare Bia gaa eg 

seating om Ay 


Z i : : 
ied anche oI catch, cated at 
Fi Rilgte Mae mension Neen et 

cygeet mer ee 

a a ieee te ee , for. = ae es age Set Rac htt ht to eal cade 

se ’ ae Gres ie. Styles C. Beneee pangs ae pope. =, Rese shaft ie g cu tng... yet eee: ‘te. ae 

ANS sea ‘K.. Lene thes olalim ede ae aS OCA RU OS) AER eR ea ATA RE nD, OS, REO! The. paper sea In, a aan 
eos amor os see os Te gt olen ie Bo a \. pein hie = 
Maguet dh wow, opeddthi— eee. ae) an SCS) ee | os © | ! 

REY Spee An othe Priesarnn wien xl AM 
ic —wlmele 8. co GA UN, 2 eee er Wo od eres). (iccvig in enema ree oe 

2 ponte upright Re 

When the. oe Xs. dius he eo ey ane nee 
awed wath, hand: The. roller. 6... CAYO. mM, eek Gadde: he fork 

oA. atin... Mas. xolales. the Ohapt IN. ree at Iho same. awe theo ae 

Saw. :e0_ of the dock AL. Comes... r..combarah uote the: papwnane. Gr. 

= se Webs beng. down. solar below: the. conten, hat ch ceases. | 

aac eahas. a.levty. or weaw | vodolng Lhe” ohaft ane Mie. dpltwlee. { 

| _woller Bo shides..down the afro ight part ot -N,. Ut vo ob010 we, be pets os teem gan tteniconel tc ae ae 
eas — ae ‘ Nong, . ard es ee cack oe | J chau Kine ims 4 08 i sees: aslemreath whiel shell he, seca 
| apt 'N as ee tna au iainne opthe rode. oe + _. Gonweeted _ eqe Whew slechreathy, one pen ¥ put obout the 
te se hg ; ra ve ol w . a oof eae one hundandth ofan mel alent of the olkgy wth dame. 
rene r shea lest 7 . eee “eo | line The. object of Wars asthe vaeduce. the resrslevice a 
[Fate ae a 1, i" oo a as ae loss or tis | oe and make O double decom portions Cus Wie ADDUCED ene 
a a Am ee BROS POs: ee ork. amd Keay. - roan, ae Oper. my seduced one half by. havena ti Te. pole. le 
' 6. AL pred ed Tels Made ond. «deadlock. lakias: . 2s pein ows hat Mit LOK. av wach cuvrort will pars... 
| ee a Woo. re sh ce Means phe oe, ayant alent i - Wyo ag be tach Woiwks ¢ as ove as taree as much Cornea. " 
:. , ee j - wollte lakinw wocthe hallen , Row one pom.” OAs 

ae of __waaren, We. paper will leave a mork of o Crrtouw wath 
a ard anoller be 1 ieedaia Gad over Ihe same. mark. will 
F wmeease UG unlenar 

f- Ls. uct WLLL ADA to TW wus VKkeaae Oud, $2.F ing the othe: : 

for thee YU a Gs. placed side b side | VEAL close. a ae thot- 
ae fal } 
ewe bem. ohall make a nek and, We otkn wll! 

double AE 124 30 asto. make oh hoger ble , 

i ‘ < 

— Anithn Sea y Sy a. ee soliton ne Cprseane Ge 
A polish ov. Stix sofiltia wk which amv. pew oo 
see AG. eed to= decomp. Ose. ae me wubha. eh Thea ue. bs tensa 
ai en . Cipmrardaroble gaa @ ERC AD, of acid VAAN 
res be used. $0. Veal em WO eel ae r AA. ness 
_ ee olf. altel: the pom. ound, Spee eke 
_ OQ. —woak._ hace May” Pos. the. in Katee Ww ae ON-aW0 oa 
Saree Rone pean hop ae ce auall os 
mae uy peetdies flee oot. pron. oe ae ee Y.. Cine 

he. ae Aiscer es eomr ¥4 

“Ie: : yl Awe poorer ee rien imo eee ale 


Saar rt eT fete Paeeeeeet bretred oecticas panouaes ameros maccase paras Mate Wd Dest Es Sp atnstaen 
; pace : Be a 2h : ‘ 53 
: Ae i 

Coe ek Coc Say Ca ow svathu eanentk uw. 
not broken foal the Anti, us cart uw. & out &. : 
~Wlr« Y- afer atret y’ a ace . b emcee: . ie | “lee 

alien be ene 
Betis, rt 

Jhaur Can (2. AA ea uate “a. lo c.k ee ee supentox 

a will Vow Ac atvale Cay Ais: cexuhe. Bidewc a hints the Jf , Bh ‘ 23 . 
ORA-OAN hee chan eh as a. Ce eS A, | Bs 
- fr ey @. Fn poacaa. : a 

ov wath: pmacrandcelian, covk +a Ecideot mot tere 
CAAA. ok Coke vel wn “The pokes ARAAM ON4. CO ul. oe Nf 
. cK kA Crp 5 dieeet <<. sacl AR The : whee coon chm eine 

Cor heen rs 

in tS Coe : “the Leak « om dee. he ~ 
eee ws pect, ce, navi Wd Mktg. ae 
ar eh. tke. PO We rs SS Oe 

Ih AocoR no, ket. he. bectl = we 
sia os nd 

wy te narceke, ae wal aoe . WA, lS: Pa Sel Sith 

Roy oe 2 : 7; a eel 

od = 

ze cone boxer si aa Q.0 cao Be opt ots 

dare webeckhectl wheel es fev Lees ung OW. Po lvr Caen eee Vee 
i... Cannel . ! : 

P apery 


Cae gs ee _ : > i a Uteck Seca drevace. m™m heronend: P ALA, wk a 
| Xecal. ee decomposes aud maim dine bathig whieh | _ Geunsh te keep b> cleans (f a en cere 
| atte desempesdd Ricoh uv focal crock bo Sous 1 12. PACH wah | 
prevent the Local bem wrakasnd. Teo... plawm o mor. a UO. pot Apa 
& The. wae & kes Loe al is Pe thackvolr2s | 7 : ke | a en eee rr 4 Jete agro ph ' | 
, uf; Chess oS ul a port whee a or oQt ee : 7 : 

} ‘ ; - : 
oiwerecsicg arontd. cho vee. [hence et: wehwaly is Ame ts eae ioe Ake 

ze ye flee Fy, 



ee. ot as 





: SRE pe 

' eat Boles Of panty, Wi aaccas Dies tein pain. 
Kore Webratucnn Jo ER Cee OP RA ats. 

: Ke oat. ; f- ereawnen RAI ashe it Ce ane 

Lhe Ra: - Cour) he wale. mt 

Se eet ob lok platen te esicaS tae enelin aig a 
Dubrbaren. @) Enh WA. a antag thoes: 
a COS ae teeth ARAM AAs 

a BR. voy eb nee 30 chose ut. Guth athrelimese of er peste 2: me 

t 2 £ ae 
Sack a i as pacha 2. poratrs. ee 
Mass olbenk ty off am ele pao 

othe Chemmanntty. prepancd. epee ee 

ae awh Angmar, KK, ares rene: &, es Ane Nas. wk . Jarek | 

| ere es eine ATES co. tvee bo. PRS Ba. \ 
Ba eee en Cle SEE gs GaN Icy 9 Ee 4Q. be yh 
ke (1 NAD g AAR a a 2 es Get m4) Hee pedo 3 : athkr hse: 

ep q orl O oer casi 

| ee Gmeaththe bank “thy 
i oY OA ie ~vodke aa Tee. 
ae aque %. Eacl one o. Jha Cs. eee 
ce ae Sa, itil He SEEN. seca ron 
). eae On | Ve a ae ah ilk 1Oens a ee 
1. Te wick OW and ee rate ated ie ue 

\. Hee tke well eornneet tee A Chany Z\ Hosen aia 
pee nets oe A) 

om Ane. Hine fom: Duos 

“OT Wan 

turd Weeks On, 1 mae o~ Lith 

ea | he t) wok ; San Xx anol ee = Curve: ci Ve 
oo doom WGe toe pect, Je RR tthke 
AB coastee oe cated pa Sle 0 oe DP AAAAA. [) Sean a te 

eS ema ae e iGee Ls. Se 

weg he an rene “A 

(+ t BAD. oe Ps Je Cow lare J 

oR wl al Vase ln Po tu wt Fv xa Gee he Lobtean NG 

2th foe row. oh oil any atl ee 4 ee CLARE ace Ne 
ae et cei ome Set of “Hee grd PS (eg dot of ¢. 
ate aun oftex do wth fete vow all the mater _ 
2 The pee a View of “fire ve an Tig. Be : 

a OK, nebiee eho 

2 Be placer - NAL: ee hia ee aoe 
Ore... ne Seow, Heat Cites 
Bae Werw Grr. Leth nw f 


eb chee 

aed Ac MEH wero Mabel es ce aiuice 8 

ae aes \ethee poche a selete tins Tt .. ee 
a Powsh wunchat end land 

x ke. awoke AG Laotian 

ae leis back and alm ty ARR et, 

oo. (ee CALA be acdlr- een andro - ea 4 

ts almost. sold. os cms as WAAR 

AR ah Arapon yy AD, ee Von hae ae ae re 
ork gwen cx AW ide Akriup.. of Neen. Artis... on ioe. ae 
or AAO Wore or brea bywoher Macey foe to eA ia 
0 Cy wwrrtikur Wwedair db Whar pees ake gal pore orn |e Cans Pa. 
| Ry Nee ae eee ey cheer neo Rr 

Hm oy Lame eck. Oram ian the 

YMA, On. 

ats DrA. fete 

hd hee a ee Ce bn le ha Ne ee 
roeewelh athe cot ep bor ve eEN Te oY ee 
5 See a mock acer Vice Vek: Geile eS 
J cowed DrrpLwee whe Ake weg nol Ate Crow ~ the pet... eee, 
am aut. Cay pe mer mampatatool vile eulioble 
Dota inncannd Ua: Cen hoe 
She bare muy Au drspumacd with. ama Wines o re 
ov AN OAAOM eamouk ra ule ow, quien ed Aue 
An lce “Hee Ae 

ia v ee 

yrds - of AL. sien figs 

5 Cont ch. ees PLmae andy the She awa Aw eycd ee 
wi LAA. Whixte tare “| 

net. ac 

yaome or Ra_ao Ana KM 

thee dene, howe om 
Vii ands. ta ore Rang WML. OAR, amanqed. Logebles. mw abumds. on 
Srrmer. Opwncelcee ba 

fs reas old the Aas 

fe | One the Aoke 247 
Fatein. Fewners warnrdonecth chk. . Reys.. 

: 16 | 
fe a te (he. Veen: seul. Oppear- “Une mie XQ. 

cath ae 2 8 : 
hae Sheed “Ar et = pease ao hs, 

| . 8 oe SOWA ee: ce Onrd_- i genkle, thea \ fn awe thine dower, 

Centd (eavhes craeee'e Onn on AT ar ee LG ree bP are 
a le |e eee Vane & TO Wee ee oe o wet beth whoh o.’ 
| Ux. ane Was weak Cc ; . 
[ie Cer amen eres a7 pack. ‘ am mntenct bernie UG. 
| eee fe i aan Cen or a Gl Gs We WS Ver ey Ra eee TPs on 
ie ; = kat pa tia Maen, Dl et elas ed 
iG Gord ges PG Serene 5 ad VO OPER Fea) ae eee Oe pore 
fe BS dincsseces Megs oe RP op ee ors eae ena ge o 
fe Spice. a Da ae a Boe a a deuce eiee ecat 

& on dhe ley Caan or. ; Ge. ou : a 
i pei eae Ser 
he. vee “h eee ES 3 OO Oe Oe Pp we sting fleck 

Oo}; Oe ve Pai | arb oy athe Abe preasiom 

3 ls: omarion ee paar a apd re ji ae ee seeatg ew the Sarnath 
: _ RAP Re One, O-f--—-yo Conn. Geet 1 r-CAn_e_e Cre. ors 6k on ree 4. 

rsa 3 weer he rrrl 0 7 Ci es D ace os One Eine | 
x z 
ees Me; | 

Coe Botdon a. Sic ees any 1 Saar 
nn a no) ae ae Coed ice ee ee reste} 
- OL ea ft <a CeO ee Can ene ee aes tA pn ah | 

eae Wes CO: Cece oe hx poosd of Ue 

hope ed, Joe ee aS o ee 
Ge men. cacte the SSR pote 
L Chace sy gate Cnn GA pick mete pas $a tical the 
I ES ta — Clee Wea. wont ee I ot 
eae pene ae fromm. ER: 

: . 

“Ag-- thot oho Pa G The dence paeurouety desorbed tf 

| Sowethes. Pes 

the ; 

AM e410 ee 

| Cu 
lott cote 

he (Ware 

OMA * 

ee x2 

chia.  coustank fay aha molten. bof ees 
Fa “ ae ls he ae ONS seca dtd sett Soe se te 

—yvele s) hol 

-r rs ae SOG shalt 6} a ORALAN.. me Sas ee: Siete 
oT. Geceulvre. ee ed “uokesk: EN Sa: tw te. wheal 

A Gecuned alee “Core Coraxected te te es 
8B, ie 

rp ua fe Bs prtndtinnes . Wreefirwe ome wheorcte oop» ae 

a) propose Le oltey ¢ oH patito ua ro D erer vil OW : ae Cole Choe ent the. oe b poy 

i tee oo ae Thus’ se JRA. ow c 

ath» ¢. a Gis. ae : Lever cosets s AL 
_toele rae the ke er, G4 YUAS hu ave_ ON OW car ele. 
: Mm Mega Suits). ino + whch the. « chek AS Gey 

Q cae co 

aeons epee tise as 

= Wa 


Wes ce, tol geen i peels ad 

ee . 





at a 2 2 a OO rT) OW 
TP Tits 

— = 

. f q 


9 = re 

aS NS SeA 
n 1) 

gf 7 

Uh led 
SH | 



Sen aa 






‘ Pree Seeq, Me Leos ors Je 





eee eee. 






alka mae dice Wastes te me nee es 4 Lee, 

Je crane hk UWA eo dees we Lo prone 
er GNA y, LORIE BIS, er, tae = 

a are P 
: hoh ¢ ah bea tke e 
ceca at IEC Get. | 

a a ae . fox. oo, es 
ZBOrS wre se weer re ae Se eee on reg 


mol, Ow ete 

Cee - Cok “et Ht = I =e een 

ee AK wuere Zo 
A SS Sig eee a 
be ete Ree a of ra f 
sto 6 a chen fee Ahr Rade | 
ee Et 1 

creer (ae a eae 

Po Serre s 
4 ag Spo ooks 
EE Core EE Correct uw 

reer hate 3 pee. yee oe 

w fs 

ee ma hs sg i. . = 3 : KONE an OXR 

: es : breton Reh enre Che 

_IM A cee ph on ae ea Ae 
ce coe ooo, = 4 aes net oue the 

Rest, os. obs 
meee mee EIT PEL 
: gs Soe rm 

: a | 

ee. oe ea 

Anh te ; 3 
Pees et 


Sgt, Get, ahaa Ci 


a 2 re 
. Crpey enn, RAvey 
Cet are ee aye ( 
Mrs ao 

4 : 
ley eel 


‘yee Uerioa, Ve 

Meda fetrondiiss 

yest ee. 
eer hittred down ta peters bnaek, 
geen me te TO a ae kent Lett Fig 8 . es 
gat hanclle Brace LAG es 4 Y ptpeted tute = 
He fame Fhe Asn wat wade an fa 
Bore On actce Ete bb 

Mew wie 

—— Yor Yen, OMe er south Sea 28 wake Pa fo. Alta fle 

. a las rw pba, Ltda “4 

Es Liebe t Doe. S ou Hlww | o 
Saat > oe te om so) | Ae ahalig, arity a7 a 
Giye bees SY Lleewwn file : 2 Lurlitn ~ 
ZZ) tu G4 SF 
| Sos Oe Eds a — ee * Ze for bts Ge 264 
Ca 1 Df ithal We eee LA Mee. AE. oe aati 

‘4 an 
ey aa Jaws fee alt Aitliak, 

Ze ae wl 

Ce he OF when hatin 
/ Cunt — & G0 

" ay, 

Cooter Le 
y eroy 

ake eee, Bo 
spin ig ISS” OF wsrtdepcnetee) 
; Eee Alls 

Pa alae aa ene ae 

SAM . 
FBR ok li yhdlj leu tinihed 
Gl <s eclatitte wd "ene Cone. Atitecedg. 

L000 Am Alt wlll with? bel alsa 
Ws am 

oO Ces Pimogg? 
Qclate V Wes 
bee ett, Sinead g WO flee. 
co G0 hts 
GO See 


— Gafe 

g Iine 

me in . A mage 

a MS 

faa that kg et ass fa Lift tb rt Gr At 

soot ss = 

7 Ee mete 
to roe 

Mel te Male a oe oe eh idee 

a ‘pAtsetewememte Heng on tel : 

7 Fiji Wiz a ae Boab 
ae CO Lees : Snare 
ZO iron. sus eae ee 

Fl int, that bp 

ey reece GG _ 

it age ee 

metas “E- —G ——— 
“Onn Lh haze none ae BLA 
dda boos (Gee Va.. ee 

Jd mae 4s choi fen taby eae a 


ni. 2. 


| Ga 
= / Oneé, 

jas oa aie Qari h 1 tad 

a EE « KO 5 4 eg 

lw Mb : 

Fiat ML fd? 

bac Ve, Lag 

ee: < Paligberght Chane Let) ¥Rb a 

bs added fis og 

(ate ke Be BE GOL -. 
=o wlan Me (gait) Lec Sotiad 

20 ese =. 

—_ te ye 

a Bee a aa bleeh ¥ Pee Aeit 

 /fleen 62 | 
2p feoo GO 

_ es Sf Geen gE 

| ie © Loum Lb bee 50% 

: ab phe Jichim, MM”. 


Ue. op Ma: PE aanagcinted 

A Loy OF Ma fary é oo 
ae S70 3, ve a as 

beg htt ESE ‘ piles 
cg pO eee 

pene ote I 

“ii : 1 
1 oe S 
: ‘ 

Newark Shop Notebook, Cat. 1172 

This notebook covers the periods July 1871-February 1872 and April 
1874-August 1875, with the majority of entries falling in 1875. The notes 
and drawings are in the hand of Thomas Edison and Charles Batchelor and 
deal with the development of the electric pen, electromotograph, 
automatic printing and chemical telegraphy, and multiplex telegraphy. 
There are many tests of chemical solutions and a few notes on battery and 
other experiments. Tapes treated with chemicals are affixed to pages 
204-206, 208-210, and 212-213; examples of printed tape are on pages 289 
and 290; samples of reproductions done by the electric pen are glued onto 
pages 228, 236, 238, and 254. Some of the experiments are signed and 
dated by Edison and Batchelor, and the names of Joseph Murray, Edward 
H. Johnson, Samuel Edison, James Adams, and Ezra T. Gilliland appear as 
witnesses. The book contains 294 numbered pages. 

Blank pages not filmed: 34-35, 44-59, 94-125, 128-133, 136-157, 
182-199, 242-243, 292-293, 

Missing pages: 215-216, 251-252, 277-278. 

Tory O0E 


Wt Llirm - 





Aulématic Printing, Telegraph, = Neweuk I. July 29. 

. Javewled by and fo my self exclusivilt, E-(6 Te. 
harly record of Vdeas as hey oceuy applreable 
\o Vhs system, and a record of ideas alvead 

Cowcerosd i: and account of ex pearmeuls = 

dot €\ ooh Gi) Qurlowalxe Prunking Vramaoting on 
Septem , Yrcacted Lor way seh avclusturly, and woh 

for any small bya capitalrsh 

Ihe qenrrok plo ofits sytem ad Tyee 
oF propose \g perforate oy punch miby Mm papun. Mm Jie ps 
Reman Characters, dies and punchis, a punch ‘AWD Ate 
a eh Gach Letter of th Al phate, and made au er slenect 
[ primceple = dhe Wachiwe which Jaw obout te decribr wil | 
bz provded with 3o Keys The depression of auyoowe cuthuq 
ou ao Lather, after fhe mauner oF a slenenl, and at He sama | 
(Tie teed tke paper ahead the dislauces of one Aeller =nre ada ov 


(thes werk = _A [fea cA sfrip of papa conlarming ca We scagqe 
laas Geeu > wnuched wm thy waunucy th 1 Tatew AS a 

dhes apparatus wd bc as follows =. “he Woachwme 
worl ( eee cn poe. Cammy vg drum nevolved. by se 

Sending Ofproretus oY [yeusmerssi6u ourv the Avue = 

sewecaht ov 6 wmagwel ua , Qvecyv “thee dvuw ag waved 

at reqht angles covth wh ls awnotThu drum havin q 

I CES prices co wuwter of- springs DUE EOE eae ele es 
Yacdsahna off ot The dyuw and a(| Counecle ¢ To (ham we 
Wcaw Lins cidlkew The Machiue wim molou both? 

Eee “ 

| dvuw avvolug the pape SERA Ney dy uw pee slowl 
( @ Jl. are Garry mq The. springs ey fes Un ees 

Upon whruoehk he ar 15 gored brung ecoune eled: lo... 

the battery, Every Ire a Spr passes oucr ww porlron 
ch th Lethe is closes the Crrcuch bnough The aperaluncs, mes 
; | ae of ti Atte. by The Tei. cee Spreng Kas pas seq ouPpr 

h andthi, Gomes om cm ao dypherent porlron of Vhe keller 2 
’ as TR pepet dyuw feeds the paper ahead A qiven diuslauce. au 
ae . ; ms Now aucstha Wachine preercel Pere Ce etaes (hrs Aiea 
| — a . \ fe message of the otk Fuad of th Laue, ter Peforehed: 
/ ; pores Geum rtplonced with, Chemreally repored a daca 
44 will be seeu Hat d the Pwo wach Yun Uw WHITSON 
thot au tract fae ganar le of (Re Slewerlized fetter of (hem 
Be ctep ate ae, a: Bes oaks 6 os io elep wilh be ve cove Chewareca ll ob ther olkew 2 ww: 
Arta re - _ | | PEE ale 3 cies a tad of ths dine ; 3 pr opose A) Couslvue bee Tivo. parfa eh a 4c 
ee 7 “eae Saou dues utes oh — — POG ON Rik ek ii Vrachined. ag wear alle aspos sible i 

eee sions! . ae oe bas “WMrachie wth avery fue Elcely oral qovirner, and A 

caeee re 



AWE Pyaue detach 

. Nivy. Cowvauren b, ely ic ale r and qyasek.. ap usturenb — 


5 ed The. sperd, byt 

ke Use. of . thas coulyivauce bits 

z dee hops te oblaw 300 Words equa bly xeeov de fu wry wimule 

_ dks qveat odvanlage of Ikus  syolem of any ofhw 1s Ihat 1s Gab 
| 1 owe machiue wheck Kequwes uke (leq eu ee ; of OuYy amount and 

| : i What ts thee a aoa of Whe POTECNG iasfyuruent > 

| cult dawen Ge Neeg hy es ee o} 

wy ad | aie Senden 
mas exp ponalus c 

RD vs the pope OYumM on thes hop t L eeteee le 
i ~ (as beorrng K A AS w Aton where| (™m Ta Thof F Vv 
: of tha img we Ov 

Ca worw 

: j ere 16 oO eyeing wheel dvvsn by fly worm a 

SpaMs fly tuteerd of the Emquay QRS oT the ot ae ae 

i eae, the wheel dywen ot th wow Be z The a 
oolveet X -wcth its FeMdiag OY vieordum 

oe Crs Th 9 A [Dn When The 
mT Hy pot vavoluvs (la 

oft Corny ma (hm 
4 Conta cl 5 pauras co th 1. 
tang we slarls thy Wee deen wee 
sleobt 2 od Spay s 
eV ote poy, Coming dvan slouly, whe 
= nl passing : fro ws Out Tud ‘of fhe dvuw te Ihe 
ig oly tts Sethian, he papry carrying drum Canis WE paper ere ae Gi 
Petpesesehs se that when the Spreng VE coues NW eta ne a 
4 fk ai 1 or ou A Pepe : A pnecords _s 
f arse Its portow of the ether he (a af anu tluch Ge hind Weck CG 
Nad THe Wheel K bev provided Pa - 

1 ere: pings. te agcord, OS A clTex ot usey 

olka and ALeor due 

~ VE volufen —_ 

1 Ny Or ree ere of wok Fxpert {a orkut wuslawlly a Afuences . J a 
bo ler bers with thi Arcovrd iw \hat case Th 

1 arte LRA P . ty 2] - 
wert oy thes aes G& ee te 
aA r o vives: é 


with m ruthre veut nuwber of oo 


. Ut may be fouwd ww pre cliee Vat wee wa Mb pr apm.fer dawg. 

vuw wh ls Th~ pens GH tle one evossinn \ho- Pereores pag tingle 
wher | jad) WAaanr 

be made and volalca sleep by slepp. awd avadyusled seo \hat. 
jor at ths vaoweut our pew leaves We payer, «ar will te rd the 
YU, ahead the ey, bfaw rere re Gr fore ths oll peu Comes ou 

are pape - he device as usteated ieee he ec ae 

Fos \he shat can mq Wer prw wheel D. provided with pint 
EE ~A Wea RB whaemres on lar 
chaff Cc when The shaht cow nolaled Th com a iu eal 
bilumen Wie pivs EE caws th wheel D forward out piv , 

Qoaw ow. Va dy ww 

fig % shows \kr cam wh ae with ack of} passiuy 6<¢ levee 

owe of the pens awd Coming Th pm where | ah-e ad 


dhe rolany woliou oh Ihe pews wmralt be dispensed with audi. 
Wk ow back and yor ward wolou wake - by oe eli wher 
ow Th dy rag shalt aw (ans case Gut one peu wauld ‘Ge 
GarMne han a vol any , hw w how nolalel Thr 3 pare 4 “a 
Yrors Warder om We paps. mies ae lee wed de haw whe 

“thes would Qive a wohua to Who pew puawe kk 

Fitq 4 will qtue PC eee ees 
ch Ve deve ees. by whred ss) propose te At sow pple dad ae 
Dos obj ech eee : ‘ ‘ Z ‘ a” : : - . spo 

wh COWES HA ecoulact ' 


@ isa Asie vith grove planed ov cut in it saa ae into wha gh a 
pw Ww plays ‘counecled To | We writhna. am CC. and. wher Lhe dviving 
Shabh X \s5 volaled tha pr fo Wowrmg. The Course ot the Slok ques a 
for wend @ Beck wnd neh te the phopbw ral arm ¢ 

_Wheok off sealocke. yoello tk waaay pew BD. Gack and ohov tk on [ 
‘the Peper s drum EB - Gj “the Suppo aa the “Aral H- 
open om C = 

ake per. shout b& Ve tt Accel { 

wily upon Whe dru by a” 
Shutd \hus i— 

Pig 5- 

Rol ‘stveld , Wade preferably of ow wrsul ating i" 6 

alt, the pew Dp may low. provided 

wet o Swan II oller ' . 
| q.. paliseln 4 Maule will be found peberoile ng ‘1 a bas oa 3 

aan TROY be bits | ts ots as q ood tor seseies ' 



slakee, oe 

* St propose te vey seurval fovws ok Gourrwors: fre: © will Q\VE cone. _ 

aE OE 
f £7, 

Cw collar which Aars 


a a ot TU 
T (oe wT 

the shaft Canny Wa We Govs tov, B BRB w Tk ove ynor ; 

<5 up ow tte BhofF A as The +perg tucnzase® 

Got, balls sprees d out, WW amcothy colleaws Through swheck ha 
chap passes but docs wok Touch , ter lop pork of Whas colle 
4 plalemired , and th bottom of - Gollar Cas prey ded wilh | 

Scvgval ren Pe ints. 

wheeh rub ow KE plalnared rucfa ce 

N* are rar vod, upon wheek tar. 
Collar M g\ides uP and down, Q is tke adyuslhna ved toy 

) cae Taq rwe werguele U. s Pe ha a el 

ts a collar Upon whieha spring nubs. awd \s used as CA 

wreaws of eountelun \he 

Jo ex Thea vatk \he thalt Aved THs devices, 

ea a speed, prvoled ob op, ere dy usted ens JOWn.. 
ax Derew pee rood ST TET Uae . +e WE Co Wen a ae 

Jt web 15 obvrous that ch the Collar us adyusteg (oa cerlarw 

ossltou and Wr ballery 

prewers ie merase € |e speed ot hee 

Euqrne will b, weaased also, and the Gealls will spread. orks. 

by Diag on of the Urcre aged speed, Wd | hr the Cotharie. 
Od ple alia - ports oth row the ple olinized cuahace ou M eye lost | 
‘tha Cv ewth | aactit the sp 
he balls te coWaprye.. 

ed demir kis subbrecent te allows. 



wheacth ewveartd will be oqaur. oe : 


| : a) 
a : ‘ @ of = 7 ¢ 
ai so ow dhe lwo colle ‘“ wall vebvale , closely faqethe ollernalely i is core woqurbrs d properirens ot the... pomt TL. Fig Vo. shows. ay. meds. edie 
we AMA, OM, u ae ; . 

a se and elosreq the eu Pen Gp teeepring. the speed at thr same vale, Su proche 


. of CANARD rq 7 Hike POVUYw es lb calls t Shas ee , He SG Ay sia 
J eppryrlend (hak ‘The Qoverwor will wot meg ulate ales apeed wwe able See (RSP! 

bs. wovlkk2d OWA Aatboent pr ws sph, ws lead, of. bree tema ae ah haat 

Cwnrrnk ok the Tagine when vt Qos hoo paste oO = Vocky slawiug 

eure 4 this is the casera feuvevaqe can be ablarime d, and CoM 
. . ee . ae ‘ - H 
te witrela fee oe uslureut oWawwed Cy the fellows 4 MATA oo vk t 

A wangust is onnRana ed with oa bveal wpow thi Hy wheel _ 
ano he Qvvevnoy wads tb “Pow ale ay wr o lan KK, crveuch= of 
las ama qwet awe Vern by pebow awd Tole oft} the. break 

brow hy Aly wheel ,. fig Th wall show thys sed cs Wee 

Aya the ty wheel secured Fo-the Ramying Shoft , Bis a ewatin p vourded 
wth “a heathy pad wheel wharr Therr 1S. no cancurt wm the mag net - 
N X¥s held, ow Ka porsphreny of The whet A Gy the Spiral ape waka 
: Hus Slowsha oh, wp, and tk balls droppurg closes th cancurt 
at T \Wne aah Heim o quck NN, ee pulls the veal o}+ “From 
ismade bya leur | 7 thee ly Naa A, and dowd [his as offen as Ihe Speed mercase.. 
bey on thee pout sek. at TT, 

Le {ea The eleerreal brink ast speed eckeneay 

Q.. Secured To Ve Collen 5 by Mae dtvrees shown UM Figs & ‘ 9 
Prvoled at OR, awd ihe ewe 
at T. 6B : 
FT close. protic The the @ollar s, vial Levy 6285) 
AM Ba \eask vise, of Me Guweus 6 \ Vemess  Mtvivaqe us ablawn< 
ae q rusy Wolls si fats cK shew leet. Ww 

OV mM amy wonol Moa unuw Ths. ; dewey eo 

HI a9 Gyoken 

y . 
saath iialinsltnk oa Rieai Rome amiaa eciee Se 



Tg AY Shows wane vaew off 

: Ang V3 Shews The manner ° 
! Nh shows, ane thay devices for ferdin 

MRRARRNNR RN CES By Soyecentaes 


Wa tkea tes occured to me thot o cant molou tlhe sameias . 

Shown Cate frquer Hy, contd (x used has Fr4 tz 

tq WL. 

. Fig 1G 

slep by slep — 
the rae aes , 
oe i “ ed drnuw idea aa 
: am ree shaft 

5 t fecdung the pin wheel ahead 

_ Were s 
Step..6y. step . ot Bay Ayr volaticn 


tq AS. 


ae Vnolsag ofa toerne cd, deat Jo. drivs. {ke popes corny ig wheel ahead _f 

ists fev MSE CM owing tee slow ness of the pp opus. ua. passing 

se ti 
Fig. Vb shows anolhts “levee = Aieg V1. shows. anolhu Atvrvere Fer gel. 
wolonw Yrom the Waar ahah. avd. also por dui Wa pape An ura 

Fig. 20 Awelthx device bor procurun w © me Aouble welron . 
hoy tach Awoluhou of The driving sheph fer feedvey Te Popa drum = 

firq 20, 

eg al Reprcamls’ a Core. for keeping Ve chew really pac pared paper 

om to prroent exe poration, cawd Yo Keep Fb wet and ready for Use. 

(ks wowent The mache coumeners © peralvon ; hevilobors iM 
Chomeeat Jelqraph: cousidevable lyouble has Geeu expearcuced 
iw Kerping The Paper Sanppreeat hy dawp to Guue ca clear _ 

nicovd , and @ fivd thot no provisions fo exlevmimalyaq io . 
this Arhhrewtla have bron yet mace to w Kuowlkegr, ae 
oy Fee wore Kea any othu tu absolulely VLCLAZ Onn 

the ‘peper should be wth: mache aud always weercly F 


<2 Aksoughe the faaelenie it would queclely dyy iW comrna frou. a voll Frposed 



Cropered fermy fer Cy ahracleses. the Mahim —= Firg 22° 

® 16 a welal case Aunged at ¢ provided wilh ahandle x for epenine 
iz Mas ease ws secand te Phe Slivderd D A as 
I Ye Be awa beadeog durcetty Tet 
wm wheel the Paper passes FE 
Werke ease wpor Bhat the 


en aes spout seeund 

popes paren bouts v cording dyuw 
15 the paps reel Yawning wellaw ho 
x ‘ Gales ot wheeh vun we The slancdhearch 

ee 2 reslof pope whee ns pamrourly beow prrpered w sek 

ap Sal a B and The End led hrough The Spout A. 
. — osed, and Ge sq oles oY aw Aah Wee pays wilt 
Kap Wore aud rtady bor use bor weeks 2 ot willbe noliec ef (hab no 

Li gee at PORN s txposed t The wy unl ct rcaches lhe 
i OAV a dv uw Findy Te be used = 

SP ere Woy be Loumel weeras do Sheed the apes a 
ae by A stperake meocgnch , oa ye an: Leute 
Work oft from Ae Ervq rue 2 preckaps add to “the KRAA Ae 
ofp the Unu0n of The Too waking | St WA ord be dow mies 
Ma WLOAWARLA - eg 23 : a : o° * Ape 

Fig 23 i “=e ae 


om and & me contact potwls. gach connretrad with the maque le... 
age e Ihe Commectrion, Onn aang ed, m thi uene Monee coo. 
Lota the wor A pw cowts ou te out sede ch wakes cortack 
wtk one ape CLaars ow mognd w hich tedsa the. ao 
Renee ahcad one Creth Gd _goiucg 6 nedles [brows Wie, County 
fen battan >. Trough te, oth wmaquol anc shores 


a fe i 15 
: aera the Por ahead anolhn ere , ; 

a Ous woquet could. be dispensed with @ 5A md: used wm it place. ad 

a Sulu. 3l, USA, 
La Was suslem Jaulerd te use «an aulomatic Ae Ver puncher 
wm My Puface ) menloued ‘that 3 twlended te use and punch 
Wee LeAlexs On We paper Upon the shenerl prruceple , thet as. 
Wee (alley able beng punched would Axesewmble ai slhenech 
\elhy, We wlerslrees of The {eters beng Weta fog etter by, 

s\rups brow oui vdt of tee Pann = Thus = CPE Hee 

BON ™* 

Upon ta eacmemhac With Wis cand sevevel offi previous 

Conceive rdeas, 9 fouwd Ihat the imdtde of The be Was. 

or porls lett ofa Ke lett was eub was viry tratble 
: ; oy wrak Gay Vet the Wrauswaithiig status oy otku device 
Would “be \rcabls \ bre ale Vaw out wm p asscne over (hem | 
and Vaus dislyoy Vhe Ieqrabilcty of} the dethx aT he olkur 
Gus of th Ine ar She best forw for punching ae erionaa, 
We lettes ¥ found was Po form: Whew of or large nuwber, 
ef small holes, dhus t— ‘ 

: | St also way be found UEFEST OLY to wake The uiritieg pes. ly cue 

. S\vouq hb across he proper awd not perform Au Ae ws 4 haut 
be levilohors shown “has Big. z4 : , 


r GQ utile aia shdving bor camry 14, The: pen G oud 
prevenled from Tip pring Cy-the Wwe B auc quidu c oO ' 
It us comnceled To Q by th pru H aud slot 

. : e200 of © 90 ° 
a E ets eines ferdtna releleh = “Qoond a might be conucele'l 868 ° “0 © o, © Flug 26 
J -&) #6 whoek wont) acdueethy fuckin, the antenl woke phe Et 

Whirth Aria ‘S eles wm hu wauner. no past of 
Th bapes Aeft ai 

malerra lly weakened, ot least not meals enough lo 

E wag let bia double Crown wheel witk V Shaped torte ow 
te Be Se ard ea A ov x Wade K . ced the foapr 
bs Peetbeck B formed wovemert— of the woritina, ohabt Oa, 

Tiers A & Rea Fen uuchim 1s - 

+ : . ‘ ' produce tnconventence on lrancwittin a She sawe, . 

t Ayom Page 3 to Page. Of Odrilhen, and illus freted ae. 4 alsofind tect by sdeatllen Ihis wmode awd way of te 

f re 4 : ake: ak a | th ; tks AL Shanureal dulhreuthes wohreh soon 
ME LS B5O% oF Suly (en) | ee ceca 

; W us : (ian , ; Ag beme Ke lea would F by qre ally yeduced by Waking | 
pee oa ‘ ; ha a Munray, i J fe bite z= S ‘ 

puld be encountered tm pre at WARAD ACES "by. a 

he i Then un the manne last desearbed » Amol : 
ie mee Fo WA en ad a a a ea We 
wtb » ~ ob Bamolt holes. is What the Ancerued eopyrab Ihe. 
. OW End of Aha dive 15 much wore Nequable amd 

- } 
4, é 
ee ee ee ee as tas (& worn ands ome | OWEN GME OR ce cae Steen 

ee a 
Ke " 

bl (| F 

J wwhilr thet reeeroe® feove the Lette composed of round hotes 

Be would be Maus uns 

Freq Le 

Eee De SE Seren ten ee 

Whick wil] fe wore lequable ——— 

‘ Boe of. the devices wrth whieh J propose to prrpare Ihe paper “aie 
:. thas, Rand. of eller, as shown im Freq 29 

iS a a a 

Bee Be 


| leMleys fovwmed ‘ 
4 ach Ve lem all 6vecll 2 
qe a des arpliou COLT Machtwe ] 

9 1s a Hollow Dyum euaiiten 5 bithed 2y¥ 
iy choles, the Mauney of wakiu 
; ceptor bebore 4 

Le A block Ai ; 30 of \z L “e \ Al { : 
» Ob s\ee Galle mec 
Ke forme Vette Wheus Weq 3), Then the rin ws hele: 

: _ i we 
Noles 15 Pied oy cut AWAWU suas ta leave the adage ob he... 
hole. sharp trough To cut B hele m Iki pape when. 
pressed ow th , Aig 32 well show this, ie fig 33 will 
show owe SL Mqe Punch iw VAs VAQAUUEY, 

on a wag urtie d 5 cale 


Dhese block ach coularnring of Ihe alphabet 1S 

set ia Wee pert phrerry of Ihe wheel S. and secmed fry 

lo ah 

Rois Whe 
whee Te 

a Vella 


This voll 45 forwed mwa... 

rolley which cannes 
\et¥ey -1s cub out, 

peculr an: Wanney , To wilWKslaud The conslant weer of 

passvug Ihncugh tha 

p aper awd upon 

is su Wg punches on ne of Ven 

payer Fivg 34 will show tk melaWec povlrow of 
\Ke vollex 
a ST 
n Q 

Whe Hlanqes aw b of (has volley is Tiled wilh washes - 

of yaw hide jor cat gut, or witk paper and then sucyecled 
Ve ow wameuse Pressure and halt Ta etku by The mob Re ae 
Then luaned of smoothly wa bacthay These (Wo subslances, 
when Onna vq ed in fis mauner have a peculoli” 

whieh no olkev \ivedeuved subslauce has, ov (56 Kuown 
To have. (hat ws (Kat the Cutting COges of punches. 
ov Kuihes Tool, de wew at all. ... 

will sland ad mo uth, of coultwuous eullin’g, m= 

uy sherp not wear 
aud ttl evue (Kir speechre peealrarfa a quatily 
Now wth will be eeu by Daf manny To Fig zg: Ihab 
When a lellea with ck eutttug e0qe> 1s Grought dive lhe 
uUndor-the voller KR Gad tke devey Q Vi hls Wp wards : 
wath sul (ve vent Fores, the eullywa LOqes of Whe p vencbas 

wh eu WkKxough The papes on te Tha vey hide v0 Ulhya. Be ; 
YR ond puuck « jetle,  o—. agen ar 

. 19, 
dvopped down out ot the JW O44 Gebove the shaft Woe oe ste 
neleasedr. Wes shoh t FP eoutd be provided wth 2S Ee _ 

30 prns gebiw dvthiveuk posstrous APou We shahk Bere 

Ls eee imwhich 3 by ina around any eared Feta 
becule have. lever Q. vaue Te dvuw RK. arpwards Te the face ey the 

_dvow 1S, 9 wall wot eeplare ¢— 

ee ear re eee sheapk A yun, wpm whch duvet, woth path of as many Leys 5 varie te NO. 
LH] snopt ts lwo wheels S ond M, Hie \aller. having teelh upon omer go \nat by ds prose? ‘auy \ aA trrlaru Cdrar neler” 
Moat pereplery ow tke othex side és 0 pew o yubbru eoultuvosly wom We die Wheel S$ Coutd be brought w WMG dered. 
pon can prrrphierny ; thas piu is Conneclyd vequaly to [hem posttion , Ya pra clree a | be bound Me cre ae ce 

Yo dus pense wth Ver \eeth ows on th WO bk NA anda if crak 

TH (every Po ushech 1s counecléd yequdly wettt tle levee Q Gy means 
subs ttt im Wary place undulaloy races. ao shown. 

of tk shoft Id, ‘So kat when Te lever p is Perey) it Yates 
the eww Q and drmn Ro wit h Tots a F parm bh Ras jp 
‘the prim o down app ow. Te parc phiny of The hak ML w hent 
WRT one wo [eeth, “the shaft A s\vdes end wise ; but 
Us freoculed [row Ang so when not operat d , by hoo 
3 pring KW Secund tote oho} San) Slaudornd GL 

wm Fr Zo this would be a post Ve wrovement aud 

wenk ann wowenlauw be vac qiven te Tha feuvevs Pe 
Q by War suddenness wittkK which te Keelh a2lyrhus thr pr 
(om , 

Ths mauney of onrlixa The” relatrow of The ohaft mn d. Wurcmonty 
it forward of tndwese 1s quite stuple 

a ts tle prug er lee prvoled on The shaft FW, whieh vans 
daw Yer beanrigs H aud awd the end the Roxy N ts | 
J bewt im Kt woannev shown mth drawing, so that whew 
Whe Key uw deprossed TK cam ov beut cud E 1s thrown wale 
Aes pact of Ihe pak DS pu the revolving shaht-A., War pry 
D. Puvst os Whikes The bGeutiivo at 15 and hee sha 
aad votatc, Wc ct Us eeuteuies for wand GY End wise awd lhe 

J se ddenty amentza by Wi slvacght pack ofthe heey ak 1G 
“the woment (hat tho Shoft LS moved Exdwue Ma7 Pure 0 
RES leuty P Lr Vk aan, melee | That portion of Hac perp 
- onthe wheel Mo wheekrhas Uk teelk IhAown erg 
- pati of the. pr o ov the lever P which yidin : 

| owene of the ‘Teeth litle the Levey Qiawd drum R® wn 

- pope’ up te te lelley which Corvesponds Ty The aun DO 

|. Sp ow TS wheel S. wit sutbhrecert buvee te aut ct out 

| Now Tie wowent Thee Key Nts allowed te be re \aaead 

a Wee spamag KA polls the” shag he hack owe: eater lees lest 
— owtke wheel Mi oat ob Te patho sE th pih o a Whe | . ee 
Shap t somemahits. be aval agai, .bsfire ts a AX Grog fot) ride of Kad Cathe seve 

ie eee ww ‘ — haves pas ihS outY Agate ee 1s Veet VN dtc hr akabt Be rane 
ee LIN! wd ebeliie zor Tea Col fracg uk ot the le thoc ~~ SS 4 (| 

ht @o mv 

an) a renee ee EEE 

Whethe Wheel Mis [hewn forward Ma pm © 
online te wd utalory caws at ty lowest porwr 
“amd rtdts wp ce down ove vwndulatton Uden. yoo 
“Prtvels Lifting Tee Levers Q 1 Q mind wane ow Dei a 

Vee, Like 15 \|hnown out of Yeaae slots by \ho Ww i 

DME ONG back awe {ow the pin O yree’ 

upow tla swmoolk ov \rou hi pp een \ 
Rig 36 +37 oe Mt) (Kier slots ARS MWA, i 


i Oat pathetic states ears < 1 toe 2 eancttesttieten anata etnnetn. 

rn teed winnie Soca ob one 

20. | | | | 
ae 7 A 
Saeco aire WO w.4 LOW bs 6 2 ; 

| . ; ‘ eats owt ‘ vane oes A ao syslem o} Teleqy aphy , wdurq welkin cots vor aAashes,. 

a) Ralerot Wrillen Gelween forty 3! and Au4 4y AST) but deceruing “The Message by aw” “Puncher ov Embossey and © 
Ae Kanner be [kiough an CAulowahc Tvanslalng Prrubrnag Mache. 
WAnass — fe Y Apasay 7 A. Cdisou . s) co vok wih to Coufine my velt fe aeey particular Translating 

eet : 
Py ling Wachine, as J haut tnnuumeaable machtues im - 

Aay by A when J haue fhe S pare Tine, bo 
She Provla “which F propor fy use fe Weamabed ing fem red 
Via prscked oy tfordd papir, uw os folloms Ihorgh J 
Woy prone f uw Lone ov cx hana Entbanetey VO OAL 
cae Neg nibamn ov nam er wilh db ond moter the 

Por 7 rs (alia eI Cfrer ofion , 

ch Oo meevenatliitate nares DD Mmeran 

ieatietereteibterincetaebewe we: 

A ssithe: hoe wheel BG oloht Cts a swrall SETENeN wa lnade. CLA oh. 
theo satel whieh nee the wrong wet AT. 
vino Aomn rele a dotart, Yee, arhak Wrerg nek _ 

Onde weaguat fl, 4 Letters, Gia pawk fer aa aceaaaaces | 4. [BE Comes tle Las the Cy corprormonct poten: - tess. 

Lae ee rhea, form. paling AG. ewe , uli J SEEN ae renga cre es eee 
Po wemrdVde Gy th ies ae Ae Curd _m seen Joly Lawn Pale ae cad septa LTT , “3 oer 
J GB abobt, the Pacig thee thos eae The Lethe aoa | ~ otk LAT Gide 2 
Take patie ofA pete when toh. UApPrras Lom , eee cers no ee oir | che 
I Whiith, laa place thi Isp tuk nee Jao gts [cbt ahaa poet R— 2 haty wm Lin 
| Revo, thy diel U plord Gmek we KO org wreak por ber | Nel GH UR the pe te 45 The «tte 

ih anal Phe rae eek jee Cornet a oe ree pee sre 

ke Paty ben Go petntia witen oe Bae Gee) Ive Lott 4 oth apes i bry 

Leta cte Vee oth pot mof the lenwiby a Wi pord uden | IDAK Chorcte @ 4 Oth cea ee ae 

ie ee UC Levew the fpr w part~qere falas which ow 6 ; 3 Ppa habs Comte 

a b a a Cees @ a $0 = Sp i ea OKA anarniwia wl. | Nace: eas usiAn / 

aa ae uy ro ea Bias ge ae a AGh 
‘ i eee the elich & G (lace fe : Ackekct . ro ow Bvunw Cz ont bey VWrUor4 wet 
q ee ee Lore & —— ae ork un aero fred neice dre, 
Ef Closed” ie ne ies ov ae: Op bs te 

a fe Grae enced. LO eAnrs bes ibaa Pie 
eer ap oe jprepord ig 
OWN tact ‘ee chan ty, aorta 

yas pha Hx. ete ae ra | “ie re 7 
a Vy actrcetre Valee oe oS rrr ole 
denen poe Teeece, Opn otra om Sy Csi Buy, 

wth usted 6. Cormprrrecd arr ov dU of 
: OA whre boa : 
a fk ey arene ‘ : ‘ jem 

fy Warele chee a v / WwW 

oe: ot Lidl, Rance Sts ov Cre prerr ed) Papen 

YW dete, of a Cone, fice 4 FAs eR aa are 
fp Ge to per cer wth bAct choccy of Che pfereccd 
apse we od Races SRS he Ponsttang Sao 

, ae rood OND tee the: be. oun ‘ y 

| Keone Thee. vgs Nika. poe 

J ne Aa Te: By bass) the bee i 

| ess Lot pa BE papa a if ow 
To [emule The od TS" 
ee Ce tley =the hiburs 

Sabine eceaniik aaa MANNER IT Seer ca eae 

ree ac ae Sve ane eee TT ek, 

+ ee oan 
OO sek dp ad Comberton 
ae 5 , eae ee i remoael he | 

ee i ee | Se aaa mae het lice. Ur. a 

o4 | 25 

i|_. meee 20 ees Samia (Cos eee soe aoe eae ait me 
Ae pe f. a “CC AO Ww os 
EE pet aC eae PO A ee el rig cen ea ae 
si ghegeul. a le oevena riba oo eee } Life 
ier wera sor fe ward, Ate drecmpese) sede pose Lower, y - 
porte aire Gerard ice Chink Stee” Oat mney | ov «@ Sharp qreeve wight be Gt w thy pope. saat 
ob mw aw th pubataxier On. rari emrrenea Te penn druw rae wm urhraek TR voller bh amry “A Dherny ehge sa 
eee ot wot eee ment threhenbo we utd (>, ond bTisne wy otha TRE apes bug 
met a yodingle Canned Gao aoe Gets ware Wher. the roller Corame clourn JP iw ern The 
botiertEy pond Pamin + opens eluss ie atine| , wou Awd oho thy eh 
, Covet = OURO [vat Py way Aron Twit wear tnplart wy Compressed ea Cer ey 
| OY om Yk Rerevdr Curt he wid’ Mae le 
i of trek Wem Gece ep lietey plete p ots 
q aes Ye Cm wit EDK sok ro 
a sett alla Caan would ete ctinniak 
iva uae Cog ehen eo te, eo: Foe he 
Berens, Saletan Westen: lec 
peri eerew ey) dtp the Che ceed ere 

peers AS 3 \s7l 

| TA esas 

or Ae ink of wd, areca A ett not 

: tke gee aes Aa ase COLL Wa 

aa aa eee Omer i. ae ne ree 

. TE Rotter 
Lal ft Sprroy ; hard Anthate rer Couto RES ia ced is 
oS i i ty th ule and reLacing Pecan = hon ie 
lie al eee oan On 7 GT. § TW A +6 Ont Vee KR boats 4 orclaw a belt oo aan 
2 obec Wolut’ ro On ohiorbak eae. Wade BSS Sa eee ex vy offer 
H.. POWAN Warow. Ges oud be sed or. tHe ‘ial we | j ~\o a tne 
it ee ere ee, by Saran Pos aoe anbetnnes ides pal AYU ancth amehto , kh? w a a fe 

P | : 
hone Puro V shaprd ratyhs? Urhals Tt A. 
fides nN e- ‘oe ee Urtdare- Sé- rho. i eree ou oa 
“the OLN oe chia l. BK ‘< uw P poste rkoestaits calac + 
K ir! a whey wake aay es ww hewn tt Uda Ww : : 
Wt cx part. ed on acta Seen | 

—fredcfic poke heed Gitciin tee Lables on oe substan. omdthe others soft, The. poper.possce tetera. Ue 

The ie Laan, PON ~ dd ute Dulles, amd with cb a Hoard thread, oy woteh cham, Vhs 

7 re so tral wher beth aa CC neck [Ke ae Wha ON Charms an pore theascyk —Hixae Sx elite wo 
if Chea UR Cnt hgh Bs Ae Mn grk; , & ude Hey popes ot} Couns. thr . tected ov chen U pnprerand. 
a ~ Batmorhen op ata oth ~ de nat atop the Oy Taal ed ies Naat wn Her Paeer, ond Leos an: td iee oe 

Phd. oh, 0 eae off re the Vola ; eens og mete hole me a hen 

a ao opin Se ss Lo Dargai, ee : ott enlienwsr Er of ahe. Aer ectnne Jann xX ot. 2% 
’ tke: eee ee ye Be ond. Uneedtor) eornro ov cKO chews,’ 7 the ; 

TD dow ib ae a ae relic #_B . so teat tie (Wt iw Ghee oll oe 
te haw Sy Cdr V Pa ae ears eee Veo aden : 

atl en ate es eS - pany te ee ee owe Side ot oe 
= fe ce Seen Cp perrnentacy Ale ay Cpe Moot wade 7 pollens a ee and. 
wo Werke tdlua y, aaantian bai ae eae he Cee, 

we vad TiKys loop ws Tre paps, okies Siete 
OR Ow Pc arrce ee CROs Pompadt s Ow a ored hoo a follorumnr we 
pone & Crk ob, an | i ake jake = 


4 ON eer “pee pte VNR DRANNG te yo'ovee, 
do A “y Wee OD “fh anol pants Chord, on. of Courre fe on 6. Ae le _— uronrc own él the 
. ome Mey aren urhrv a ele wAALF Ww Caren t= pod wae 

Sa a ee cpm rs ond eleq witli. a a on 
he ee Hess q 

as YB. ON . vile EE by 1 
aCe ore ae pee Petit and Clack oe - 
( * PRLS = ae en R 

ples a: re One iis, _ i | - , | . = ther. woos Cai 

| 28 +i 8 

Ths chon band ov. fread maghte bv. wound orouma the vuller . : ie ig Weieens 7 : ‘ Z 
etl Gadd ox. Sle slack made, te allow o! woking. Charo clin, s ti oll. be farce = hea. a Nee Bone ee lure, howe, vadetatig 

nowbetlbe “Heed peed by ow fork drama the arrnotimne lever gi fo Qu ke mod te chee open on ehiekies . Ona >>. 

haber ow Rieceane’ - fe ee are ne nie te eee 

R whe, aa picotca “tthe 

ioe stort” qedlex cote haa “Ge Lang e ot KG end. hag her +e iegk. Sot atad “the ~- oll. pa aps fon 
. aa | nero dare} ted Unmurtercble te. ae ‘Wiles to te NEG a5 fae. aaa Ih 
| een eens sree tayo ee ae henna. 
BR these Leth res Cortd “hove lett om fhe 2 be. 
Tbe teeth Wourd tire cyrlinunne whol, pote 
bub dtke a ratcr  lener sheusd [Kier one aa 
ee oa 5 Lee a a o- Ue Noe wees) we dant 
U etenay at a vathin urwant) | Iam : 

: ws a a apts ae Ssae Aono are zen 

— 1S ae Om (pons 24 

oe tiles aad | ay 

She whe eee Sle Reouveler por ann reeordy.cobich Fm 

ow dept Could by ak ound ao 

1 The ae ne Te ead ee ae. ee 

Creer with Asal ov othe ora 2 4 
ov Mery fute “mete Luck Gey Brix ed Ean : 3 

aeeerners ao — 

im , OA 
mie Nv ro sans pos vwralf § i wt ao fale 7 

L- a eee est, ieee velleas a olopper, ond Yeu d oa 


ie eas aa gs : 

eel Glace Me Arppa vats: TASER arty Poca, ieee ate ee eh went ee Bh a 
ay d OR wwertcar conarets of a set of Cultting_ wrres or _ 

ee 6a punches: whre'a owt paper “tak Aro oe at tle 
hase Oaatee tne. 6a’ seve ow. oboe ode vers Worked Cy ft 

| ee Keg aol BU. ss UA kept “mp 4 a ees 
it 1 LOR ae haus’ 

"CITY CU Sar nee 

gue” Me Aap ide yrite fie. fodogyr z 

Mouth t, ct mel | 


OTL ite. 
a gine’ oe) Mp, Y nee ow ee, fue AMM 

ey of Mb bouiganacs bayle 4 give A ss Mn : 
AMbayyans by vies bay tthe enedlide beh foey 4 y 

1 ae cM WW 
Lol sts dé: ee j 

i aloily he Mine 

4 7) 2) 
ee ee ee ae oo OC ch ip Seats We 
LL dain We Lo < ee i re ibaa poctirlincineimih Ais anuwtenar cess aR soe suscep : = ssisesdecaiidalonsiesstie ela 

any yee 

4 Pee ‘aoe Y 
hradriwmn aval aud beds oh ble g back Cae 

L| ae wll Yaoi Aificbian. wy dé ci. 
met Set} 

ucbeing havo teed 


Up fre eel 
| Wa 


i eS GEE ‘en ie ct bet Ge Pe a Hl 
oy: pon i ie We id o aloolac ie. 


ah telaspone prow. 
[tdasoe ren : 

Lucho Goalie les: 


Lia cold Abcteiaee a . pie oy Wwe & eonaiteablg eee 
EF si A , | Batttecler, Ceeg I Up 

3 RR popatn uNN. _ ae oe - 2 Na Gadde 

Cael Cpt  Wieurne AG slog tpdmtes 

~ Back. cook 

7 beeemet al Sey, tetete. conth Cen Wo 
CRN ee a ee cay ae ee 

Cie irae obs =i . AL Lert ae a aa UK BA Corto 
ee 7 | - . Pare Pons nee oy ae “F be a oe ees ‘ or oe safes 
| ap Can, J Grint GP aba Oh Clay ks roe a 

bes Wyre che. ho oe or f? AE: 

OG bow ts ale «5 ee cata 

, ‘ 
ede 2 Ste ate 

4 baie SERN ARAS SER eta eae rte eee neces person ssa 

Weelate Seer Po F#e Vrotet 
ome en Chay Rend Mink | 
: C : <3, Billo O=the. Cts. “7 ; ; ‘ 


/ae “oy MO. Bors Se alata) 
pete Wein, to ty 

Ad ar yer Ay lites wae as a 
Coe ee ee npfher te st eit 

es a eee le. srese! Rep oie hee 

alg SAG tote aR ls sessed 
plgl QE haw th aN one base Mv i liee {\- “a. Ce 4 ate he on: ee ere me 
op crelinetdouanead Us De a IN oe 

i fi but a i A ts de bs d tA ,. ee Omi. 
Perens ta . te wom oy ete ee eee : 3 a ee eT ay : Je ne etna s k eettNl m GP ‘ 
i - hd LO Le. Lo. nS Aree A en a ae ee its enorme 
auf ; 
ae Z Cade, a rene th Atl 

Lge wv ul 
ae se fot vey. Ree ee ee 
rer a ie : ae a ocean gaan gw nnn va 
a itu eon Lh hele Ue CUT. A. tos & ede cee aes ia ke 
Mokke ae ae aren iste — 7 


Ge os cla, AA fhe ah io ie ft ce de Noh AA Dan Sh mht 
4h. dete hye, ener 
Ving, Bigs Bn ts 

— lan 
- el the ey 


Kebabs. Chit Ck bok. 

i en ie thas. Ad 
aeriae Lite edie (Cn i Sf A rwvessa. fares. Css 
_ Mel Was LOB hae Cohen iE 

ean ig Ont “esa. fuses os Hi 

oie fae —— R4. ee nS deny ate. y Seb bite 
a a Comtons adhe eee : 

Ea a a aja, Ge bane 

oe ee be OG 
\ Ree Chacha” hw a8 
need Loman ull’ Oe bee MU. a pop Oot o 

afew. ey 3. gk. rae Qianas wa. 

ne ere aaa S % _ Ae, x 7 
é Mie ie ie ob ihe ih 

Af. lin Von ca oe Kil 

btu naades = 

=n a 

2 Ling. ee €t. a Sas epee beans aire ane SEO 


“OS “Lhe Sk eed . 
Ee ia ee 

eid ihe it elt Son oh Fee <a. thang, oll be SE ri Sree uth 52 
an YG ree: os ig 

WA Se ee OO 

| Boca 5S ST Orr Bing Mle 

MOY — Kiet Mo-thsig = zs proms Peter /O . vecela’y : pare Ruf 

SOLA DM. argent enna tt Ty) ie ers aM ie 

me ta 
ve “, 
ps sia Natal at eit ac ela Co el hit, PGE — Oo f eens eS 
sega oa aa an ees ae onloc emanate narc ae nfs 

Jee Feels Ore. Let My 

Ko oN ag Baath ges cols ater Bl ma Fie Oe ac eet oe 
oA. ane 
in fe 8 ne AO Shiny OfU COM. 

Hh eee ee de Oa & eth, &. el nas Ee tessa 

a YEE dew tw O7 Fell Ga Antone fever beets oH Lretiao ; 

aoe Pag sila : gee Reuse eo 
— fife ea Vidi hy es bead fee EE. as iE elon s 

noemevanen uty hZ OS ys Cob tient ths 

ae Ghat 2 Shai 0 Bas ra Ee 

vs “Ok to 6 Met Pen 

a bases +t — eae 

Se ceo RRO ape ee E a ee ne Ae OR 

to pe cee som re 


we 7 Ve 


- a cz ee “i ie ott erat L 

eats ip Siren Poo Di o ay Otte oe. Oe ian eared a ey a ~ Se sf en AGE me nee ae 
7 _&, nee mg e a ap Bitigita tee onal ey ¥ ee 
is ay, clr: OC) Alpe vay i SF hy Way aoe by ¥v OP rr... + eee ee = ore. C ex . as = sop sn ne 

ON. NP pila at aon oe aera lad gc oa nas ied cial SHER RO 

etal: he. .. oe Re — evs. ON. aie 

okt Mi “f To eae a [ae a 

Lt a LOLLY “fe el Lat 


eet jareaataoh I 


i =a ane ok o theo ela ae ae ee 

= Be: a pen “py oW ke 
ita gee te Maw. Lead Batew A 

ee lithe ple, = + 

Ora ee pou A ee 

NW Vt fee rol 
ria ae — £ falachcnn 



- ik he fd « Com a oe 1 ina RIE: 2 Gi) CR ce EO cc 
| a 1 

Ne fovorren mo nen ens ce an 

= | 69. 
vy agate Ge ee oe ae 
Kreck mnant0 by Le eC Za. ne Anke, 

oF ~ 

eel MmManre ty pitt Btls Oe. 

HE mot ich ae = yaa. ~ é nore Somer 


Tt! maces cagiy Ze rig a 

file : - oe rece los tore 

A |. wena oo at han Rodkig sean pisg aoes ees oat tak NT SNES 
= pow Es or boone hoe pee A ee A R 
Se lees ads Bag i Ke g, = Leas ce —" De cout ao he £ achive 

ie ay ~ (ely File oan oe Cecchi > cant 
- 04+ so 

: aes Pepe Di Ge ow DE = roe. Cee ps = Sees - 
i | May Metin Ciaran. Concball ere utd CH yar SES ee ol EE ar OT 
toe eae A. T OLG ibis Cacds. Lute win. Crebon Papen. 
HW | ia te ra eM Cooma = = aa Ls ‘hata Tani, Caictom ei ~ Weg 

: GH Cinema 

— ook fata _ y 

Babb lan -_ io 

ee raed. Cute r r on PAN... 

Broo eesiany7 08 epee are Pee’, 


ihe Acerca Ol =— 


Cp Bhi... | rit, 

LLG - gs ge Cu brow ae = 2 “g! ay 
See ie Poa gie oO : 


Y fees ts Pein raat Pro Me wes 

a Eyer able Ge ore 

ae aan eb) 

| Gorpattin nat Tefrgporlan FO. 76 ae 
. BAe eae Na diargerat 7) FO wat, ee Wides 
ole FLOk Pop Kee. yl 


an Ge te Blan pede. Cove bore Qanet 

ke wa Kw 
Ne RR 

His A Pea pel Fr Yee, 

ie itis att ChEt een 


ite Ls , 
Ge. tg fart Chu Wo he nea 

Faia. Hb Be. PGE 

i | Airasatt ft G Bet. LB. ee 
rh Be Mra 
kee Coc Bhat AED. ie 

| ae At Mtns 
| att, eo, 1 Cn fen nett oe ome 

~ ak eb ee a si 

oe a Jw — a a es 


Year Pct ie lle Ce RAL Te 

ee ~~ 7 

Pe rece oe ye Wart Plo-cmen-v—™ - . Sess! 
deus rb at a | : /3 


baioiktaetccntaetetie bse 

| Paar yume ares ee oe s /? 
| al eae BF elue pis Deets ee ate " by 
+ Waren Aur Ae Ktaekinn corte Seley — 
P GLA EA eb A iakie Plow e reat. 
L bra tect Caw, whdk den Jie Seren i — i 
sis Bs Mt hake Dordee VOL Brn wee ae ‘ 
th A 

il Ee Ao Cow, Chandos Domed iy, igen yy 
| ; Gi oi 

| What a, bt Kaw Ak Soar. £ a 
Polind 3 ae 




7 C | 

SEE erd ae) BM RRA Meret 

zara sets ce ae SPE ES AREAL 

/ (enokiGE9T—/D ; | = a 
BL evusls Paliak, Pott, Sedass 

a oe 



Caetinte me PRAT LY 
eelrle 7 ie powhin, "A dodo. SUL 

A bidoly Memid PAS — wy 

Liebe PI teal 



oo eee Hichet word een Ore tm 


L wt Baia Raat an Vie Sue: 


SRS err CBA rT ALp) 

| infitee: Phi dan Pla a ie, 0) ea eee 

MT hates Ree Ss Sap att pzecunh aia 




NCP io Pheu tas ePod A Jay Jelena 


a Peer | 


or eee 


|| Aasrttone Berg Claes rd. DN 
eee Rares re. - TEL. 
iio o. More PO. Rey oo 
i Flin Ish re. Pome fost Yel 

PLU = te 

Cobbs 6 (Base, tart, de, y is 7 — ee 



; ky “¥ et 

—we- ” 


— ai Rent wn. eta. Pox mien Yello > 

: Bhonwoce 7 

eae Oak iat 
=r Shae etre nie 

ae Lane od, iw oe, sh oman Hh. Te Eee ee oS 
ee Chalice 6 vos ie ees ans 
ie eee - 

Leer et : . 
on ft, el date irs RG! See ee 


“Ca. WALK 7: Tencn, has : v a 

CAIN. leg. pocvny bes: 
faeiaw COZ eee vy 
gle rw Ate, Yancey nal 

i 4 . R 
, a ” . oon 4 
i f : ; 
on ah pba Ab Nam ng ; aoe Ne $s é 
Vor sees | . - — proyectos mses 
. eae = 


= cord anes. Ww oy iar Sf UKE ote 2 bo ext || 
chema tig map RA ny Co Tenn cank, IT 
hana ddte brthe 50 Celis OH 
ee ee eee | 
ve, yan ae af the Bing | | 
. Clie eee el CAA tan ip Raat. ee FAA 4 7 
batOy coh. at. CHAAE-N— Cr eta tay > ee 
Uke fp n Casctiom.Che AUP OY Lc Cor ae : 
kin: Yoo eee Cke Cun en ~~ FIN CK 2 OlF aa a 
S/ie ore of Cke. —EM..- G “WM Ath 0 HEAT ac 
tage Ake QO a Gt PLO 

Ln. vg nob L = 
Cor tt yl mr 
ie thx bo ae clhacuting CAH chive Cait 

Cor OK atten, : Cuca ker Cw. ices (aaa 

hehomoect.. ke OKA. i 

. a 
: é \ i 
. i 

Mai isi REN ER 


ee row 
Eat Tr pox Pelegrasph) Pree w Hrsaponds Fran lly fe eaccisa, 

" seth 
ere Mk. WO OW an piles ee tte & eae é ; i 
wan ay De f a, oh ei 



Fae F 

CA asa 

he fe Se ote 

Me f f SS aa oe 
e tee, a 

~ Et ~, Von 
Shae iad IL Ae a 

Ere bso Fe 

“i je 

galt. Cretd) wit wall r Lewd 
Coe = ae 
EE re ee 
perme or 


Ctecd Rize Bee) inmate 

Le ts usd F ate oad KL be 

— Ve 

. wie 

oe, Aig ie 
HEY, 20 soe Ltaet Pe CS 


es | _———— 
ily ngs, 

tl os 
bad ¥ toh deg vie * 

BEATE pf, q 

BREE te nr 

LGal CA tle wiles 

CAM fitng 
ny (Yt able 

JLo 0 2 he 7 a 
CBee Lee YT 

oop. pod ee Bey, nae A, 24 
rie: Stor tee of | anol che ‘} HAL t. Mell 
sSopuina ola tee Pee FOE Tee fier haten 
ia hom gee kins Noe Chong ne OM ov N, | 
but Ea, Ole } | 
Blige araee 

om OO orl 

tas footw mel beg oP fier t Ching M0. 

W.. — . ees Nee Oi tA ghey 
nA ow C:. 7 ae , _ 

“ oe eee te ie * : 

NAA peel on das CAs t La, Thede ow O04 - 

We Nets Wy aN ie Po ys g Ree 


. i tc g “oy yat eS We a b er [ wel 

Miss. ernck fe CH oe. f- ‘Wo yore 4 gw 
Bar. A. te K 4h. fer a . Le DL Aad I ot tee lan 
VEE Latte ty 4 (a) A fo , iv : 

| ee ngs Pe of, oe oe bo. 

i 7 fe | 

Sega ae vO He ante anth 
G6 Cet m He cowl oe ote ft 

| coo wn _ 
. pf ae p ee A Baas we f 

am ddl Lew | ce V ~ fe 2 ae aaa) 


fee et oy. ewe A 



/ { 
wit to! Gonube sean d 

a oa TAG ls Fa ee i he : 

One ue as. i Pape a D-On =¢ Tae S 
ato thl uml y—hy Ld tA 
a eee fen 2 mine “ fet 

A Oo aC ; 

EGS ii aia 

ee Pos Sil ” dd, MOrE petite oe a 
lo tra on oo O,  RProlFdte | 
%, Ce oi 

et Cheer a ke Caweeu 

ae ee 

ae oe. 
He ‘ CALE $2 

a Pea ia . Lite. Cee 

ah Jf, stipwidle : Se rae , 
i= | eae ioe Sa 

| Vielicud Bhaste deer nant olla” 

Lalli dite Lo ge. ci 

. 4 ecllekvecet 
Merritt -hecchs Frog's (De 

(ety Lael gy dent aneup- 

Maddie jatuttn Abt Ghdicntp. bm | 

Wott 9 Mel! Oxvvey 4 $2 LAS" @f- 

LI Ct 

Chale ty fl Pad jets tu O 
teed pleg Cth. Ge beter: 
EZ /LA fil peeler 


7 Wad dlee t Hesltccte Vfl oes gave, (ps ane x 

Sede. onrkePoe , Ao ( 

colt Eh t 

Mi tir Nol , sea ol aes 

good enangt cay Sow 1 (hed 


CS aes ed oh a 
3 Pfoctsttingst “aR > 



os Forage, Re KO) RE, Alice Pa 

PS sentens 

. ae oh, YNo cl, me oe 

“SiGevac ja ~ Nadatet 
f * dee dao =i Teng Arde Phinbre Oot, Wt Node, Oaatetr 

oda Jian Awbee ] cee =t. : 

hes ee a a ove Borda: 

a tb a Rn tin trot 

red, Rohe d LER Gf 

pte Sack: Domep oh, 
Neha. yells Ur eer Ver at, : Ee 
Tite i 4 < 

= 8M? vy 

eee pepo Ge, , 
rei Oe ert atice a 
ee lle fa pred | a 
BG. belle. ALE Yl hala ue 


ce ane none O.. 

Sfannour CM, = Aa Ch, Phouphorus NO,: Sanigsite eons — 
Jue a, Trek Lead, — SotAmmons | 

/ f 

Abe Oe d 
Jl feediie: = Cus 6 ge 

= Mkphart 0 dub KO, fener, Re 

Wee Ltth-Z 

Bas edie. es ile: 4 oe 
| frites kha vos... Att a ‘| 

lot (aew ceed k Lenehe, . Y etbsrss Qo 

boc lA 

Voodge) baling, LEL8 magi pel mare he 

OG frp 

Du 20 UE DQ 
ttf Litt lyotit. 
Yorn Fa ee ee 

Ries cas 

Cre buna Gotent okrehy Mey guar 

eS coves ia Cut Ried , 

ee ee wero: 

Liveeg alive KALA Shige 7-230 ARLE? eH gerd 
Ce aly wor 

vy: browne @leces2/ Zeer 
eed Lal) y-leceiien, Zoec 


Ba Merier ee ee 
ike Cece? Piven OW OG, bee Snes ea io aes 
outarde atte Lawn GCXtewen, on Cheer. Geta | 

5 Ctra o£ o, 
Und IG apprare To be a we wreak bouts, eer | 
Correct pct Lt en of TO Pl ete eh Ones al! | 

<« mw Yeout- Yr & 2k 
+ alta I Rous, Reh Ano Cnger, 
Ok Trp which We akeredt f 

Cr . NC, 0, Tellin he Cri a 

SPEC E oar ore a yer 

ay lk 

| Lok ne eae ates 
a Be car wi Beas 

Wwielro tle, 


Lekaieenr oof Mleracn Blt | 

Yr . 

Zz AVI eteLle¢ 

Cleceet ees, { 
BOA pe aleo ver) lux Mak the C20 & 4 
ths Ctutd be Wirt te?” by Caiectme Iolux : 

v4 M 
Sanit ufifd ed 
pts ne 7 

- —WWittcendk j : al 

i feo Mt leea phat tticencca~ 6 Settrsy 4 

: Boe 4, ate ek gape vee, a rele 
. Melt, bedteaol be atx GE one0 wb s1He 
4 Cif PE Lette bt flor Me cPen pote. 

O27 oie battered, 

Ce feoriLibe YHeg, COON lick cry, BS F PELL 

fon Wheel pte vee aed re all fee YM 20 Ay j 

trtetel MOCCLD: pin al aii , 

i ie sat 4 of 

Ee mst 

ce oi Mage wee naeg Mt A. be ete LP 
Ly Lt RT A Late fo, an 


ita # 
: ean ‘ ‘ 
: ; ’ te 
oe f eek 8 
: oot fe. tte a) 

| XS “7, 
‘ 4 fo , uf 


CLE Yftrae th WIAA ist . | 

F F gt 
h oe 

Loe © 608 of the whe mate by 

BF, pigs ene ae ae Logaved art seg 
fp i fi sry Ae Charge 
Fs Z te fae | 

sa top 



— hreclev : 
LEELA Lo ao 

: SS ee 
Reese pele? 

aL, Yc the 


Jom dptens 



S 3 

éL, ie 


f- CLIC 
‘ XK ~ 



on, tad on O 4 

Pbicais Wy cba wt cb os 

nA Ree ‘ 


ap Ler ey & 


ebgeetg te ae 

i edhe ee 
| acer 
i Snloh 


FS te ae OR 
AOS cou ea EER — 
Sit SEY eee erent ne 
f ean emer rant a nin penn Lr RS ten ine ne 

| teed annben, P finn Egon Gaile 
[Wi gS). ome eee 4 Ae pines | 
yo cay og or ige z 

oa a / oy. 
; ‘ ; ao 
‘ 21, Cheep ypeeerttedo y a Ca Alzvectcow 

Lttale Lecerreree Wee, tae 009 cond . Gj ae ae 

(ude if Caceretttecceee BOF tice ttge 56 . an 
CLs ttaltr tat W we O poedd the cabroe nef, | oe 

Lictnirie atte, tx Cbececcorue eGo, | FE OSs 4. Po + pe. 

Abie ee, plelér, 
iS + HO SIs¢ Foo 

meraaee neon if 
i HY 

: i 

t be 
reas te 
to hbo 

flac gitar 
ge sie 


AMT be 


Seen nees aap 
: ae } Y 7 
1 iat - 

spatial af nina ten a oa 

; / ng n SEM, Mec. ae ale <i, 

Mo etisalat 

Aap LS 
bby londtun Ade wo tae, 

wee thet tronate fea fe 

Lf nt 
ia ee! 
A only 200 then me 
A axety lod then ae 

or PP /] 

far fom ae Aelia eae 


4 " a TC, os te r 


~ On ee 
* Als hacer 690 Maa 


— LOT “Miia ton > ? 





2 fe ss ase ay 
ay tes 2*3 3000 thu 200 aka 
LatO belize 2% GE 190 A 200 gat 

bate keh 2+ 3 2000 rhs LTh. 

“Y L000 eela¢ 

tif Z 


OO? ok, 



~AECO fee, 

SO.S2ESO hes, 

loo ~71F VK 
46 CF claw. 
/ thos 

am Hs 






Vid Wag 

ee. fitted 

200k May 20rd 

Lio oh on 
200 th. 

ee % FOO ten 4s t- 
Me cecdeny 

200 Ques 
pat! 269 tmag 
me ; ; 

COnpleiecs:. a 
Condlotaerr Ory, 
SI. nett 
SOG Cader oes 
orden 3 tor 
‘Couden b CAL 
oF Cru dewaecr . 

ih, oN 


os Seo rnin ns co pire Sg le nda cs ba 


JO 6 

Se SS 

p oan ea x AE aE 

sprenaep ens 
aD GC Ly 

ats |e 


; F167 p nae 
x73 Letizia 
sal Age 

| 1 Heed 6 seme ftom Whe aseelion off @ Lert 4 
fT 2 Mm | afpest Yi gk bepeticoiticks (- ow 

ee yay, Wik fo. A Wag 9%, 

late Hy »  IN30 AL 

Yoy, IO bio 
See Sali tion 
CUM a G00 hateTitin 
“WYrgalie Dero 
ya ae bi Bibra 
le, of Ceezei ree be Bee 

Leal oz, Oxygen, | 

One. Wie Uwan ellie 
Witlied ale tusht Gu, thee tent: 
luthier Forncnt 
JOH Mak, Whe 
“4 CsI OLtlize 
5, wl oe : 
4 altius péetuyg tntloy 
Wad A Ceeereeey fer ell iy 


Cc _ 
D SUM. 2te cell. tack omate Sects, Ie te Lol, 
Wit ked alt Qu ghd 



eres A 



(ae Sie 

tlie aecd 


atile) & 
uf 4s 

antl, /26aL 





ney a 1p aA | eee 
WY Tet i ee A ae 

ee gh cae Pah sad pee. | 
oe pee ae, ERG 7 

Mad Ome Meee Bo: He 
eo Of This Carrent- : 

Wat rKornibe deur antec Cehol o 
. tive fg Clcisdan ~ 70e/-FI- RvreS || 
Rol ~ SF : 
Heep. BUD t, bles Bo Foros 
Vourrde! Ro [FF — | 
Alek bow Fl Lane 

ra | 
Myf" * (5adlita lar tae Re Chena ey 7 To Pied | 
gle gsihay cathe oe. 
PC can ae : 

. « 
: i ‘ ¢ 

be fa taf Per 4 ABER © 

wort Cu ie § Yea 


| es "liv /0 

|] ati’ Y Chatrrigaged. 

| LUE reek (Gterr 
Wa Cel SX Lewee O06 
Litctign. tu. 6 Zoo Luca fr? 

Na he. % Wether lube ¥M a 

Ma Ol PEO,  Oaygpeaal Oe 

ee a 


CUS Tipps DE WS) 
Wee eae Cel MU 


v cs a at 




4 at Tobie. 4 Syedinep tees 


Lich tg Viijee 




# Leuawuiy Ce 

Ma @ + Goes ee. 




Me (Lo ¥ Cine Oe 
Capel Je 

Ba C2 a; 


Phe Refills eee aa 

ane fhe ae tube We Eo Db Rims ined aie 
| aE a Le OO a ; Zh 
Mtoe. pieces. Ef ae as es ee 

a A td Th. g 
7 i Crewe a _ pe 
UIT IETS ofr Waillor Lea es 
ae jhe Comforrod ee Se aN, 
a Chheridt (f ae, Ree titer, We 
AACN fhe, iL. aad eamaa Wee Va Thee | 
"ee unk > - Fe se Hh. efx 
ALA r 7 he béeletion ox whick 
- “a [os ce ee. Ceara cere om ce ce, 
Ske ek be nw wwe Cit oF Dy et 
rn <6 =) 20 Ge 4m A OY - sa tx oy ow ere ee ae of 

maby be rece Con eo’ Ltd ue 6 

tail ae ee a ae! es oer 

prs pmo n~et ie oe ay are rey ere Cre Kes 
VA fy eae mm) 

Nig boo xt 
7 fase 

a wd e735 ~ Mo ep prrcinuié ys J 

nl we Kates Atl Ges as cies 
QadLice a 

BOER eage ; 

2 12> £7 

GUS Co (foretigy enone ig Cte 
Eee Pace Be Rapti OAR aan ier 

~ el rie. 2 foe ing &, Cw Chacnoonagent tlh 

of 288 

ie Oe ene eae any aah e : ees “4 gers SeLorinns eae) oe | 
ae Caw Ac Atck,) nt ‘th te. afd. 

Eyer : Cra tex, 3 MO artuetr — a 
7a yas Gaeta The . 
f* ec Candte co See TTT 2 

% os penny aos ae l need 

Sys ‘ort ee: oo 


oe rstocree lua rerty hae 
pe bere aut at. oa ams Ae eeng a f 
. Raabusced Ob reece te is & :; 

} yoo i Ae : te A : 

2 ors RC RA I EPR NR ER PO Be poe re 
s i memes ca eae ten Cees POCO) LE 
H A : i ° 
i i ; H 

Lucdet hey 





AT, 2 
tina let 



Fond a Mew 
Hood naplhe 
Ss Dt wel 
oleee. ez 


a aa sae a a Wa a 

ghia ae 

1A (676.7 gr 

Stoel for ee || 
Po ee alt cpt il 
(ily eatotetr, Cikteve . | 

q fufiue jane panemsee| 


fo CO , oe beta 

tartan are Oo Mearloe. (nas ee ae | 
tow 7 iid &-heecloe Con tey Pee he 
(rm YRS Aecor Yaezece.. HH 

PT oe Eh tad 

ran, (ucade ALLE fart sn 


Eee Ae 

eta aa 

Tht : ond, as Ea LEE 
(tbe “Gat barim ° — /6E os 
4 Wien te HE wont gg |" GY OD Afactcinseathe 
: EE (os 
N aeee Lb vets, AYES 2a fide a of winter {|| 
tio? ee ff Vetemivan 
oes Lap aiveen Gere 2. Gee 

Delf 4 
ed ig ae 
a GAO ov rg geht 22 Gee halen ale 
af ae ae a 
BG SEX Lae F206 + Sar Lol Qeitesee 

I ( = OM py they ovscdey af 6. 
ae ee hes, Pit SL gras as he 

coke ie J . 

het He ‘Ee PIs ge 

| go Hes os " sf eae : | 

‘ wee Mee Lm te 

t “ 



sony i; “ sam ree 
Ped a Cw OP MORE; re ae ea : : 2 ad 
ast a “g 

ey eae 

TN al ace IS 

oa a. epee : Litr 2 Fee -/ Bercledcr 
a am wth aa » BT MOE vba 
ipo eee a ee wotle” ialeaan eae ee 27 
Lees a | we ee eres 
WP thin pare ae toe sd = og o PO A 
| ae PCL A200 

. Ard eee 
DT teh ten fat Aepeorets : 
4 wre 2 4 7 Se: 

Sinko Semel oe nem dees 

Sargasso Tf rem ttre ero ts 

So 4 

eee helt aan Ts AE oie i natn in ers ease ated Seibel Ganensen a ee 

etl Li I fet ves 

WYacle Wty Chang jou a 

26 "UE. — 
fi, dos “clea Gl ocateny < klenact: 

(hp AN cals “5 Oe QO agen Ales. 
Japttes (hae AH Crude, oo 

eee erie lhe Glywctwu pias. AF 
Sips — aXe | oe (2x3 L06 a fle bol | 
Y Wid & Poctfrrate. Ke pope 

4 bithist 5 th Me, dal Cb Lhd. af write bel/ 
OM ateco 2th fareseute tty WAP alt, Meal be. 
AT wet tek ° gery, , Mearbeed ko Gates b Geta elelths, 
oz Go hay Lh tll te Ln Sener Lets Cd? B20 kot. — 

dE tia ia 

ce Awon.-—~ 



: , of “7 Wye 

ee ie Asa 


Line ee rem eee anaemai Amt ey 

les - oF 29 We 3e\ / ef let 9 
iz Lig Li ovibe Le aha ov 19 se ge 1 

lid eel 

eae gia 


se alo iA 4 OEgT ie 

| few le-ve tesco “al 
WRF Teta, 

i [| & 7 ears 
Ur trav es Nog oreo 
9 are ee Ree Nous ve | « 

ik acces CRS MaDe thea RACED MEK SU Ret atad Wa aiey RGR 




lam seen meester 

pn eee nr mera 


i : r : “aie , 
| Vert made glerceus ananiey by 
at 5 é 

OG. Sai Cele SBOE RS CCG. OU save 
ae Chea su iN hie LOCO ch LOI) CON eee 

rietcete cove Gn dhe Chee G-cucm 

oe, Ne. Cceam Stuaced. cprem 

Ut ya, GF cl. cuca Pas smedatiect 

fs , . ‘i 
Nes eo eae Nour Z 

: aes wait ad K t ‘ 
RSVR oh PSCu re n Co MOE eS 
eB a J 

Citizens Gags Iraint ors diss 

Engineers O tf1 ce cor SY Hie 

Brooklyn Ta iJ 

s M, Wletcher Esq 

Dear Sir, 

. ! ss bees ; 
epiy to your pawey Coverity c 
yes as to the results We Oo iy t a 
nN . i c ie 

or king dhe OQ) l_.N ee Jee. 3 

‘alUue dhe plea sure Jo make dhe te ; 

Z cao 


Ais undey heats _ patent ees a Pe} 

mate : 
ort en Fmom ths with a yesuit hl | 

“Ae uf ying Soo jhe Comany Cea) hee 

, Consumers 
wt ay fy 
t 4 rv? ey 
a ? SOAS 
‘ * Naa 
\\ A a mM t 

ae Ne eny ie WW i 

aera oe 

[hese Works Wcue een mak 

a Attn re se ALG ope a ee 
G 20 20 er. tue Atade # few bg | 

é Lbheeliie eee 4 tL Loo fetid 

rete. ded Abe peg hl 0 Dey 2 . Ge lre 

& PEALE ; 
ge Cig ; 

x iH 
ew ie Atl ee <_ a 
Ju ek psa) 5 ca lots: 
ot a en 

Dee - ee as y lees 

ae tae TH Bae ake. 

SUEUR : cg eee 


| . 0 I aviclécs ne oth a 

N2 her) 4 we CME tw “Catnan wee 
(at mass gh al” Tg 

shael a oti BE gellizry ferrin. Powvee GE 




Fae WRLE » Aa lactll | é bw 

foMys ak 


Lt buat thy 
a ee coveted 07, a ye 
a TO a prth phbet 
Lua ebeA_, k foa2te er 
bth bt, CE Cabtwd OF 
eo a Caz 4, 
y Lo pubbans (rllic Ot aut 
| 74 ) (3b (bunt) of wr. 7 | 
Hi | (fret Z) \ 
J / Copel Ager huetl “% Lovlclam Kone 

14 of Z e t pe 
{i She lial ion ~ bs it ceveicee Of CAPCALI, | 

H Wo J Ad Gun! potty | = 

a) 2 ed Be. Loon bla Le Lb aF SS. Nn 



Liiiliy OO Poconsye  —_—_—o 
eae v (hiding, Areeece?, wy. ‘ 
E / @ ft SOO ee ie 
_ is 1, sue Blaby tub? alain totoed hey 4 
a a ase hin y — — Gly coun /, a4 Cees 
= ae. fe joel sce | 
10h Vi Ce Md gar! ti Na [plea Aiotel’” 4 ot (Gre 
wa patina 4 en id Si 
}IK 2 GGee creaceser 9 ae eae 7 hoteller ike bing as 
LLTIA | wre» VYhee® wisi) \ ree : Glan 
hie nef wer font Se ere /2aieiebsY” 
af” Cl 4 “ee wien. a eiah )) ; : ears J 
He y, Mer lake bees a Sete _ Jha owe 
L\ 24 ar Ait wnat lentee AA “age | 
hee ee tee. eta is ies CE elle” Cte. 4B ae : 
oe. - CLA b. | te bese 
Mth. fete 207 AZ a rte? oe oe 
‘el Age ‘ ae Sole’ b ! frtul), <¢ 
shen lint Gren Me ig i Larter. He 70.9 Lee. Maeve EE About 
TAe ee ee Eke hat Le wt lit ed Lovell @ Ling 

P ee aie 

‘ % ee 7 
Wwlel tinder 42 Firat be dive Of wll Lowel? + Fhiw WD isglaewky 
ae a) ae .  Coprmenec- hwo? > bbl Loar? arto 

LU. Ae f OW Yee clout eapies ze Z 
forts aoe A abe ee 1 ag & 0 Balan 3 Va Lorv Ate 
7 cl eat. 
a Geo: Anal A 
ia se ee 


; | wy hu bea aC inp Ze 
F- an a a 

Ve fond Mbagtle hioriile “ 
Lah by ‘ | 
K Bel wf Cl pete aa 
Bh g ye) Csiwinee, OnBife go dgih 
feeciel 94, Pati ‘ Dety A base c 
‘fad He Lhethionbe rah ol ae AMMA a fre 
len Bb Mitene piece ig hk- LPG Yael ge 
Ge Cle OFF A tp Ch LOUe GH Leptl tf em es, 
turn li GA CA Cea ff? LP Sige CED LEAL MEE 
“A. letecbuep Lea pnd Arne £ Luda 
hy RiptEL eZ) har “3th Jaeeiflie Dit aite 
foi (LCE i ve Cope fy, CL | a te’ Leave, 
8 Ethank 7 
Hine /iplthieliy 
Ae zee CVU S 

he t- wel Lacie 

errs” ogee ellie i 


Aenaten fest Ft ies 

Lex alo. ae | 
a ay aod acoT en Sey ee a Aa : Ll 
| 13 See. i Coup. tat avert yp a 

ee eee eg whet DMA ie 

Clg Uy 12, 13,18, (iyo he tity pant 1 Hi A th. Cag | 

— ao Q deflate 4 y Ge Lae in a 7 Meliva | 
dh OL HL WH Cmilewiere | 76 fo 

Can QM auY ae 

ae a £00 word | we ee, 
‘Me vertve ea a Jb Ties: Len a 

eee Cather pastry 4 Hie ey w addled | i BE 

LO tM pee aa A witk Doyo Chettr. devgelien te WE. Clete ': 
for Cw 3 atthing, ko 

iy pptbores ee ie 5. i} | 

Ciben/ Le Zt feacec.. fal Abe 
Oruatlrnsh- Gpereen as 
Soh hes ately ae. A | 
lige sol offin ee ——- Say ate 

Ae epiaat fie fa A oAy 5 pas a Me os ee lve. 04. Bug tern el 
ee hak Ze aa wo Een Hic ‘ LV ould turd Mb aac wes a A ee 
iatigk ve th, Ce LtbixT joe | pac eth ert) 7. 5 fm, oe lq 

ined sha Z See am | Bs /, wae Ahan 

eae Matec Aabwuged Pave 
4 he Ee] 

fa 9 a0 (art fr. ; 
as Hii. Yeates fu Clip. ou Lh Da Cette 
Zee, a etl Me basta en cheded 

Chtine he Fe He (weave ble fer : 
eZ Zo Ze | ies Meee lAn Ce We GE nas 

i. a2 jatitifuteede. J! bien Aad oo 

tat Se em oteu ee aay naeny ain 
fr ao eres Cock a wn ae ee. ANZ 

La, atthnigh ts “uaa 
22 (gon tna we vt pain, ae, jhilg on 

yt, LeCCLE od os 
ae a fetiwl 00 
Oe phirws righ 

wil Vans, LG 

+s og ioe y is ee ; ale 

fy? a ee eee 

EAE | | aed | | 
: ye” aD 
i; H ¢ : 

E44, (bead Gg telutiti. Go caw vn ff, 
Lets ee, 
es me 

A re etic 
tte “Caualre Lord aal (2 bolt, Hou tale 

liste, @ age ben 2, 
| Aart Bras He tebe E20 
4 a unite . Prout ee, “fe 
Jefe Oe, biatraer Coonece/” 
| (fives, hea ta ‘es 2 & ralnaty acl 
2 Veh La) 
Liuaekie. DyMeel 

Od fe Cay nM dil Lid m 0: 

LY Mtl Rildled k ake FA ig HH 
LF Lowe | | 
GEE pe 

ie Aes | Cwcatce Ie Tea! Matec fe 

SANG Helte E72 0020 77 Cauetis A 
Th LI, ae lig tr, A ee 

267 | | | 

a Se ae Vee 

bn KF. 

; tas goed A 
oe ee 

i-ZY a 

Adile) pmatten (6 ff 0% 0 Ahette: Been. 

| Ghyenia Wate haga 

Lic oleGe lan MFO, C 

Bile) Gllle WI) Cae Ba 0b led 

he Lelia eet ees boc Hot 
aAdee , 

Jamu Cokes ove 

(oe fewcaesd| | 

aye * Maen nr ee 
a le a a sag | 

ee a 
ii witant fi aa 

Eh eee 7 oe a pe || 

frat Cents de te treed ta Q Rane Aun 

Live found Aas peepee co even Sot 

gas tn a Bed tr 

ae we 6 feb eget 

5 Rr meer rae parece teaser oo 
yee Pee 


ee AO 
comely stags) 

a toe agtin. 

Gores: 4 he 

Vii agg | 
Le: Soesagiee Kanke Conder | 

1G tn Gene, Ae peornd 


> 15 COLL 
pier pilaak ¥ 

rigs Nea cro 

pore ok 

_ by on Aa He 


fog at poli sae 
Late Clrtd bi ecu wtih Hin ate — 


ee ee | 


| “a a Te treed Mar He Hh Peg cn ‘. 

ee aera too de 




o Py “ons 

ENP eL iesoe SCT ora BTV REMIT Oe dae LE ae 



wn filhate wae ies (ate tu Pe at 
Ln Cottyan ye SX 20 Clones 
ay ‘Ne 3 
Adin of Yidiate Of, Leloa goes of farare 
CM utle on Ltilte Cif 0H 
0 3 pens WHET BUN: | 
“thief (aa). ‘|| 
| omy) A Cuno atde added £& Lucliale Heine) i 

| e i ae a 
Tse BE at ene 


Sk hase i te, eel “Te ae 
Chale WG A daghingh am Vis 
Cus LY~Lé 

ee Pe try, 

ih Lian Cet 
ee Aahwneg 
Lip cuott’ 

a ees eH 

AE tie Liste 
So SI an 8 Ae Gat 

| Ze ie eo LEE wit Hoh 
Salt ee bet Vit kei ae Iie x 

oe He a ae hos ge A: f 
ae Ae jet ij 
CQ? a a 

— ve poe aed 

i ee (ef etha 

Fite, Maz 

tag | 


L 4 
bP ai 

Ouryy 12 ae 

Aiea ee 
os bes Ee at oh “ 

ns batty, ts Bisse 
Cock tt / 
bag 8% | 
Mig LL 

ee ee Aarne) ivr Aiaitad Gam Ee 
ve Dispel 

Eve eau 

VIL O89 Aouto 


ue | 

g oe 2? A 2 2¢ a 

fl JO go fe 2 FLY. 

z SEIT MERE RT BAe cee ee 

: Ss | » 
| pe Za LOB) — 
| DE ion. CA Couksn Lecce 
ad pie ‘ap fratn ibaa oe foteres 
Beran Ee 
1 S270PM 30 ee 3 hug 23 

-| 2:37PM 22 je a 
Ae eee LM FY F 2. 4 ic, 2Y 


po a Gl GO be 3¢ P20 Pw | 
| me CR a 2PM. | 

Mb b Mducclage + uh SC 
ae ae B 
Lig Zk JO C3 a / 2 24 

4, Sanne eed Quire | 

Foes ol bg Ove Ox 

aac COPEL ale AECL 

STE E Ace Be | | oT. aa acasieds W- 
a Zoot | = fs accel fall J drt on 
ne bow’ SO 2 lu aye. 
z Dvexts Lola an 

Kemas Q oe eee, 
Yiwe HAV foley 
silliness : Va Med SA and 
mi Aug 4 Aden Cdiiin Boew wel Latte 

| dileg 2g0 IE 
lated wu ga Stllelige 2, q Yeh obtoAh stile * 2 |. 
+ fn | Led og attra spas ge ff | 

tirade. Plow trie Ala fife 

Lfutk te @ eH 
ve Adack wAtir ul Cites apes 
bai. on tai of base & pothe TO phage. 
Teak fille hgese 2 ah DOS [Oo inte. capelelite 

ea / 
Cmne ae te ele 


race rer aoa 

‘eas Cocrauged fa Hed Messe pig 
Hiri dover C ws 

Carre aap amt, Yanmopint nor fo 
eased He? ati 

al | . GA on ‘on CH y 4 eS on es LM 
Wi a floes Out tn atti Ca . tbtew DA Loe! 

os Y abe to? tn & 
arty beidllily Be Mig — : 
> ee - - ~~ 
oe * aou : 
Caeattele of dane en 

 Clachgitigigdd Eoafeusnents | Hane ye 
i (ele off Cpa Go man 

A le J, 

AL en 7 , 

wba epee vn Fis | (otic Ute) 
sae q 

E ay dae q Wie 0 Behe a Larcet armas. 

allarite 6f beat, es dad he a 

ae tot 
Ja th Gr titra Stee ora pigs ee i 
: Jikto gi C40 (aahies) ori THect 

poll P ae as ae teams rd» oS AE ole ae 
Pons es Gu e) eas Be. - J 1 ae on Z 


— Onlylate Lede. fee 
the Clee) ok 
ae. ff an ganve ek, 
Leased. ale Liorcl A 
Blurcate-of Vcbeeinie. 
cael ares aeex 

clit Gin, 

(cities Un eur) ode, 
7 et eee clk 
Lh eal, Lala ab Hale iplicn a 

Coe C2. Calis 

ee: Wal els 

+ of Lad 

{3 paysite < 


we. ee ene oe i I 
. a 

YT op. CL Phiten 

EKA Ltt = 

pe = 4 

feat ply 
1 dra a 

Oa $b 0 

Newark Shop Notebook, Cat. 1181 

This set of forty-six unbound and numbered Pages covers the period 
August 1871-January 1872. The entries, dated and signed by Edison, are in 
his hand and contain descriptions of the components of printing chemical 
telegraphs and perforators, supplemented by detailed ink drawings. The 
names of Samuel Edison and Joseph Murray appear as witnesses. 

Blank pages not filmed: 18-31. 


at ne! 
Newark. N8,.Anq.. o WELL, 

Ree eke eae! eee: a pent af pore o 
on tienes ous Machina amd . Waa’ Mqs.y- 
to whieh dale ove appendsd... and. such. 
yrecord te be used iM omy —eoulesk 

Ars putts eats abe a Ca 

oY aed Pie Sages be heii Biateets eset 

| | 
Nuude: fe em nies ee wpon. ee ere ey: i) 
| ae Ober, 6 a" a and a, 
op W ‘ ae P she ‘J mp. spark.’ OF. Cunent...o of elected 
i a “ eusron. ae owl ee Re. ae ot the device. 


UW Jhenguen. Perv est re Arspensn_casth’ ra tage. eauae unk. of. oppesal 
_ falacedh accompanies. Wet sean oe 

sede mash rreordex Wea pen Beomsists. of am. pee ae Ae ae 
meds A about VA yuchesan Aewgth Poe Suspended. deve: 

- ‘hia Hi ew thee Ay of vorM. bine ms wl atcd ures, on held. by as delet ee 
a MH Webs. of alk tothe adyaslty seem Bo the duodury.. end oF lhe. |} 
Zs Ne Al. - Suspendsd yWeedle. n. af\e.. speeaerg: \kcoxah Th... tele A 

| meoaly.. “bem ches the” popes mehemrealy eee Sechsints Wad 

1D ¢ LITITZ —— dayuw_&. awhaclh ts ov oteted € surtaole.. Wreachew peers | 
VAIL a | 
eer LZ he hele Aots couvueeted te te dius cand bo tte ‘ye. 
i oe ¢ ae 4 - aud Greate Ieexy § se that’ Be oyeming qe hime’ es Nhe Al 
Rea a mM cin A : olianrcols os vlan. a. weg alive eC eeprants— vant. be ee 
i ae WY cp the lke ud tee wedle B daflecld back | 
_ a etn over TRE. popes oak Vomehunq Thy Wurth We 

Zz : hh Wan ene ka 0 RoKion en ee 

bac tow pews we 
Gut not Jouchin, fe 

ae. aaa Coch of an poe ul si Sule ay. ee eos ee 
ae Woe T amd thee Dwi G tok AR end . 

ae vive U | Go hak whe Tre Ve bratty N omd. 
Pe one us woerkowng powerhul ‘Céick: ob. tle etecelly a nT. 
be 5 aac as sodhe cerenl. Aeseeod: +5 yup. prow Le 
pout ctr The wi dle B Theme pop Trough the... 
wet popn-- tr ke deus. q+ bacle he’ thee Tu dae le a 
ait cousp lets, erent, Woh Canin. boareae! 
BRivern ace Chow ceall gas On, decomposes. at 
 substtixre “Od whrek cb rs) pennant on? ee Rode 
Aros Ate. . . MeO es, : Contra ne usly. 
CW By wen. Ge. He wd(e Boos ot teak Oo te 
a Conkkeno ac... dene ae tial As. Ach outa. paper, Whe 
1 | . _ R65 TR. Sty & att . Comerct p.ace: witK s wel wmeone 
| : ae Te , nea. We Pap. Vetter ee AS. couluns | 
z IK now. Te Wwedle. coe w.. woued. haek. and perc. be 
T Mean J Le.. Bea. Log. Vee. Erie be. qive 
ees awd: Hee a dob andt ee 
vere wed. Ser masme a Aash. Sees IN : Zz 


ute. ‘1 vihe—a eae os a easy he a 
J thos. : P out C2 ts Co nniclad ee see 

peak Vel awd, hed eiecs pa oi | 

= Oulevielse ion l PY vouuyes ANG cnn 30) | His 
ai ey vagh o 4 

oe i aleqraghy, but thet sheun ut or | 

sae! ae fs VAAN, ores uth whieh 3 Kam tpendcnnd Q | il 

rxeng eve us eurce wewuice ae Olt s i ei 

i : 15.-p ALA UY tphict ua. ee ee Ie record, Me 

iacoanne 2 ie aoe nH, ny. herble, Cometh Sie WM Shope atoms A 

tina Sanse, a tweed | wheal Us Neeiite, or the. S yh 4 7 | es H 
Recovery Gat qphen Ink 

. JA) olwawe uel tr which 44. W600. ou. the. ALEC ts men ae ate 

i 4 tine ene sae subsely hhady Ne. i bes AE 


cgay dae 3 Sas wot, COWsader 

—— Abous eae ib pale Aug S 1841 

Oneigea Ga, oh ele. 

jeri turns, see: nok wobty Goufine. muy sell. Foamy... 
l ack tulad device fer mdiumd Ine hugh temien ap mo Ze 
= mand wwolron | veqkt te Left a let te veght. and mccovdung they 
Spark wpow Chemrratly proponsd Peas Oe eee ea chases: 
aby tis Ono “f hel 9 eal, “pues 
I buck whiek 4 eonrvav eee What ww 
ve qucte umveeecsanys Dwell 9-7 
& robotly clin avhin 3 _ apy fi x  esauman tated doe (Ke 
es uy pre wancdinte ge “Ch Cor timation 


moe produce tk epfect. 

= J willnow expla a wodiheation of thes device - mae 

ouarstmken a7 ae Race SRM: 
jn Ndea Sykes me that sulphucted hydrogen, or ite. o (hex 

; : in = | 
MR, ai Chen ¢ al tel ty eK pas . S mppee ‘a ‘oO { 

“hf tks 4 as Was lets pla apo The teehee, 

wisesa merle ow lie weutd ba 


Dud oaention Weve rat Va. ere cree Can be dis pensed tothe 
2nd -o waa wéto tleclrac: machwe Used te qeunle lhe high. . 

[Nove raped usr lig , Dig Mace Cctag — Ne TG. web oka “y v1 2 

“3 / 4 teak ‘ull Arsecoley eactaven (Chemceal Sotaltiou, Cautd bs : q 

SXve oh poper woo. a Lond, voctle a Chormsrest . Solution |. 4 
ww OAND CR Aes cole ed | - 0 CAVE gas, oar ane oe 

seam petpes. Corned few Uncr.d_ by hock we “he ne : 

AE Set was comlwelle) Go. (Wat eet Ge 



7 etreust , we utd produce (he sawe A esulls,ao Ak, Aece 



oe 7H 
a | 

[sot canon 6y an. tleclvomogq axl place dw _Iherman. 

= ob tke. Chemical Kol uttew. bythe, tleelrrerty as alban 0 OA... 

a Lee x) amd, Wwewtd, be thet Tw SNe Ss au ok paths 

; i ‘ tack out awd Vat. he worl contd Ge. wade. Jorg rO™M 
: — 6wa ll wel oat. Aa axe te Te atve wall” of Th  Comnewh_ uihach.. he 

a worvked-th mag wet whee os vee eee 
. | + 



7 Foo. APerA Carrying. dxuw over vb ous peed. ee I 
: Ets ae he ee ab. BL SMd._ wrth wk itr whrveh sft 
FL. _ Commeehed te Mae hee Penns cot every closure :. 
4 My oh AWA Cornet, gas. is qennalce by WAKE Conront “P goa uta’ 

> i ee : ce : 
fal fe _MWxeuah Tk mk and dteo Wyre) 1th WW Crowd | 
: | 7 us x, Ths. las” Kp Baie. a ipaashee TR ual Ow che. L 
: Y oh the 4 uth. Bt. (hog oe "Vay. fag nl 

Gees are | e 

eater Co ecku. olesed yas. as made. whieh coma] 

Bote fee fanvek out cog ke apt. x om. tle 

F.5.U.M-O cal mq... oar WS owt LVS Ore Se | 

: wo Mele yt TT Camert be Wo. rie RVOONONS Caer Gane he Stowers ae 
5 -WMor.9.05."t5 qemraled”. amd thar wale Rrases AT Le weet | 

Oy lsaets A on 


eeeeeeree nee tS res enero 

Rivest sete: ian | tes em : = wip aia 
es eet ees FRU a Lecorene Gye ee Qo | 

= se se ox. cath: _somiathe Atath on tf = 

 Qieertl eh Gaul ee WS Agee Noe Oe | en oe ; Me Que ees: stoy remtine | 
. the We been up H 
Te ate Ce T/ S| re He lee Mice aaa a ee ice 

| erimundk AG th Jettn Z cubine” Ae oes ud 
a ; : 4] jn ae we LU hectic | hemern ae ice ak 
i eae 4. +k, uw stil av site ban lk: Fie. | 
An nh TK tty reba ita oy een amd Jacks a 
ter toe Lisnena oe Je He ea, rok 


: 7 ae i} stint {emt at Ra ne | 
nace ee en ie He rowed vg are Pha om-the Wank kone 
ae mg 19. fp 6 tote tet elle men beats tosh. pe 
is a oi ~ = i © Wheel Cw moana t- dors wat yank, Fe 
ee — WP Nee athe, ow Ahownre Ge step. TT a ae 
ios aria = ra e 5 2 ¢ aha “Jour oe [re ww, any STSETG ea) & | 
oe dee TRE aun dott ge ite 

lee Che Pea fewer 

| fl ir bay P he, porch AK 
[fj kee old back 

[Jann nen oot wh cure. ways e 
| vad U fi, be ctclac LAMA, prolong... 

He a poeta. se ae 

iL. & Ake ADs Kann. eff 
1 pe stn, dense on doth’ xe eee or bees wolt 

i De 

if cee Onn. Ae Shay. Bane. mplabdick, , 
arf on 

Sa roe 


bea FT platen. Bing ow. bav ad shat Ath. ey athes {- wby ve... cen roe LE. 

i A Hie threo, ie wiki cd ne rbd | 
fis thee \S Ww greet ae 

OUR Ae ee : Emctha-t oo Dee = 

satis Bie Gh. 
Rie LH UstL 

Ge 3. Ftumy,- 

| pone by. Doub! lp ty Vises EQ Aes, biel um. ee dhs Ss td Sree (2 a 1 i y _ 
i Lee urine MX. LAA Saw amet, ALS JK tke. ncditaSiysta gate ] . i! 

hi re i ae a 
= iio ata taeg galt t j 
. { 
t |: | on 
inks is iy 

heh bend eee 

oe 4 “ Frnanlanag, Vila ( olirvimg - he oe rele : 7 a 

Hi | ur olen d. oe ere . hake Xu L 
oa hte ae are wade. 

hee se 

oh Lo 

Ys woh we 

Znah Jte | 

| athe ate 

can re CA . 
pas, om ae aaltelong, 

onthe ies ny Tet ad 

i 10 on. Vk wwaube duaponoed wilh o sii, cis Ruyo... 
“Sectbath ad ctl tae ye tani onan. 
Ode bathe dine Thee 


oe . alana, nh gee snes ai Ueeaers ee 

- ae mig engl arkicele Vermont wot 
en os ore Wa be. © 

ne | Spe ed 
ae Diss, — PAE 7 sca | | Eagat er ofatatlad, 6) tre oo 

ieee yee t fig Yo 




ee ee cal Clem ea) den 

if Nfhollowed- oul cud cull or 

-pubatetate d. withTadoard ee smn 
/ f ee aes (rere 
Lf vb eas ction The 

Cow... (aC ene 

Redondo m.. Jado nat wakle-Coubbat owmpath tro die and, 
SF belteve Ae could & des pensed withCand Ca (Trica parmenes.... 
cA on hard raw hice .avrface, Ls Sine ens 

ie a che 


y eerereaernr eee | 
Th ieee ed oe be. ey ON tice cea 

Ce ee eae 

secret seminar sarnimevineeeneem 

rata an fora ten pedo metmoee ct a ——nsreatecenameat 


reece CREATE A EAMETS RAP SEDAN exer a Gk zi verge 

Ny | Cares een Cae 


y Gdaepinend 


Vad-acs ‘Ny 





| | z £33. 
She obec: of Was. Pe oe uke. Rewionanls: “dabei ES pee: moda aa 
f so TR 
FA i a ean Sloan uM. LO Wmdoin oh machaney. GAO teiene amd \ 
— boo neeord a imcceade.. oud Arnos D.. et a ceomdived.. powhl.. an 
1 dhe. saqna lbw eee weer Aivag. (peek Ak poe sear a WAl2.t, 
Hes eke ott naman umn omc -uA. Ko commentie® Be ea 



KO ee leet. and ane. te bs wath. Lov. avira | 
Snes oe Ox a maar Salts, nscsseaganteteran anise atk sates Meee 


H ! 

acy acre ae er gee —— > 

cor lhe. unveil. ema. es ui__av. seucnal. combena. ous ap 

Win hanteon: “tne effect he obpe ch. meee Torres ire athe, dhe. ae | 
He CHabialiinca Mal con Ge made TG peahevw Hee af trohTar... 
| | tne. $0 Vanvous,® uwrs'ke onecek, Heal “te qv oleae a ae 

Gree Shalh Aube... a. Vase &. warrar ber of ale ais sh OR ceticale 

on SL rages 


ee Cooeneae esha ae 
on eee anon = ate vas, a 
— —— = mand waren genta Re ete ia AEA TNT 

Ake. Aesth vecenty, lot. ? ntNonnwr ie ie Cen ee ern ea er | 
( ws 
4 _ 
: ‘ ; fe eee 
' wea 

if emer 
\ a 
4 ‘ eed 

oi Sef 

ae ‘WoO. ake ths .. AO. a gfen ae a t. & pWMaon. hak, fete ees 
ee FR ath) Ther. par Gercna 1003. Ca. 4, Fee aprad Uren 18 5 ee se eee 
= ame sohefe KL 1 & [oose. wire ee Copan i 
arernmt. by. a gee whet Mw. 

faghes onesie 

ae ALK. me Aeriatns My. 8 : 

34 | | 
hs baad lle WMaweuce ce Ma. Cages &. by. eae, Bitice ape Sa neinenieeee re I demaky, wee “Ki cumfame.. mi, 
oe VRS obvi. acer ie Mim Clave ice Ka ES Voll of A Ihe 0, ecdofpdhe moh ah ae ON a 
Tp hecttle Shenk, ke Wag K.. at Niwmente Wiad ue elp: = : : 
Pere canes frames ree i rieuce Cao the ahs es, of the es 
. A ad whew Retr ClO: Ss To oles dnd Ub ure. Cue 
| Gs metate ike hatte Ko wet 

a tke frm. Ry 

— Oh Bah Ihe shaft Koo houhle brooke wheel A 
ae aw Kewens able cwrikiceR oounk C Becagcics tee 
| chee ect CIEE IR: lace Gait Lioeee gy 
—Hee p tae a i One oO ee tole ue | 
TO Vere tek co atk: Chee, pe Awa tohrel ach Ope aah 

ae ree the Cenc 


cA. crrQ nur Bred: gcmenmed . 

F LA Oe Re, pea whe te : A, Bata” at tke os OMENS eo re ve pl Dy Pr vcec ale a... pilin 
ii ‘Ge ae © BG ro Cr ak. 0 a0 shies SV Nother Rs, Warten | iL Nak ee ae 242 tim... Cnracie. bee. teks von 
oe =a er ee tae, Ihe ole hcl ven sa Buen Cores = o tee ; 7 io See ree vas (Weca ti VD. Kars. on Celie: ee PW arr PAS ll 
| “ W aeeenee pel af Gor” tle _a oe ee Ober : uo A. pMacel IS ¢. othe. on CO UA £ ace Go Une-a eth eee 
2 ce vo Avaued LG ee ee 7 lk Sai the : enticek. 7 é | : shots ee en Ack AAR. en hate dan zs) Uke CP On ARCA ew Eight 

- a 4 | 
Pe Ae l cs “(ha Onan, Mur, ow ene corbeod . Sete, ; , Owe okt Cen om [a Be xt oat are 0... ce la ; Pree Cowas eye 
SOF ELg Rt Pic ce. A, cen heen Aran ~¢ oar ARoitre, F ot he Q,.. ee 

Flee : hag t K enue (en geen Ire eq nad, | ) | ake WEL Rhy WEL sth bz papeet ust an io = spony 
Pots ow kes er tings SASS ; if : rAibstihi oS eee - 
| eee Saar Shei ace ween C our arnt abevk "OS™ feaae sie Grinch «chet tens tea 
i} his Bane C0 Fes J, Sa «ihe ey eget ond le 

YL Cnet attend WY erelcn. OS R tte pent 
| Go shook hot ptrarte eles, fir a Barnet Leste 

I ..< Trine ties teak: ne Grthue anginal oe Cue 
IIRSIAR ree ee eeee ay 7 eae roe wy ey eo Pragnrel of 
ite aut el RA, wld kL Juan we OAK. oe 

Wo. Aarti danng Ha Ps ake. oa Sore eet 
a oo. a i 

Woman. Aan. wm A 

Wren |. 



civ break Os wheat: rere Pon Dp. smxky - WN ahtm ee ee pleats: peas: 
: TRA. SSSA Rro' (ol Ae. Wea a. 

AE SSE att Se be bos vet sia Aaa AA, 

le vo 6. gpa Fah 
dene, Saxe, 
Ad. cha. nid. he AW. 
Ro. al db 4 eee col. Beer es) 
[Spay § orb hi ey 

| Bow LNT One Pee 

A Lda leita uct a rod a having aw head Po tw (kd ae 

: cs Cnt Q, E Wa Kuo ov handle Wane 
te Senioung se Rod ay oard. OD cA. cores AG ect te aL, 
ao the paste Feed, fhe cls, 


ane) flee oe 

7 ety Oe 

Je aes : 

Hee cy o ne. 

UFR. ANS ean “A 

ce kk, Heme a a & 

| - 5 4-- hee 

kino 6 £, 

A. oth: Lhe ps pee | 

— u™. ek. Poe it | 
Ban eae ; heen Urhen Se 

maw eS Ge, 
al ee omens Dee Sms once a 

Ae hth bth ae 

ae nae 

ZEA ADA. fo. ows kes w-Cnreat fey the Cnet 

cow PO Gets te ike 

fe Erpetthe acr oS hide 
tpt. « COG ge Ble i 

- ihe Cat a ak. 6s made. Ake Rico WALA, 

ecatclea MOC oe reo 

Cott Ohl 

woh Com 

“ooestd y i fe 


! . ppafanth ro pent oe RADE, UN fren... SNe bayen fle a 

Ct Pine e. ~~ 

en OM | dun. wou aed or oo LO, ae te oe 

dprcd of a Shoft wh ch aes Ansranre. thn Pores : Pe ane 

amy Acurer , a oh. ect. vwaoarnch, fe LUNG “a” dsofa ena, ee 


ae WA 

he On eben | ake be dropenoed wit and a. ang 

eWKALAY, oy a aie wugkt be attackid che tke. 

Erol o otk Vibration. 4 dome C. She bom of the berth. 
urhrohk yures waslion Tih, Loves con be made 

mA A A. Ae ahol - oe Stan, ov UES VAP 
The viotekid uphool dard, i] ubactiunn A AMA, mg hr be. 

Araps. LAND) ~ a wit my wollen 4 ore ~ qn UNMNANRYV AR 

ea iia 

Rete akopte. i otiste, Gash pills anata ia 
iran iain, ae ba. see frm wehrohsthe pera 

Ae dered 

eon wheels as prrrabhle ov vote 2 Seeds 

renee TM freee ae t he VA GAME | of. neo ed, ‘oh heal = - 

Soe the ergl. cWken TG normal peera, Oe a | fon Longe S120 of Us shed AP presen ney ecoie 
as ees : d wa MD, oS ore poh Q bad wher - OK... a “s ow MO Cu quan ck __ i ate tea mess Wa. ae Tan a 
EF Ge Gti Oey, Vee unolatte. ef Che broale A Keak ee i * . Px: ye shes! =e Pawn eee 
ees (le eae f wv. poh OAC S Uke : he wd: ‘ . is fe ok eee Ps 
: OLAN. RA ok aw nee (res a RY bate on eae a. 

_ thoee Yo... pe thee. ah. ot 0 ou“... eis ees Ap. 

eee |i : 
bless . re |o7 
: ees |p, Same 

roa ts va a e - a 
: | bel, i ona i a be Bes OA CW da, he awn “ ve Gey oes ee. : 
.. as paren LP esa? C ne \ run. stay. “ogee © ee ae : con ee 
oir ed’ Ue. os “hee Pe. rnd. ra eae alee older a ‘gt : fe as me | 

: AT fy tS oF “CO. Vee ely Air =a. fC (TTA A Ra Oe ; a ql eal an 
en Whe 
: ue feccnn ain carl 7 le It Oe La a gor Re Avalon 4 ‘| 

A. a ae wre. sie | 7 
; |. 7 uv sere ee wcoda OUANM be Aobzton ac 
: es ie whe me “owe tree a Sn ol ’ : 

e “5 

% a <—) 


; ; ge i a Cc. ; . a . A ‘ 7 ak ane Ute. 
f a ae 
7 pa SSS iia bo a , i coe 


= oa n. oe A. qovurney Hurkiely CAM ane 
bey OY igs ae lois ie @, sa 

| . Ne Gacn. ne Ob ow  cedbeastt AO cr, be iok. dQ 3 es Ns 
Ae hohe Xt Qi a small potty on Ceca tetonl 
He apt | DD OLARLN. BPA. Guy , Aaremnrny | arene are the Nive coud 
f et (Ones lone L, ; Jf ice) ae ee oor Fy he e a 1 
4} a oe (hi DN x. Ge OS RAR ae. A ee yi 
[see te ee Li 

ua a We glee pu sees wt, ee sd 

oo es ereee 6 os b . J —_ Ou | 
ie em ot us. eee ep. a when Se 
eo Ae ri. ire Te AN KO Can 

i ee aS ee bot “Cain met on 

ots AS 7G). ekees, a — ice LN eee bree pice ll 
pow i JS tAeM, ipcretan,, Seeeonc samedacy, : ook at 
(BGs wee ttn. RAPS. OER, ain aoe sh. — 

EL Wee aay athe. . Bie LM. ae st rhe — ees 
AAS tonfsthe. Lt ——- 
a set. te. 

edie i t we aA wa nod o unsulisaty Snhetinat, ie: the a oe 

ae) | suakiw on each ade Bac Ore Ye” Contecak ee 
ne ; ee a WA apr tohich Sucks mm. the athe o( 
Pe Setige Gg Reheaghs b : ‘ a Ond. thar oh see oh the eee es ae amen oe 

aaar a Ns 
f vo kod inn x arnad hows fae, : 

Legh ak, eee et 

_ & wea i oe Oa jel awe se 
ee Adda, Ry crs ey hank af sthe Ree. E : 
AL Orhan the heaudile kK tye yn. WS a es 
eer: » I ors fg Koyo UWA th be nb, 

eed | (Kron | back UA we Ber See 

Dayware X:, K wa handle 

eters no 

Se £ cu ew. he, howell, uw nih. Acne. 
ee ths block. pre dbo os 
Cate ne | 

- aie ~~ Jd ho. 

7 ie. Siade ees mar ane 
Sie cy wa Ag te Ss Lu atk a ale. ae 
x oh OL a. y, he: oho util rat al ® coh Aen Monee 

oti e ok. 


me wtrnrd_6 = 

ON Batiste 

Ee pe a 

Dacncalas cal Yew 

: cae ao Samual Ga yi 




Oe ol i eee OM ar, as . corer srr 
be Psi Xu mares CoA « eee An i ; ep 
i eee eee thin Hire Al LAL. “deal 

a ore ra Hee. 

aces ‘heen. <3 oe. Ge. Use 2 Wt et] AD a 


re a vu. gett Bole dl: iets: a fr rie ae. 

ere cone 2 

i Saree ea wheck a eet sMeduaee Arata veut: settee dae ees 

a hos apa - 

Xia oyliider B a pt ynqer call a nack © ow th wieeaiate: Ww 
Sanall ye ay woluel K on maim shaft I owhich has brook 
-wheedls Ne same as drrerarted ort,  Q wia aprrol . ses nate 
oe patti nack baek. whon at-. rsahy Tes Stqnals sae, i tet dec 

be. prcesded kk. dovwrery ce UN | CON A nk, en ee 

oes rum). iene i . A sect 
awe oo Now oe we Ura woe as 

ef i a ioe ide ra : whet a A> ee Coke pik 
wove CO Uke horn le £ : pide es ria 2 Gee Ries 



7 $O., Hee and. 

by. q yvoru 


| a rat 

the tes Ban 
ome uv She, n. Cod ae eee tal . 
. € i. S od 

dhe Y oBtrias. esses: 
Wo Wha els bs atling o 

fav ow at LU raumrng’ this fan (Ho 
heh oo Ne. my 

ig woltou of The ahatt CTaALY AR 

i, the. tb, Jilted athe Wer ae 

2) okall ee ee aT 

me Var BPAts a rnd ea! aw J We 
vsbowoh (22) reed vy the Aas Ly 

3 degw 
he Grbin® ab de | 

vile abd Joy ais Wrnakes wohl, rete s ig PL Ot 2d 
ow’ m” owe CAA. ec Te b+ = “He a eae. 

HPO On owdina 

are ial oe be. pla 

+ the. break 

pate od 
Wroorac. Sue ce a ee OM ate eel, se 

or ao KAALQ Oan hele 

a5 UNM. “thea, 

nae 4, 

Shiu edd, 

eG wLOG Gh x 

PEA Hee ron doutite | 
ers Sie ie Gan see wea ‘ol LON docal. po re) 

‘ 1a.2o 
Cha an Miro “Oh ot On. © Gee 
No W Ar then 6. o. the ¢ 

ORAL Os A. a2 0. vA legs: Se Aa en OA ee 
al om the, ard no wo- fe 2 vacen.cle mn Ce 

a Pin , & uty lor fooan. “Wk ive: are hel, of 

WA OW ae nA iA. alan . & 

VU MA re 

wm =thia bo Civ 

er aM ie Orr. Bune Ao ae 
oO ‘eg ite tke moblog. ts 
Laue fre ede, al v we 
4 ee Y- SO GOMNn__— 


he dats Wr04 be meserded UA, os maantr, 
Se fl tke - 

aanet, A DARD A 

nnn, Male. 


whee “th 

0 orn ee be c twee VA yet) bg : OAKS 
y Ase Wns fe AL. pa oi Z FS. Ane 

Lo vA. ON. Dore. As te hahaa SL. Cea vers Cores. tok, ie. trade! 
or, Cie Re, as ey, 2 ‘ tla. ae 

ye oe wales be. print chy 7 dy sites. AA had hte ee oa ae 

wanes ne basen Wet ana cee 


The six books in this series cover the period October 1875 - March 
1879 and consist primarily of laboratory notes by Edison and Charles 
Batchelor. They also contain laboratory notes, caveats, and patent 
specifications, which were copied into these volumes by Edison's 
bookkeeper, William Carman. The notes and drawings deal with electric 
lighting, telegraphy, etheric force, the telephone, the electric pen, the 
electromotograph, electric motors, batteries, ore mining, and 
miscellaneous chemical and electrical experiments. One volume, in 
Batchelor's hand, contains eight "axioms." The following books comprise 

this series: 
Cat. 994 Vol. 1 (1875-1876, 1877-1878) 
Cat. 995 Vol. 2 (1878) 
Vol. 3 (missing) 
Cat. 996 Vol. 4 (1876-1877, 1878) 
Cat. 997 Vol. 5 (1875-1877, 1878-1879) 

Cat. 998 Vol. 6 (1878) 

Experimental Researches, Vol. 1, Cat. 994 

This notebook covers the periods October 1875-January 1876 and 
May 1877-October 1878. The entries on pages 1-60 are in the hand of 
Thomas Edison and Charles Batchelor and deal with the electric pen and 
duplicating press, etheric force, polarization, ore mining, batteries, 
chemical! experiments, celluloid, and acoustic and domestic telegraphy. 
Some of the entries are signed and dated by Edison, Batchelor, and James 
Adams; others are signed and dated by Batchelor alone. Detailed 
drawings supplement the text. 

A series of notes and drawings dealing with the development of the 
electric light has been copied into pages 113-204 by William Carman, 
Edison's bookkeeper. Pages 205-207 contain a copy of an "electric light 
law." (The originals of the material on pages 113-207 can be found in 
Unbound Notebook, Vol. 16 and Laboratory Scrapbook, Cat. 1146.) The 
book contains 640 numbered pages. 

Blank pages not filmed: 62-99, 102-111, 210-640. 
Illegible pages not filmed: 208-209. 

po Beck tutegraphes Ink 
NE | ; 

; Treedk lamp ack ancl Cadsckor Of alone Jrocwnl rel 
Oma morler, cK work exceeceng Cy cue, 
Ine -Gily cerene and Jam pp Glack, kant work arc’ _ 
. '. | Jere neem fo Ge an cuollagnum Gelcr©cen Hhe Cars ee 
fs : JotRat Even a mehancco€ PMIxXlAne Seesrs adm oot 
| | 7 emporws ible; Ys lampblack settles ouk Cy rabbeh 

Kt rollen a greaX neon Ger oh Kumes acer’ Khe Dhkeucnl 

pope [Ke tk aasemes a Cee pale Lorok , are Pe ae 

[Ke forqer Cd rubbehk over ck a henve 6Claek shreak 

Pos sea, Con ake, Phenomenon cd noliced, Jc blue - 
Sulecl Cones Upon Ike paper appear fe Napet_tha nk 

cn cl_whoru .qyucte chete . je meckancecnl yur lax 

L cf Lamp lblaek ar-dk Casfor ocl co sopefeck Shak — 

»* Gone cooulch Geliewe /hok ch-weas Joluable ,/hKough ns 

: . ‘ ‘ vo. | Yu abnout eeclain ShoXk cX cosy. 7 
7 . h She Cooter odl- lampblack uk cleeg Hof appear 

hfs Clot tha ugh the Paper cnough to Prevent sie. 

: / aK ung of a AL cuge 7 com Fe of copl es, lee placeng.. 

Cagtor Cl, Clue O£XL, Cock aver Ok Kort OF. a 

CHa—-G Ley cenceme, UPOK Pape, Ke Glove ox Go mn x 

Warcughk forse The Covtor ol SK aon kha Gly c3¢ : 

olde: of Come Marccgh or Rome Kene. ph Beret 

Fyne Kael way “rude andya ke lAcek 

| Shouwg & nok any UAccekanr shan SNE Caskor or. 

= Common Arurkeng unk Theirneck atk Comtor.odl 

works, perfectly, ancl cf the PROP OnK, > 

e Cheon Enough, /eawed Hoth or more Ts Co. 

fo. p cleanedt, Connon, prmters nk hoes not MaK 

i, Ot ohh corlK G£y eencne, ax CeasX AA ere an. 

ex cee cheaty pror meckancedh mMrxlAey oe 
| wld grote—fe cud mekgorkls. put 

net NRE EE ete 




CON CH 8H ured. 

~ Neg t 3 Ream ¢ 
o- pay 13 
ng PEER Sr Oe Cer SGC, CC iene ken on che GY Coth he yoke cores and armohins Natihes:: 

. eolegropfic Press cae (aKken Hes Evening cewek Unrtk i IAMS Mas OG mH eel and oflcm good eornloich :. 

: ferme 4d of preter nk. SMcineh: Gry Corotor ol and of No-magnerran or Pree poked | Cocuectl Cer eleheB 

pound on oo mortar Rome Puro weeks Preveruales , 4 Gol Ne moment Mey nor encu Kar PICA COPED 
'Q@cfobu 3, 1875 WY or QA Ecleson,—~ | ue mighk Cok Ye magnekcc anrcuck wag 
; Gy Wt, Shale < fameo oH. Jame 4 weakened Gy lecrocs mo Je maseg OP ThE. non... 
Nea Electroeal FEPL ; i at—amney OA E& [20 rt eee, NOLES .cucntd OO) Car: 
In Celine a reur Motel po Yu Evening, one coh ale 4 ot Shot—powk, ence 10 0-618 Ther Waximn unm 
Ke mechancam Put Lan on frame (Cok) we found Jhat 4 power the mass og non nthe yoke daoute 
f ced netapproock tn power or speek The pubher frame | be do-grsat ae troften Gut Lith rsacalaned 
perm mace Gy Sok ON, Se spoo ts op ThE. ee PEERY lo She (ae Sama es Oty Whe pices dia etiam so Cd DOOR, 
cn cere. Ulo d1zed of UKE long Shan OM§ MAG NED, ; i lO-Couse EEL pokes, IRB compelleng the . 
| Slirkuig perhaps Mot Whe resistance was ie great 4 potes to-go te Phe Powt og—- greatest .R. shove 
orthotowurg tothe Greate numbr of Conrotatcons . a re frortof-the ormoaliire , an a-crm ty (San 
| Me sel enduchdn Lelayek magnetization Un unwound, § IThot a tac armalai~e wilh cencrmcnwe. _ 
; | - One Layer from lack spoo€, Guf Thu dec not appean. 4 

Neg 6323 OC - 

i Rts tendency Gy MNLod ng The Aedcafancr - 
f6 uncneasE Shepowenr or dpreek mokurtatthy , coe shen t low ablso- cluscourmed a Pre nomenon, Jhis & 

Tested Rom Galsanomelea <3 GO7K Pina % found Thence 4 weth- OW JACER coumolune amnck Gack or Yoke. ah wg 
IL. about Yesame, UWeused the Cadk non prams as a 4 Cons olen ably SAmnen a nacl was ollrackeL 
|) yokt foshe engqune magnet and found by Laakuig thet. only TH openuig cunc Closung the eneuck»: 
| Sens wus Ass potes atvhe pont where dhe Cores $ Hortken ttita dho UL bey TEN. Shea onthe - 
OAR Conmneckedta Ye cask ron Gack, Shedse Preepotes 9 Ormatte  t SORE PROD OTK (OWS dr gin reales 

. Geeame nearly ao dhong when Jkt armature Lud um Cet 67576, CML nigh 

. Confo.ct ath se regulon poles, aa Me Aug ular jootes, e © a % 
~ When nm asdetion 1O7he caret Cron yoke ens erted.¥ fdiesiod 
A Small so6t non yoke obuur dh hick, Thu madey. | ia Ae 

Rome cle erance. cn the EES” OtcLO JSkare were bb. 4¥ Me ah Soe. : diese ar neh MoS coat ae 
a Engune Prame for feakeng, found Chace she an 7 | 
~ SI moll. SoEX ron Caek he cece Sconrcely omy fret: 
Plots :tohen Ihe. prontrcumebann tos ouatcn. curstotel 
i cote cores, Sls armoire eo 3 (Ricks. Gut wh 

ON. Comnectoon., We Pree potesutre uny afrong 

erhaped Ss cling wth ov foree almovt 
a : L Jo: 2 Me lor, ey ; eee ; uo. She 7 
ofan: Thaker The Pree. PVC SRN 


Worked on. Penal ncegRE = (m odtel Pen) FouncLiKe. 
Cams gove urbrofung pen ldo great a movement: (fe). 
Pree tomes more. movement dhan wos MEAL AD AY... 
7o.. puncture Re. Paper, Renee. Oengqunre had fordon 
work, allnedh chwoShart 4 worl qo. mech L 
movement... Shane was a gGheatk. SMT OEMS ONE 

aSfeed ofthe engine, but. 


on Oe Bus Je me ae 25 

g le Sprma contact also om: Setting: Eianmatine on OGIO Es 6. - ok aha Autograph Pen. ie #2 P cngeteee. 

a| posckons if a Cotas Sb alteelap, 2 8) Our orcqenok Pen wos Foulty on Jhese raspeets, Roark " 
i Ocokrtber yk (875 CAML oVolan tAD 4 Tebher urd nata duclible. moalehiccl for dhe Frans and — 
ae 2 Ke whole Per wos. loo EX PC KI cue lo nmanufreleKe, no Go 

Ho 4. | Autegropheeren z 

Chenk ay model PEM AGACN, frocunct./Mat Ne rouble was “gpen acted or wugalehkhe Wome weocele go reght off cuetch 
Pruncepotle om Se back eemfer sane, CKtwwad Cupped (0 Aprake QA -7neLeh 

larger FLAN Ger of Yuvodimions cr ong 
, amcifte. magner. pullng Ie armofire (Fuanr cls th & 

gninete Yhain of evo , Ond-CUrorLk Oe CA SPH CMe cerhex 
Froude a-great freckeon, nok noticable cofendhere” coas lofKono LBnok 
Nomagnetcarm : Radka Rmak contr Rote puek em The § 

(Loy mods a pen wet an.vonr frome and-efpd<3-noX 
| Jcrecu, ana he pen at once cuent perfectly dato ferctary 
il pbsefook our-mhe meagqnek cround wim Joundn wee 
| And Rewound Shem wreik Cinrn Cue, perhoys Sure s heft Khas no effhech _ 
oe smaller, Sen engene coren¥ I kell poster, cmd We node a Frome of Grass CNS“ THE wW-pourcfy and-foaund Rak 
E 'Pen Appears Fo Ge Ne MOIV OF fo_etory ger at hed Of SMewiads well ad Some ope oll pews. 
JCOCe Juro mBuctoreim ceths chonot work ck ote comscbernagle &x erence rte te Forwend foCeeseuer c 

o-ww 2 and for ote cre Rog kh Ihe Won muast- 
foveNlowe therig lS &o coctk ch Gautwe haus dence found 

; at 
Jotrefo-ctory, on all nigkh = Mou Cl Cols orihzsenes ab Me cerBus mecotbe wmatl, 

Ocf- S18 75- ts” bal Oeler ue Re Gack eorbie sroetbo Mon YAS Se ows 

2 fame Vc Kame a ie prong Cenlie newt Ge Ohcw =e ae 
Sas eo 3 ; | K Bek centres andwarecwy mek Ge hardened skee€ 
AOS | Netro- cethutose = Kea 

& cle arvie: on dhe MAGKEFY lew GENS — enukeadskH?,. 
Ste cellalord Cor Prox len Containeng a consderable 6.Je Cane giesk Ge ofwte el 
quently of Chhorcde deme andperhops some Free SO; wa The Cam elem musk 6e pukeel | sande 
Coad found headity Volaucnble cn proxg lee sprck, beth & He cofack ocbrakmna SPAN med Kauve a prece._ 
Cotol, even offer do-much prox bn or nthroelluove had.gtblatemna Lowe Hud es Ria hnd 
- Geen acidedhat cf assume She condcdlaney of ough 2 2 2 = 
. Poot dW continue [6 Stasotue mane mak 
- Ehenamenon. attr kes Jhas Scsaoteed ck co Eascly = 
anrintily dotuable nj Crater. ottin doltution of - oo ; , | =e 
ahi ch makes an Excebleny Glare for fadteneng Popa G He amolire must Ce Kac 
LOG eThan Ads Ke dubtlaxce Ras cnr onlinde Qc D~rEc.cticn MEX ot oe On 
Om. mkmed LeTRrk Shor She proxylec dpuck ‘ LM Me need fe mosf have a very ong laper, C2 nof any 
_ rined onto acekce Acd wheck dd an excellent doloat M Te cam gnust nofomove /he ops Geto ey Lethe 
Hor preplen . EL Tred 70 Uuleanige, by atdung away a ) ae ; See 
yee UP elie anThecdimg tum an won creteh @ Meneeste mast Ge doldened fa rok + pie. 
Glass Sook < fo. ~ Hooves nok urh-y BB. Cones mecstce Like To prevenkarnia 
: 2 ais Op igi Carbon i ie eas e + Cone approaching ees: eccentrical| ues 
Loe ee eee Pre OAL ee Nera ayy CML wang Parts must havea Lookang 9h 

Pe sickness of-me. 

wo tpled Whe, HEC 

Neg HE677-2E 

Ha SE He cam khould ucbrate the ree dfe Jest enlbecgh fe paws 

i Shroughk he paper © Ske. céxgtk of th os Cine -f, 
| October 1M 1875 Ss Q Eoiisarn’ 
le fb QsCheéoy 

Vicia CCA ere 

em on aifan ere om bey 2 
Fig 2 

sg ing cena ae 

a || Botterses 

4 i A p ve 
. “| | We Rave Cypercenced CanucdekaSle MocOle Ut oblacneng 

fl | j Asacto ble Coffer. IS Peen our Chee for ROHL Per 
a | He French Grenex Ccrthene; are Ecedcly hpped ore concl 

. Mi He. K@eoficch serves ty Keccoe and blocwer. Ke yone on 

; She howd Os comes Shuck Pa cto Tal dsr by Oxcdeyron cond 
Cg ergata sofon cf -yalfy Ln oder fo oftrats They 
SEEN CWE Mase a ynoSel otewood Utfenddts 
at ColkeRware or qlaas Ccke fe 



cokick Groug RE on cene-Shen Sea oR pellng [es F Coa0ws 
he a Sheed: (ron) Qu on. fg .3. ; Guive Lofkeney Cot the 
i ones and- conbons out ea S| lon par cos Cel? , Ne. Gf Cer anes 

aa Yékenthe ron base tonek Me Carcboiv cre Copper [7habed 

& * ~— & 
ei And Valcdere® Jo-¥he Conve ckoon Pieces, SK ra Goes De ghey coo 

Jerees Cast en Yhein cule. Kory fee O~ fo (Rook AAGbor Lohse _ : 
wcohRich aren Toten Forster le an corm Cone cked Sethe . 

“q ta-make ct eprigh herd, She Cadfirny wo sheeow on 3 
Gow 2. . . 


[He A pepartnents A ana iZ3 for He Gotlern, and ¢ tor ctneiprig it 

lokendhe Couir XK Ras been Cf ted-e-p and [ined around —— 
Ano Te Cerny ws nox nm ge, Ube 

j found tRof ef-waor 
2 Ofmot Umprowse bfe fy Gg ef She Compachment yar Wades. 
HL Of Earitencoare , cx Conkhach do-meh LhKak the Poatekeon, - ‘ 
| _ Jn Scperafs Prom Ye Jede, ween. Oo poaurk, mn : 

Menton docdhe woud Og and make fom Kor giro 
Cok, CUL nexteent To SKE gluse people found Shat-the 
MOORS WOULD apo Bias & and’ Fhe gloss moulded 
OTK Copa fh ASS Ber Lb6- at locroot 

qe Ub ER Hog Rf Ofmokong fhe -Ccoet sheen On Beqte 

le Freq 4 Chews tle joorocns: cuss Dk, Career vn sh: 
fot Kolding oie ekmenth cupog- ile. Leg ued. 
Sie Vn Covi ma Sle EComonsy. cv. picvente 
# Jurseng bey Fe oKaey deak othe prrcght ro) 
BA Jer runny whrek can 6eused Cb ne 

8 wo Coptect Ney OG 7F 

Coptedl —Mey Weg 79 a 

: 9 
Mele Polarzodcon/ | | 

- CUE farcpod CIEE Ele LLO-fPON of “ Ge at—-v-ren g ih 
| rfPeporwus pot, Oflor QA.Eousseny 
GCetobor 1A 1673 Chi aTehiloy 

AB Dik. deslrebeekerr 
COE. &end TNMere os wasred-vome place CuUhonr eb She. 
JN evfe rerhorgyr op hee pp Edo MN ce he pox on 
Her oller Tes OI ECU OV OF 6. 
Fe 6: 

 Jokokcurns oni ubvelances I~ Le poor ¢ REgGofure/ BLemenk 
detection Sot Cmmoniae and-am ace gpccnbele o6 Teogus'Chlar dt 
of fron on Fo & dhap 26 “a Tan alo Be nk 9 rluancmeler 
Poot clovena 20° en. onemenate. °° Koken-Tin cdenrolely 
ye fe 35° shoken’ more KO" more 48° doken wolenthy 2. 
need fe. gute Isso’ - Corben gm Els chock, Spree aie 
Clechocke [rloce® on Chhar®e of Colatum, on eLowing 
needle crore fe 10° dhoking “nmr adties ~ro def ference = 

OO : Ela chaoedes sooked- in CRoAL Le Olen Shen leprae R a 

cy SR as pee gee 
ee SONNE SCENT ty beat 

mo dha Jd; /o— precip ele She qu pau on Corben, hownrk - 
=o oO peporanttig clo om cLowena precctle qee fe sa" cae ee 
a ae : z we Imenete 20° GHhoken aaa you fo 62° = wou 
Te Gollan oncohtek SMe CALK cd wre ada an cack We me-Coood with Color O20 and -enmunsed-ur a Aone 
Foard arcthcts GrOMN of MighK es (es ofthe Kane mae Solution af “feunre des gee cherie and Miamonrte ORMlenIe 
oy fiero JSo-/hax Mould-cLevarp cx coet? nox wi ned goea te ly 
PRET Buren Butriibas én. . Korg - 

Ockobo /%, 1-76 

Ch One merrte goto F549 te a 

rome ae Prentes 20° Qmenute 21° UL ® nuenates need& qoes & 


oe A3° cohen. Cectherey well oho eu stlandy af 50° thou qred 
ek back an’ @ fe fu af xX6Z a Shokew Aqarcna qoea fe oD Ae 
om Sen Hebe brek to AT? = 

otk Rine” cind~Carhon Covcned—weth eavlor ocl on ow un, 

Bayeru ed 

eee F : 
Pech exp fee /$ FrSenaruy ElLEhioporn Cotten eg i. . a 

Prrcus celL and on tenor fFlucd  dhurte 
: An eeu- 
Clon bre. ben rusneng of VIO, Pm Crex pap h 

FT AM Cet 1S of Cas “epee 
sorted Ones wictey ay well ae a foot O4 coker. 

n AEbLe ” 
orkeneng of-de. Flicd MN Ae area 
few <Rathe needle wkreh 
lot x hog warts Logs. 

needle sland» of JO? in. énesnenute sland at ay 
OR cek wn Uwolenthy goed fe 4S, scapes 
Foe Olver QO; rvamevelutim-os above 
a Choma. 10" om (Odeemds. q ote So-eun Te 15° ore 

cg shoten vcotenthy qrea Ta, FOF gon, | tatty Pian anes 
ume cooteD-wetk-T oloam Fv. qadfe mame ee 
“ford of 20° oremenute goto f 6° dhaken vo tintty 
IS? fen Anojeo fs 6°. a Cas hea 
Gis coeteh unrth Coslern at when put on guncdudie 
whee _ TR Choroem neeSlegtendy 30° wm lo-Deoum dy. 
3° dheken—qorete 40% <i eed. eisai abreaiad Nessa za 
ore Coates rh Gin raber, ewe) 90° gees fo 


SMO Colk eLlou- Gef (6 Fam. : A euy. a 

P< Seemmde gute (208 Ge mentee IE 

ee oi £2) tana 

ee - 6: Kh hz 
ee) he gees 

Pa er shat 
eo Gar 

ae mene tet eee 

Uy th 
et i thai 

% $/ thet 
: € “ahtr 

or 'oa'g ORT 
te ses o8E Lael * 

tee Fog" Bee) S 

“EBE shat $07 ites as 

ep > 




ees “Pea Mee 
OF “OS SIE Te We y - 

“hop wig 

OST ee 


Mee, ae 
5 main 

"Zise “tt ree 


“pedi On, 

oh ae ? 

oped “£08 yao = OW 

Sh Jervever sala fo's apres 

Ip ne ns ‘os 

paiae E 

wee sr wer 

Sey wae” 

z y “thé” 

aaa ney 9 Sty ae Zen 

~. uo 
v7) Th ty er 2L7. Orr) 

a ie eee “LT Sik BE" KEE HE ze 

7 ioe “REF 3th 267 ELH sv0/ 

. : ay tx Pw we wey 
~ Sor cc. a #Li, “ont” ig ik oes a] Of oft 0G any 

"EOF. “a oe Loh BE ete 

aoe mate as mane T7 ae 9c 

Mee te ae 

ase 5th eds oN ayvo 

hfe % 
me Shes t , 

Lp ~ 
NS een 

jos 8 Sh mt Eth cepodor 0 


toe ee 

Heb st on meee se M1 9 beau ‘a 
2 Dw Hed 1 tos FU Fe CONOMT 

y opedor OH Sed Gi COG are oa 

as ee een 

EF 96k" PLE: ead 

MID o 

ey ech, Ot vata 

are sf ¢' 10 
’ a ne ina ge “oe Mes 

IQreyro Mw £ os 

Meee b& oF hwiro9 ysyar Zt of 

\ : 
a rn 



ons. Ly 
goe tha 


~) cloo } 

ordenany ree 

e oh Ow Shere ¢ 

Lit oda 

Sfe ekes 4s Go 
a] ned fe and 
Coiba buf nok 

S3 Oo GB 

fone bd LQun2 


on” yd Weenie th se 
On, on 
& Ma. ne Rpetae (pers ud) 
tad Pevna nent af 2 q 


. Phoced onwhe 

tA_Conne eked lo-the 

ok En. Snrce 



on cLouen. 
OTRors OE. om 

f o 
oLgamate A 
poukh Ad 2opants 
50° See kabls poge 
FQ fo e3 



TeX, Joo ep eae 


ulidede H& 

AA. Cr Cl eel 


13fa. ck OxrDe oo 

Oo epee C.¢ Lo 8s 

, of 19 

om. JO>-Veecondy 

0 alae! On Om 
Polar sodcon/— 


HMLows ¢e, 


On JOS econd-y Jo° 

ew Echna Cachar Lo 
Jalil om- ce, 

é q ae ae) 

iecsa rom 




O° ON Shorts a eeon dy 


PUM Aner thy 


Geo be /GH: 

nar Le 


cand” ar One, Corwen. 



| outer te Prom the 

ERE Corben 
EW Pou chen 

KO Cds, 

Closing ot g 

ACI econ 



(Sp4, | 
Ocho ben 19 1975 

bed en dhe Called on. 



C Crowd cucloy 

wa) Cound CASO 

En So fe 

He bex 17 16 75> 




cs Se) 7 

{ on-cleuin, 
| A? 
Ape/g Canb-on/ chs 
iA? ke 





Ce, , 
CEE. | 
a . 

On LOE Fe 
alan S&; 

CAH 200 

curl ag 

cd fy 

i) ag 

OMe Mocs 


ee a 
CAQWNO, tur 


sa A 
hod the 


heal ZL 
n 4420504 



- few 

(UE AH Ce teded 
Q Morn 


pope te 
Corr fecnorores 

cefeon a 
worl Low 



7 alent 
on OY Mezte 

al, or Lin 

, OF tse 

a oP 

Com Qn 


Lf” lu ok 
Wet cco. Ip 

KH Ooultiin by 20 

flat 02 ay 77s coalth witl fo 

he foruredt 
Con atitler 

/ Ma 

Ne pie: 
ape Gia 


ww the 
phot lie 

aa. Con CAG 

pat. Lay 
y ‘ 
« fibers 
G Tinie. He 


Peyre g-zyp 7 = : 
ees Sina ilcen aay ee Oe, eee Pe igur or ce | uit 

: Aw OW “4 hyencb lrwn cjod DysL  * apruqree SF “ ypbrrrye yop amb prem fod emovod Eee hap ~o FEY si 2 
2 a i : ; . : ei 5 OF Amina mew,  bonoy> i 

ZH mtb OG % pres WR emerodgrhremys ' oy aren Em BE eee ee ni dw» re lowe My 

- , | cae chee ee 

z "Dye PrP ob > eo ever braiwuys ho preys prwms)- Ped | Do woWwerr}rp OTP OH "Wore ‘ererod_2myeabrp PH an? 

oO : "PIM preyryrre fo hyyopowel uy 

Soke KS eigesa ee ee oh eee Sareea ar GR El 8. Sse tah ee te ce pet hh cb ais Eee Rl teh eg 

Evite Ae hein eae oat gt tea Daa ee SEG iy ee RE See ta, be deci nh dane -4 a 

Ie eee ne ae nee 

ee pa ua pene OE 
&& 109 Te TRS i OG Me aes foor £95 2272, ‘a : 

cS eo a re Sa ee ets “ i 5 
BE BIE OL ee oe eee 
monte ee porate UD soa nie fp or OH & EL 10S Gk OD0ON SEF 
: fe fee age, LOSER po BHT WMO 
ee ee Ae g Co ‘Sg EQ Dp jydeote G soou 
se ae coat 3S i’ Y mumeneaemeeten x we £70, S leneemeeneenenenet aaa ee eed ee ee eEeOeDe uDEenn nee Cur ereena ° — 
bP pet Rea gp ee ee ee “bE Lie | kotor OY. &e %B FOS &S IONOD 
eee eae vs ee Ea *f $9) : than 97 £ OH 91 10S =F ‘ONOD 
ss OF $8 SFG OE Fs" DEA ee ee Ee = scl iti a be a aa To) 
= ana et : ; é OF OEP Ry © i fies 
PEGA Ye #84 666 FE OE BT 9). RS ee a et ge Sagi oe re ee 20 
Berets, Uke vote ae ee 

Gre te alles chee bie i Ss. “ep! "MO 

‘eprodLor ' 

at ed. 

ee, OH. £yvod a! ®OS cpodoy €ONO 

Yo? ou TG TE 
| i ! Pe 

fos at 
. { i 

SO Wap yy torbasyopeg 

Yo Hive 
re sy 


of, od- 


om ba 


Cf tx. Ge: 


0 debt wee Y Lote 
he Citoa fuelling 
lal. of Xn, # Yaad tnin 
sn adecn a tees 

ee ea 


Wt abso Tetece cofefasr 

- a haegd 

(nef aA: 


\: wy Ge 

ace on MARTE Wi fa 
Mi hitd wring antl tomunun viel Saf 
to on Wx 

Jom 2 hase ceoteable pustltberie, 
Cup. preity Ap ae 

oy fel, Peg ge What Y we 

wd bao" cecal fe 

ag ye . As Onda tr, 

; 1 ae wna Lh Wor 
Ls. a 


Any soe of He 

wo fai ers ttn cb Pe 
jie Pond throu 
Q fuse jh, 
tb Hat we e 

= Als . 

Antlers. Coton - a 

ve wes Cel wt tat year hogy 
efinj Hhaggl 



Maye Gm O.- Be aus 
Lihat [3d haley 
farsa. Adare 

a | 
i“ LOG 
, | ay emeeiiore 
“fs ie 
= e 6.8 Cell . 
BS) 1 Ls lea tie er 


ES Y melt L Atees 

| Pee ee ees ee 

te Liter tn the Lendl ¥ thos i 
fae we tout) 
ee on “Mae 

Ateewan’ on 

COW? ae 

m lle, 

et a cheotigenion wilt be wohauuta bfl Lo eng 

Sd, Comes over ents We oudttote toladttin. ty wee 

kn <lPOW tse far vtedaie 14 Cobre, 2 ee DA 
Ag A i ais ipa G any, 

“fos Q. Ctisce 
Yes 19 Vey Bat Laitilety 

Vig CVU arg 

C Qhtapviin GO deen of crrelien (9) earthen 
O64 a a ferttar, Crud iin tad biats nating 

SS is wort He weigh att 6 a tly 
tnvwn puttayein ee cad 
es, ene of ttl hang 

Pott cat} alt hound, — ae ee 

tage Hemet 4G eC worn 2tfe 
ed Vente fa ype flare pA isa age ng 
call Latorlid. wu Whe YY ore foc pri | 

8 Mite soines Hi of ther the Weis “ | 

O (4 Ol A forth tl car deliv ndnet aber ilo 

HBL YF fe asrt20, lee He salle ips Hm 
EP ep ara 0 i Cz or ena 

Sia Beer 40 2 , L 

ace A da bly weteatiy) 

fas cain 7 tng og | 

Lips nag gr wipes concteleiin , | 

san ae well as Watts Leiiucat ft See | 

Sa a Qua Cea wt walle Sap SER 
OY. Pied fa phingy stn AE ae ale 

ee Moet (Ce) | Geely evtdhek, a= Cane 

Con tr, Cf, * 
rae: aleses 

A: he Lead til gee aoe 

Mlereitea.f gel aleve wade 

lett : 

a ; bey ca Viuw 7 4h JOKE Sowing her cud” 6 ae, 
a CHU eis ws Cay of He Clin Wha de got by tat 
- Culafion | 
Me ton Gy ea foer eared thar f for teed tart hen ware 

1a fasket om We “Ciiague it boron Cleans - of abt “ay 
vA capt 2 ahactinn. Leelee AE. Lez tinge Bur 
Jo te Ata frachfat b pefarale oa 

Shas print Whe Ge be. wtiful tn Rumeng Ortg LH ee 
ge: WAHL — 
Lin Aver wntz- Ay gun cofucs SAO, tl to hin 
L2eftoud at te On ee ee 
Conldan wan 

ontg Large hay or Cylinders x 
ution A PG Sali ae, shits Y Cofillany athe. 

— fgu + AE Sauna £Sk0Qq wt yf 

Wor. Ce oss Hee) 
CO 7y Kip 2s a Soqlepulty 
72 Lbuamnaghs- 

Jano Chan ea os 

fv 13 M1 G ved 
Jn cafsirom val on bal lescee Shu 2 we forth at 
PLS AM Cet 29% ” Atal ACO 
Maid ke, X cade W Peis "Mar 
Auctets co Hit do Quieine Cue 2a cuncervedt. 
= We wow 
ounce - 
f Badly Gate, Gee: Hg A 
leat hak of Mescaltiri te m 

io an lo ey 

Cl 20 ao “AM 

wohl ter Hey ate 
of pane wfc ck hao 
Waaler Comes 
had ort ee 7/2 0 5 ie Mag eg htey, aa 

lrcrukla Ree Ss wy et 
Mh Ca Sustwo ohehs cotacek Hern cealty Comrbeaen 
wll #& CR JSU3 os One de 

Ye Ca Mon deur ning BZ gate 
Pay fru as haags (een a 

Sane LarlIty. OFC ¥ feral te 

Lo Opt “~ % BA ytwercls Moun 

Ss the chachofeerer. fas = 2 
Ae flan a- 

Q Cathlm * Lune a 

 OAe luni Bad Comraehe XN. : 
ae ae na Lore uh ) 

ae latin. wae. 2 LY CAMBY 0 

17 : 
cue Enon WO clered plbasttr 
been 2e/ A hor Cid tat — 
pjtit-tae L694 0 had Lwagheeo 
tick Had Feat db aitioried 2 hae 

lige Ze iviis SO; H2.9 | 
he 03 ack by aefeturng 

ab be ith if blag aed far pans 
Cemen/~ wt wortle very well F we eon! 

Auctud im batlns LF - 
) Cee bay L paar by sf. re &> oo 
ef —20 

LAM. 1696 Qh’? /bal djl 
7 LADD § @ Ll CENT 
HN? 2g Lbuning 
Oy a Zine filale Btoelened Mighty er yee lo 

hee Los yodiowia LA, 
bey Met a | 
Ch. Related on —s od. 

Y G0S0, tleah guide Ltn 
She Cad S031 KF Kn 0 Soy > wetilve 
~-Lihecve Qua Ged wk P, 
Pali aloes net alter 
Onvwec with Ay Lue Aun | Aa int 
Ditty wild Peckir in ¥ Wa ub aes 
Sette witl Mn Soy * Ma Gl 
Oi wtt v5 fccht. ¥ Mj Lal 

Dit wil Gul. ¥ Na Sat 
Giles wort” NO Aestocte of Umm ¥ Ha Sb at got 
wilt Lunun bY Ma SL to good 
Kits pl fo. | oon 
Me tein he follouring tel a wt | 
CAA Re. zs 
(YUN Bt off Been’, wand , WE eames | 

4 "hen - of uncer 


Lave « La? ed 


a?) Cia . 

Soh, Sz 24, KL aoe 6, HO wey H touated 
; ee x Ct. Lily umn ce 

tt Hath A 

ne alin wen 
ita og quaililics of ae 

. lone water 
at SLE ADE SP es 

OWL. a 
Ba oy Ae oe se Ly 

7 ituuck weliy a vo Kb found 
Pore, caddie Me Ww erie 
Cleo tn Bilditem, Atline, Kouter On, Get os 
Wa baw ¥ ¥a b pent e 
Ltn 1 Oa ansan GO bb. Low ty eee Lous 

Ja if Yaray fram a peseonr bait nit whe a FF 
MW. .. Lereced J ihe of bude 4 Lite > aio oie bul . 
} Go Yat | e 

Oe aed oe 8 
S Wa bnted Lm Viwhusl ww KO ¥ Peo s 
Wald a0 Mal, 6 was ie ek te ttedanu manne % 
Higa ane were iglill under © 
Me ee) fais Ah bat J fesceeded : 

ie ¥ Berhol ltt told weloea/- 

sues chin i 

Sea cer ohonk 1m esa Saude SIS 
COCA Wate ne PRE oh es Rien tcial 

ita eh Cat tecsoluble tn ter cobertiel 

hulfye ol aA Jf y) Cetaplie ap Ke Ghia 
io boo 1, Ce K* CAada et RUE - 
Sey Lo waco wtf wilh acid tout in whe : 

ep Hae 3 iw : ee | 

| Aves Came — 
26 DPesew Lor 
Dr purrmend; ate Ain, ¥ 
SD ; tn. Se Sasi bothe cl 
“fall frufele eto" ie Fe £03 . 
told Whetfade canbelate Lee tlt Oh bic! tad a 
fie Goto not toy, C tn Chur f cm Huy) 

Loto t a Ucoler Leu 
1 Gyo ty o & G, “ hte? (eal that dey 
ar es Oldie 

tweo A Maule - 
tn A tofiyl 

Cit of Ioty aban. Keotegl wie ada on 

It of Scru GL etal wad 9 

Lb of Ae fie ei ip aL pn to 

apps Y-LVve. args od 
is ei *Cilertot good fat 

Loa ee 

CL arto 
| a 7 Pewee good perl | 
Jit hlme y Wlerecuy ¥ibbotecl dk : | 
wWAt AW Ce hae Gefad ts | 4 
| a’ StI hela 

Ve Aedanne, 7 Hy 


Copred “Meg “66R0_ 

. 23 
Zz 4 Stibbo 5 Slee wut, C +o Sietheo steel loutes. a 
A tn watnau Zohen woe ttt, 2 Cello o, Carbon. bale 
~ ity , Moofan inek gots el 
“we Ler fe cr Uy Lethe on lp, 
bar 6 wbvaleh Cn an Ate ott 76, Cyn gua ti 
Q adh AM” Orclent aK GPLLOK'S 0 eee th, COVALEE 
Neath, ad bhatt’ #F SLay tr Cle OA wnteattate Cw i 
Be atHhi Ase Ye SE OF CLE oe eeteritile, C/N etteds | 
G Via Gn tneh. E Course Klas. Cocktene Lertete ae | 
tol Wegiiuoe - Ca. Staretlerr ae (PONY HK He : { 
POLE fee Ger ly “nies Male d tit Cuvetted™” . 
ofuatec Le A bk tac fe2s ‘one tthe. Vers otcTeiwt 
Liat te. eer /- Artcweread fervor OV Ey Y tebeatec 
ale’ 32 * we COLUM LEO OV Se F. Vk eis | 
ky betwee bal Clie CouSEE Lv tatter to ts tor | 


sis Yer 2 Ber he 

a reesei 

. Bo Ane Aas a ye “HE OA QMO Lhbvahll yy 
Magner ¥ brag balery wath cual thn Uetitele cf 
. egaty , Shee COU Ue. Lil cotthte eC ae CfHleve ele 7 wer 

a l3ASCHibIY vo tow HatGey Pte efucng eve ly, 
Mtetiney SK 4 OUf” Ate: bitter Lod hidud~ OFC Meity We 8 a BIS AM me 
Cnliitidly 4X he CEU “COomnclAc cue Ceres) Ce) : Stev. rb SENS, hae SIGE bay | 

ee? O Bae tT 
C 27) Letote let: efarter OM LN SICH EP ted 

| AALUWH tee let fllex Ais, ce aud Ke tprw the halle 7, 
Libehy pr Re Cot etus— tit tk Lottlel othivies, 4 
COU he Ny be  Mbiaowwn VY 4” be Lhe, lt iHeete 
—ffuage | We Me Talo ftir,“ teol ree Ke 
ag Caiileneut i AOL y Ye Cob Clow, to x uae a ale 
ru Sho Lat, fe 
lide bk tall aleorgy Ye eo Con entdir’ Cif fe 
b AU gee, tl (Oflige Yea LEC. Pre 

a tte Crest, wo RIS Lo <‘_ A 
fp lca Otecrnber gf apreS oo 

Vance in wna“ i de bS fy niles t We ttede ee Q doaratis, A 6 @ plating wechitle.. 
; YY 

xy Z oe Qxlintd # aQ tebyating CH ip Ye abraten y egechany 
eae ee CIE Bia tue Leohode L 

: Le. | by mo fant tf b : 
| eee, joa, AY Leg of hese tm ths rr pa Dh Soke jeu 

M GH Sound Cotgrec, 24 tp ey = ee 
aa pies Y we wanl tb find a # 

wee Cljae. he Lounder C ee eae we Yy E 
Si ¢ the wdbraling cot 
o posible stg ice ea liad 

Sh ed cnt die SOW Aceon 

24 ; 
.  Sabbhines” Jodi 7 Ges Loveile o Cd ken Cnameonic wee : 
| ——e (Clty) Lette ayer a FE: 
a a Clarid Clintnoa & Ipouizogani GF iu Vriviuni,, e 

eae wey Y Guu Me. E 

bw ive Lys Mias 190704 LY 


(20) Culimalec C le, LAOALY i 
We oe Ub Be. Hl tea Ob Ctesous Vii eet f 
noth an tad DLA Ce eyes VA0tHAOPS (te ue Cnc 

Ke. wort afilen clay ese Tol: Andwer welt ct for 
2 YBuacttiuplere., 
BIS pero Chia’ at theloy 
ye QUE Ser 

Gus wor les Low , She Sounder | 
ie dM Pgh a Vip es pe 
ohn. ae + 
~“ Wei ttt ht eh tie 3 
m4 cally C Yer an tuslant | 
7 phen x often heefes ae: 
oe Biter agli esfecry id Ap eet 

ey YY . 
| Hi’ hoes 

A Cid ANanverv 

Galt ce 

: * ! \e +} 

W 12  Leeoniluw ballity, ; 
Ae ies Wii de aX i e 

7 Veg | a a cg 
pie Sepa Ba Seas aot toon cee 
ges eee a bver + sialic 

Cras deuncler Pre a He Ee ca : 

| as ifs 
lous oes ys clot. ea 

£/ We. 

IS uadupe Felagefili), 
= : She weght eat x ae 
L orl “well bul | Wi 

ftheud He feavfe a 

Me oun re Hn Me 

! ee Viti bucliing o; py secu) hensfes ia, 
| ie ee uth. Ye isgia Mele tH Ae 

Cece4 aa 
or ies Ais Ohi ctl ibtley 
(86/ ee 

Wilh w wid. ities 

je TA ies 

ture thanps mH tw © 
“ ny Dore Aur a 
tat 7 

bu DY 

re often Y Mo 
ay. Jule fOr ley, 

. Way ae = " 
id *. 

ae Stew Force, | on 
Curries freceet> wae bsebite. 
Wes seas Hgay webvatir dfown yn Fs / (40738) > : 

3 torr flaced tattwlatin wande, ¥ a ink vara pidetea 
AK “Wie. Sh) wed Cane. nwo, 

ae — covet Ze 

ee pi iA arto Coli fe. 

dnd thaw 

(F) CC Hew Fore FOr ee. e 
= x purlunimentiseg uth a vtbpaby mugner conitts| - 
uate m4 MT MeO OT ae end v Mie -——~ 
L viride Hy ttn of uw 7, . WoNtCn es 

= Cminy, jem He. rel ie Hh magnets. He.wb have: 
 pbitt blo. wn whe Cy , Week 5 fe Mei 

Mae ee 
ae bs 

Hn Lin tthe foil x able 
Chichi neon We yr a ftatt 
Lead " Be ae 

yA "  - “BEY Gove 
Cherboou . moe es 
Coffey we a oA att 

a Mgaganes ae ) bet Gol be (hawke 
Mea 4A av Pe 
ee We "God a a COA? 
Jin Lot as a Yathp 
Lnhlladtun G07 & Hae 

Ok eatiin te Gol a Acutt Orithe 
Lvtiun ut att a rue 7 
A tlbuiricenr ie 

: aelig, fetell Yak ef 
¢. Soy on. Le to 2featt a 4 7 
ELLE Le 207 A: ante, 

fue we Got Q “parte 

Llane Le ‘od a 

ce “oe a Aaah? 
| ie ; ea Q Bes 
Lo ahace Ge 2 cfeaate 






ALT ee: 

* Gwre Q Chane 

(os ONéeae aot Li eutt deny, LtOe 

aes Harte Ale bh “ting. F 

tafe 200? Atle lia 
oe me we “Gad a of Virllliles 

Meru bee es Aftab ' Q eee cae 

 Ballccre le por oe ee — = 

‘“ hag , laure wag gpl! gute 4 

(he flong oe Ae ss 

Ney “EGIE- 

ee titted. all Me tla ae cach a gg epee oy 31 

wf Awe Acemnd lati ace Sr ae ends of. 
cohfle unit. , en a krete of tron ȴ% Bw Qa candeney _ 
tant igre ie "AE “flow 

ee 1 hi Table 

Onetiter if 7 

AF oe Weal, a 
wot Ce non well wnitlaliAa frm =z 
: Ln Cheo Ont A'S C220 

ue Ae ZL. tw a i po 4 i 
eee Le oD AH Ce litt" Bo KE Cte loere 
"3 \ Gon. 29 har ality, : 
eis ay Erne ee 
ntl 40 Cu Cleoal ee, 
_ When a (ible Cae ¥ Saka a bres 

LG. vee 
a Sable teva CMe of tek ee 
_  Wtbralor ago Child ; Lop 

oye, Ga Low, ; ae 

dt ut e mls line frow.'9 & a bil thei 


ie a Aftan ole wotten the wibeiilin 1g Waghel 

by Jew Fore. SGU, ee 
C lied tun gee ree. Ce, ch. tele hed. 
omer: ton Mey 4 Vlew CPA 
4 Mew Ya Bi tach Hewtif? , eo tmmneclic, y 
ph fs Sum im frevousl arlirles 6 Ye. bh 
Y Lina V objid apes Cur Phe ond 
| ifiunt will a perce, io ay sa Tye 
NOUA se Hive pret Coin bef ZZ) 
— gutted sae lipagih tutta, We Blin 
 prounided A 1 Was the Cebp adi to (unr 
Ce fel ¥ dyile has ae eatlt, bftowur 
Hi Car ree Oey de hin rey or LULCP fe a4, 

Mianlens cok I tfeced | 
ee, late: the, baad obtotty | 
aM al 8 Utd betintern Cbbor| 

/, Ville a Weds soe ya (fel bing we | 
fucthead wit a fulice ob WEY Ce AOT | 

" tipe, worth a fitect feceer of ballly Canton ecured | 

Bone eae “ve ee Cok eanwtte eects hd 

At they puc twere thd cw. ME, 

and oe th Aandsir the Sy aaa 

Gi polvanoneley , Chen CLA Lo He AOD G 

; a 

fiers A oy 
pias = piel Vig ses, aig se 

“foelt wn Yat. lew WA iss Cad Ole chet 
He 9a Ape Aiptliny, Uy if : a cole, whted Ob Kae pe aS beiy feel” 
he Auch’) ie pee ee Anouk walér ime Bo an LS ay, LAL  Ghies p olla wor 

bint tim ti. Comme “& Nbyutuy Xr ye “ifeie ta Kb y tL bf tr. | 
Me his 4 Yd pujfie TZ4 gol ie Pages acl, : CL Of taal All", le Lhe twee thawed : 
Uti. Lblulitn W hooks ; d 


aN 4 a te eolateen Dito Y Win a cae ee i a spat a box prude Hire: 4 
i aes udder Hiltie Led with Zw lel f, © 5 DULA be 
; ae er CL . 

Cita Cd, Wire wit fein dam ? o wide tn 
baca a hs 

i | -— Yoatid Ln mG hee Tyed jg : 
| i es pore fee ‘Gi, finde LOPE q 
i ee Y woe forum ED 

“fy si Loent Se Pees CEC hot . a4 

Se Se eee Cy. we Han x4 he 
te AL YAd a bl tisk a tH. 
- ‘Srued. Fig 2 ded Ha 

ae oe Ore | 

We. We wow jouud ad when we a ge tee 
cael 1 ¥'A maga ofucatia by a tiy 
Lona ial aaa 

inn wen tard tm 

Y He Loe al - 
—Tathel Scanned Phe bag Me 
ere ie ee ae ee LA teins bine. 
lee saa he: Air) LVYo tuect clay th dlals Cf X 
wy Metulf } — 
“ais al x Cty pood. 
Gold al’ x vied 
Vhs at-X 

ee aaa ase aE St, U7 bo al X a 

eg x WE/ 00K. 

Carbrn aX genes God 
A arx Yeu, Gad 


ue be eke ie 

yy. GE ce Of Gral af x 
. _—— al xX 

Lot fp Ln ¥ 
Nees ge J, ti BS 
ay ills Con. ste pent ¥ Placed Q fete. : 

— A BP. een. CAM Bu LL, anne co vn oe 
Nene FBS wn : 

LN QA ig Hey 


tbvater ¥ ea oo @ 

a ioe fo beily Meta ned 

age ohne belly UF Sarge: Vained we 

wine puesaeng k- the Poe ctyias 

inate wae Ad ates Ke bile | 
faba Cite h | 

a ie es Jeettit Cin C2 Hiebls ie | 
Q 200 thee wa ane” Cornet a ; 

> bd tril id gee! a. 

or eove ome geri a 
SY a Betta A boluon the, Lugob ate tie 
iy, DLO PU gular the Leip Co 
ce i Hes Olin 
bus Lot ” poh J? Ct lls 
ae 6 Mayne val tees ee 2 jheens 

Wie eth b/ a ee 
Hie 24 bY A 

~ Me CLO 


G2/ Mi Woree,© 
STAM Cay lecerianfo Cie Ae foclowvin g Ptl antl 


7 a 4 cbf P p glad wd b 

0n seas wpe : 
aC Bar ke qo im 2 ee. - 
fat Awa 200 rons es aunt 2a yeh. ‘. 

per wae need a F 

ne oe po aye wh the | 

. Core. ve eon 

pete: Pm 

sthan gyn ole 


1 . : 

| sili | 9 4 
ol cherecliy seasp ve y ae 
eee Ge seat as te hog iy cin 

ie ny aha teil ? 

| fie on aft of Mim 

oe oe of Cadimuitimn ar xX 

~ x the Lert Vere 


f “a Rien Spe ge “fl Afe at OAL. 
. With tn Uh 

ad turdévyou 

ee epee igh a a! tudbbev 
ili m eG tip ame Pha wae beud too 

¥ we a ehadtt CA tttloy- 

me Oloung X YX watlu ae . 
y, Coulil ato Hak | 
f cohen fired ao uy, 

Corea lon Pand= WEE tent a 
Oe im tig f + He CO tin wmf 

SF Me aagael eahuoien hs 
ve Could gel yuan ax lines jee 
Ke Med Cures bs ee 

a + bua CAadpnnrum a7 > 
ae bi tht izns- ih sear pee Py ean 


pe tlie juny Caltyussuecley : 

hie We. of 

3000 ots aeons CL, 

wey Dh et 
Co er he ste ci 

ci iH L 
Lt dele 

do feef: Le a eacey 6 

WHAM lik, | 

; fn Hom hk the 
lu. Come twt Gel Yas, | 

lug Lu bna sp hae : 
she ie 

| ice too Cad [ewe 

ane bash 

(We wife te Catlmtum om beal enwuur ae i} 
IE cok ty Mell “t 
Viitdaw:s {Ya p EbchielMa uri Had 
oe Hundle, Coueetiit Cgcbiay ¥Q wie lHin| : 
eu Ole VY GOT & pete 4, 2M tt : 
lige Q 0 wn Pie Gyue folauk — a 
ye Ma gael ¥ tha CA0pt tithe Lic tne - 
Hat we bif2: fp yar 
oe Cots © Uf Hae tote anaes paces | 
Line bo shewte bala treble, 

sh A Got as ae fr i 

00 Wtactpttil 
ju uraeakiove oF wt ft ye a 
We fied ke! baw Cinodles Diese 
that’ wilt te woe ntl Shan below } 
L 4 boiite™ Wwe ford ae on // 
YA fled pppoe. jell 
fl _ Att ‘ote, FE) 
a, - Lbytu price leas we oe : 
Lode Coad peore br tlliint ye ee poe tel 
be Good tf Auld [eet oe be ig 
We pow seus lin fore fate t ate 
botuh Phie r14 
_ MYfehunel amas a Gi slash 1b 
oS 7 Sang alalintinr Pe 
hae Coca Yat 
TEE Gn iuite thd eche 
poner ene fits tu a Uw 

ee Log oh 4 Cth C2 
jae Qj COmunon 


pie a ie he 


88 1 seals f Y ie cavefnpvenenl +t aes Lends 
wakes typ er aan. 
Memeo nn a cand byeahi ' fluc, — 

one Conrrd> ttt eS ie es 

W eeliiy QAUaAea jeoes- 
: J Fae MUN OK Ht Zz ies 
el tfe 

TA me es aaa is 

: Ney . af Ain 4 in gs ded iti. p CHACON obit : ee 
Pp Mh bead g Purse ¢ lof ; he 
A UZ) free 
@ Vel iek th boute 
ya Mii hie: or on a ju H paper 
is ee cee Viv 
an ies oa, sto belley Phan 
“9 a wis AS in ceed 
on Loe 

ae ae 

a fra fur, Ha 

lis “At erdetan re 

Yar te 

a Leng ban 

| : Ber 


Cortne Sik ZL. 

39 ie 
aeberaseachy, WAHL Ho poh at sal 

a Yb: Ha Pi as@tetloy 

COCO}UILEE Llegrapehe: 2. eet 
Yio Cl cented ict, | 
a We “y 

De fad Lito Puw LUMLUG 

We tied AYB ail bt/ } 

Migil seew X Japon Hh ee ae - 
ate Linn fernsdd he Soul? be ; 
ve ncw bak ed herve. Mita, - 7152 fable 
Gites Hl Cel A Sone hb WUVAT. 
‘t 5 Geatonneblia Magne of B bel yt | y 
Contte (el VON ME La CULM Leth ) 
Tl v GMagHil A. SdY Listing tl We. | 
Lombtime 707 A, corr bin len C2. but\| 
Mol ayer. HY Hou Beene’ , Mid thi Jal GEN 
HA pees a cae Libviclttn , Hi Yo a Spee 
i (regia Loe , x Me wotict: | bed F 
Hui." hanfe berewed Lite Hg ie Liye 
fy Ae Ve of Qnagael” alt 
prlytlitn. ¥ Pace’ Ho 4h 
gi hela 0b pls Ye g Sage. i 
urvaiee abel” Yea OLE 
Tide gehere ye oheole ia ane 
wm mae. jd des in ih Siprom 
Le é XY pte © maa ede te 
f Chul Gr 

: ze lrge  tiben & 

a Ute eles furtable PROS Qo Va Itorewett, 

OME foang, 12 “Wuadtle oo te thher sferutd) bo, 

pele ¢ guclly 4 kk 1m Meofler Rttlle 6 we 
CM Mag Wagneytls Atte ore folk GH CALA. 

hae yhoo alt | 
i 44 va bs Ont? /salilil 

>. (04) Efiuric. Yaree 
fo JO ound Ai acldifion biltiry, h Me Siible 
Sie. Wbriutiv Guule Lit Chhieseel W/ Volume 
Bite, , Syonil flinsoio eoulel hin Loatt 
rom Hit G Glee fife a/ me lack Hiatt’ btnly 
Liuak vh volume yonteoney th Ye LuntP 
awn by a Pie [erst ¢ thle cere 
Chieu So ‘obi Held tt ohre Aint, Ate 
ies 0 tht Aiand on arnolhey bite. rh 
Gio i blu loll Mileunll/ LAM CL Leste 
Le a 20) buns "9 Y ta callin cable CHB, nbesttisif- 
ar bit’ Hug Le Ye, vache CHa Oo 2 Veo 
Qlis feat al de hey endl ox Yotue 

“Lotie Mecwrn iy Lhe CP lLad ieee Ov Fhe flelia 
el Lom Pita “Wa? voll 

LAGU. Mindins 
he es ie De te 
barns tr Pirtkd ha when te 
° He Mit Ce Cobuued the futle 
AL Ute Lethiec/i WE white tn 

N ohioh showed britlians’ 

Myelin’ IbitB é 

3 re Fier + bul oF line, 
Ta ane f7 a Ake he fee 
fullase, h He 


fee toad BA be tite, te tem T 
Alive ¥ othety nelobtie . ea { 
lita © 

Cglom gow Aree ted His pif, V wrth Hee 

v fink Agtlisg a pice. of welt fe Bap 
at be, CLM La dd gag | | 
hylan o Mal Ae 2 fOr ee patata tight 

Leong other ., buelttece ; 

LU C dng Ae COMM LLM OA tit tliv Uitele win a 
UM, Hof? tn Core no teaull 

ty whorls wee (estou GUl Of G4 SAUMteY PAG 

ble thie wa bhiiuse # be thiluattile cetvotyeHn oy a 
Witte ¥ Ct Ahicite CH etul Va Be bs nidepietue , 
Wee Lge fl” GUT witht Cbd 7 
Nl 804 499 hae /4lbhelo | 

ws) CShevte Forte, iz 

4 Finthen Col eptrt tent /o tothe hited & cu ilecwoue ee 
h Hiner thal « MAC ue. “yy: Ce fiene k aa CVI ik Ye “7 Ce 
Cir latin. Mo tee OW Liitlinu 

Inthe wm Cherolivi SEAM CCK Lt! tll, yA Me ih. : 
udu efton A oe Y giade vite Altus”. Mal tl’ 43 
Wie tudueftow , Fron x wk D ells He COthih Gof 
i esc 6 8 jo ead (bb lascet al woe “od z 

: ol baller b GEG Yall fe >: 

Fe" bitbu 
~ ftir Cait fer y- cy, ey 2, pte tf 


aed Ioliing He And wir “Noh He pulede OM hh. 
Cork ¢ 

, fant convusilitli Cif wean Zt 
ito wie aot heing barre Phan thitu lth. te He. 
Ia Could be ~ % Uti pen Ong, a Be ie 

Vigan He tulshe, Cevirs i be Col 

ae el fects f phi Mbit Hae & A eI i 
4) eG 

VO Go toute 

Me sedating } 

asd ya 

7 fel geste AVE pier 
| 7 ae Ht tH Qn faek . hye Wath Ve 
| 4 til itte: Sie ferduchion J Ghuce 
Ente ite Wick, futtludl vndu len, 
Hewtoe Ge Ve A MAGAaML hung a 
Kj sb hiwk Cf Vlg a ee LUG MMA bold ¢onnh 
— Lad tow Ab frotto 4 agnel- QL PPM bt Ltt 
bur watlu chon hn Glte 2 MinK}” ¥ Cou ug) 
CL Se. lUulkf te Bott (Cd C0 ch gee 
ess jvm X vs Leth eal a ae Aen 
rss is Mendis Ht Cte tye 
lagey He Ge fea S ape tint” 
lminat tad cde witk o 

a pia, MC — ais Cleo 

‘plik 72 eH 

lible. ¥ powlimiedl J wel , ne Gu Ys (Oba, 
Yuu, & Chloe an UML b, We hogs thou bf 
bth. Wrutnale tr tad! of Leena x Ae 
Q Naik . 40 ton i 
ee AYO bhyrunuls tf fie 
ae fae Ly Geliwy Vb” 

ce fateh he gong. a to Llee - 
d tml pias OF Guth! Uesirn 
LAD (yj 

> pen ee 

be. shat ltale Ve 

Me ep pa Lo Boo - 
atk YUH 

buch eae 
Dike Lite frie7 

b -Ginal 

wei hioeal tro ct hyuld | 

thichie Cn eeur Ae 

Me Gita DQM LM SG tu ht 

sil ion wwe Peo iter eS, 

| late pass ee 

ay) Wik 

Go etsy 4 Hhesacfe 
ise Moabes pee 

ile pi 
Ve. Llt0 phen ponies Lie hips ey 

itt A bhion 4 A Attnitn all bn At ti. 
EM Ot ee tle. LC Geaw Nett: Pali 
Ae Connection tn Hre, db ao hy baer ra | 

Wag (tte tata bu ae) b state V toe 
tel ole oie ec on Lhe bbite cues 
Aan L300 Oftttt0 Chala litie Ce tir tf OY Hy 5 250 

a binwen ele. 1 o hire ushiud Yor 
Mate Y Cin Hou COVE ¥ tl to Cltrwed Lie 
ja (Guelias Lee As lets thine fore Key 

pss cee tire feast Oud he. Leon eo ae 

yy Lutpiry “a (he Wate we gam houejfpver 
C4 LL Corry e/ ble Jee: ‘i SOLE Le (MAG - 

Nehom COL OCLC oA Gualeel Lhe, be 

Le bred Lhe C2, Bf2br Ledtere ple, ¥ 
on Ah Lheols 26 446 ce ae buitle re 
a t Lhe ferlra Lu He aferres x 
wa wt boulil Ger-Hi Yravtr when Ma. 
Se ae Y dite CLL Chit OL, 
CC btow At CY liv © Clea Lae Oth 
had Ga he ¥ tu ered HK, ema a 

: fa 20 telly ¥ Connellic X (200 Gilt, BF Fy LA 3 

Goes Hurley Oiletin fling Lo FL. 
abope He Vote ae a ew 
Gi Bay t fee Ae lute VE 
ll. 2 tub ROH? La “wie ie, Mises 
me Tt ee Y aloo oe gps here 

Mand we “dus a ee = 
202 ern Ce ante Big. = 


| i | LislLin A hWihiny 


L he Jeiehis Awe oa pap geal 

Wl — grouse p tiy 

WW 3444 & Bifae faa Wt Q xit1 

i tu uaciinee Uufe k Sp 

diilthing te Bee fir 
ibe 0 


000 oo se os 
title, We hutch fio 
et pains Cou 

I | py / tbe tn enim 

iihiey ges oa LY Hes Me! eibndtby 
ie He Vi Mtdrghlorned oul ode 
zh ays Kk fttao Cheirt e 

| Sve oe Cf; He 
7 Matiy 7: UH Litto of 
oe A as lode Stuchies Lota On niehin 
oa gs Wave we tlh feo the 
LV Gunovemmenl Could be Clee Lhe exes 
: Allin frente tater could be oblhened 
He hen OG Wee tn Cteuu on Sho ae 
ahaa. Wate 

oe) Lt oe 

hae $9, Wf t 
Mae a AYT 

Ye tottite gu Shs 

- 7 

* ef HUT 

| Lee ge 

“éeocl Lee On Cin Loewe 

| om Ati. ht. 

2 eA 

Wie Lp ie 

: ksi 

Be IY thys a : 

‘Gh ees | 

Ay terie FOr Ce. 

led petal Ctl Ht lo Of sea ~ 
db Caden Lic F 

a har ~ 60a Ctyalile oy a4 
_ ms ~] es bit/ tot Oo. ee on 

Titel O2f/tertsment; weld ek bo 
4 tite psp b otliwn ie span ¥ 5 a 
WEL Athen o LL, toh al 2 

© vel “Hee Yuan 

” CEV EL ; 
lemesteed FEY 
Ne bid ast OSE Mees Cpe | 

Wish) Sully Ne Z wh Het Con CLEA ie : 
ote. be Cok was Cen clea ; 
Loins > coery Hhing Lock tits tty - +} 
wu fund OS PB LY fecha x Oat 
hw Ylate bel m lacieng Re. Vs 

Ctl a Kaple ¥ A leud Sethe F 
= ¥ CMM LY } ofa thea oo 
ee ae pou B fur he 

fap lg ay A tt et; ‘pul Phe hand) 
rine tocol uw D0 mle 

Gio ae Litt Ofbi 

vs ge 

Sapir nai: 
Me chez mm Be’ 

th A fe 

. UW aa #00. S00U:) we 
bhile COMAUA EM Ga pa 
1 Ut ul He Aten \~ 
has y Zep fh thet, atucetig) ee 

Hud Hes C hoa Plies (ode © 4) 
Agee g 5 cerek wr Hoe 
—= Ges Lotll Wines .\— 


Be A, hana por GP Herat by fale Bani, aa 
ie Iie nla an wth Lng Xp i ie 10 Sf ry | Blea an y Leen, sea 
(ae ee) ses Se | gee Meena 
Hie Wea ia iaiiee of lipetea wet i : 
: 4b bag 
Gi Ate zs 

gilvansd e67ec e Pog | 

Ce @ MOM? ae E = = 
| “Cut sh ects % Lilicate of aba Co Quinl? Ve as yeoltA wise 
Oralate ponies he z - Lt io jt by LM fein Beh gl ty 
Wate by Uf a0f | - wy tbe : S ehastr AY uusleo Ye dente . 
| ss Cab ah ohie ded + Lticale of Lada Bhim, Lek tf inheal Luiays Y Onli Cun -— ies 
Pe We oniet Vrl acu c Le Gelirns is Be Lyf Yerrbu Chive Ctr, 
| dale of yes ie Teg Eat Sti Paighl be iu x VE OF beften wh 
Ki Viluvicle o¢ oe el 4 rn Ltduehiu Cipro Vises Me bge ig . 
4, oe Soca. &- CUauds Wwhtlkh wet. wel tun bohe Cte | 
4 Me uyta Yiu Le bay Ger aga whe \ 
ait “We. Ure CUte lil Lttwu Le fe OL y 

fle ron Cts. Linh a tu a Ad faa Ay 
| 2am as Pes (i Ble ae 

- oo 
aed ie 

: a 


“A fianadl by yf O Wil tetihied bellianey, AG Cthnie Papen Yoree. ie | 
bien De HE iw Visi 10 lls Pemacne * ean a Sabor too | 
X wo a Wie wn hho ytucling tag | os br eliz oF, KUUundAte, tunplata beth “ber Ube ae oe 

el, Miblh wu Lala aliry is 4 on Glade bettleo tx thir be 

tov Y, a i! 
aululed ae dee beste : —whrm eo ara ve She a 7 i ceeca 
mocn Zi VA Ae Y of Mee. Ua GY as \ a -Ly Lin form Me higiag beter Ce fee es 
aMtibfith Lo small Lettie | ended! tin « Able Sires Tb fn (Ailes, &¢) ee < 
platen cobs LOU fo Pegs 4 ‘A longa abou! 2 he feet Wwe whtowed & Lynd | i 
Thus Wye wis fabiien, rlip TG a ulate Ll of es ¥ triliand « WH aiher We, f 
pe LH Hee Led Yel g Leen bit. EL ea y) a hy : whavned’. thee. flercna Prasiung A p> Y snp! 7 
Pre Gully i We Chie LL * C4 OM" % Mit é LF 3 CHG elogn lrofés or Lath lidbu S2 tnt efted IG GLE 
ie bai hihi , ult Hu hhie S ¢aesi’ tiv > Itoe et Of Mitty bute gra Hey QMS LA Cit aie 
ahs Me Ate Wow y Left “Bid fhe Uome agooe Mt, love, , whan anuther Levon bt ef “Le dgpinde’ Me. 
Mi ¥ ( Conscelicl Mite wip Zé: Cibo 

with Cn Aeer. 0 oy Ua Lhe Beer. Seas 
has bo He thi pe kena tu Conliee/- tit cu lar | Site Lame reeecly”, bt! Le led web?! - 
He ¢ tefife LL Gl He Yall Gh Labs, Hice bibabls Ae ItaslP wae weafened 4 Q Rows |. 
ane, Wits bdo loud He pie far Lit He lee £ wei if lite Leffle euch” & 200 botbecalls” ache : : 
Me dr “ovnt sete CnMutA pony he Lt | he ‘gute teed EY . ioe 
: 2bfe He UWL lies cro ye filer vals J “The galvanbeepie or ~o FLITE corlaashias, 
; veh wfiovianenct war bid Hus bt. Lore. is pe F loth, $2 Cede Hbpet: Kk Leos Je OMEN Metal ali v7, 
A ce “k line, ae feo! Vente wentiens toate Mtl! lle fe PAM LEC Cid L401 Ctr. Cnet ” utien Pht Wilts 

Lom Me 
Ame A, wousd. Leaps: 4 deere ogee wbvaloy Vice Pipe wee Councoled ag h/ Conte - 
of Si til fit lev a — Ligup wel art Cea dimilinia ws “hiaiuw ¥ 
OA p iva ae 

BlocK 4 

MECHANGC op Mary us 


” Geel fete: coup . ja (Uta Moe : g ae Ch Aehp Wit fe YELENA OL. 
: AA Kk wveulalern 
4 " hegnale a Me de Cy = nhs Viksan LAL hg PZZ 
he fo ie x oy. wevlng wee : ee BY Sderd My fas lie fiieecur or 
AY, Bs ht iiier Luling hone Cutends f | Pie ton fhe Wars Ahe hg ee as Malt x 
AtMans house 4 4. be Wt C : 

vi libel Od i Aired oh both ghening « “telesing ht Cnteul # bal. 
dittnalandding Mal ul thelr ‘uae hee vectling Wo Heo we iaeardceted He ie seluten He fbog 
Mtir2 abo 4 Cdtnro A Sa Win 

WAL Can Ba alti need pulled § (2 Cub ading « a aad a 
|| ee tou Ce Hub aie y geet ae Aafle 4 ui ae Sac ae laseos Yo ellos | 
J : fim CUIwanliue. | We Litt wae wu Ledley wu | t 

Yi tice 1 4 bn Y found 4 be tad: ies / oas Phew 
tm Ye lids 22 | pou 4 Hh, prnees of Hf 704 fut ee Prospeentall | 

flee 2 | ae Nines He! tay, spl fda atlezle| 
en ry = a tips Se age ed ces «bakin 


i Bie AMON Aye te PLM, ve whe Ch TH bee ke 2 

W240 Mbvahou ‘hor second), / cata 
Lenetin Atwes BV he hy ox ier Ge Cie a 

ba Mery ae 4 Astin a. “D, landing Te Poms G26 4 bark D Aatlaadter 

fibvaligne ML, Lema A He bate Fy He: “Lonely He we 

Be. b 

ig Libyullona’ WEY Jil woe Baad Hi Woo CoMhAel” gues We Ceroved Hi. hin: ee oe GA elf a ec 

Hl ew bance, ¥ Ge, Ae Iutly 10 Amebehal lifer tnt — 7h eae fb igi Ay Lae cay, 
VOM Ger feel Mains forte Cla oy te EK Hal tf vy tyr > be oe a LOW ania ae Mat 
“ fnotehé, humanity? JAN VIAL ling tl deat trlbritions - fp Ahi Conte e¢- ta, ae Wer eee Wao 
| ofucok Ge wafinilel MV C. tnalable Han OVC he bot a Ate tte Atti 7 Ct Cee : 
We, tutu k a hiiman besveg. Me COM AE tH co pe the fart 2 bettby Lowe, LY sade He 
fhe 70%G0 Lye bart bile ein Aa. Le ce: 

CHa “ple hywyiteg Sp why beat ah tiles 
a rs tbe Cassaed “4, Hea puechaucegl’ Ll alton en Of Me Phewon ited WaAatveo | lasting es Abt. 

; : 
tems hynanided Meoeg h Wiha Cinta lens citte, bhem Weta Bai ea oF Mi Yhiina ue ta 

‘ Ke bo 476 | : ee Z Clore GI tf 2hielf V Aled a ucen x 
~AR hha /3nf ouellp- » te 2 tm tuded k Mate Henney Yate * 

f. 7 Linguclinal brad tones A Am Neos an Le perany Aeocite Ble fhe “be 
fp CO tf? Q larg on. unre, 76 Of an tek wn Lh bea pa gare 
Minucler + * Aubbed. / Leucth wie, PTO. ae bee’ o” MYO. Char (Gil ohiely : 
Ete Ce of tens LY wisi, testy Lie. gr Ghtte/ FI oe @ Seg 
TAM W ud» F 7 Orirands , Cebu: Ve ne. ae Clepiuate ©. Se 
| 2 harrdber Letaadiin, shcrsen, yA hy illoon pans gens its by on i 2 0 ai 
| | | oe tes ec Cheon Marit ye rg feta 

Menten wth Kory pit Jester a a eb 
Mile, ingly wr Curtiud Gh ie hoes yd. 

A ke frgely Ly ey Cteim” Cuetrerle” 
Gee 6 Yo" i ' 

Chir /halotely 

Ve bee “pune that cweld b Ligue woe ee Yi oy, 
(MAG OY Cast rin g ch Ae Wiene wilting teed 

CUA y ‘He tee Y austin x Ha. tien bud, ve ah ek Cbd 

“7, Fee adiditiis, 2 bead, hawevte cn. 
bleed She. keceevintg eek , , Mowing Ie: Lote not ; er ¢ Laake se the Toe Xn he, tthhiy tad Cine LA CleG, 
fUppetimes Mes we Wohl Comsuked K “a low g then pee Y, 
helen a of, at liek 

ee Yert “ter Me efontt 
| . Ot Ott fan Le ite CCOMOUCH. Lifg tages b PEE ie  nscrae 
HT seiner 
to o—~ BAe Mijn abe Cptinte OEE Seid a Wetto Tt, cs — BunewlEn K Lt CALLA GACMHA wit Cn / ve 
(Maney te © ¥ Ate tease ot cljusfonttl- ts Cw Ctttiably °° ee Y AHane celine von 
vA orang 
Uae GWale | pee ‘hebliiey re Connelit 2 wie ZZ o2te ok Lbs ees 

HO. WY Milos ie ae 
Conny yee bn Ral. wtakle (te: = Litet, - Y Leen Aud of Bros (tocattiiy 

Helo dat a. 2 ALLAH LAV S wile ele ty/ 

le Manal, — & y ) MAMA 210t He teed th 
heer ty je 5 Lrowiteg Ctrnteledres fe Mas chebe  —e he age pe as Bre tan D WOE Leta 
WWM Well. tay i lt aeor. then Seowevew 7. 2 CA CO uMeLaT 

We thus hue F ig 2 A of we Ted im _ bthvatiy wee wu we ws Char. touud Hs Korte 
aw bil uf 06 O Jb hide’ Hy oo Cbour /éto Mb tial mby ceevuted at eae 

pe He ltllyyp sll a as cs es 

a tale vie j * Loe wae bare St 23 wpe , 

ae, ae Lactid =i 

4 et se wine fr OA Selly OM RPineltad oe yee | 
poe We- Fy 4 49 bhi Ahafofiley re ies Li awk 
= Yo jolt Heed :- Yt Cx cercclin 

| ivwd 7 
Apne” ae. 
iE Lite lead * EL, 

— We btn betec. Hes 
be x was Ul shag V a inte IP LuUChe- Lin a 
ied tuk He fren et higesl Wild ey 

ix, 4). Gays Fare 
Ge led senna Lies 

eee Jeune lo wRAS wn 2k forobabelily 
brought’ itabout~ The wen Hit Wao ieee tn, 

(ible ale m Aauil ulber, Fe om 
Liuil on bane tton CfloF ward fifetb ite es ; 
behivien, J pei ceil & Chia eae ftcacre 

| 55 
buen Ct Lt Clin. Ch Cunrens pumping Fouck 
LA Mot cr ov plats Gao GUACHtWLe 

Lact hipe Cle CLR obey est 

Hi. nee He bad o. 
‘ le a ae MYO : oe pace “ neazajte ZL 
Bhi’ /9afthelay CS =< ( Re SS ehelite digde wal 
f- a Cldbsms e& Luck aftart 
SS - Ei lone fe a y ifs 

if 4 ttf tlre Se Sai "bel el feuth Go linge antquufg- 

fo Mowatt? loae present "Y stale (if) Me. phe ‘Antacleg ale Morph beatles the i ad 
Gi!) — Homennnm ee y la frit a Hew > povek Mal , 3 Sy tn Cle Date.ek Geewter Yoon Ae Onder 
f Mike HOT Ceye. TUAW jew gee 7 “be Web. 1 HAGU CH a Leyton Cit tiarwing F cetah | aehstent 
wtnfely Mie bk rnduchie ahectitvity of Cove bien bpurse. Leo ee 2 veers he Exch thy QUE 
Util iléindinn bp) 

g ¢ Ald “he haut Onbid be oblej, at 1m. conliced-. When He precaleine. yt vx 
AY ie ar ecaty Cittan don, he pels aaah 2 ‘ 

ee WOtlttn 
a CLAD Peatilonf g pod 4, 

Ce with CZ V0GO0 whats LUGO peal pair as 
CUM Lat), Pug CH tndtChior woe Mel” 0ate Kel ALY teal de 

oy inn a jMede Phiae PUREMNL | Clu Give 

Wa thea dow A 4 

CnneoteD a See bid got pevthiieg., 
 fiove or’, 

AE (Wie untlor lifer 4 fasve of Ch flaahe flat, We Eeuirgr eo fe 
ALE ayy is Cae | 
Hl sai 7“ LACK were Sg iy theives i= et 


ifefafefafafe—- 4 
heed sent a Poe 

MY Sa f tundenurs Aaving tan gale 
pes chen ae 4 peal of # “eae K pat ta 
ee eailil p46 oo = 

Yo by Gtyt tu 
ut | 


Ppt myrtAL. Aten on Be Gaphile, fattitbe~ 
we f/f * wo t . 

| a Mir Si altoholsyy 

dy Cle chue 
Yaz J bn Ccblo i Catbon bad 
LUA9 bhhu he 
We Found that wiht Ladteead 
VON ae 
A€ Atewy OU” Yt Ch longer st ue whye 
ble Ue tt 

Ghia’ MN ielehiliy 
(4) Cicloslers - 

Cia atfan attio bucrdle 

a CS = 

— Conneeho bau eAthuraliis with bisa LOLs Lf 
brllanhl ¥ 24 yffee cuiur far Locher thf 2008, 3 
Jisttianten Or 
of himunu wae taed we Le: tl Cowl) =| 

 ndlecing Con cltetders © : 

OWL ree atonthe be Cope 

S ; Aah fio! Lt heen brug 
tints ade tg D Pua. Mb Ce. Cont lett dep se Oe Shae Ate 
lige a g biel Aafia YS vb tkto be, evel tut 
ag, Cfltt ¢9t te a es igre wtttl ¥ 

title the toene. he tale 

| ue fad i cu Ate wen. Y Salted (iP 

Miele Cu? I WZ Ce led 


te ee 
ae AtCiutle i ee 
. a 
ip Chie? 




Lilie 2G 4 : 

Be. Ci Ga 

Cin Cayfeer tw? Litt. Au PCE A butt 

WC ttyY PB eC DE 

netlalinr rele he * 9 

Lhitha 2b0Ul /2X5 BC aw ob inate on 
CY DO LF ttt Obie | 
Ck 4 he Pee ‘A Zw t6nsucfia aH 
Mi. . ; Le thee, 
Lhlitts A ttielterydalo 
Lek &£lQeL, 

atibor gh Watilawta ii 
MMi’ Soa liheley 
60 Ceeowerie 

hovked Piteongts tun. z 
Hw [ORG E (ci : 

fully tu th” vow Tales vi 
JA Gtwtug Wa teed 
LY be Ch cuit He 
¥ Fike’ & va the car, Hhes 
Ca0k phn Ming 

Mover boule se hi a 
sae ies 

‘Y OYE £6 tttthec, Ets COUPLES |. 


y Aeena-|. 
Ltuud befloy | 


Meg C283 

By | 

Lotet! ss be set 4 ‘20 tteieal.. 




—fiteat CUMULUS 

{lel Owed Le 

2 have tales 

Cece 92 

(GD) Ceevusbe. Jaleguefl/ 
Me gl Went Ce ag: of hevelsnr 

& es 
rai ae Oe Suuudw wt 20Couda 

Le Cbd 
Awe a eondeids tu Weegee per. CG 

Awe UL, 4 vo a, Lowli ef | 3 


GA a ies 

Of 4 GQ Aten Ly Ha 2 pee ee SG Shotyr 
el: zy “2 by lic a Legud, 
pam ballin YW SL. eee tb) a 

ball Mintle oo Ctlitnf Lu ie 

The viledtes Lith, ip aeliB/ 

Lheun/ ZF OE Gf Hh Cite 

bape a to AO 

COMEAEL Pew) C phon Pho. 
Hit levty Chutes Hh, Coulee Ao Ad eet baprien 

NW) M0 ce 

ahek to doled ¥ ttafo Q agent | 
Lf hes Hot, 

Mls, Litecthon rn Shi the-* 4 

Ab pesees Mas” Loh gid hetimk He Leibae 1 : 
{ kin form ies woul we Cltow te bvee x f 
ise Ht the phecared fo bi tho Coley 4 

tha tothe Aare tip « Lino 
te Aer0) 
Vee SY hone bsan ee esha Gil 
ey Docs “HDs W toll pert 

wig Bo 

. Ottre we Ju ecw © mer cla v eon. 9 t EN Cue 

Het Venues devices fire commenting tule alight openns of Asay ute | 
¥ Jug vlan Ao arch  heohkas or ao Jouncker 

d for openeng. thes eaccace Cle domuden at LR ous 


Noube Ou 

In: mokory Goth the Gack aul 

Kewl abicle oun the Aen ecrcracs — 

TAs operate Teeny fash, qgetth |. 
“Gaefesd Buolea"” T oor The bx, 

ln Comme ., 7% fern { Tpenme +6 |: 
Whe concts wt fr elooiumg “oar A Ad KOA 2 

eC tarenig ee to YY Ure ‘ee 

ow opening The follows 4 ANR 

The vulay xX Pray Wor hea back powhal ae 
dea aud Cle dt ccclen Wwotrk £ fro polarized Solo ' 

cs RIS 32. 


Doubler 6c Sueocrsols cond NC Ake and Mockeaug 
Gales '- B.C arg of -corcrey DSlations and hae Géree 
tha tr emg th Os Goh OYE Gombe wed $0 Chofk a then 
Bye Ore eat tho Curent ta dersy lero 

A Ber C Ge eracnt ef 

SE os meulralyed cend soo ptoews on IR 
Cf poo cle Bvuccehrow 



mg pt nena 

lone Couns [ke 

CH ong Serectio'n Gutif EXMar 
the Corre sae 


i A a 

per: SCANS RAE ES CecaRy 

a a a en 
: 73 t i : 

+ eke yen atttamp tanta ese og 


Dy, WCOl iGo Gedy 
wie Vir Epa oC CONS Lente OOCLE belt fe fo 
Mats CO Cette L, re OCC fled Co FIC Oa Ne be 
COOP Lbtlare reel Ole pl Cer Me MAO PrOtL 

thes tf perli beef COOOL pecerthe — teclle pen 
a 4, 2 bie gs c 
AUC Ct CBA OLd CO Cregy OCD F067 P0000) Lin. 
Y a a . oY Pee 
Cy She Get well et Yee COA AS G0) FOOT ble ct 

a Ltd Ot Meets @tecl COCNtS CO Ce Aen. 

wie Vacs rel Ate Mr rregl LOL Ct AN 

Aerer¢ COOP Cte ECO C0¢e1 Ctl ¢ Mt Ltt NO baae a 
7 “ 
COC pitag/ LOCH, Z: 

o ae Sa 

Mi F057 Ca te1 Pol bttile ty Cte) ie ea a 
hiitee COs flee vet POOL & AO OC¢cercs 3 
LOY CEOERT IC GOI PEE IO dips», Meee fail. 
aa hdy lg ‘ 

AV ber oven” Coren Mou pp ftp Co 4 tits a 
o é - 
COMES COL fag gg, Lette he COLC cert hh — 

Lf, zi ee 4 
ECU LI) KE foe x AGES C04 ae, ie PF oe 
EEE LIE. Ad Ges OOM (fe. aber 49, 
Weve REM Crt CEL CE Dp 

A) Li foticaAl COC CL ee 

ALICE? COrtthls 

LOCCOAED poy fei. fo tf 

: . 


be CO Aft MEAL, 
2 “ of 


: / Es uf uff Z : 
OL LTE CMON Sea ffi Lie 

oe 113 
Bt et CEerizs Lg ht wey 26,08 7S F 

Letees = = 
Libs < Wopf Kaft vats 
0?) eas Ateenrheo bras pearing for inet ¢ av ot Lange 
activate arnw tite liworbwermct: 17. 2 
w heoliuice Ybenutiore of Gatleirs that CGhlt, Urebete cs! 
Grow anne mv Yes ain don only dumog Ohewg «ff Ether 
WY Worend oblprieS/ rr either fore pany or beny Cruct, eve Mier - 

TRIE fer eee Cees Brass 


ner F Leatraweo Light : ger CO LeeLee Rag tr pew arene 2, Le, 

arse neaiioamage nasaenany TEE 
STP ik 7 


SL SE Eada Clan ed pein Ee 

Sloctin Light I, ee 
Of, (PS5 
PAE sae a Fain a | | 

flioriaises aned cree 
bees a ow | 
infurcr anelala i Othercilitto ww any heclire Leghy Oerrea — 

“a. 7 : ae 
Olea AD Leomey Argh toaealiine ce. And trent S Jo ff Ovanrged thice 

ioe He 

Mag we Machi 

: owe, othe ZZ heuwd A Oey af 

Cre neaattate wet wrote hanes TS ten ornenperthone, {4 
—! Pilay sels 

P corite FrowilercdS Stream ipeducth Cow or thine 
ring arfronrkt, ety won elo, OT Gere Conduderg evyutd 

fe gues ae 

Seana ecocea ed 


PIO Fe oases os 

ear bom 


CAfrcd fron og Irimuingo prope 2. thn oF z 
Sony of Scfbruher 10 7P 
ie At. Carries 

- Gofofiad f | , : | 
idee foapes /. Iho 20 Sony of bef bert 

, Panes tetc ee eae w : Nh fe co Gans 


Elacbre Kipht Maw 8. 1977 

Purrthen 22 et tate Paine ey betcow frreve 
thou acafhot tity GO Bu deianeses of he. L, os | 
Yt nos powachee bs get pod wads by heocarhinaang thes eas 
Ons /ntinng he ae te ras like farsoring't to Cunntud Urorngde 
the fourlen 

E Gcbice hight oes ZY. cF78 


Qpued frome phat We J GOfrebices Layly 
Oe Panents Oremerieg tha BVO heaay wf Saf Ch 7? 

Caen Panna 

Chctire ag bs Cferee tH. 1878 
G6 Me Kany hy Ke row. bat ANE OY 

Com wre 

RM Ion FAA - OREO ERAN Pavey EAERSAY tweeted Dyck SRR Banepa a pent 2 
PRAM DM ihery AE a8 Bene 


sepyin fa 

ag d ae accep ae oh 

: : : i d ed en ge ere tt 
i og te eee peep nn ep 
rf ! i ; ? z es . i. oe oo eee ie sg 


Pezearsstecacstseten | 




Ofns P) ~ A &L. dy rice aretto hdd ee Oay of Ae 
ope 3 of Garoti~ a 






Ble ctiie Light Seha ro ieys 


Chal fron frogs 7 af Elacline Ligh weeord ths 2Y deny f anhr 1878 

“Cy Raieid Si GR SS SWE ag 


COM oer ceme : 

Cipher mecenite bens 2 Stay of Lede 1ept 

Chichiec Kogks bike 7/, ESS 

Blo cbire Kpht Oe ey Sefv JZ. OS, ee 

ny A ta ae 

ae | 




woes Cunt Uf nia Ue Ohahe- Whee os weeny 
Saar Btaas Corratine a ad 

Cofues fem Chitin Lyk, reeord of Sede il, 17% 
Page % be, do Sanz of Stee 

107%. (or banc 



tice 30% ay Be fptiaherr. ree 



a Came ~ 

— ~.. 


Woehaed \grme\ ane ie berate Labrheana hesque nis athe pth 

Copied prove page it & Ley hv nected es 
thea Bo" Seay Gf Oaplesnheer-/¥p) 5. 

Fee Cay ff ber S478 Com Kanne 

Mtagran dt Utackhsrree Set SA 4 CEOS 


Corso frown png esd GLa a Ligh Pawar ds thr 

Carcizin Might Soft S44 1°73 ne | 125 . 

© q 
HM lady a 
Whadens ttagalenden a 
a ia a AZ 

PLAC Lege Bett sf, VED EF. 

NeNow Plating Fort. 

Ra yohntnny Spt en 
he mbee Cre Aasrmped Cortes 

Copied treme page ro~ &. Lg be Reco! 

ee 8. ay 4 Ret /TIP «Am Leownrnn 

. CGhebrec gles Bet hcvtecn, Shy 1S5 SEA} 

SOtar Pale, 

Pitas fee, ay oe fy : 
Z a. oY 

. rt a ‘ee 
a6 ieerd> tetine cwtand. a “Or Chie! 

ey pean Gss0) cncothan. antl, Suubhly, Aarts 
[eighe | 

Coftred frown rage 1 CL Ly ky feendn Un. Bacundts 
50" Day Of ashy 127 F | 

“7 1975 

a _ 129 
CL Area Log bod Sil dseiis Sehr C7 ESP 
PMrraewne.) f or Comfroetiorw eer Cntr tha. PA it. eu, 
Rfrura® ahe oe GL AML lel, 

Cofaid from Angas Shetze Light Kaesro!| 
Wine frat day of Get 1670 - wm banucr | 

CoAan S freee fmge 9. Clay Kapky Reece 

Car, fret 
Soa, if Qetobur, “yy ; Cos fopymenen 



Cbctive kayhh Schr 47, (EDF Sel De ciectes SEppow sg ie | 


4 iS 

S ae fr) 
\: eps 3 

Goh. , 
thee &i Shabiie Ky hy wisi 
te fret eas aif @ep- 157% Care Cann 


Csi, on Ei Dr ; ; a | 
ght Bhs i447 Dphoebive Aaghe Shieh 

40/2 vag ( 
2 ung a sv 40 Tu 
pete op : 


ion i 
Rererpa, reg. oe net 

Meo wan 

Cofnec/ Pong 2 Pe] Clee Kio lv (Beurr” rr 0 Samy ZF Devt 7? \- 
“a Cennnrcasse 

Clete Keg by Phe pitti? 

Cif cacl poss froger 2S 5.2L Keewds 
then p°% doy BOY. 1870 tam Carman 

“thes res fag 236.2% in) de 

ma 999) W~ Ban 

ee a 


| 135 
Olvolree keg ht Sepp D3. 1S SF 

cr MY 197797 IPP903 

| SD 

Sanam Bara 

rege BAe, ore fA, Cari 4 ch eur 2. l, eas thas a} 

Copal fuom Legs 26 = 

Gti Kay ho Raveorit tha t™* Mer TOD 60" Cann me 

Chrebcie Rag hs Ee Een ee Lagy Zan 1877 

16m Cann a 

4 ran] P mernet> ek C6 1879 
Cufired frown fey e gfe. & & ke eurug Ce 7 

B&2-< EE hry At SG i alil irate aefir 28 SEIS 
Ouidile, one facies Orth wt one and eurferuste 
bot hee amtitvimned f bartg ung ere 

a a ey 


2 3 LAB 



7 ty 
9 Ey 






werd Qe ity 
WB Cor 7 

wa a Copan {grow Woe ng, BR AL 

& . | 
Leckie Laght Dunrosin. Sof . 187 

L A 5 : . ry . 

th Ds, 7 FY. b Edtraow Cachice Ley tr Cutis gs 

ede LUT Ad 

CU nee whey Ab wut, cond 
chvras OAL Oot wage Thaw ah nv 
Ow anitiinnntia tu F cea aed yer AVY Otter Y 
One ae Se f feorwty a9 rug Lt 


ahagy atiaer be pa 


Bop. d.f } 
fp Age an CE rece wert ih 71 

a oninnieds 

I a Key wl aotir 

ee ee Kewrd oot mengt 

CO Cornwom 

Coprrd fre fore 

! Be ¢ 

: — ove 

i he oi 
! 762 

Lop, Itove (/Fo,¢ 
pe shee 

Te eoereteqnen spe aes seen Doe 
i en ne a Nee 

Jay trey 9 hee 76 aftpn, bey exh 3s Z ; 

Hz: othe thow Iw by Dee Ee pees 

q ee 2= g RAS a9 

| " i 
hed fromm fog + 6.2 Carr, wr 

Gun Cnn 


Sodrek TARY QCA NESE an 




a a 
GZitoe hag SI AG LVL wie ide AY 
We aret rhoane ww fperfir- a thy te ee 


bbecbice Gok St, (ae 



4 2S, 

i ee ot \ 
ta ee er a Hi 

iar Lea Wi ae 





a Pe 

a et Yj 
hry e to EY Keord 

Oe Clore oe 


Z lola Lug ht Cprrvat: Crate, 

clondtle tT abtur for evifowecon » ermecl hes 
- cw the efurut | 



Wwure err narod Ike 

oly te dijftiect ts hecttired th rvek ationpey 
ond allow prworertuting A uif cree oo | 
Plalen ved erpaco vr lowes tk out off ! 
forvta av ¥ wd che ties Bfarot aud Mahi. 
tet one Uw rag Woe thio vs a purfety 
autorixahe wth off ao thd ahvovever nis 1 
unre yr pwr ow A cule weg eh ate | for 
bunny he methovg hk the a ey. 
eb Psinndned Ue fanny troefurete 1 


Corpses frre ory 


atin se 

geocZ facrran Gor! 77 4] 


~ i 


Cfaed fron fage 37 E¢ : 


@ov r, 5 
CO0e oe Bios 




COB Lee Glug bet Sep ds. rips 

| C) = | 
G ohred frore fe tg IE e g¢ Keer i 
Op Cees tree | 


Cor f/f. 1377 

Bbocte Kepler Sbechevratyn Sepr 261698 : 
Laat megtr ve floor An tured sia: Mel | | 
One ther ae aia: | { 
craken. pred aw we areuansnt thy reacheton~ of 

bur ; Le Ov v 
wwe eraut Berne thing thet UrlvO 

cated age 3 
Cod frow E pope 27 

Quer 7. 197F. coe Domne 

L220 Lite % Chrrreceted a 

Thi, beac he Peanrd offre! oa, | | 7 

Bhebie Rag ht hevracow Soft, 26, 
MC aredtaese on of Rhioks of & arbor, 
talfrired brad ceed Uf Arriclun GQ PE, 
it tae drought af G q hart, ue 

* pana oh : it as frlhalerrus 

. Co paras, woth. - 

~ ade ante 
linda, vr olhan. Otel Ly but 

Uh oneel> 
Gesrsy Seay 

Phat thaw klo of A ffersn heehee ond Coruplho of Carter 
tw pheoe of plots AS oun bghy pliedsiaf Math wy, f 
C4tet arable wrk, Plaoilivre, * 

Coe wanr Day f 
Wtaete Oty PE OMe ~ 

Paterna cna 

Kote, of fret, Snarcres Kholer, 

fst te eee ommaet 

Coheed) fronev heey ar sy ¢ g KZ. 

ne Oh CapahZl 
O™ Genin on 


a. Bohr 2 7 PVF 

brane rap hy wd the tag, 

ce et 


Oth d from Aoug a att ES ed 
Qey 2. re7e wm barnirca- 

Meaibihe es hag busy ethan 

Blvéting Beghr Sehr obf, 178 

Cofircd grew Poge Of 2 &. POTENT 1, 

Dy Conan 

Chclire Lug hi Caf 20.1; PI6 
40 Wt fer foot ~ 21) 200 ff feranrte 

107 3 od 
ih Goo 
ute ) fe 

FF 7-9 OF ows 

[+ Ww FF 
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chefs eld ig teri) 

Bb ‘ ITEMS 782 
Lanne nenerns eae et ane SAP NTS TET RINE Le Les 

_ 145 
Obey ob es as Set Ltt ih 

Mhargth of Irma tin Hiab oor Bonsne tneee | 

Wy ree” Lesceg thes [fottoens ROUGE eLea’ 

Limiso for OW. Kaght g te teense | 
Kala ye 

orrd birdy Mabey uf ratte 90 hac frat lame | 
Cor?) grazhly s ’ pantthe l 
Vln ian Clack | prorat cols fects befor lator 
; i 


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giver bef aah, ec . 
i : w¢ Mort ong Yt-E. Rewrd Ger 2.7898. Cc. oe FMCG neor~n, Oriibeaets tea Maney, feet thine Cant Mag 3 
| tf Ci the bo as Breblots , Oe ee aed a tec) betore/ : 

Hi 2 a Cath gkr Fehr 27.+ PIL 

Copii prow Ange we EF Khecre’ On RSL... 

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aan ae es 

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Meds. Oy peters of benatic Mang MLgca fovesed forlaghy Bey 
A eeteiis «le bias Cie the Levon Urnfrecader/ JSoeg AL rrnanth 


Miticn Bee far Luck 
a tete ths, Dues, ofeis protubl, ectting ths Chrt.., Vb otro  — Bok 9 ord | 
Ofirvat urih: o antimuted spbilinin wouedite hy Bocoume Aun not guidts 0 90rd a0 mragmeacer 
We want Ds XR. G 
ont ow Ofarae 

oo Latlect, Gave — yu 

at Gaasmrcs Lovsron. nG 
ht, Gulaots disposer fe (aon of boda WF 
aa Cant eae A 

OL (Lery Marrs a ae ae cS 

Ctr 92972, Grnate le fv oay 

as SY alchiam ets Br14eLts Elaliina, 

Copied frou page OD fag a Breg AF 

ee © 2 .1878 CO Banere ri 
G ojos : . 
bank L atl far awrr eth wg Lefey oe alol= Ltins 

MA 2. rene Go Cunvtcm 

| | 149 
Cry  Cbcbue Ze Eiht oa.) ee 
CES sere OE ee Ce fo HE ANe EB CBR es. i We ay Oe Ptr 
Ofc) Dees SOP EP ee Coler (ted) he 7 ae: : ae a sas ae: pose y 
faa &- “oO but. 

TTS ey a De Vd Dacajs 
oy ke Le ao 1 vine uk nrvatso gory L Vy 
Oi liwse Gnd Be. ss ° 

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iia La a pase eins “© -ecleile ives ioe FOS Cun risicatad 

eT as aes ay Oaace pret Bes. ali, a8 af this Letts Ecip a y Vy ee | 
Se Seg Gave a ( Zy alig Vat. wane! gaint Gf CL .. 

Ve CrieS OO2e Ws. pleistioas 

nohang of ened ana Cy a af 

WU (hh oewtwerr Kaeo cl3 ttednreas aS 
Wns wolong a9 the Alatine. 
whew held! av feowwder Asad! afar 

o te — la Ke 

VHttrole Exrtyen, CVLty Cecee tread rly, 

Corbivee Chit hori, i aia seas ie 

ee ee ee ee as 

dh flor oe — neva ts ee 
tg Onnrd mearctre Aived eee and, ae 
hed out anot Covigen Wri, AL 
Derivcioer >. 
dw Soot at ube bot ee ee 
Coheed fromm (Lage oo SAwerd ou 3178 


CGisiee: a wid Sehr ao. 

OD pistes Herod burr wy feta 

olor of O kictizem 

| 151 
EPS CA Az Right Bibetvruore Lepy Boel 
KibaBue we) rated ce o Plow Carte, 

3 Cend u Bchoowe g sic 7 Ue eg 

sabe aerinnee hg ee ne 

oo hermeeere 


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SS ee is 


PBA GO AL cg f Det 217 

'Y Corrsee com 

Bhclive Rae hy Sepug ao. F7F 

On an ows 

haqe sn. 6. teed Ger 21478 
Co Caniman 

coins &j ofr Co SET 

Cectixe Lehi Oot 15/0 

Hit akg, fees 

Tle eid ger C2, Saag St fr oe 

Cone, frowe Dege Su Ehetire Lol 

i : Gey QQ 15 )§ Ahm Diivticwins : 
Hl | ean Sen ae 

9 ht Coy 4 169¢ 

Cofed frome flacge OG EL Kecorns 
Bey 8/70 A~ Crranar 

a es are 

med ln & “A Reacuerd Sorat 

TS. Gen 9.004 

( 5 
OGeies Legh Oot 11h 76. 


Cored Leow hogs s¥ & ers Oey B.1T7T.. 

Cou Lannan 

Getibree Kay bs (ck. ey, § 

bea es tf o) = 

Pe Be 
i eal 


preg o7 GE Pacis Wey FP7F 
OP? Chwcicase: 

Cohrerd Green 

oe pent, 
mannose” a 

Gey. 4 WP “Comme 

wy . 

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sere Uninwateuy Hi; 3 & tia 

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Dr Crnmew 
Cope frome puny Ge fo eerrt 

Mes 8. ret t : 
bare Gate t-cuue 

15s | 
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rhaphornger~ reswe lel —a 
se | 

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seg nee ner mrinnn agen deaeen renege Bp, 

Copel prow poge 62 CK. Seed cu sunt 
TW Canim 

. Oeurceg Manele a ee Sa! 
K Sachse Ane tur cd i 

say 4 
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j eee 
: i ‘ 

LOCPE SHOT TeaeRe renters MERIT Barre nosis: SN — 



Co, bad prove fog age é L Gerd Dot att 
; One Canirco— 

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inralund ¥ lovrer- litle tis 

© Drsstruen tifrrrnets Io) 
brine chensy Sb 7 y Tong 
ew Cach 

Corse! frre CD Keerrs! bay bs 

OG ations hy Ae Cer a, 

hoge be, su 

“er rr, ($9 
PB mm 


vey ocr w (87.5.- 

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FS ictus wie! 

Ee eta wccities anaes WE 


: 2 . 161 
Ohibire Laghl (Dep & 1b 7F 

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en ee : airs 
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A hwy ne Ura w 

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Copred prime Ange @ ? 7 Comnee 

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Qy wort 

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5 ee 1 


make connectrow prote ncaa oe fro Ae ‘thad ef wee And 
Wives aAuwty where oe Carve ban or ebrveughy afrirets 

Sen a Ree 

aye ee 


Whe devles < aay Une cupfer blr pe eae) vbr he . / 
a sie e eer: pa beegl he fevne choae lo the 

ottisr. vitae OY Kewf- fottwr Seance 

Seheed Frome Pagar Te ELE pulser! Ob “it 

COC coy ee 

pope [SOE Laon! vibes) x 

é a 
On us i Se AAA 

Cofaid frome 

Zt? ,, ? ; 2 : 
Ae ene ere ce tt Cet 8 7s v7 f 
(i . 
vo e 
with ay betes Cpe) berets fer thes ufriig : 

wv al Vand ee bur UAV CL 

& from the fJrew ts 
Yemen, ton eae hE prt at reg hi’ Claur ap 47 
Hes - arly ve avr Ot free ii 


found Dew seer yt Fo “8G Seeured Oot +, 08S 
for Chu... ; 

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Sbelwee Laghd Cer 4. / GSS : 

: Lene | 
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eer Be oan 
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Qo fced! 

frivae frergun 77 EYL Kesey Wer wish a 

is a“ 
DIM Conererenee 

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wer af.0hIf Ularnnran 

eh L. e7t 

Piodinnnt ie nee 7-22) ES CEO Owe 2 Ouwy 

a taeteling 
the othan wuel ub v5 /rovrded 
weth ev korble pore amrisyend C e a 

Das 5 seagate proved LE up tthe aapel, jo tid of thes af Lae 
thes hover fovted boy edit WV on W fort 

Me orfee wfrring C ben aAekiwatle urd pot Label bok CLovwe- . y 
oe poet F 

leefired frou page 7% 6 Ken y 

Cor 6898. OTe eS 

Clad \yow peut ov GG ss Qeewd Wer AAW 

car Cosco 

Ehelice Lailhy @er 2 1EDF 
TD Ceiiene 3 pore anetling bet barb font if 
aa) tighy by A, Wea | 
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Ww. shea w very leks GrLtclo areurvd tur wl i 
257 Crtes eekeyne, Yer ale flrelerr fe Ary o/ 
ow / Cure batt. r~v wne/ po’ ae ole f rolien 

from is Core mae (th ow 46 Core 

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Has or le conred/ wey | fa: ctepmece/ therrng” a telat} 
whe AGrokew !— ow ft ne one oj Cetea C eee 

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Cored from forge £6. 

| . 17 
Siuctie Light Deb 9. 1PAF 2 



waee Brackit 



Clastiie Lghr Oct #. 189% 

Orkut. Rey abate 

tarwrtead toy ty Jrometup of Ge ia 


ofl frome page er GL Rowers @ey “64577 

t~ Gear 

meade fide Ly Acar 

Ussher euas tees Sy peebt Se 

ab ay — Shad pr fags F7 Cloctine eae / 

(P70 om Ba. 


pate hele eeke Hd ER LINAS Raga Fetes EN mat 

Chebie Rey lw Oetr 3 

ieee Sea by Beep a, 178 

fooled frm hage qi GL Rewd thas 74 Poy of Ger Pye 


a 181 
CGclicc Keglt Def ye 


ie VOD Wye 
ey > a ae 
ba : (ai : 
- ORL, oe, PhtalEcgre 
ay = 


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as ‘NR ~ 
low Perr Llerrne) AA, 

a: AOlbmree—" 

Wel 7 I 

Maat ge 

oath yeeetaepaytentnnmnuiabh rhe eames oe cieteeaamaecurent 


OCoebics Kel Defy: abe me | 183 
ae a om ee ae ae GSbchiie Lght Behr 27, 1598 




3, : 

& / 63 = Sa 
hed fro Keg edt OL Kha iref @er- 7 / 

PE ses cha 


Kechnd fre pre 41 FL Raw Ger 7 1171. 

. ya 
Meklee chle 00° Con anes 

P e 

ye i (6 Ri 
a Tea 


- c . Veh 77. 18 

fit Br C 

3 G G oe bie e Rs he pita ht. cele Cas died f Sere sot cee Eh ChE ev cece acne 

ier w tvene? Mb he var fer ioe eden one qe’, J thrvte ze ‘Ga te. 
or ES SIO eee fed of hes STEPPE 
(Leber the Gev ceees co bret th have Le f the rlwrec plea eset/ epurils 

TH foot frurety davictad + Clirninreor ce — obi tha wcle meclty ouy 

fi Mmatatts r wotr rea ante ff6 fer Eh bp 


Cha anerilrurs Coton, (frome XP dor 9 By Moy 
ae hele Cont Unarn porrs phoke tareth le Lacks of wll ta  Weruay, Shltne He 
[Senactie, (dq rs 
~. ay we Gy cS MA 
: aes ow hore aroce, cof ha, z ; 

me " 

EUR btoctane rd ee to 

eho page GHB Recs Wey 7. eC W Gamer 



2 GENTRY Regis SEDI Ha veaieay wate 


BF iy / 3 
bef heel TD Crate Lecee 75 Cc & fb arrcts Cas Fae i 


aa Cherbiwey a dh Sacco | A (teeth, ( Carefucey [owe ose J | fre Clifle a 

@ Sas 

C&cbt cc 

grrvake ee ore fu week) of 

Qateoles or orrlatete + aloo bry ” Cte ab frevieed 

‘4 kd Befir 2 YP 7 

iy, tancadere pflatietierren Lhacks any & 

Claelrie key h¥ Sortp Goa hb duit inion 

Crtredfrom hago veo. © Kbeerd ook pest 

Ca Casewwcmn 

CC dts, ght Ger S175 

Coficd prow frog wr EF Re curd) Cov Psi7S 

LW Coutinwaw 

oe rare smanervnre eat 
cena a mm apapamitanemnnat egptivcnneeten spe te rec enant Petree 


Chelric Legphy Sehr 19, 19h 

Canad (ms Wrage WY G4 ery @ek [2 wh 

tas Cowan 

BrAud frow Aoge roe 6.2. few! 
Dey /2 6.689 6 Cow Gurnee 

Ghctire Lao ht Ow s, 18998 


Roofusd fro rage vos S EF Reeord Get br. wyt 

Low Cervo 

Bh ctize Kaghy Oey 41 1479 



‘al nay 


Portmad rem hage wh BH Re eared CAN trates A 

ave ~& OAL, 

Cy a 
CGehies Ry hv @ar J. ¢ re 



Gehnud from fray (0o¢ 6.2 tiene Dorr 7 

Oprve frome Wage 107 6g Reward Ger af 

Bbotiie Zpky Cer 9197 

03 ornea 


st Lh, oinsd 
(3 ouned 
(p dbortaw 

2 nde ‘amd 
G Orbine 

Copued ros Page 10g ol LT Kier Get atl 

OC chod fr are frog Wt § EE Keerre” * 


Choire gh wor a. 97h 

GCheetive kghr Bct 9, ert 

== | 

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Copied Grom Page rx, 6% Reeser) Gey 117k. 
Uy* Canna 

‘hood yous oa No BK ress. 

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oo use caus Pa 

1 Coheed Frome eerie OD Qined Ger 

ed Oo b ea) 



Bae frostened 
ne oY 

V7 Cournene : 


Cofrss from~ Put. 8X Rewndo oar shins. 

Bactnd fom Faye itv € X Ricerca Gor wirgzt 

tom Carrnean 

Meese om hag eitgiE $ Ried Ger ie itv! 

tor Conran 


FEEL S90) bee oul 


“ry “fae 

, - 
“ore so) boas 

AR) tty as i 


Serve, Lgl ODP Ye.r178 

SOT. ete ee rc ee vc | 
% ps 

7 SY, 


eld Fdunto 4 wile IT vee Cong Cakes 2-0Y the P 
i ee 4 “ a, oe o UY AR 

4.30) Pevv \ ‘ i 5 te woe 4 

* AVyg a 

Coke fr ome fog e121 é « feory orig) 

18 emcee, 


bet.d frome G. Resend 423 Pay. "Der. !f, oe, 

ow are 
mee R j A Caonne 
AP . [el 
a : Caer rer + 
HH oe * Bad Beene: 
- oa o see oe 
. ; 

_ | : : i 
er a ted Low me 
; . . ba - 

rete eh . 

ieidena Sloan et ee 

LEAN Ese deca Lights Wet ee ies d 

Maree Anegrstes Comunetid fr itenmity~ 

Lt Kat 4 ra ae Bs died ie ae 
AGL thts Laas to 4 OL, 

er: 905 
ee ee ee 

ae | “4 

Piles cae Rig J Whos oe ce pase 

ue vai foo tl & Con Prareleanrt | 
ay oe Z will tn ars ae 

t. tek oAxe 
bn. aan Md Cerf ma ee 

(Sagres Atyatirzc- wll Ze re ge tm Eo Ar, — 


oe ste ees, mae 



Like Paik Leiefarweece a0 pltact | 

L. y 

ve Onotinl? heed Cred 
ai) aw ig ha: Ae broke 

ore actlaoll, elirmabed 2 Css. 

ont’ oA “arts —tn Oke ar 
Ke Let we : ; 

et well 
x eae AMtLern od, Oaias 

At = 
pen Kg poe Missin Obs gue Wek tig. 
walle the Ad enckeG cay Limp A loviisey Ea ek. 

ve S00 or) (Reo 

ae ond Yo ae 3 
re gage as ae 

‘ ; oy fe KE, it Coon PL BLAKE Bee 
ah Jon Ch! Ll Uy AO, 

oie dhe) A-Lige 

Om aneck t usltl Kop On nteca Mags 
 Takne Co Cn TEL 
trea : er 

ery Hy, ey y, San : 

pee os hee WE os i is ened 8 BOF 
co" a Lowe ; as , a] i 0 pert (eee See rw Corde eae 

theta Dgrnd & ee ws the. Wht KoA v Afemeet 1 5 
rian, Aw the of win G Gund a a a Rot ee - - ape eo {0 er Sci maa spe AS tan Ube ’ ares 
ae a aR RRA aE CRS Rea a ee G ie an Ste . . ii tt Lhe e ‘ ae o 
Oa "he aa (a Shinal. ey rmdal Oe eth er Ue x ps eae B) | 7 es ae we RTE eS Wh Pek iy ; ae 
jt Te ere | ce he PRGA = Rae w ihe VALE Witt @ on _ eta 4 137 =. ss ee a ae A 
lee, RL dane » Rare vw ae : 

Tbe. ts cli BEES 

ate Dro wth a O moe \ ] af, fame, Ade a, fossa te nhheanit”. Copan te Ue: pata mrp 
rae zi jxncd. PRE. ak. Rw. enh ti A.2_ own” ey ; q of as Ore rbabnebhoft, Cnn LAL, gbatehss an cgiaene (ae — 
Tk Cnr ey enone i Wee Cle eres ‘Oe if 4 See ee oe ne hes 7 Ths llatuoh dn ff nna laren). ase. 
ire MS lie One h OWL bore (r0! A ur Aneto e ( y ra Pe ght, we, 7S Re ee barre Hy. siete: pies ihn d. ; 
fe a [2 © gious os ha oe ba ot wre aie J ovo ne “es davse Ww GO Cet of MY Cen Ie RL ~~. foou meal 
( ae | 4 

cae ee ict) Nits oO rier a oe #06 Bap 4 ae ARIEL - Sie tte hod bok Me cen a 
“or jen kb: mee uf Lb nd ite ben ing BE ffs OU q Mera t AAG: Ora an tise A. maar, “by. He Seong: 

bic Peewee Conic oe ree ge es aU Ur on | i ae Solace 4 ‘yé Care @ ae ras btn : 
WP Aeon gone 147 @f Coed. pen bef Ae 
ot cn 

aie tc nntincs vf esc wad “hy! 300 Pee Se 
ia. emmeen it ees Po fp eee ac iowa! 

Wee pope) yb ees “Ke Nite es mH LN, Me 
Ke Chen ires One po Armonne 9 Noe Ox 00% 

Os 4 
ae aa eet One Ae oe CAL Sc) 2 ack 
Tree tees not Tacoma “Hone Ae Oped “ Oe 


f ‘ Chast, Cneenrs Chang Ao Fras ccaweyi 

ee w 1 Pw bein wp so 

"RAHN Hat Xeon Feast 

re Oe, mS 


Cree aed 


DAWA St 2 Pe: ett > earns Hep Bay pee erie a mi = fyi he MeL EE ok bs ; 

: ay NS ae a xg Oe Oe ees ee 
ety bane Sah hong 1s een ten at are A ee a es 


Experimental Researches, Vol. 2, Cat. 995 

The only entry in this volume is a list of eight "axioms" in Charles 
Batchelor's hand. These axioms are broad generalizations relating to 
acoustics, anthropology, and the nature of matter, energy, and the 
universe. They are dated May 2, 1878. Only pages | and 3 of this 640~ 
page volume have been used. 

0 Lyevontd | ay 

May 2°3 ENE, 
/, OOnttcctlale Ytecok Corestade S Sve pools 
Muiistcaek Lowndcts ancl lang Lowenots, ha first” 
wary nrg tu [teh and votuwre cwttl cecoreecos = 
As aia he Wate Lhe. tac cs pag tba -— 

Me aafphiagsen Ff a Chfthie or fArng roger 
ts aeLecale so vtbrations whch Yotlrw each 
ofktr wlk zon Yeptee OF 72g whan Cy aarcl 
Wty cacseesltoe te ‘ha Satu wtbraseres 
wtecet wey Xo teor” _yoClow Lact often torte 
SEG LAOMG , Mencee the Cowel sounds fower-| 
jfeley Oftecd- [hie plates ana He Attatng or | 
hang Lowunds lr curd” Offact— er tN Oe | 
TAL pss Ga ag ucla Ahn Cr cn he ees 
Greeti cae es , CLL bi 

RAN. cnt 

Cuolt- bt anathe ang Locos, aeceh as the, 
ae Se ve a Ae fee Clete Leese. 
a se ae oe 4 ao. 

Shar whe Lleuverse Hee ale ays Cath aud 
cp Cle. ahways Caces/— Cre cag leer atest > 

7 facls aua hat Yau a ufiiwt ater. 

Lorclenl; Be ctwse Aaa tacad OF Onan Cet. a 

tot conuwe MMe Cteatton of 80 nek natin. 

fr wollen or He. earthed tv oy Saeete. 4 

tor can % con ceeve a feces ‘On aad Oe. Oe. 

RSS piace aa Ne te 

£-(692, 3 
maa Back altratle article. yf tuatler c tencoweo 

worl Cte elec 9 ox.080 . 

St Lome nalenu wreoue Jecozt le ave Uytnn A semtol 7 
Le We he Ome cemtzect , CQ areet Olver - Gevee 

A Monat] Of there , Caeces Comin fern wa : 
Ony Aatton of fork : Eee? 4 Greater Lecsenng 
tw feo tottere the Acet- C2 vercre eteemedt. Tha, Ca. 
Guy Get Cad Gereccree ating feryAt , anct 
[por eondn on Ste CLecececez cots Eee teens on rece 
tutta welt Crnrinee Gh eit ci rhe pany 

to ei) 

porn rE mew ST LE 

Orue Cereccl 

6 Pu ctrsigatin of enungy a He Cro wheek | 
léttes planer. cn he Aarruyormatlern OF ore Sy, 
yore avo arewewther w Qp2r- tu olher porvee J Be 
BUG Y CttYestown FO ae, Aeerce Le OLLOSEBNCL | 

CLU wailtr to ttnucder hac OK Ghaudartre ,. 
fen ce of onetany CAanges Catse an can | 
Cate or ceceate tn the athiacitn er 
GRavT ATE , LY covet acess for aCeael 

of for ex Ort Ot0n kak. 

ras Cefter Leght Cres au attiaclive power Bud. 

 GAF orgatne enatlr agaceds Racy > 
yer tected eet et He fee a festeto even ex x | 
cellar k-a tote tu Fhe oof GK Carer, Or lta... 
a fotalo beer to cudswenr A | AAG EAE canst 

Experimental Researches, Vol. 3 

This volume is missing. Two volumes in the Menlo Park Notebook 
Series for 1879 (N-79-01-01 and N-79-02-24.2) contain references to 
electric light caveats copied into this volume by William Carman in March 

Experimental Researches, Vol. 4, Cat. 996 

This notebook covers the periods August 1876-January 1877 and 
June-October 1878. The notes and drawings, some of which are signed 
and dated by Edison, deal with the electromotograph, etheric force, 
electric drive for sewing machines, and octruplex lecoustie) telegraphy. 
There are also extensive tests of chemical solutions, some carried out by 
Edward H. Johnson, and a patent specification on the chalk-drum 
telephone, dated 1879. 

The book also contains a series of notes and drawings copied into it 
by William Carman. The originals of this material can be found in the 
following locations: pages 75-97 in Unbound Notebook, Vol. 18; pages 
175-192 in NS-78-012, Unbound Notes and Drawings; and pages 270-283 in 
NS-78-003, Unbound Notes and Drawings. The book contains 640 
numbered pages. 

Blank pages not filmed: 106-173, 194-269, 284-639. 





: Gefen ceiver. be Hey, ee sre OL neice ee latin. 

ae acd Me Fetén cu oes PAE. he Ltt ea 

EE, ia. : Brady. 

Chiu Dkorw ne alee h Bar 

iy ood 
Wcceps rs oy ee pia Crt (ezisiaths , ae 
a pugs Gf Cael e OAdnm - Sea” Prot a ; 

2 tad~ Bh fhe Meer GO Mee: : 
ee es LE Tie oF aid her PoF ves oe on = 

Aik P20FE bu sa Kk-gta tiverlEh Corprent¥ «> 

Je eo Atl ace of To ABO verge ae Me 
LO-tul Reolei oor Ben SH - Fe ee ee oe 
LS ae fla. Ge Pet eat & 
Re Seam oS em bt. Ae 
Misraffi cient Or Pue3 tien, © @erhk any: 
a, Ci es A ese ow a A OR Foe Ka f 
He, cred GG Rey Cerfou Ga rg _ 
Chet p-rerck fives te ack ES & Dae ae 
eg, ile 7 Werf, fr Ke fi Ao ea 
Feb ten Ghar Pacre fc oa on Cn ae Mee a 
Cektntgd . Rewer Kflref KoA al 

aes Ctr gcd ee Ga East, . “Ext YR — 

: | aes PV af_e LL COP +My Pe i on 

Ae eet) a FB acetyl ot, gtr obs 

Cid. nee eA re _ SG. sr-Vatt.r Kea 
Kha CBI leenac ry | Caaetlt "% 


Kee t Ga, os \ LEH. A. y Cra. oe Ces Aeros’ G. Pri Jno 
Ca 7 [aan ee : lier ports ez BE om ee, y over ene —Aroreh. 

Gicleatat, 6 Crietet 2 as A, Loy retin: Pffannnan a 
sean reeks Sry , Lrigt ALY, Gri at Palen tx ¥ “os 

eee e - hte Ce eke 2to-f in a 
bce, Cir is eee 
y te si LO © aac, ee Jee ye ae 3 
Aa Vhe 7 wm Xe CA ae. Fa rela. a . 
aes Bip ote piu ae we 
—, at “x Ar Os ON ae ffl o Cae Joy cea ee Jarcits on ef cocclae * 
ea ae Acuy (tne firs ce: J tt Af at e..A, On Fee. Kore, PCO oe. Oe ape : 

pe ee pee bs Me ten Eo Conwy a SD EOE (one eae eo i) Fen ee ears Bae. 

On Nii: bel. oad Cu. zs mee wee. el oe 7 va ue — 
Mette wn ff 7 

Mane - CULE; Leelee Claret Hex Low. 7H, yo ‘3 
eg Of O- Fxeumienn Pegler ae 
Ba ff Gabe tn CRAG es : 

OA nt en, ee, Ma, he Wdertenvag ft end ween 0 her Ge J 4 

ts Spe Hehe eG A BE OG 
Oo We Marked fin “Ota, kali, or dye shcisa - ya Keg OG, fuk te “Ke 
Yb, te te. Pircodo~ Bu Thy, he oe On "hy, ey Tllow- 
4 Mea A eu ELecec cet. Ar Hib A i AES 

: ~ CAL 
— Via am nee Jtek Are CE Abt» Pog ewigey Mes Caner {0lh. Med, Koco. 2B Med, leash on Fed, Gea om 
, = irae Beck, oe OO a Zs ie pete Vek ~ hf 2&h unr — 

A ji Aad foes, / 
. On a 
ee Aid: pK 8 gt ae -| 

Moflel, Haprsee We a ger Staaee 4 aor. sheoh.| 
ie | 


tay See 

Nite oer eter 

im) Ic “ber Op Qua Ag # Laut AD Ait 

a 7 eactl, He CF a He Soon 0 
acl beiifk Oo Mtg Fj ye Af Heh, Goes GS Bs a : 
12 Levit eae ue es ye ere tit: Bd Tito oe ey Le eae eae ms 

Ce AG 
en thin, On (000 Keeton Stelet, Pols LEE 
A, tla - BAEY p fat AA -facro Lecl cf, . ay ‘ A 
[| (een Rear EL hg conn fs VRE 
Me 1 Kame A Meyk Zep vip Sereo AC, x. Yh Didi A iow, PAs Mae 
‘7 _— 
d ee css V4 A ag x, Ail MA Hen "Oper By dfeag, Bs Tobie: Qala Fotcch = pig “= 2ofe Ay SO-roe 

MO at) e 
| Mie fecd FE low a : 4A, tions fo oe Ait Mk SL aoe bitin rm = rae Oe VALI GEL, 3 by Hel. A 

Cos). dan tle ops 


/ | dup. Cache ris. £49. Aaggh a Hit ah Ge Coden fi oN be ne A Biro: oi 
WA we had. of ofr om Ue worm Gh. = ——— . | 
Worried LEP tre vere Ke. we Ae We “4 ih 7 S00 0 Pel o— 

yy “2 “w- ie AYne Sdow PL Gb ey tl ox Jdeod = 
a Lidbon Aten . Ke kev. Uf ay ee LY Teiy th 2 Als : 
Som, eon’ 6o0. > 

Soar Mabeake yn. ¢ few. A eh fb ak £ : x 
mye “Lifpat: ifpésle ey Ve eee rocuc Dek, PV Hone « “Leave: wel, aot 

|e Linge VOL, A Khe Leos pt Hy, (ho " \g . oe vasa 
ie Ae Bw, ete ¢ sen Sel, ALA om Of, =e -Mifpac: Mag nein i a . oe 

"86 ha iinet Cletus ih doa} Fos bife.m I-A Kk, on Servo HL. : 

fe ringer On TRH 

Pa tesb. RP eon Zo Oy, 2. - : JAM VRE Jolesh.~ lol Fe Wat. rok neti, oni Hoe Sh 0 3ecve =, om 
fore. Feet tLacet aoe oars ¥ ; 

ani : : mae ha ge faoce 
Waite Cen KC. Toe Pes lif tome <a Gite Sido - Rhoul POE Va oo 
= ley Lt Gee Clos Hh “ 

Whee dert. Kh fon. Lyy by 

Ho. ou OX, 


” a her lits argle &krw 2 9e ane a 

hn Le a w: KE. PEE VE Pf fh 
Boro pnw Nera Colin 6, Caran inion My, 

te l- PRewernn “7 

=“ Kh 4 ak. hn Brad. SS ao DO fain 

re ¢ 2g, be ee ae ck: ao She 

: de Yon, kaw Fos. se cere ae LET a4 z. rf a 

Mate Perse f 7 She Ke. oe wn Ei Bein, : 

‘ee 2: Lode Vor 

Ds Aiajhie Vide Mle l Fes, rte 2, 

4 ya See ee DL OO Lg woe Fn / a). ee 

SKE oer Oe. akon See rae 

~.._ 8 | yf Brin, on SOgo0, 9 —— Bo 

Lo Cup hlhate Ling mae 80.1 Theat / . a 4 56, Abrrzece oh of (Moan... Phe Yo Giewes my a ee i. 
beg 42, aie ee Ps hf Oe (leew RO ag ene 

Gil Mh ove the, orion’ Hertoaed. © Ei come, A. 4000 ~ 

Vir, flocs PR Clb When Co, the Me nen ln , ee 

y 4 Oa Ay ib ad Kine, & Pat S00) | i SL Uppal, re ee LF. ton 8 ox My, ae 

a Bhi ZN IO tt a 
Teva ¢-Obda» A kae/ P bath vetuseae Gouatat utntg 4 i 

Ox bro. Hee. Love on MN, 4 yoore fE.vecce. anaes ie Sf. y eee COrwert eal MO kre TS Go0raes pethvs| i 

|\24 S ee Salm Alf Flew f F, of Cg lb tie “Lt HN om hy, ee | Le Kb - Ay geod An 2. sed, a L 

: q Jean A7 LK ow *ftorek fleutef{tie, - Bl v7 Whe’: JO boo = ; 
Bila 7 S Orraitde of Code ain ME ahr. LK”, oir 
# K Che Fed: EE. fire. Peek: dey pe ale A Ying thd s Glial « SV Saath on Fo, ee 
aha Mod, rm Sopot gy, : ch Ow Hevovo ty Ae Boh Atta an Vly, ody Zte7E ms ate te 
ail 7, MU bortnst Tick Bele, PEE et! GLE om fomee 7 LY pA elven W. koa. (0 atoms. 


| Wy Jemy Ae iia cia k ee 
Bee Ce faer On MOBI CT AC ais 

On, bua hoakin Fhe, P brah, Gace, } A fer, | 
F “by KH, Ved ae en Sa Fe : 
ae es oc . 

oo, Meovo 


O7 Gage Heid. 7. Ag Sa A) Peet a. (0, Gtk 4 tn, My, Lee ee 
ae “lt LE BL 

a Se ee Ou hy, SEL Glow G 90 Hecket,| 

Beast On 7a 

ae ; ae siy Ctl. Ox Mb,000, 

a a Lg Pree. eee a aaa ye eo ST ees m4 ake Biylhet fur He cae f= ghee Cu ele on : 

ws She Vga Veled Bu att 2p PT : iam Cu 2@tt =~ a Seed 2 * w Leena 

far tech Pr ozee AM oF Einey Cee Seren a ; ie 
Me, Sharan Co ee See. Wt . 68 Cogn tls ae Mt ti Conce ene Vat ee 

hi afer Per. Ox ow. Oot, “BS Hone oO ow 280 eet | 
Bangi tate ek we, anemia ae 

| Blas heh. 1 hee C2 ch tee. - 

Otel rm Yio Huh E Cu Soar eek cx 

sit tcl Ow Se 
lattred fila. K S40 TF éypree uf CeA, 

Ca Where Flin, Aeeched, Clave Astute 

+ Ckcerc 

Digg, ee 

y Mb. Sree Med Me bafkie bok kibbed>, 7p Le 

th Of Syy # Jonpco. Ft Oyrhing OC 
Vhe Hltifep Me fliudink tx er ; yg | 
tthe lpr. on Lacon, ) 

lig agen Cette, JO Ding Lor 

. Sa 
Cared tt 

eek py Sef, A dt ban 

aed, Conny, 
Tw FL at 


ee Py fo Sled Gnd. LE ee 
| Bhliscdee th kanes 
ae. Vv, OEY om ste biti Ayued on. 

Ketwe wy ~ CL Wn 77 Cw, 

LE Zen 
Z, th — aes te 
Catbinplr J 

# tebe. ea elas J Aan, ao 
Cin. Meant. Bother SS iemebncs 
~ YCofih- 

, ; VS ane o~ 4o, cvo 
_ an NE fear 

| Dehale 
Oe. SLE, 

{4 Lanne fee: ie , Pe, Lat HQ, 

7 HELE a 
, if. . we pt On ox 


bik a as Goo Ge | 

) ie Jileggnc ty He pied, 1 hat Ye — 

= “a Ait vgn Hea 

OL L, Mus - 
wees: FaePregg rent 

- = & 

CEB eager lp rter, 8 Oe Ge RELL — 

Cautfiil Kk On Bory ~ 

= An1cuch i Orbos Ae - Phe dae 

“tt-~\|\& aawr— GY ine mo 
Bee ainies ata Cp oom POH Ly eub, Seine 

hy hak Hey, 2 

(Lier o-e CoN 

on {LAL LOC am & 

ae eae: ae acer 

Lf ag Oeterh , cee 4, 

Miia Orr a: 

- : the Pareh, SK ane a 

Tt thay, YGrcning, F, don A “oan 

“2 Wa’ Cy ater - as hia? Bk Bae sets 

Ml, i 
gee 2 Pancsté hj 

OD Waew 

CON ree = aes 

OF blo aK ae ee 
Gre ras = 
ptidn. # Meow ALi 6 Saas - 

ece ae 
Gu Evo Sar 

a re ro Ale eae on es 

Lee eee a Kee ae Acette, Cert | 

x ng on: Menke Keo, bb dey Kee hey = AD oe 

Mire pues fin ‘ars: YY ih 

bth ee CnTdG ut, ou On 
Cine 0A , Hy a Oz af Bet, Def 

Gx PA eee we [Y OY Qn SK, Oe 

Crib Ja slew Hird. CE Bak, 

Fre Cs tgucrke, ore “P76 

| 1 Meadae y Peneny Pos YE ha ahke Trval 2 

fl Nranod, AP Vareihle ~diin Slane » laefae 5 bo » 
: fg Vie Sur ek - oF J futh Ben. ALL, - oe pe Cc. 
Ox Ge si trrg on. LAGe%, Ail, 
“. ~ Of toraos hy 
uw Mtrf / cecle Je 
Be ey gee > ea On ae 

eine aes eos fceeceu Poe 
“Qed Oce Ce 0. cae 

Phe hie ate td. K a fre. Peay 
ss ee . Ox eae Cnhbvt- AGH E Per ae 
( Pz ALL oS we bowo 
gt fh y ass as 

Nari dy , 4b ange LEE Pliny 

% bs oi 
ae oe ig nae Ut flee Gf far Pd 

a a mi at 

Mey | Aovo0Vel he Albi 

a Y, ‘ reel 
gain tm / VOv wii Ort ws ai - deren lee 
LLY Ttry Stl, Jaap A2LVOCE, CF. 


siete eC ce 26:5, & Goer tthe } 

ot LOE 

= Ge 

ans CH Ote_ 
“Bee gee age See? . ts 
Pi bttwn~ -~ OGL biry ae a. Ate, Pad Gucr. & an ne 
Sy Athens Cat0 §=ZO,_ ete = 

” Mises oe # a 
Lief, Mel. — 

he llte/ae, Blin 0 iin, VG meen br” 

ar. Stu (OX Gf fu ate 6g te, | 
Gr ete Be FOTH S _ ig oO Cl ‘Fer, oe fo 
GF by nics eon Mitt beter tay MP Kp k = = ts. 
ii ( Bu ACL — Leg flaca, ~ 

eo Lt Aod ALL. a c 

Ge. Cider isis Kidcersn Kad, Kees, EE Gee Wipe: | 
aL Re 2 Sr aoktas oom Foe ten Care, | 

bar, 4 fr" AM pers cot Hf COleer _AYy = coe | 

eo lite Beccercen Abe, Fax AO6- a er 
Cy hits Y. LO,0w Z2tef. 

ae tte ie Wid Kew, SLs Gye 0. ZL, 

hot Sat diy Bless GL ox ae. ee 4 

of. Cr ZOK, on Ox SO hop on AY foo ate 

ee pital ps . ok, mamas ery for KO w~Ww-8 ae 

pp Cpe See nem A Areal on. a : 

Gye 2 

A WT ~ OX wh its rm ace hy afl 

Cette. “Ker S0d. Low , 2 
Jtk-0n te, Te trace gtr BEE, =. on 
Af tu 6, | 

{| ee eee 1 
Ox Hype aK py 2 

| po da. bo Berise pe cag for Metis. 
| | ve like 0 Coffins 2 High FERS RL. 7G hal oe | 

ett, Hed Ceca rte — Coe 

ou nue el Uory 

Oeil Hi ty sta ane oe . 
Cen Ge - Tew Ber Seog AY ay | “Ohi er. tread. tly [PRs KH a, 
p Cn ) 
Y Meri Zo Eo Tn yp fp Pee 

te ke Hef, fe i / v9 Crate Ki tery Mesh ben, FU Atel, Qh au Cs, 

Kafe, Fun J fw - ' Liry Shops XS, ML OVO Ag. 

| fo “4 oe Cxpbonait Bada. % Lac, 06 Were ida Blan. 
ee Kiyjk AA w Bteftel Kaw Lea a Cee beta Cif, 
‘<s Nip Theo ile Mlisggrrate MOP is : V4 2g SY! Graton aes Fare, , deg. De, Rae tiny 
LE Woes m ul 8 iy By He Ke 
L. fa keh Sk MH Onin, Ms Ohl Vpoun Or Oa [8 TKenensansy. Par He, Le, bn J hw. Mh. Ofrr 
(| Men ae On past ew 
- py. Wes ee SE hgeel om Hk Hf om b bth \ Mewes. Ves pn-bdigee Chaz FAK, we Ae 
ae So, Ve, Le ofl Se m_ GY Khe Zu a eee LE G14, 
| ery Chirag Gu LOge eG jpg On 44 can, 

Joel, ty Of Lat SG tesa, Wafle, Bite Me be wey —— 

Vid ssste do KL Hod, 7 (Ge oe ate ~F Uoree 
M07 Kh cerg ae Lo-<c-o BK, 

Wh i fetal a a DG em Dat - 9 
AE SO 2 Vie lipst sig Oss: Le fk 2% fe Lele, . < ee te. Zseca ead 
: hee Svan. : (t- beg ye ee 2 a /) Hp ile fn. Rabe ea ipa "Oo oe 
CS eae se a bag fee. EAS = me . fe Ae’ Av Sete 

ps ~ facet 0 aA fess 
& ao et Bl ig ery Horny, 0 : 

se pite ee F ET seamed iy Ce camel 

Chi Bez 

VA = he sot Ko tahiy Th, log Boar 
a hy MK ole be, Mt hou. UR Gf Saas oot. f : Aho: SLE BG ok ae _ 
: Ob Gs Jk A : 

£ th loa sat ah, © lou Vy Gos Means « PH hbk on 
Te sae '9. oth, Faifors OK, Giounu. LILK 
ae Ti See ‘ en Ge teeeg fl oss anh, 
9 mo Persie Mons Bde rte, I / xe BL FH BU om 
a 7. Crate Be 7. 4 E Vip pets ge ‘fy: Ss Ly le ketita K Seeigho ALL ,. 
: Lesiction UA LRihd, se > ve - ee iff. a Ps Cu 

Oe a cite erent eo — 

WG. Aithiue Ge 

FU ileden Merk g a. ee eee 
Cas. aban HLS Pear Sor rale ( 

hf hike Hg rae NG ad ‘re “By. Kowv re Lon 

7/7. Lapa Chili say Sara fay, way hs wr 
At Ah~ eg sea ? Be 7 
SP tiny go Lodo, Aeoler Mel, oe al 

(fo False st Kies Bled ty oe 0 pp 

Vig aL - Ser Marg , "ha és Aik. Oa C hens, Bal © 
. l SAG Gee ay. oa, Louw "ie -OGiviate i pail 
ee are, tEnkl,. - Oe. meg Mat ap seat 

Bie BY“. Mon? Gu fee , 
Mat f, rhb, Sieg 
“a Mtrre fiteorfieA 
oe aF fonwnt «7 

boss Sreot, yee 

a wie Pot at. ty 

db Aik 

Go Gres Mevrael Keg : 
& = : of Sa Bley a a CO Ste. 
f dL aeed Tan G ew a On 
JFL DG, an 
wa gat Lf bin. PF 9p, 

bows A ore. tee of 
2 . ies Sn oof ed % gat Pry a ~ ie 
Bs fe Agel Ra 
ia Chet ety Gea tod fous 

finan ie ite 
oe Ti” AK gm one 

Eft te ot 

4, by Mey “x KG Cncat m ~ 

CO 9 MU im aa de at SOY, -Atrde “4 
OUUL Qu Zh. Dh. as — 

| " Ee ded, Cam, [¥biye Oe. Figpt-2 Hota. | 

' | plat Corin lig th ss Lime 

a ony “a ego* 4 

Via Sao Oe Wy Ke SL bh, Peden: 
lp uakes Pr, tm E, AP Fai, 

Ao” fost. Util ete Ki, A bes Ct thet Oe = 

4d M26 Pits Prussia lrdn, lo eee 
Mlad. Vs Kh. Mt UY ct a a 

MeL. Chet fey K AE Seth, fz Wil n - Of aw 7 0k fh 
Goede fe rafed i Pre Dre tiy ~ Ketarect, aI 
MAE bk ra Eoa, 

Lo kbn- fe ney: on tll - AN MY a Coxe 

YF Calfplit b Arrust Yo le afer 
Ox a noll _ (ee fiom — 

4insten Boarnen ch @ hen. Lr ef 

0$, Laatea pets {flow HO Ghana Moje Wil iat 
foi fe t., FE fill, faster ee bie Xi, 
OF 4 ax a Jip hill HUGFE A A fit on % Con t 

[20 Cadeid Coatuiam ig OP tia. VEG tn alt be fale | 
Mfr ath 4 fitle - LE aff. More fe} 
bs foe PE Howby - dp. Nil om kovo0. | 

tA ty Sar fo lilinn. biyh AE | 
Akt Abs Yy frm Rene Tei. lob Tho 0 al: 

hte om oe Med or flee ltble om Coffor — J ‘i 

AM br Doo Pha | 

bywuid (fle 

9 | 

MN hos Gect-che ae 7 get: | 

s gleene aat-p a af 

Bee ate err. 

eas ie 
oe Lf Cree Ke Pehor >. 

4 g (FF 

WY the Sie Mea. 4 lew toe V2 ee 
ait Te. FEE thre. tore m Pht. L iry tow bat 
ue AA bh By, Blican Mag bam We Pag Gos om “OQ 

bid oy MA Ooo. Zn SPO foe yin De, . 
ch, “ Sacr Gn non " 

Tat Cleeitas = Loooo Laghl- gn phase . 

hei, Hoplae aale Popa low Fle Aha he rs 
y re Lorn Cat” poor ea oe oes TE 
On ALC Clu ath — e. Fie co Ca, | 
Ong Lay Atco en fel Foor f 

+3 JO 
ra Vedhfehte pia fl beed bow OP” beh le hone fe ale Weee Bee gg ok 
“iif, Epeu be (Elen MA Dat how Kanis eit Tang em len oo EG PIS CH || 
ht tte heim Mls Tae rn Acuo 2s, Jaw flew ow ie wie (eww Malis. fptsher but bef on froorr 7 
ot dad fo fe pas ty beim Cn Sapipeen, is v feud — WO: jt tobe: Via om Resree Yircoes ‘ 
ae: - a Klee. tine a Bete ra es Be He 
Go OK w ttt, th bos foriy Poors fo felt 
en A Mad Jitort Cn Ce. : : E by on ae CL he foe, CPB vine Matic. Nig Mom, ive, 
JS OD ens ee 0 ae Maw Mehe Roe phon a on peentod ce. foal 
bull. om filoe Coffer lavdk. (4 fetho~ i sear 
Aarcful Zs Ze HMw (Colin fab or Blin, i 

CL ora VW oed: A > Lae Clif rn Ax, | 

+} Meera potste, CE fear HO Stitt {PO » Plw adhece 
Ge BL, SE helg, ol bod Foe 

roan ~ Malin en. a. 
iO Hk Baas Gn iene a - 

tut b, 

— S56. 6 
PEM, ka} Alay es SO4 hgh Bole Cf, 

to flere Of flur bball 

— how Ge ce. Aik L72 a lia TOA in. m 

“Shy Gf Aovtee - Fea Cow CO Cociss,, Pie pie 

Be Ae C SL LCi bona —-Gt 
re a C 0-02 0 Loto of. 4, Mm bua, - epee eorhy 
bs “4 feat iff oe Cecte - th otn on Ope f SP 2. Fi — 
f /37 os ¢ Pr th aag Glad oh Vic = Me hla Mle, Hee fF llae re Chom. Hila. Fone Foe 
i Cia am ae ical 

 Mhesk QGav~ hove peels _ aie Fueawt~ Go .dh 

Mérvi Gia Go “ a Meters, hie: 
bee bewarnin, 1 Seah, 
: ee ade APE heaf sre eek Cory ae heck % 

| Qeceaa te Corgh ‘dled PEL, Sede rile (Chern) Yihox. 

Fe we Ot EC nme, 


oe ee fer ot a cele 2 tte W Been th | 

g Anse Bow Fe Glrw. Kh Vary Ulow few 

by Chu. aces soe ao : 

Morw vv, os 

bheg Exrrnnn HHO, 4 

Cf, Wns. KLet ley ane. 

: B inh i? “kK rm QZow.wrort wn 
ic hs BS a D as a, c On x on ie tet ; oo | yeas  Mivisgfe mg rte: we. (Va fo- poree g Kawwn & af. me ae : | 
liilat MA fiw RAL Zk g aot okedl ee ea 2 Leiden IT WOT ee 

Ee ae Ay ind Ferg gfe gee bea” oe : 
Nesatane." ppg he freok Gfrk pearver ae 

SZ HK Cafhn Koad ey Zi eve 4 Ay, Meek Mark. yr theek Jierrfe See Mupros § wes bls 

ata REE ile Lom isa YO on Wehbe one ms Derr Beast ace Morrie. Fine Loker ae ne vie 

casei eenamaeiaaagaieateenmeenniee egees 


ico O, amy, 
pre ge ot. rfrn You “y Meh ® bow how © ae ee a 
ae yer ie 

Gk, » Dirig om bare Ab thi Bapog? = 
Sf dT. 

Utuwwrr. Aeeht Keune Sua alee. (hye Ad Yr Offer Se, Kewot Oc 
= She Lili. Fhe ch, My Rae, pk rat Vala. Wu 
bee Ck. Mau Lak~ Hila, Ga Z,, 
wert on Cen Fin mn ane Ue 

Cavs Cb uvadou MP'Yay Hoh + Py AL eS aoe es Ace Ten vs 
is = PE Bo 1 Ataf ae PAE Woes ee Oe 
frrr Offre Kead. C4 Lb. Medbk Reinr 
Gust ery Chou wn Tae, Mast a WO LO fi hor OL 
Ming own A, Mr hairy, an DS, - A rey mm Cov 
aU. Lorwno About a, L5 
iy LAY, a ay joe if =“ eae 
YY ib at 
- ig ke 4 (awe MO’ Tov flix. fh “y Bol La fk Beak Ml am iyi} 
oy, “he, ag Cor FC obese Yel se lpn - 77 ae With Weerme 
8 faak bn 4th Puce oe: 
4 a0 Me Male ll n~ / few 
if Ghm Pemd. ah Wl om GB. Vary fovig PAGE orm 
Mb hn, Obie im bn, oe Broee 
owe yy Pe WO LE PF PP rd 
3 fj Omow, Baa oe,, YS tne iste beet 22 
wis fore Fi. Jy MHL, = 
: kL is lary flr f Cali. Maal Hea pf PKG 
a aa bevk ae flow on Oorifin 
> Agee eae e 


Mb het . as LS! leu pr Clow Atle Bet Virn bor 
OMe alien Ze Cow f aay eS ae 

ae hee , flvree Ae louffre Yay in Lends — Cloak mon 

hard Up. Wee ae Mfrccuck, maleh= fh Bata, 


befits, Bl as orn Te Habis fil mm Blo, FE dak ttt. % 

19 i 

& fb turd ae Vis a Math -Ofifer (fhe Ee a Bak : 
Mygpbet Kane Fin Blok filer ff. aod, ale 
Morir nn COs. WNtehl Oh Bune FD SU Love. a 
Vp tery Cru a Se he 1 ae ee eee i 
*Milhg V4 bisig On. (Calvi. om Coro, Ohh || 
haf rek Vial WO es as. ah ih | TT 
Vio |t 
‘able vif Bi Mow ont bal Mam. PC yp alin. fuatet ||| 
| Dusted, Ante Jur iad iad Offs Ke nod WO! Jot an 
Mitt Hue tae Le, pie. ahs <a 
Llnurish. pd barfrrk Solar ag tain Gok APick, | 
A" Myths, Jtrntd (p02 poerde- ane tds an || 
u S07 

 Aifils ie JIE ow. Ves low ak Awe § 






[rt ff Meehel Gpule flr Kewe, ie Tin — ee, uae a 
Bloer- the. Oiffo Pkiod. fe Guak on Alu. Alf, 
Jeue Fin (Gals. files CGffu bXee4 ME Hef. 
AE wes vu Gero, 

‘ops f pit HO dow NP Marly Eten. bt, Thy ff hey — Pb Mow 
Ga COs Gk Ox Me heel Zoere Uy, nT ct _ Mir, 
Cas Vd dteiwa Neh 7x Let Gatinn thaad . 
Ze 4iry cow an A acres, aK Women On meade fie 

Ler fon ere om JUANG 360 Oelerty Cope weAarai 
AL lary fRrms an Geo, Wa 

bitin , LY pares aX 

oe wy aya Af - 
| lene “K Yi Keven Agh. Kou Mis fe rer, “47 
| HpidNG i pe Lae peas Fou ‘sb Cer | 

P< foaf Lea Kbr & dba 
Ae BL fos a Mag h Lly 
AY" tarsl, Aety Ce Geo 
Stl art 

Very lit 

Attics @x 2c AOD = a | 

Le Aeon 

a ain innit ns oo Bhat, 

i sea Aes wrist LL 
ae . Paige ediaie 7 bea See 

Zed cn Eno Quick 

ae Se) fd, Lor 
De at, cog Cn acer LO, Amp 
OTM AL LP 2 F Aifer pi fhlocrr~ aa Se Og 

igs: ee aioe: ee sas S228 a 
pe stp tele sicieame cae Cer @ 

ahd, wl 0 MA oFtee a Ace a 
aaa Kk BtCheaae, Ox Wo gn Hoot A= 

») SBP “tte CK Aha fle, Ly Bee. Cas 

Aton - 

: WM SOO” Sse Lee ~ 
by eee Fie. seas hn Gye. (ek 

lar = Meo, Secale » 
[Pring om Bs SD “ 
Pais Lap foe v2, 

| ; Debye Vp vue Jeg KO COPEL 
; | 4! Soh ww. Uinta fa 7K. ay 
| eerie Nloar Chin Alar. 

Ad? f theres Shap: = - ° 


te O ow ihe ie 
ake Ve: 


(Vin Aipieg 
5 Hiker idle Bs ae 


| eee Alay 6, STM ah. . a ae 

o /tefler fet yy geié 
PO beth. ah. lay pan cs mn 
(lr. ree 

: wh, x Tin 
Ave cae 

Ban | 

oe ‘ead. 

b Macy tana a 

; IG oup Xe 
ty Au ae as Hie 

1 LL Sfagdiiact 



Caw 74 

| e.. i Awa nines Be PLT Nek ga & a aed 

ab oe 
Aq. 4 

lbs lancibl. P& tary Nig kas ees Olin Se, Low  \i 

OO. CVat Grectezt (AL Yet H0tr ie ds Vo wee te 

Paoif Lt, A’ 97 2 

ae Te ee a 

afi 7 PC oi m -MOHE OC gf tor, on CG 3 

as: afer Sree, “ Suey as. 4 ASM ia as 17 fT 
(oo TE Khera. ey Ania Fa ttn GYkor felon es 

te Bria: sate 

dry Greet BS Be tS Le. Fev . 

Yes TH LSorvo 

gl Lents peng Ca Lyoreo I 
SIG ioe ! a A SEM stp ecery 
ME in (P" bw Weg (Colin hare Chor fe Marr cig “~ Ars, 

(| Shak om tbl. Miah ce few JM atliads Re ae Offer Lend z/ 
7 ; ine o law 2 Gg (Ga 

kad Mu 

es Rethiny 
AA Gor. at ah beers, Dae Pde rm Brim Wiech 7m 2arena 


top ig om 

ALO Pee Pea}! 
5 % 

fC? i we nk 

| Li AP LW tn Tn Ath hale Bliswm . Phag ke 
i Ltd. Ao fo 4. TOPS CM 

~ Hw or ia of ss 

age Oe he) A 
wie ZQorerd vu Lees oS eae one, TPIT 

ee ee 

Pl vin Jerk ps pork At Bear — 

Oat. T 

See, ad 
TH Ae pene . 

WAZA Vig ro, Pho fhe O44 
Oy hos. hE Kathe Cron hh on MFA. 
| (is At A AK. To CH flowes o 
dit, On Alt~ 
~ AOTheug AE Es fry On E04. Vo Good ba taoce 

SC 2. Hive foho-r oa Cnt ere 

| a5 ak RMD TS CEL 
fo, | tg 

YU EL, Bo 
s Ln ote. | 
- | 2 pul om PER GE GFAP, Kiel. 

hte AE LH ba vom Oa Ora Péeh- in 2 Jil St 9 pri ww Gre, oo KK on Coorg, 

Lyn AZT SE he 

f Bis 7, Otis oC Pe 7 
koe Oats Bee are % Ve, Leigel V hes Aizh Be Lek Bie : a 
} bh UW" Even dow ll Riri Z buh im AMEE P SOK i 

| ee eo ‘ aeoe i FP aos 

ee Hist, fst Opa ease cot bce A on 4 a — “a 
/ 4 Ua LIE Pod: MM 07 fhe ~ i: 
| | A, LOS Garbe prtelr Mite cote : | po. Lag as LEO Shook Low nip om So Bah om he 

0 WE bu. | ae ALT FP ORL Avett & SAE 
YO Up GE | 4 


a ee a ” a." till Ae Mot fy mom Cre, Grut get on 2eoew | 
Piney Foye: at Atriacut q Fa) ON Mise Bodte. 3 
Ae iy cay LV tafe Aw be Al der Lnood a BE Ka abet Wes 

| Zee eee ee es 
ital Ri I a PO 

Nh bh. bath, Cuptee bet Hee 
4y Meg k fe “4 Adan Ge ; 7 . 7 : 
- ee * AP Hine e-G, aaa Geo, Ae 
a ie we Oe al ale Lavewh At 
| we us ies Misa pra ek, laffer ae Bey A eacaaad Ab ffcen ck) | 44 

ie fe 

3 = 4s Ie 4 aa dl 

j ¥ 
Bie aLg Titlmeee 7. sho LG. Obey i Lis. jeivssht. (Ob 2 Even cin O. Va A blsnie be q i 
1 | oo rd ’ ” A Next - Z Ane Trev 4 Pxrerd | Osors Gh hore : 3 loa tee et STAG ee Te: 2 cn ar loner oP caus flere y a on £ 
“uk Aefiun Atheim 00 Berd. on bra,, lod. 2u, iene : hein Eitan ay ie Rites, GO GEOR EE ies : 
fe | 
VON, Atbate Verlaan NV ab ! Jia LA an ual Pep ~~ Ae 

| ae ag eadahe (Leeain Kew, l *# Beye hon oo 
: a 4 EOL He Safe vy on To DB pdy one. fe Z yee gen FieS COPS, 

o 1. 4 a La oe er ae = 
adi - ae etary fae ites ee | fe i a : a HAC, 

° ens t i i 
a: ee ee 

at Cand 

NGL, Og Moshe Me Gere 

eb aviatiar F gnnes belay BOSE, 

Ai 24 | Wt todba AH 
We ye Cbfeebieut hE Hh, Ff A fete Hah. we mie ae 
ie (erie Gt Caen VPktlan. Lyf ah MTP O- WL oo 
Hy . Ate Hak catectee Lut ER lene ANAT POS 6. try om Mn aheete 
ml Ce lla Alber er Of rTPA wri, : L re Nothin, OF. Magtt Ch Gro, AEG cw Rowwo —z 
Vahaoe Aten nt ae Gielnep Ff 
ake ted >a fie 
Z ALCL Cte o The abvotet- ME ee 
Lo SoS. OL EBS by ek or es Se, a hes 

| ft Late eis ( flten 

25° | 

phi Abtpot; fllagnesea 
a Acrus Via Hay k In A. Kaul ore ge 
DS Mas Cu tthe AF e CO gure lp oftnnse a 
MMi, Very Kay hr om Gov. 66 om Roveo 

UO tt. CK bene sxcte. 

We ee8: We Exon, 

: AP slige on ALOK TOP, Bath 18: Vor on C,¥ x, a 
ee eg ie AO BS hay nM Thou on 4, 7, Dy ree 1b, Slyke Py ee See 
AS Mtfharwy ae Great ar Gero, Str Cn 20,00-0~ ; 

ito Tinie Sifbtin 

(<< Cre LCL ee 

Ge ries a 64 A” Spe Le Gee 

lick: |prrn as Du Cteog - Gal ut blocs Ap. Me ned 

as Koc. haeasuee 


Pegged, £6 we es q <4 thik Geiag o6 tVwea 
og GE: chet fice fhe ata L000 0 ' | /bt Vo orat ef offer 
7 0. MF Med ta lo Meek Loed, 
a Le 4IEC, | Of um la ar Arh fl SY, @ 7k 
MW B56 a oe H/o? WF he ln RE 
WN 72. ax oe a OME HL rene ori Phim A v2 dt LY tad, on bra, didlict ho bm Laced HS Ake 
Fe Ab Xetra 4 hh abt eas fon. | FZ 
sSLlow ox Xe ow om Z 2 : of 2 Chooses O10 air A. 
| Nad & Fives LOOT PE. Slow on Of deg Le 

= - ¥ df ee mee 
Sf Atxe Net igs a Tages err | : “ae Pes Lei 2, Hone 7 fi ee A a Fons d : 
IO Vb bt flute we. me 

nt LTE ty Hem ry 
Q Ohiiy On Goo, Hil Ga 2K, 
wy len wh gt ee = | v2 fuse fury an OF wibeig cae 
Ae rane ony Mpitee. 

a phe Y Ll Mt Maweal-ttr, Tr? 

2% Ds tk". oft ee On Ger, 20 cm tor, | $94: aes recs Ss V4 aoe 

a ate ¢ ial fa gnr Ra ek a 

|: bola: (KD, Sig oe o> leo-o Gon cs — 
hess Povke bly On Sa vo tals 

=I ea Rear 

ee 5 

ae gh Misbiee-ip eacmti, 
LY La, MG. Om A. Are on Fe 

ES Minin DE WMA Pee ~ jh. Yeefite lace gene te y 

“Lang Lok, Cu Ate - oF shi, * Alt he 5s ox Coo, Hil on Zanes. 

"ME Lou. D8 Nathan En. heed bu OO Koew Bitte, +5 
f es the On A. Gf in Ho LF, ewe am 7” Soci te Sze G 
LLY 7 — Zz. rae val o: Ce cs 
ef: 2 

TH | You is to foray a boo def Ae Lo oe Ms Oa yh fire, Antti, ttt elie b ~ AsN tg bone” = 
ee Uouses ‘7, ar og C4 ofl ¥ Atuaeva © 
1a SOE, When Slate heey é VG Cprgs. Lore le eo = dei 

di ry MY 7; Nigh 6 Youd Lapa cn TH thie KPA | 
| ae ad “7 Ae Oe A am Her Slat Cen, Koyens, 
tf. BE a. Bndbh 4 Z. ie lnies b fegle OF Sh x 64, ie” fiton se he pags “ : 

0. Sieg oe Gou 
a. B Cua Beet, AN2 Ot, ty ME a nde 
a Loca AZ TZ Beek P J 2 Wi Lose. Ti - roe ie ie 7 eo aa 
< ye are hah ar ad | Ge Aoditn ge Merrie. 
ut th tly tw inane it to tod *Atuatizs Or Ba. 
: elle (Le oonw ow. Lex 3: C,4,.¢0/0¢n" Shits 0. : 
Zo. ME te: MMM tafe Ghia ia i Ba peed. Mereares es Coat an Gre dicacl, Be i 
Bog on a ; hele: Akt? Yiy bth, tn S head ate A - ’ | figel, Vier Ce wnae Abrapictly — 
ze 7 Mae mt of J dcad Pada ». Ml FAG dy, purce im boo, Vet justly, On 20 coe, 

fro oe, Pucrn on @&, Kile wakes. ok ute on %, 

he oF ee ae oye ' aieg. 

W EL, “Ritthe san 
ie Lay ficy Ze 
pes 0Gé OM atk Oe KPC o . regs CLK» Mt Tian une boo titles, cra 

Ne i Beirie Pleo de in Sh 
te : Ko Very en Wf me - Toe Aegh t 7ee4, & heey, a Bae oe 
a a, — : So? Joo Mey 7; By oe Ti anenyal otn Vai Leite - ea aoa 

pes (0 FG ox : Mod! Be ce ee eee Se Miainig neds 

ee [tree gy Hoaa 

nt Rabe, ee We Qere, y 
iz. e Ltetints Cod: 

|| Coco. KO Aige ho 2 ous a. Chih 

Lope —_ 

YK MH Aee HL. fel Ox Oo0 | = GS ae lyce On. Coo weak, Ho wWeate— Qn Heoao 
Be oee= Hh ey on gt the Bm mm. siasaihiie a 
ai Oe aE fe forrites A Eno Heed nm ty ai. 4 VIE oars : aga Buea 
ia we we [Le bg k wl: coca Cave CL | 
2% Kt tif babes Bacal FE O24. Gee neh Tie aoe te We A iii eee 

| borg tk OQee?. 
LG V On aee 8b tT that a ow on hi x, [ : ots JO. Oe Beat oun Geo, 4 K OW A ; = . 
eA en | (foe Pala wannte if Mort ens 

Hit Be. is a MEE gh RE Coates $i ion tn, ee TE 

a hd, Tae teat, -t olend » Ae oti. serarh.. & me. edee 

BSUS ARSE Sore Tangy Scan ESN Bett ta Rin eco BA SR eS e  Aeat AD omeha 

hn Gly Ce CA, 
Woy pape A Tie hexyl elk 
7 Wey Z Go Youre Pot, : Slt, Ones, 2 ope! 
Ye bk fre Prony Gu blo wel Bre Zo ano Athy Or, /V, 

Mt pint: ee 

: Lng ers tte He rey 
sae aes Hews Le Ade. fs 

| der Oe Ml in A. 

i , MIG. Go. Werle gis AEC} OS 0 be. fame, 
iy High Ae Crecet: Opting. yon the ? hey ree 
ca ae ae Ap KK YW um To ESR A» Siz Al 

° ie, Fd forurthevey Ed Cw bee He oa Ad, eo. 

| Loo, Dif $ heer: acs Coal we 
lid. Kru. BEY poy bo CHa) aes foe! AS CPL, 

% Bag On, fo ho 
al, 2 DAA ee, ie ll SIG, Bmore. ‘ftw — Fy flow om 

hve On G. 4. 2 fe Lae. Gh OK py (affhareeh, J 
Lary QWLOH Gon, Car. Wl Ca. ‘ 

Ch ot, 

Zo OC ere 

Ad farag nn. 

| HE 4 ~ Mad. 
2 | [7 he B a as. a ie ie Mupap On, OLR py 
; 5 ae Oth OM HEL Bil SOL: 
H i oo | et ps : ic 
| DL patios ~ de! Al wer Peel cl Tu 

Co a, 

Nike. op won f iS fb riff A ae 


us pis ee. 
Eee, z 
YM ane D2, 
eo ae 
[ Ue A.04 von A Tes ee Kopel “i +f Mnere Leek 
g LE hg Peek, V2 Ye, Aeyk Ou 4. CPL eon oe Oe 
Las Her. od ‘ffm “AERC -( Bore dot 

‘Ef, i tog 

‘| Aes a a 
i OD pg Kes. 
/ Gove Medes a, et 

Pair Be ONE on tens Peer 
4 ‘ On Ae 

| te — LOF, Bititeracale “f Tot aie 

- SE so ie 

an 7 ae ee oe a 
OF G 2B. F 
¢ Cn @ero, ern Fre see ot Punch 

ew mene Betas 
Uy. KE Koei. a), 

‘ Qu Ak. de 

Wh IN EN.L7 me Zeit vduton Deze 

Xd o- Torii Of HY btniens yr eee) 
Mew. Ke ae ee how on-n. F Meg On a, taod. Mage OK Ais a oT 
ae A:N.2X. FPS CR. 

OF Atl. wee — ou Goo, wy GS a Ce. . 

ee A Vory oh pai KOR ey Ou AVL Ane One OLKEX, 

~ PhLOp Ore atl Shat- PY S, Sous cru keen Bahri ft fiir ck 
A Gu wet Ad Mel . OL Md Cee, ou a aaa me 600k, : 

_ Yiny Lee. Vike Go eg Gia Matis 4 
ae ft Jiuek Gee ale _. 


RY Ho ott ea ae Her EBs GA 

= fi: Mel. GE Wah rea, oP MU O20, aoe 

Pilea Plumb hen ao ae 

Si oey Uae ALT Ha Fae Ps 

‘ nye Leona AO” ber0 Chearrcow. as ae rhe 

Pree aia ay Za aco KV tu Hore 10 ete dk On 0400 

Lees Wil OH ee = Jet phi Ware 
es, fo heatky da o— 

eens On OL fforey On Goo. Sib On Ao eueo 

wer: *: 


KR ANREP? 1, Cow T. eon 0. 4, ri ape ATi 
A = AL oF Pet OF» zie - Ou Oc: Poe aoe 26,06 C 
fee Pinundem eee peta ae nen 

2. AS, chs Otcd Vs Son. Le. a tau Te 
Mod ica. 7 

WCU! Herel, Bron. LLo.w . 31 
e me a Mons” fo Ued foo A tel Ox Lo 2g. Sera Ou x. KIC (ae _ 2bely 5 om Mees! 
ba all he ¢ =f f > phys abn ofl Save at, fe Mitr ey, 
 ——— o 6 ele ri ES hes tte Si etn 3 a be 

VERSA Jil Of by thay bn Ct. Fil Cu Ze. Loan. - Se 

I | AH A el! aoc Ail Ox race Hearn Miley, 

pee Piacoa Ated | 
Ve dow Poe of 

fk bth Cu “ae - fo bath, 

OL Al MO” Yip y Killa Cn buo, disper Sex ee ok 

ALO. Leber 0X Ohetet % Viewed 

‘a a ‘ae - a age eins ee au Hb OTK ay : @o Ly dL ow. | aa PED, ou lhe 5 2 M00 -ta Prnwup Ai eg 
one ; <. Sf “Sek ton cat IA Shy AW. ty fo 2, 7 ME A flow nF 

we fred. en A the, oo ye S ayg “s ee. 

2 Wel peg heat Bx Goo. FkyY wou 


ae a Ma prie. spre, 

| Aca A ‘Ai match «Kitz, Of he. % fares ties 
i Wo oe Y iaataa ae 14,000 _ Te ae Dag, Oe ee a OS ee ae an for en 


i ; ; 
e Ue , De a Je, %G 7 ¢ Sues Lee l : ee ew a Fee, Sta 4 Fite 
4 (ong 7 ow & fhegh Ohien, E ligt. HOH Meow ou P ? 
al : i dk mn alt rye. J A SE pene te. Of (eee, ox savage. af Creraeut Gir, A fh Beek ln aE — [4 £ on a.7, WOiiows a sae 7” Bk 5. Fit, 
/ i te Beco ny me boar. Celie, yah : _a Fil AE. nilet, Fae an 2e0ce helt pe - 
. ; ( On an te, Ke a oi ae ae = a2 
—Ael fF in ho Ab Jot ie See ts A 
: Com ML oun Qovon 222, & Uihuret tf Oe. % | 
2 | A No = Ate en Le nd, 1 fihec ph Ath 4g0 batty 
1 / CES Do ET Lea. =~ phe a Blk Qu vow et 
17 La ed.. Fig ox Goo, Fler Looe 
HZ [Onsite VEO oA KOE how BET am ees | aitess.c. Katehi 
7 i A Lh te a. ge > . 2 ie : 
4 fs pes Zo = fra, Suck aca Cou orpeyn / fot, | ‘€ 22 3G thier eke Oe tangy 
Ld: Dit. dtp ms ae /,3 7, FSC va ‘ 4 Od Hee. y Hoieet cn 0 Nether QYeA~ 
_f Lal ra. Goes. la nel may oe Sea . ae | Gad Fagg, fLcté, her lly allnw 2-. Bpsneahgee 
| Kes | mac A hithvi, OF Hod fore On G00, HW Ou Lo, <6 a 
ACL > Z ee Jee ypas' \ He, 2 Oe “L - Onl Reuse 
Pe foxy Move fe7H sapeete 
f A" a a | 

L2¢, Mthek et. ae 
mien PEG flea rbot a la “Oe Sade pace, 

iv ea ek, i OT hala &. mia G aT Fe foes Opn Lam 

“ook U frtwn rs J, ba. fhe. rag 

2 ete 08 
4’ Pos: Tots, et Ly ee an c, 

wa Oth 

ae . 

“ar oe fp on pein. ois oe 

pencesemecinennate nesanenueiramechestlnm 1 kinul ystst-nnwmandnrgn hi matemtnatn tt gpm tet 

Th Lob Dish: Olde. ie Gachog 

q | Pe. AOL ey hu A 70, 
i 4 ifara Ju 2.7 UL PA fp fou Natt? ze 
WN AG 242.7 7084 
| 7: i we Nt, Ot Gees ou Oe- a ii On Zo20-0 & for bnL/o,,,. 
| Vhewh K ha Good a0 Mle fate Of Med teen, _ 

| Nid - ay) Buy ae 
oh Ob od Tn MO 
/4 HAL, bluth tu ate — pL Kier puft a DO. 4 gry 0 “ hea ee 
Aft Dl . Py wih ee: on Cov. Ged SE, (ox Jocal/ ou Aoees LIA, Lele Cabacler Vneuhs Te SOWlro A 
‘ : Ve Mart, ai Citrine An~ Yo axe Se Av Coat 0 er pgs the PA ek Bom . be dna! 
it Mba hi, bitch Med olor frie, Goreiee A Ppens : ihe nae. . (2 dheth, a 
i fre Vlad Vl abeie a aa ff ce LL Gu O@& A heat nen ie Aun £2 Heard fy for} 

AS Z 7 Sobask, 33 

ote A kaw. 2 PA, sy tvht: <Asicatn sete Siadeinteee ee ie 
Sd Gacel, pe ee ees 
a Wied te Met Sake, Sag ow Leid LS Lt it fe alo von, ay. 

Vat. he ee vee é ti com coal 
[E Beth oats fs, itt. D2 ie frig 3FE fy moe. Se 

225 - Cacti Polack pee erm Lar UY piadk Ei fbi Caseaterr (ok Gabe nes 

ads Ae Saat ee FM om 01 bout? See: Aw. FO haw 2. We hea Kae hon A ara 3 
Bw feds. ~. & is Fe “sp P fet Wek, Gne PS Se Sa ae eee be ete ra DO lla - fed; Tiffros. facro, Ar ~~ ee Me 

| [4 Ch age P Meek. SK ee wn Leeee ——— 
| Pe fale 7 Vy. Yre at. At a ae oe a ee . e . es : 
: . Ly Gp. mb ve. 1; fry ax Arove fr Cn “Yo ano | | J b. Gepecr Secceg et Caceclia For ak, 

ig Z i ee ee eae eee re 
if 22 ; 2 2 oHnv DO OD in, Based, 
Neti cme 7 Comyn. Aum | Aft Gib om 

7 ‘e de test amt, fort Bh cent te 
ae oan at ce Gatatee pe 

Wee UA. Kee, do dew. Gant afsze Fol, = 
hae Seca ME Hog ey “y Hermetl Fre 

vA =“ Ay Arncut TE Ahi ua Kas ae ou ate 

i St bith awn Ey! ue — . eg perl See. A. gee banca Bi 
| 7 hee Tu AL, fae fs Popes Kea, Pa GC hg CW. A haw om Prat on seas Cee Oo 
Cg Oe ea + Cee 
‘ ee ea on Be, for m Ho eee, Oe witha! ei ep 


Se doen of Mee es - \, ee 

i a how. 

|: 2s aie Du Paes WA. 
27, oy KEL 2 (lr, Eve  ——— Vetaok 
WT Af ve 2G Se : 
{i AE St. Fu eek. AD bg der bore Yl a tocar 

Ltt $n, ar i553 VOLO 
a ae "Canis Wot 

Atk ht ALy G4: 

ae At Xf2 aS a7 "das pps bec, : a 
71 boro Pi © @u Leavy dikew Riragek an 8 Mil ta ee BS 

Ee Se Vous tt Wag te i ay 

ty ae as, tA} GSA. ae a : Magee Cn Pranse, 
(Lie C do ae hex _ ae oo oo eatgid Pad Cceeaueies 

j 2 Llef. AM foxy me bee, God ex: Le ave oe: | 


Me gee haf raparnact Coceshi Porter, | fA lg oS 
4 W Pee Hate, 72 tbs ees Py che aa 
aa ¢ 
4 i :- ye ae Vien | 
|| Illa alas ey ee hem 
i 1 MA 4 Ly few ft Moi iil Olt a Cd: rt? ‘ Crscesl of- Pract faa RGeoubaf coutk- DA EIRGR Pies. ie 
4 ah we ade Heigl cx 7 GF Slenrdarsd Rheoebat ridge’ unth Speaking ae 

Ou a Whe 3 ye oe Hoole! ff CoPP Ca Benr 6at[e= wer 
agett : : : | a mind Sef at-bat sete ae pacha only a 
UR of Orme sett he tert | ‘ 

Cnet fe Fel one oo. 
be 14 2A Sf” Pee 5 ee . on feet SS : : oa 

AE tae LOA ae. Teen. NE ne ne ee ae Se ee 
yp CER Pe 6 i ) 2 a etek fo 3e WT 

Lou atl, 0 ed ; 100 < 
fe CMLL Fee. . DS Cally Cob 2 i Pesunteors 

(0 Bub... 

4 fo ALi AL | eT 
Ch Eloy fe i sags Ox Boe. 2s an Be: eo 

~ Sar Tartine Pater ks * 
eS Neate, bX on We ve ae 

- 36°, _ 7 a yee — a 

i eee Thwee Pro elle. Ont A Neze rym | | | ; gy a 
‘ae _Aeurats ede te forthe 1 ofia om San ae Avecato me. : ef : Lecpos Moy took Corte eS i OTA. 
i ea Mune, 20 coff Carlen CoMlerd,. | , Jia tevig Mh “ott bth More ae Lipo eee 

Yasa dierealanrce chrinex - se 
of fim 4 G5 obi pe Hees leap eae” heer te, We Mn 
jes : to ae © Bendd Ca Gene | 


sagged ~—p. 
. Cornell. Ifo of wn eh G&> Joo cack 

* i OCr ee : 
| yen , fT More eRe Jk. (ecg ie ee ane 
_ 1be0 q96 7 fe Wlepe cake heerrcey ew 
R vb 1489 vibe Vk ee ye QC CHE Clee: AK ae = 
i ager 1 eee Le & fbedtic 
, 7a. ToT 7 Seperat ee es Aneceig Ded il eesenl . 
7 Pyge soles Total laden loge lh : 

at = ore 163, — 6g 

token 60 Goo. tek ‘chif 
Af — bel of Coll, im ae ec Te 
| Whe lee Race 

| oth pelanrye 

i Sept whe 20 front aeef{. 0. et 
cai Ce tO, Fou com Alek Cogs ef meet, 
20 cccd, thm [, lose oh, 

pana Mheeh: Bo ebb Zoey bt oubee x 
7 a ae 
Ip i Of the (efi, peerrh 

& he Reece LP fhe. CGrdi Ze ln ag, 
wee . Lat Cay. Sn. teeta 

the aM SE dy oy Lec Le, ASE BPE ag | tn: 

Ck ko rel, Af els ae sone 

dito bAY tha Vhcl ~ bf Cotes 
Agee. or Carey “my Cher hs eer GG 

BA Zo ao7g gs AAAs ol 
Se oe ae ae oe! a a hence ne. 

ECE cing ees, Set Kee ent | ag eh 
Me tfrrviat Sfrtario. BK He nee eae 
be aetcre, - fia alle Fp Reaerr. eh 
Ma ev. If bat Clg 6 Serie 

om Mere Fini, 4 rages Ban rect 
ALE Peo f 

# ie SS os hie 

2 : is _ BE | . s : i ; 
“A CD to-8 Be eee 2 Hw yn Ay “2 ‘ ao = 
o (ff ( 42. Cituetic Volek a aa © hy He. neem, 

| E = me i “4. 

It, Jb oruw EC. Cghaile Ge Coumesd Pie ~ 

SOO xn... Ha gen 

ae  e- noe ro . . 

rE eee 

: VG Goes a oe 
iia te = e Reece Pea Alek i ae Cay cc 2 Sa coe SD 
My 2. fs wees Vit boon, ke, Mos ts Aa? Deen ms an on reek 
Wa 477-7 phy a kine BOS hme 1 EG. KE Clarboriett Ch dn, fre CFG 
& Ce (ii a reg Ika 3 Gon, Lod Se buts Geese §z Corte | 
- @ ee nee 4 florist $ocalln | Ah fh Gveet a ae 
5 eae sine Wig fleet fad on har 
ate Li ee oa we fan, AE. me feritud 2 Cio l dl LLL. 7 am ee ee a =. rom 
as ae = Carcent ~ 2. ae va Zé. Sn. Ge Seis Fo epee HO See 
PW Bee. giao: ie Zp Y oe AL; eK, peg Hof? 
2 Bae : ae yh lo eis i An A a Pola. oa A ioe 
pees Ua Fee led: Hing Fe Lo Sl as, Be see, 

ae er, on AGe ee 2. Monge Ae Ey 
= (Frvvt lee a poe cae: 

Nisd Gen wes Painters) Mote ae ee etch se 
Ce. eee mae Cache siaaa 
Yo Ch es Ootrmkh oF oa 

hee eee we BR < 
yn allt! ace ; rae 
Be de soins ny On es hn Peony —, ax, Ray. Peek 

et A ae 8 af eee “ple. LL 

a ae 

aes : note geass 
mebcca lees 

Ae | 

il ME rtd filatiep A fice, Hlnk 
. Lfben Ce y ecce a pi s 

ta LOCLL - eC 
i Sh dive. CK. buat oe 

A wile Cleon aon 
. Ctintpae ra fe Mette lo~ Kies 
|e Ace! CA tb fonn Bas Seis Lethe. ZO 
Me A Wark Cer fittec 3B Sb Ake 
AO? gens = 

To odakitin of Beret eee a pa —_ 

ee el a 
Ja bie Selects, re Vcsesens pitindich 

ier ~~ 

Ptrenomerm © Cycahe OCash ht u 
Sl aS Oe nf {rus wl hed of Oar ber eel 
foes wow CKrKee weet Leg, uf uty te an. 
(altos mcadiad ca a ee. broly 
Caeuss Sey ae abtacoicd oem 
iets “Tpss.. ae eee nee ort bo4 — onal 

| i we O77 6 — 
Fe mil és Be ek Ajilen eevee tn 

ee Sb. (E4-O Seurenty and 
eee INS oe Phe» Cele Leg lO ehh | 
Ceeg / ‘ala 
ae ae e oe 

7, S ye ie aX oa 

fy, a LLC, M36. ~~ ; “ope Cactus - (ae ie 
| ahr FC. Gown at Koel, “Ee ee OF oem Tel, uff Voor Po Cnn 

Be. | Blea Lneciler Cerrar CL 

Zech Mg, Filozsh Bergh. 
Art Peete. pees 2 LG Foy LL ACs. ee vor a a ae Aaa saoel. “Mae 

aad Za Ce Atveedh, 

Lf Conc, AAW Faluee Jec> . ; Le oe hi-euwre pprteaed ; $ ohare | 
OCA CHF SP rcatise Chee Rat (ae AS o oo Gels Avot | Asch 
Core A — : elias, Wet AC ese Cs Sst race al 
: Aiee AZ Casage rectele U—e- ole - 
_— £% | | Poy ATI bed op prnnen 
: omnes 7 aa ee 6-0 
— 4 TNE Lt Dh Bh ape 
com a a 3 ay ote Se 

43 | 
Crroasti  (Atsulpn Abn: Da igas nel 
1 Unite. Ute ddd he one 

UiRedi Yh tuhin 

| Ss Alestel Bu wipliit pt (ee mo g Cie. = ¢ =e ™ 
fe Peete Tae tae icecdes Fe “4 G WL ~ 
AAce eg AGL, Guthist Ce ial sadn. é ye 

Ant pe” a ee ale “4 : 
1, Sulph tAlrcut Bode Ged, —cCroid un (oP 
ies (ered bs rea _ poten l ats LAGE onrewwA 
te ma Gatland ee oy eames | “Yo Lie tanta, Gas the b, 20k * 
a ae a Swed SS Tit a ptm bene (ties tpn ghec& a—nrot 
ee Wek, q— sas, Lu yaed aN a A—pbe, hie epee 
y — 
Ok Mate. 

~ stot yeh, va ae , | : : : earn) ce a aCe Fe PelSh, Cubbm 
Wt ee fot cee cet Leg | 

bi t- Be op Lean enone a ufu> Oo. «A : 
Oe Ga ican: a ileetieh Qulten a Uru Ihe 3 

Wiis dda ba => 
. ‘ 

Phone Piae 

hot ome Coeslte Cod 

1 ghey 


econ Boek a8 

ele ae | 
an Yip: af Nuvery Bre alee ks ay Bk 

ies ieee SMe 
} <a t , 

ow A 

“We hee aa ae a eres < Os eon 009, Grsporccad 

Relen = Urrroitd geem Rseme 
ua ak pwn “<“Li_ fb a Cet (rade er : 
Aneerkre dp traf ae nea’ eh er 

Adele rrauore oat | hen tet ae a ete 

ise napintas = at pina ; 

acatunt Ge date ae Ay ae co Sa 


Spurvctr Ja pnter 9 Qy ati fe Frect,: 
a roost rage Ta RAE sam 

chen n €2t, c 
———S eee 

Weipesalahtr oda oe 

bd ok Vandre Tuepente Thee aL Wal 
algae se Yow 4+ Uceefes, neues 

hut eleu Li- Chee ere, 
eC. ae Aer ; ae ae 


Ponte: ener pei entene drarte 

treat ne ere 


ee oe Ae — zed 
Wises ate. (cee hee ae an 
p eee seen os at P 

Anita Gb dofta trot hard rubber tte 

WWabane , but tk chee, ee in7 gucc~ Oa bles { 


Atechel + Riateerlarcde af Tr 

7 P és e "] 
CA eee LCase hol Bpoleseh— 

oe off F meine joo eta LaepO UG 
(Seceu-K fev aren he- (re UK 
nor et. Coen LCA Rp otf to, 

—_—_—esess + 

New 4 pO. Bane Se ie es hia Ceceel PhRouwphore 
— Clee 2 ee 

4 ot ee ae 

REGIE, aan sets 

oS 4 qdabis (an sc tt 

aA WALK uate 
Vue: Woe pea og ie wets — 

Go tlle tte, ) tpl : oa an F 
et ae or uma aes es r Sal * ee egl eu : 

pocace fel cleo m, B 

™ tothe. x yeel, 
ie Ce oy ches (LO Bd eustley 

[mn Ww (Oo ce i apes Ratead 
7 ee fa, V 
Cet as 7 oe bC mele, as: 

eae Che. _¢ ‘atlcio 


ALD” pe Menabi ten T fem oy ant Daf. sat 

Abow done Gisela oan oe a 


: ae “Lent 

ee ee err a Cd | 

Feet tate Pee wel : 

a ake i coe Oe 

itt eli ih i bated wile nabne: 
anh ope Vem - wit OS eo 
were af te 

olen lve. 

ae 4 
No ae 

= debra ofpepes Ge. Wwet—un Oe" 
|| Evrecteaiicament Sa : ne IE ot 2. 
teat ridcliwoh nrarck enn ae ene: CNN ett OGD oe 58 ps 
Pet Ant, 3 Celh, Cuba. ea, fe J Wrre-e OS AAG 
: IRA WA al Moons t nemlacterx Aso gate Remove TRe ey Confer een 
3 ceth, Co | ee ae a oe at 

oe b operon De saa eee 
tenes of Chane bey Anke [bre 
uieates Sai: seats nolic-< Chel: he * Con B 
Abeppe (ubeh ane Geld Ooe') i 

rary ove 9 wee 


ae Cleouemotog nonk Gapen wmaewty fer. Poot. Bo Ao pa 

ae After Ae an queadt. er of. chokes, Of PL APLw.. Cae 
oe Chotk: gectle” “hard. logo, bbs, anc hagh. fead- qb e).. 

Ue Hhaecee (6 Sok. Cofia wovhkhn o OG ON 

AL, wie drmweth pod IPs of -Carrshe Fade on Forantorge 

oornrch Ave tch Fann thee Chotk wher the Aosrths were. 

hid nro tg cee chie cl me Rae | Een oa ita 

lve (pete Thole fy Subs) . fee mors co WER 

A namibia eff Ixfh drawl 9. Ap fre? Sota . 
Gut ure ve ae apldiva.ol, o6foiw gueh— 
RIA LOS, ee, Ue Dhaba oe Dak 

» cehreh | be cal! CAG f& Dp Oo ow Cy ane 


; ‘ . . : Chape. athe. CorPeline, = — ~ (Ue potice _ m2 ae ae 
' about Sik which G hpperent” from 
Mees on . 7 = od yet tried auvntr—tkel uu. bron fo2 
mS - reriges Sas ney ? ; a Te TF ess 4c Te ct ° AAS LY OTA Can eas: nseach 

ey | ‘ oS L: _ pot the 2m_e Aeven” Uther sobre. TS ax 
ia 4s $3. : ce Gorfred An feet the pout run mw a ee 
Ps OW Che sulle. Gbeate for V2. an hear ow Comocinbbd. 
St At ew the Circle wo an eberasure Even _ 
lzpew placed unter (he Mtoe ov cepts, is W Akane 
Dandi Votan -rofiew.idc haw. beeen ried Tee ee 
Or 3—Reuns, a Moron gh weaker Grhe eek. 
iC: vc ete th Conernlar, cGreoun.- oY Ne ef. (3. 
Base cUlN- peor Wey & joene eu w Cho a Seo bios: 
; Sule urowficl... faa-Po gle werk af Ae. ash whieh 

Caneacs ot Gy Oa Dd- came 7, Shee. Ree Ce er es 

7 Rice Fama LYLT Y /P76 ties 

iy nies ee Ck oe ~bout—9 Ch wr KE rALKe 
te AeA k be emey Kofets Pees ore re erases ae 
KH wliishees Whe ole Role nat ( | 
ov re afte sete G av. ¢ 
Je a roe t-Wialeles eur ea ee on 

Ov COST eA beet Che J CANA I : a 
Rete... pe Ce. 2e(5 24 promncienncbgy Poiowes a 

- — 


: tee COVE Fag, $4 3 

4 a Ucar qvuns at Tanne $. cn ae Eapenenen ti Loe) : BS rae they cw... AD es Ce Cr Ce oe nn © et a -e  ee Phe 
He 0. the Weehanwce al chro Clon ; Cdra el ww Aa : Saat Say Bisse é Pe Arvrers 

dys a bbl as ee PEO eo vole 4 can A Serna Ge Sewe! as : ae: f 

Pa ot bor hear 

“Une. Kw BR. . 

sees eas a Benen. Law Bins ate eO IOs led te o&.. fe Cha nae 
dekcee Cardia Lu ave MCh fir, [prs ra eels CALs Ck ie 6. opie te ON. _ 
ii Chee. wale, (Us a Coe fren thee en Ch home h [ ho’ oe teh dafe pantee ke, emhyrne ly drsbin a 
(ate oe a] c-“~ han rt 4 (dn G? aoe Tr WN Fae care frm. of. JL wt 

che \ er eae c f- O ow a) Ww at Ge gd Ie eicngeulek ts 

I D eceaacrs el ne woeckl ov um e2 het fp 6 ek Me 
a Rh eh be wR SEER to orth bat. 
infec l ales Choe Cn Ce “f NWW.C AL, on y CO ae Ca 

at BERG LE GD few colye GTC TR) ey Oy Yl OR 
Si Po. re aCe (.. cots cek a ek. CO Ken Ge ae. ao oli, ly ; be: 

wracch, GQ Conroe be aaa ~ Vas Aas. aA Lg Corhtiiomse 

fe Has by UO @ caree-0_- Cris, a rel a- “f Lae oe 
Cue tet acim q--- Cre Re dD. 0 oe tern Oe A a 

PS. thesiacad at | hs Pe eee ee ok. Ce: pa RK on a 
eee en marae ee ane eae Seq fe lee ee qunee tH Frey peeate Ihe be. 
Che mr Gonge Boh Mee a chhosh WG wert wi Or baptiatias 3 pet > be nme, noe PO IE cdl ea NO ws 
we. Candie Tlie Pawel ieee ofa peers Y- cerher, [ee me font 3 Ooze P 
Catto otang «. 

Seca Pa {. ous he =the. 
o6ithew m7 wot” C.. pn" eo ala, 

ae eee Lielrwe Pprre®in Ie Ohe over 
Qe ceect, ye we hey Cas 

Cums fo-oro Pras Saye bn} “a, eet = he ate hrf wrth ae WA uy hae Des Ling io View 
Crm it” Dew, wore fpranwe [Chan 

gar oe | en : ~ tk nA R ; Ares GY 2 MN ot frrekinno’ pee 
fret Prcrnct Lhe Cg Chr owt nang Cok. Ce : ae (eee, t. secre ame Guat Wwe. fo On 
on Cewe Aoctz0, con ee a IX. one No... an pkey AG A\we wn frer cer PA anwnr<ew Ls ee ees oe : 
ace Shunt t- ca Usa ps o. f moog pes ee Crear ee Live laren Reel HO Ubhear Cpe “Ape Vice 
i cris ~The ‘ av ¢ hh agrees La Curnrennl” a a = vo i. Ne : a ee — ce a oon | 
acre wer the ea EU oe Qe te Chin, qut— Aer fo. | ; -. we, 1 Cc. eee peer ol ve anaes oO gE Bx ee 
pear Ants fame" en kanes: “k tle toe u tee wf... peer iy Opes. oo OK 
CH s ; deel oe — : U ia hos. feneetiecl ensran 

aa ieupeien. of [~-¢— tlre ORS, Sere i. : Any oleh = 
‘anal ‘soot es fly, es rm et : 

by ee ree lk, 

| JNO eee 

Gees, Pre ae 
opie Cre lta -<— rel, 


tices Gok weedeat. 

RE ere ON ay (Ine 

Ve So ee 

ae oeeund wat. hinencfie Eh snase oh & Na aatlly = Baten 
Rech ent retn te a et : 
chal tw. te VEE tane. ea Panett ee hy 

Ant. co eC. ——— wth EX. pon sok: r =o “OW Le. fap 

54 | | 
i wide ihe ‘ Ge oie AS Oe t € L - i aoe uw he x {La Molar 
(pa taxol. Clie (a oat: at os i memmeaill A a 4 det 
apd Accaipk (A ¢- oa eas aot (Mm Lhe. Cae a a 
ar ECA Ae Ge. ao” c.€. G ve Rie. ooe han Lo 0 als 
ud ok Mp Se is Yee ees Piegans M 
Y (rastve uae the Kole a eeeeee ga Fan on “Rhu a 
Ct-the Pipe oe 4 hooks t | Gs a)  p- tA Oar. of NA Any, 
seeniiate ot (ern ia awl C. Chie ¢ a) &- ] ey RO arereee oR AA, A 
hwy. thy pe ue tant fo we UN. C: ke rn es eS Ps 

Lite Q- ee pcernea Gs rd Ca ee 1 val ty Prawn. all Cn Woe 

z otk wr meee of ub hey ett 6. 
Se mack m0. ee eee rete | og oo ee eee ae need 
ae pet aA 4 rtang’. 6 6 APU free Be recarger Oe 
= plore wh unecli the Agte, ee > a2 ak ay ee 
i (he Di baviceO” pass ee A-prrnm4 0D Wrc@rprrchly 
oid Cureln «Chee er ctl frcaeeane on (prs eee. | 
Ge la a ee aoc 7 EEE eap ane wr ee Ss Con Oa ae 
Oe - ge GEO: ps Hie yobs © GALL Lhe are Pe 

po evthi Dacre. Chanine Pl GA neat 7 ¢ oa hal Pe ae Gere aoe: meer Wear ky ao fr Can oe 

feet Coie ots 
ELACY (896 JA febar 
C-Roe Crtpperr smn oan inn. urcth tthe fle om is 
Cree CArde deme RCo Writ ha Oa Oienr ar J ts mes - ce Aarreeuth , . 
urcth aca Ares a bes, ASCE we, (re + aA (nse. - AG GL tthe retary Lise renee te or the. s 
Ween at EE ch bb eek Comet, heHglae TRUS thet The Alm TE eng nus TEE Bae 

Walt Na cma ne Ape ges Aron + oe (40 ed | ae Ce Sh fr et— op weehern cn Co rank | ' 

SAS p SENN LT os te Of q5. 

li, L 25-00 26 “ease Dy § heme ay 
ee GF SOO o a, + ope aes oo aa : oe oe a eee omer i kaa ef Cane—g hore ae oa yo oA (3 

CRE ne toe oe C4 a © woeck. 

arr el ct loo ewels (ae8A wun th J: fe ra) AY my (ower ere a UN cm oh ween CL aL ie pe ee es Bitoshe, eae: Uke Ons Seer | 
i — isepent ae wast ane vcr l “f On ees On caltae On al bs Wrewry ne BeiGe, : PRA TGC pf 
S li CoA ee ALO clk prpham wort neces _4 tht petted oR Cae A he AER xo 
RAS Ge ‘| 

ue aD ers Laem { Ue Hbeemer. - ee + Chee etrmey ro ey = | Cd scthesdyh chest hay eter 
a 3 Wel, ibm Oh. fp eo tinp- Che BocepLs . Pale ts c6¢ccc.: y wun wera oC fuel by. ee 
‘ is bes Kanal per Bo Qomrrar eae Cfhorn pr. ot. le wae ~§ pie eceere ae) AS ala ER CARY we, Pacatenel 
owen cm ON « eer Chow (od aes eee Laer S| . e 
ANT Une aoa Solilin ute Che eth as mo le 2 Wet Che spr Lf ee D@te rp oR eee 
[acne t qe, Ty Ais can Ct best pe oe Pe ee ee ye ee ee re rere 
= a a aGue eas: onrhk Ave. pel olincet— Ay . . 
eon oe ews prerere 3 Cia k Cone hf ie ae 
pct tee a te) Ben Gat. Seb e Qavtiel 
weet Cee bene TE oe CS EET, An. te he 
Dissewke cane bee Carrere qu fi Am fae | 
ATU eee ape gear et ee ee. LOD), Offer 
en CO mw eT fee Or a AD 












ae Vreeeice ithe bat, Lim Wee. Ge a —— AL ee < 
ie ie om i Sree 
. ce ULAbL 

SF Aloe WTR (G0 ole 

(oo (~~ ¢ 

minions ae 

oe Bale (WSO ee or 2Oo wre, pr mee FG | 
: foot of (~* antl? ane as 5 rene 

Ake | 
(Corre nk ee, a 
deers. oe Cure 

Unalk Foro (p-e—— '- wake 

| ae Row by omg a AMTET ade. Efprert ploy cA Cun 
BIL or ctiak watk a hard dude eonkie(. pare 24 Vols) 
Ht. oho t wrk push PAM LANL Lan Cus: cutreh ut 
Lmtnetele Gelitioa of Norkie the Rig Soh The 
will le ran Creat ful Shaneielt: 3 er 
| ek Orffenwenon’ bond be Oft'=  Vurtlucer. REY hah 

wre Q- fp-Chere. ur Cha 

+ | i bo tine ac om -Keny aa, = 

Teensfin Syston Gtr ple 

fost rd qht qe tthe Wee Aaet of. {oeo Pov" aot op f. mm 
ae ere Ss Meadonec, Ihe fires Lo-peee a es. Coy tte hagh 
uw Wore Cra Or, ‘ Gut Tho. ofRerr oho votmusrnk® 

Ao teen One wafer HA EKO Rad Re onan p Ph 2, id 

Gr chs a certs we net A fre Crane, PLC Wg / teh 
= 2 x “a, 
G. tue ether Ck Boo XY gad nS ae ¢ 6 pets 2k ae 

Ce a Tce ce Ro. pb he: (lro DAY wat 

- Chk CAM FRETS PEL Gee pete ot 
aS Mare Tk roe 6; Cho. Lew wa Lo aes ear 
a w{- ofthe hugh ferk. wrth Cho I fr ALA 

i. end nots oo feb as fir, WAOhure. 
- Get, ONES he he ee as Olek: (Cpenical aes 
Beat {~~ vw (Weare Cenes of-cle seen Wermg vot ? ‘ 
ae ws ih Ure DA hem es Fe ea ' es 


| Uf he dat. (4 a £ Gece iho dle cb awe Lh he. pl tin | ne 

AMAT {ee ne Chenoa wat cari <f A ww wat fh, wD ae 

Beg at (—des G Ge aut 4 wreck. aha my “6 s | 

: , 57 
Xm ~4 meds Wh ave, 4 cS Lr Ze. ohn whl, there m_ 

wees dane an ang <€ fafa 4 en l? . | % 4 (howe Lo Urea: 

nxt Reatelane ov 6 -Ri— , fF tt oeenaaiee 

one Carefer f— x work, wih pr Ep nen 6.F 

lets fife tea eue rs q wet Le wo tw 4 vA Date teneee 
We mes aAs~ a oe cro... 5 Por A A. «A OQ et. a 

CIN PS Ae or a aacaes | sek A, > Une. fronr ol Hn 2 SPlrgg~ 
Commectiny Wweres Map? arama 5 ee 
The. Rrard BF corte Comteor of me mrck uiesed - 
d enn Wa. muse. Ui. Chie LA I 40 atin nslenny: a 

Luce cee Beh Reet a Dh en Ra Mer ee oe 

) ore oem bho: Ca Re es atr.o-—4"¢ fromm 

dave OAK ap a 

bragreta Uhunroeton, “GO a 

6eO eee tee Cee” Creek, portiumn _ 
bth, Whe wer wey reek te made. 

ottnd—cfame,  atdsionn Mo weds FO. 

mm quen 4 wh cb m. CV ties bane, iH 

Coote tte at « Rnenenn my eee a Bux = a, 

ae a pA 3B bret Cnr Clef pref chem Se thet. 

(yu cres leapt (ne nts um fem fa CUZ crxra@e KOW!W 

a < cad Dep menek., ere BPO oe, eC Oo. CITE afd 

and omar chin chremng Soren pee . pene. Gy 

e Powe mG. fap = ue have puot ae ool Lovyuns he Shab 
28 wouotk a Marl ly: (thee) wor? } : 
Reg tte No. rn) olalin in, worbreh- Sho rast Duly are 

ae. Gu Cte ) of (cee! wee: 

rus wy agefra cwony elie gd. mw neneanten tn a 
too derek crcthk bi Coffs nah ofeach: hee 
= pee oda Garis dy yh-.. 
(rut -geareeLe One Unlk 10  oduae ; Coe # ; 
=| Ke cd ae. — Cuca probe bh a) Yt GCE De. 
tle GR CARO pane — bo o& pret suse hist Sece 

; [eee prrelur 

Is Sans a aaa ; 
eo oro petr—c ao tw me ae ae ees ae - 
fee Oar! eet a Cone) 
ae nin exe Meo oboe, ar 

two wo ree Sas a ar et wth = 
fene Preah OC. S bee a the! oe, 
Rr et yan weds WA ow Fe Qe Q,) ee a Ge q. Oompa, ee: 

4 ie aa Se cee Wm rnncra& enlf 

Co ne Oe eC) ie eee i eee: Re Vodaate 
brut TAY hk que baek and: wade [he 
horde orromqrme A who g 

1 Maca aa wth, art 24 


QO Sh testes ey, a 
Cg lan, CA pee a ‘ean 
Pree oe Ch. =-e~ etlees ; 
v Ok yey we 

a bane ee ane 


Sf luce peace nee frud Quwt ° bet Clint 2 
Win Nica ee CAO. bag of pai mo ce | 
brmtreth— ur he on fp Pete | over We 
fates thks Lt. yeh Arun The’ aalle. | 
eres hase: Eeeoe Avt-f A. 
oats Una * Ohne: BS 

ve WIS (he Ae 
sees woth GQ. 

= ot) = 

Pd oa Ae ied 
oN w 7 Pua 
none g . ied 
- hes 
es 15 

AAA. A CGeteeguk tweak Burnet worpece te == 

: | wrth 6 ce22, 
Wnts ieee acacia 

it a ‘ ae (2D 2 ER Re 
_| epee tonlrcmaent eae 

punch uk Ke K w profungreh by KH OUurn ! 
Current - Ahre neesad Dole a qreatchange ac. ens 
botlerry ur whe focof fervis qennmeldet mala . 
Currer# of different alenqit, wi obuiateel . 
phys. G4 LAD oly ume ayoout ou each... i 
magnet of GC and emnnecled Goth A and RK 
ur AMe dame enert Mh deckeyig Ih 
Cored cnet im wthrch +he ena Curent contd 
gts ic 7 Cunent els anak cho annnednsefl =. (We siles F\iest 
poten OE an dP Home : Urn forks to thatthe wortd Uat of she 

VL witk 2300 ohw, gucl ow fkKue JOO wna, CUM weeord when the magneeti wene 2ome 




en a Aa .Ake. Cre d-.0 aie 350 caro whee Autanee away, 9 from Ahat Ahe S rere | 
Coe a 2-40 , ig roen YA om Stores Ca Corre A ass. | ou bie tu a ck aprrnas s ounck the . portean ot vy e meiaes 


gee 6 Netha tel BC es ee va (Are - pot} Eine rehinr bhe Poy fe hrnrchuig ann~h mat : 
‘e os or ee Come CQra om sei id Janchinrg wo aw portant fala mw Ree painne, 
6 Ree ‘5 GOR wees Oh. Land ‘god Fe . af the forks uM WALD Ur | lo obfaunr p pease . 
(wet etal vette thet Concle’ [Phice aa wane he apres Aland be me emmtetet wilh 
LEN leas Oe Ca meesie, ete Maas, FPA BE. 04s ae fetes AR He tire, amchthe lenis Phouldl be 
Wow P wt Com ole uw. ales é ae C3 : é ai? ca mtanky atcke / 4 alee fru Ueet tamu a 7 
SOCOh ss VO. Guts oe a ae forts may ln selyrebid te amy nate by a ajrruing 
Mae. mt Lhit Ure qefre ea ad CE , s presen Ao arwat the end. wroleenel of oh. dna 
wa he Chenge Leela Gh os fe werghhing them, Ne new heawe, “ye hive 
Atm, AHR Die, Coe = Oe: ie eee 2 ¢.. U einmlrod tiny fortes mthe Nome. encurrt ch ce het 
te Gelaecee Hiab d wa operated Cs opened + 4 onred oy a apruag¥. nt 
: / L capil vibes Aone Poe RoeeS, and J have a 
ie. Swen deo Aoceal. powwts ads ralad..... 
alee om both Forks sothey Cove Crumitlansly 
: vee ofthe mn not v PA ies : : : 
ord the how R ofthe Ro, ok eh ode bas et = : of ea Uren ands thee aye of Cer hee ee 
EE Shopredicack, Cornrcet ancl AAcobte, Ho 

Py Ae 

oo 4 

tpl ei deine beg cere 
Oo EM es us 5, ee, * 5 Bo Th tN ed 
pa NE bs PGS eo ay re ARES 2 Rearelcer Lervie with SO ceel, Cables” 


Abie edn Ma chou ) aS 
| Wap BI WIE 
Ais oe thaeh, Mt adEeh a4 Z.| 

can a PAA wa 2 

Ine fajita 0; netfee b ep Meveng , 

Wilewxr.vCtebs dwr1ny macht Antu ie | 
tn Miehing Mion gk 6 Buetiruces Of rth at | 
ayud of fa LM oltes prer aerereete “tle Phe. 
jfrttorwe ug Harner Awa fy wheel mame 

“y pce an 900  Nalthet | 

ay bs | Theo walehek vo chwen 

ie ore bbe Chie the ees, ) 
 Witaqg mw NO.2. Raton VIVO 2 Untd ey me Pla 
ie ) can uty aeemiut Lee A on ; 

e [> Zo% of mt) Cemecl Pit seer rey ae ee 
io lw oulol chy ree See) has Pi 
i Bontslet (atone che ee edt 

y sa Tee: ons ee Wome ie 7 44 2 ft awl DYKE wie, | 
7 rs A pels. We Gm y AP S hiecese 5 3. ; a 
ee que Can belare a oh tne Pee x eee Juo dete wee oo 
eee ane prety ; | | pany | . wnel wets wth Mend Lasfurianenl 

Bi be ee ¢ paceeeled tur bnefics/ tins 
ory by Bagi Ye AG, aed | 

: res Loo 
d a6 a 

i Cathe te 7 Santa a pias 
Nad hal tia: aur oa ae hae x 

Now 341 SNC 

haat tee botthes cortiming mwa jooSSHO, 1 b7 + 20 Qremme. 
pce Setleds 26a Vt od dpe wee OPIS, osc). 
Ukeh nw PKwk deport hes durmed on tke se ef-the bottles 
founa th Arsght, 5 do not iKnow laow feng tb leek to Crny 
Wid abou, Gow TK bt qramme Aolutio oh do Vad § ote on 
ow th ee Qt oane fare Dow) Cowart (pty Goth, Gren exported 
eller Sf) the deport 4 eWironrd Gut m the 20 qrome 
tA Aherp whee inp mw 9 secant AK ce but net so 

Le eae ow the | Gv wre a ak ee Tet Were 
putea tes Egat aoe TO Kas im 

2 eee ee ae eno Want rece,’ ht pepe oe a~ CA? 
“f am sac ae aan 6 oa ofthe Gotthe + £90 AR, 

ener pyres et Yaz. dha edged. and ane 

We Lop tr a peer Soa ono enn tat, | 
‘pease ES OO a 
l One 3 Aerts Qe Stieber wr (Oorce Ba is wholes s { 

14 grammed of Cranko Re Cie A Tipe: 

Ceyshatiger outy on aedn ng ote ae tf (We, % 
Aun - oth Cath pad efed Sy Arg tt 

my eVek, Creep wy om aeolt ee 
Say 4 ent Owrrfonae ofthe Rayer 2 ‘tase wit 
aioe tooce Be ee eae ee aie 
Sonu. _" (x2-chiks Aro potun 4~ lhe ceesconae DP kmy ve 
Cut day tee Cony eae eae ply Cmnmch ob bons 

Ws “mute Crp HY ¥ 20 quran ofeo 

z tes 2 ee ee Ack sar eR 

a: ae are oe he SS 
: : : a Ven) A : oo Dil phek | Comadaiw ab . — 

IDES SOGR IC Mita Ceara RRM NE A Fane Ea SHE SS eat vy aie hss dl ‘ 

68 : 
JO *& 2a G erie Be Ncdnta ake eet, pt. a 
emer qremth ( Cotten’ fit. atige etm 

begoede farts fim AAee—Aun 

(Cl renee s h~ qr o Mra oe 2 fea 

2 wer bh Gren, | 
Commitee i er Joh LOuc* w . nat Ake CL pol, 

Ode = 

Rte ene ee ee ee 
Ee Cy me Ay Sears CoA aes? a= Zon 
TG Uwe Che pleat a ae 4 = 
ie Oe ee 

a tqrem Act Coicte Pat gum cb qin 
O KoA Pot = Che .2} A ” ; 
otr—~~J © ; OO Aes care 

b. o . oS 

‘* COR ew, 

ane : mai G hares ( Ceram Ce ie 

esc e V 4 os ALA Burke Ue cea Sou wee yee 

‘ dee SS Ves 3rA<ey6 Tet 

Le ae 
Wn APS le 



on about Alf ofthe bottles comarneng AME | 
5 18 S20 grime Shuto ofthe dubetances | 
Wn 10O0SC Ren welern Vaokce ow the Sicke of a4 
We Gotife lurwercs {he wolf? r-Ike Peaot Exposed 4 
dur Srree. Oyo ns, Ar cyricl nearly Aa Nhe covk 
oO (ere , Lhe a rnanmberw funn wp 

i cael IWR, pout omUne Now om on sy om ethan 
eal” buck Ac ennecat of Aro-ps o-f wor 

| a 7 4 
(we corler ) rey ols boorthe 6 ow | 

Nov 6 tet 
TA dele, 

0) ee ne 
cece etapa ae 
ony yl op fo a ee he | 
& ove. are) | ANC OANWK & ea nmadke UO... ; 

[Bix Pewee 

and \IhtoG ov 

Nov & (97h 

ENS Ch. IC Cy peument. : 
| rd lt, . a a bolle 7 commnetad ee eels 


on * bedi cy eae Ree fo elke eee aloe we 

rae EOP ON Use “2 eee ee CoP). oes 

LNowe ee. VAae ra G- Ur Ltn, Ae eet . 
: ena Varn vent t. A EE ne ‘i stes (Te ny A) 
Ra ep) ef LA ty eke ta ow of a ae oi a ae ‘ 
jf JA c [a ee re res Vora ta. 4 oe Dhice - . 

ie nentne 
pas tage 

Gorted, Cha aan 
ee Mey ere he ees Dive Aees aa we 14G Cf op ; Fre: bay 4ebiad pooner 

bas of os be eLb_ os baer p amet oe ra shes 5) tae Cisco’ eos eg 


lL. etn tl fons Lo a Lay dt he fe ) i mw + eee | 
a et fey fee ee a, ‘ he. ae ae hmv er ol. Ail be 

UY eye bel bot Baa Pies ve a Hh jo Cue Cond, damm en. Leribe @. ) os pe Qlct 

i ra a aed | 

/ y po feet Cnn se a Le oe ae a ert co = ) de of eet - 
. f 
es thew tmp bas Ce y3 La bone eh * Gxt Peg! bony Pein e.. a a 
t é 
Gelb. Grrne Cd * 

/ Urpenenye vi? 1G. Cy eS 4. ie ap OES Bio eee a. 
dy 4 7 ’ ’ e 
Bhuce cr fein vet ot a kos Benet te eh gk ry frome Cen Ce 
ae tate an ‘ | 

prow ene’ Y fs cher errncwe ee 

“"y t os iver 
te Co bed te 7 Qe Phat at. 7 

Srp nq: Woes oo br whe 


PD bot 


| ee TIL A J pty, ie i ee. a Sanaa ona Mae Lrnerisif fova PN 
10 we banded Peer te get (. eae ns Cte J om Sed tit RES es 
ae bald ane Me LEP ay Cases uh =o Coe ie tn Ye oo het ee 2 

W2  BetpGe 
Pete Pee 4 | tony Bee BAS LA Names he 
z i 



OF os 
tty es 

4 y litre t a ce Nh Cs tA tah Conn” pees hu % 3 “4 ios fe 
ia c 2 ) : 4 Ceti Gow CG. ea Kt. 

“et i ih 
oa ae on Cy ea [ron a 

este HY 

je Ven A. bow « de A ho Casati wer he Bas af: fo a Oe Men 

4 evolens as is Og thy ‘f ites Ve es pea ue Cri vino 
é ne . on polis bomerys 

ram ea ee 4 ; 4 
wa. aan eT Tags T Cas, A, peter eC e cep 
bee, bmd bhrennn jhe (2 tie tienes” pewtlh 4 eel 

tr Cf Phe ne penanme Ce Ro eee He 


fo | rears Le Seer Tae ? a Q | 


Jyrdol. | EL ee Ms FLO lence Te teats tee 

ae Sa 
. } ‘ 
Seren can Cane hi. Grol. 7 “Cua bv i r ck \ 
; . rene remanence 3 
OD bree: J iA Wy aie oon Fbscd hos ef ? js ’ ee a a ee 
oo eer neirermammetct HT 

ie a : 
Ree apt OL CAs ee ewe hake ’ At 

on “ “~ ee } dot 
Mrdlow fathe A ett she py Qu tht 

‘i gee of 
hee Berar Pg Behe ht 

GS 16h. 

wy “Obicha ak an hosts 
es re arrpoer of-che oh be mf th ebm tlle 
Jecaecene OP wt we als carat Colors AW oreeh a) 

- (| _— sighs 

Bk Ce 

‘ f 
vf) p UAL p89 te 5 avers a . 

26 | TVYVN8 at wees wee eee 5 (les papers, wo os bat. 2 

Sten Olea Anti oe 


WOE. ee hs Se ee wm eone bine dork doft and. 

6S eee nanan eee “ care | ay Any b-~ws ke AO { s— 10. 
Woe $b oO — Ibocc Celi, Cerf = Vin dale - 

De ber 

A. [| Jrom KW (00° 5 Cae Areinhr Wah, Zhe Crk 
Bec Sys So Oe kee! 

A-wvr-2ee O-54 +6 

! am Dk Vudu ue LOOSE Coles carte au wey mot 

= Oow ~ 2 Felidae Fume Ahews no Colma, 

OE a) 
Ck wo A Gremme had WER, Gu pubewsed & the 

a ro Lod phot” ef Vor “Tae. whe wv thatpat.. eae 
Es ee oP lLh peewee cOhe ef ren tek Aarne A— of Lglty =... 


ICT OTF fe DeAphow pty Pi td JF 

Ee j 
~~ mtu ose * J 

Orr itere meet be ae ony ao thy Seanrsbr f the pfu’ .. 
hnohuad pron frage t. EMKflerrd 
wetany along, wend Ow 8.676 

es fore (GIPPI on > 

; Wis 

re ; . 
with | ses tes 
sro 4 oeew ieee 


a : 7 Gofued from frog-enlhas Joke Llane eeaever wer F187 F er ee 

WM Caormu 

Etre. Ik Gye fore Jaw Kemssers Setar AP DE 

- U7 
Mis | ee Bae LO. SED Ee. eee 

Ie ae Ey ae 

fxg Aout fpbily Chines ore” 


VEEN ae ree 
q Seautp i Lb arbui 

" Couler OLS ae Porites, prrvered hulle 7 | ae 
Sushh nice. Sree ol ; th ity “anche ete | 
bloat Jt Seeled i " ‘ , Lerrepe (Rock, 

+ Gish. Ciietieteues : | . . ° (Baek! LenS 
We ae eae a. Suthhiie of £3 

Y lice i Ole Gu a yeugalie 

x Qe Wer dave By MiB Urvnmun - gheovbue ws AL wr Obve G2 ee eee, 
Meaor cryet Pi orginiiesed . " : : | = 
Gthey—— : BhAnble and Paw pod te urelt yates OA) BUA BRS 
UAvate Lowe =: 

oy aw nvtu chalfe - ty cafrltary OM action. Comms weitty:. 

Sofeed frome page pices Choate pave? 

Four Kee ere cord Wet hal a 

W Gonna 


Copied fron pronge hoe. Mew weaver neevrd Cer BEIT. Ww. 

OF Cann .. 


icone a bepr 23. “eee 

oor eorterscatled tar ths (SER TEE, — 7t -¢ : : 
ord wRatiinald wrth pf Cane&lee piles Aly eerine Otiladas Morton A) 
bog ey atte aed: 2.4 

Telefh ove fiver Sef. Bret. 176 | 
DBhlherriss Vatiiths ureuwr 7 usw 

(oS, : CotCAOe ttf H 4 . trout frow 

; / peace 
Srehheots Piegmeeceu yy 4. wour } ; 
Sutph KB SoPer we ALekigrerort 
bhitrrilr (D1 ee 94. Wow, foes 

OB ntphe® YF ong: Peover cd cmd mmrved wth we Fatetain. 
Obs Wlerewry - Ak . Ailey cerned ond Cauetce . 

[De ewig) ete 2 ewurko peng Gawd tut asa athe Geet ° 

Delef howe ee Befy une ¢ a9 § 

3G Count areeth 
Content Puliae 

Cer rE DS. DVT Crug 

Clee jhe dtodd ig Sclitrorw of & 
tnd steetilo Milertunny — Gert Sv 
bakatlt Onn’ baireice Poten Sea ot fray but Omus 

oe Bhre os Aeetecle, Puertuny Danegu tan (Caefro choy : 

or chee Oey Ty-4, 

Gyan: Kanaey Hee (Reve. re 26.0779... 

Poy nh, 
ee and ¥vug ae bit 
yen Bons ae ie x pe es ade 
Copred fronufrage bu We Re teeurdd Der & 1878 
‘i LfT Sosewons 


80 81 

Sfrotenig Jhefrtrovs VC évicegs Boy BFE a. 

Ize) | re Sep 17. 1879 
Qestiil. Mhreuny 4 Gano Potash 
Qee®aQ Percy 
9 Bache: Colnek, 
Ce ted, ee ae 
Metres: Vreveeud 
OQyutiett Griese ow Me Juv pene: tog leas 
0 bufnie Gdbente 
Ceta& Gone Date he ES 

-- >) anu “fale. 
° Qeetaws Di ticran y ftiweane 
© ebhadl 

© KutHaa Fie ag teoens 
od f wd acte, Badan. = Via taund y Bs 
ig Fou vats” Mint iy a CZ, / Rete 
eo a . é pape 10. Tee fae Keerrdlo Oo FlhIf 
yroyate Cevd sc ala ae re 

pee oe | 

t Banbeel, Livitonsi ss 
Gonetie Sedo ple, 

« Janlanne Cud 

‘ (Sse ieles Aounbons 


’ thea Belie toed 
Qectils Ure Kn 
Mootey td cue wed Sod 



An thuce prow fogs 7: Vaw etnies (eer via 

Werte, Cote Cente oe 

SS a ce ee ye ete 3 


One ee te 

Gotwd nw Yaga vt nen Rae. Rees oer ail : 


lz, wae tou 

G afer pron pepe 14; Vleyw Rue ; 

Reed Ler F215 

Sheattiny, Joba. 
cadre, Jekekbeonre itiscass @er Ar IGF 




Dh Pra nnd of deweow need chalk my wei: dabetences 

Copasd from Aa 'T) Mew Reeyer corp! 37 
; re Cocrnen 

um Coummow - 

5 ee cer a 

iceman cnmeceenss ammrmspecincn senna easement eae 

AVL chrayr Coyle /hilene and allires thee 
Me Ca Lat 

boku prow frege /§ - Jew hee teers Det PP 
Wy. Corman 

# : di 

ifort’ ¢ wee Tele fhoue ttcacever Cet A if 75 

C thaed fron fry I nervy tecerver (oe nr eet 

aie Cpaensremye 

Brealey TVebite deo | re Qe, ort 

Cofrse heave prongs 09. Vers We haarter 
Mey Fe tT - com Loonrrred 

f 2 . ae 
COfnce, Prete Yee pee 14, Wan Yee foe Qer Stary. 

a oot eee s2.. SR a A) oe cee Crate 

; Ly 


oe EAE, 

tetteent o1v Pina /- 



: re78 


@ . 
: oP) Faw poqe Wo “rary Nee vey 



a oe 


| 89 
Sfrating Veheprbuerra | SEE IH 1892 

Bofred frome page Qt. Plow /Leeever Keer. 

“oy G1 v7 e com be 

Loch, JS fro 
A £ ww pry & 22 tew Me baninie Heme ereld Got fs S)f 

Ux Brinn, 

Here ee ey 76089 4 

os E ae menage cep a a 

- 109t 

, i he 
Cofred frre vege DOT vite Ke 

Ger quit cm bancen 

Chied froue frog 26 mow tecever tleeerd! Mev 4. ‘57 f 
QW Cons rece a Eva 

ho vce (ow \pae~ ut HR ne) Der /#. 18) A 

DI Corner 

Vlora Recerver er mi st7t 

Phas cis prt gfe aw trary [Putter ifr pre Merete 

16 ~ flarrvenng yh Chatll — | 
ly Fieve ‘ ~ CLartrocle tenet ne 

te Conte tice a DoNiitiictic a Pee ree 
a Vetere 

Rie He git. Ae ee 4. 

Go aed ‘i pou poy a a 
Gor fv Tye 
Pr Counrrniwe 

: : P : 

ST en che rene 


VWVaw Recune Oo es (vy 


Cohned bgiren Ine 2! 

Xow) faa Meee oe 


Mew Kececugr Qer 72. 


dur * & 




1G i f 

—- Phy Re reecerv”? On is - 

G ofred fre Poge 8s 


- fF. 

Neve Reena Ger /3. 067 f— 
Cohay frre P sy Mew | TE ene: 

RSS tee Rg a ai a Ne 

Lhe Mtr EZR 

waklome eet 


oa “A re Poca 
Sacominne: SF ST PREM acne case ACUTE POTEET STITT 


bs es Aiea. 

Ch tlc 

of te A Ae Ks. Spring A nN 
Ar AR eet Oe Ae AR 
ae es 

a3) bite 

Ho Not ata 


Cnt, de 

Sy oe ae 

thet bull 

Cie pe 1ahy ti iees: Gabe. anes tf hy Me wsater “7 4 othe K 6 pe pe , 
wrt bie fe ro daneey Uden thy Oe ares an pts oa - ctlet 1S eee, OO aca war toelawr oe Ree K ao efor & 
q wn Conta ef woul Hr Monee Hey fo etlen wll - QA bw, 4 wkd eyes - Aaah. 

aoe oe pen | 

Od. Her Coser cd, 
GG nctrral 

Cue the 

tis at d 


iw hs 


i a sc. Kaw q 

Conta ete / 4 


ote # Rmortr 

: aL rae 



ae bed “f As 

CL wr. a F Uroerk ov Analh oat my 
“TFA @-.. Po ee oe Rot 

7 Carp AA wi 
ej] Ha, oO, ey he 

tb ae «A 

PAL a a ARO 4" AA utero lle iy aes bey 

bi Sisal: x 

3 Late 

me UA dee ds af: TN tL. a Mis 

fe ea: great” 

~y Amamerdty “| : 

APE Ati dened & Craw cy Wie 



Ow Cradly 


oe eee 

~ Gs 

Oar Oren” 

x Ass Opes eget S ie T (Ten 

Bret Ag Commie tS 

EO acy ease oye i ue 

Lar av Oia Wtnease Mee N O-rm ab. { 


Oe i tn S fern 
4h? Qoretinn mA “the ersee (Bet os, 
he die fhe 

Cn mt, 

are Oe are 

‘t dhe toe rel Fe fat unuth a. for a 
a Come Se Acta } 

thee Serres He LRU 

Be Ws 

And _RRMAAAM « Dy VW. -tal 


Pr ofa bien cle by 


ae dus vf 

Meas. eg 
AN pila pone eee me 
fre tern auf fi et eat 
f er | ae eerie: Reidudies Le raeneal, pict 
Wt wer, fates Awa he Roster. » AAALAC And thy dinfeky 
26 Rel vA Current”. : 


ee ji 

7 fp A AL 
gee i 


H tls 

pap TRE en a acl 

eles of; . ; ‘peo ee 

ode be Cannio. 

f The sai 

“hee A. 

} her baa 

on the oe ao GREE: Baraka: 
es Gre ee Oe 

re ne ane i arteoy (We te SL 

wu Aa Con matt be 

RxD ti Bata Ant, th, normed, soa 
KRAeaw aw Cow chet e. ¢ Hy Ci neal 
Enntetd Ae nti. 

a eee 

Mtg ie 


Ciba - CHAREAA” 2S RIGA el 
erat ant Corn tian A400 ere, Liwittic, ha Plo EO. 4 
weed Fun Cerne. wv Renae Were A 

Ke, ee Fi 4 

un Me asrrh, 

Woruwto * 

A Os a& ee Con Cap ney} ye 

Ek PO (Cle ey eis 

ae ie me dees Jongh & | 
ee ee Sn pre eae 

RASC MEI 600s 
ett when att Whe apparctiie Ho relnxgy- 

Ba, Ries Bee oe Sema Ce a meee se epee cea ac! 
Lf The nether B. heed 

: v PumefL anid 
Ke ie sed 4 thee bx Agta Ome... 
fey Hog, the Chud wite Gite Lp ae ptetent 

S) Aa That a writ ferfer of fens 

SEG. Hae, ak aaa ha a 

te : 


Pe a a DAP TF ae 
ig (x. ee Bape oe ee 
A oe a (an ane buch: te peo Sae 
| foe: Des woth te gh biti. 4° uf ie ‘aan (e 
at wine eal pes. me on “the Ga Alon or rg : 
—banntendt oeehy. fr a Te ore ae Cathay a ae 

= oH trae TES ke a “the purrwrenny Cott the 

a 1 Le ms pf Age edy Te cscs 
eee ie a een a 
! oe OT ite Ha pe cra {, ae be, > aren a 
ee rc, Renee Oe mer eee ers (tae “' 
Do Ant Ue bones ae ik pevelcen “. Pere “3g 
Onde & ainda tay oe 4 Te a 
I; te Te OE Woon Dp ee “s 

ober im pe ee es 
ame oom Ti MAB AL ADAL pn, NT | 
0 de Veo urins 7 or ae Ge bth 

more tthe 6. Wi roe be, Whit, Herz 
1a, ice frown (ie) Heke, o ECO ica 

pana AAS het, Ca om Be ell Ao conte, 

= Copp pps ee es cad | brle Cate 7 Offa. — 

“4 rae [e-Ad-Lto Lr ws We vp roa. Bist es oe J he Poe, 
(on ae ee eee 

wus 3 ink Cur #& Ver : if ones OT Oocl any | 

Vint AG Peat ben lltn, Ear ee Kay @ porte 

as ee “iw Ste AG pow at @ & ple a. ha Af Aree g Lhe 

—--- OAL... Aw 

Wy le “y Vita TP Gee 6 AGG jo 
i Y 

v : 
i Ky 1 Leg Cease ee Ae vated ee lige Pie the eas : 

he cat. batltna se, One ot—Ceek. En), of jane a aa 
TGA eas A ee Shes Cece, 
NT, ee aes Mf “he ce ee ses 
lee. eet Awe ree es epistles peas 4 Até..| 
Se eee ee ae oe end tfhnanTid en| 
Z, iG Oe ae” ae Aeration Cxrtbha Cot PK, ALA 
_ Wine er, A. the 4 Do iy a See ees Bel a CA. weal SS i Vel eas eae We Awe ay He, ate | 
Wrtre ty cht t ] ote tha As. Te Soe) Fit oe AtLae Wal Fhe Shar rll aer ne Z| | 
iy re he Wrocext Chale “b, eae 2 (Ca) Kah ar ka POCa eee. oh Thi fort Kat Ren Me ope rong | 
ay var es + ee The Say ee wow & Ay The oth me 4 Y-CK pata Pas: ate Atet— Pi ye eae eg 
PA tee 07K eo yineretly elerut- 200-0 Paar An 
Ps Oe OOS OS Trg eC ae SR volantanerceety ” Mo Boor. 
ca Thur he Thy ae co Pr ber tantr Lo Loo we. 
Chibi or 7 Pe a7 Gee rhe Md-otrntnt 
Aap Kram gon. he Youre ge ie Vo 
Artett or agent Q-9 O-9 ae: 
adne al ty be baton. a ves [fore | 
a ety | hae ¢ Tie Sfrrong G whee) Pete sere me 
ba ARE psd WO “Efe te On) oan ponbinntien, Coe 

hang OO s aacemeeant ack he Udy Sosa 

nm Corenreeticenn weeth. the i 


4 Nie Canna Crake a8 
Wp hore hed 
eer Gy oo Con etinnt Current” 

SOM Ones reste ee 


HE nang oath Daf te anne Le 
frst oped QUA ae 

( Cut hy ee mi tL ee Sey 5 eee o- he Chany 

a Wk hes beaten eee ee MAL careman' oe a OM, 8 
ocd The f ~a_e- diet Thee “NWO- ome nor | 
i hbk, 

Am». “t wey Wiv Ce bE eee Bate, 

me AL om othe Cha LA Awe Comne Li] ; 
& Sr aor ae fs Ae AAL eh. a 

frtoeene. an) 
scree, ‘aaa } = aos “1 Ce Chk 

sey few IRE ihe ae ae 
ve Awan Or, ca Gj i 
oe Aotle, 
We Re ctrlem eink: WL AL. AR. rete cut 

rome ey ae Wt! rethe_. y. A- saeeta bad 
‘ - Me MKC TF Ca Corctcs,, ro 
bo ® CG pret ou) He aa 

“po ofk-F [men wt a ob 
| ae ; Fey phen Noir OMA a VY 

a | Cp es wo boa a ~, ae Ce a et her) 
| woe = 

D “fh. On OC oe Ont’ 

eT ec wt, C ae” a : 

Lig eee 
i bee fohinn ee i oT os Ty he io + 

bonny ro Tot ; 

~p 0 alk AR. as fhe chen” Date 

Leawt le Ui Weg AP, AIO csp. ee 


po ae bbe : 

as oe wt 


pow 21° 9 F laa 
from oy Continue ug he OTA Ce 
ene Le Cee ae of utter CLyaco af 


motu apareltine Goding 

y eound 


meccte oer or bg cad 

peqe Sot Keera Por Ge 

eam fr teva ow olLaphirrg tie 
bop’ freee 

and Chesed hy Ge dtwovg tiicht Fiancee aed 

o tid 

1% = ) , ; = 

Ong 24, (89f 

unth anebr wre arurecle mo ow atruthe 

| khyop tirleerud aw 0 AL 01490 
3 litte Gartme Ye ” 

Ot) or Cour L Shannan en Gort 



po Ke 

Ye - 
neh ee 

: ey 
Ofte thin ere Ant aw Cray ov otis 
4 LivAy an / th Reed a a 
Wow Bo. Otune Aw Curve ae _ 7 To 
J thyefy ares Geman 28, ae oe 

os eee 16 ” 
Candie. © Joint Keverda Cor Gg st7t - 

wow barre eee 

Aes re 



Si es FF th 

WU 10.0 thins are Breese 
J Krufe aw (6 Bareowed . a We dk _Befoo. 


| Abrrofy wwe aA pes. 

TA ve Raeeaers! 57 : ’ 
Girth + For oe coer ey 

‘ - fe 4 

» IB. 

/ Wrofrrirwr » ff Lp COe-Cp willy 

Unthy GGoo Otsive? nw 3 on : 
Ore Ort0frr~ mand: Bip Ts Aecwowda : ml 
z PEA 

24S “ 



ow atinfrs rriecue /3 & ’ mea eee 
gobs 16 otnuw. tele. 
3o Ohirws Crna J 
sop o foneend 

aoe . Creve) 2-0 





fe vis 

LoofureS from Vcigo aobiees eed Bet Flr 


Butb2 Oo tbscnee los BMepste 15. (P9P 
/. ‘i 3 Celto Baller.) Aloe oe CUverret / 
14 O20 4Y-f? 

( or 4 i a 
( 33), o.% Orn bubble Commerc Grey beet. pe 
Jj \ 
Pos Shes the venalizin 
/ D - 33 lA we burtthee eu o 
f : Buf G Ad bowed runs uf the hide up brevet 
. Mm (ie) 4 
/ Bea? “ey bheabir-pe 
, ; 334 rink B Hare Ce. 
Pur ed one Cantu eeee aed b00 phiny “ ig ce 
ie a { Propaw 16 T Creenay 
Kilo st | 
He Teo dee Neonk, gro EDR eeu te ~y fre Lest, a Crttig 
wo ae F = ae 
o ot : pete Ron 
“pes pret fy Clue rd Aolares (eltow Biers Crrvuecstip als) ee 
; / Lesh uv 16 4- He Keoend o 
Cut WL oe Lecnetors CELE ne buv of, i 
on Z 
Rrvd na / 4 Mme ? Ys. OCem nS) 

i Popes A ohee hang o- G Ce nner, Le cane aortint : 

TO Corsten 

ee a a IE ZS - 
aes > Cote pre th CL. & 

Age Sagan ee obey 2 
T Vober ele necerd! Ort 
trans | 




4 7 



[Butble U ollicm, Cenliind bd fa. ref 
6% @sconde 
whe | | | 
she id 

obutres fw buttlw ag 
Cleo ca up bhe hale Gouge 
o Vy 


A Jy. i 



. prev Key 10 Ont}: Khevrd/ oet i ee 

fa ope o esl, 
fy Canweet 

= 7 VButll; ils al Bet (3 ABLE 
ot Hf | 
. “i 
Olver, aitrecee Avkitey | 4 i ee 
oid é 

CH Cofirig bh poe Mea, aati A 4 f st Ju | 

Ay Wi Ke : Pefarcom proud Ornefdea 
th | lov té ar Sf 

AA, felt, Orthos 

Dvr ju uw Sotd Ww 3 Paw ole veel, bole 
Wate Vorthlee 

Matt’. vA i 
Grete A - 
alee pee herp, eter 

Orrcece doubles alefu 

Laoprcerh trrrve rage (> Uathoonl® 

Kanurd coor y 1874 com Comme 



wen AP ts Lartne 



REG . 



Bee 5) AEC Ye. ie Ore nS Ee Pe 
: oe 3. Cote Golloud Svicatle Oe foo, otuug IY Sapo D 
ri. Sees suri Bese “4g 


100 Ofeirear a 
tL apg 

ah ple 
Ate a 
HY Vi. Ss” 
ro J 
a Sh 
" a 
° ie 

| | ; 187 
aie Bubble Cote a, oar 1a. By E | 

VAs Getter page. f oi ee leg Aine 

A Bol 31 G | ol # | 3A 8% 
i 57) 3} G1 s | 4%) 2% 
i 27| 13} 6] s i 


: ro 
 CohuS froue Pequot Fort Rerd coo gitTh 4G Nee 
LY Cue 4 


Gtb/ W/ sbtexec HH Caters Ad fal 189 
a, Creu Kbeaphneger 

Cig ermreec an oe 

Becta, oe “e, Mecccker aking Ite Keates Htt, | : 

ze ces AR 
i H 

Ee oar, Pay Orr NAL D0) 

S : 
dents i es ee te sn pees 7 ease fe 
TAAL TA ee yy Ue Bo he aft gon khuerisl ly buook 
al pa fre Cohecrty cf -ehus Cisse) gcd i 
| Pot 7 ob dh ate flim ohort tunes L 
Pe ELE ah, Aecemte tte erthoil | : 
ff EE Lhe. 7 OL at Ble | J } | a ; fe. 
I t ? 4 : t 


Hn ed as Ln 

| a oo 

| / 


Bore £s ee Serre 

StadfeS up lhivtetetSv of the cece ee ae 
freee! ber natin Leo Caane CE OM Cee warn pg lee 
mat lefty and toecemie hae/@. the notienlig' 
thas Sa]e are tha Ce2fd of hi, act. Yd, wlad 
eaikes wear thie, ecenpcr a Ee TS Lae Lae Sere 
hes frre Cth Clelice Ores 

: Ofte = frveeeny coro Celmpaee (UCOTLD WVU Cyt — 
e a 


Et BhinepiRe. 

ree ce aos sit a 

seat lemme 


pny Seopa pee 


Lp CAiee! Prev foge LE Letlale rine hd 


Lor ge tty Po4 Wenbeees 

L a ae 

Y tllawmetler- reefer Ae to ID i 



bs ms  ulibte Uoleectin” Scher 16.7% 7, & _ es Se of i oe 

Of i. Dancrirnnert are twy over ara form S heavy — 
a bated de fore Huth. Mim Rt ae SECO ely. y) Adechl, sa Sei aoe Hee 
= from the Loonbrve word (Sotrtisis Nyd ru ohlg eed ) ae, Bounce if | Leal! . Ataneer Rasdsakon. Leguad aaa 
De aide etal lta cee Peed Siete nee Clneed ve Oaagh! 
; Wawel frie [listivias wre Aitee AIT TE Canbrw trod is | Zev’ tf 
weontt ane Hy more: cucer-Guriseg Uf of bog o¥ ff Ley” go 

arg att footie p frobatly thee Povey prow Ke foror 
thet te cra of aka OWLG es (ee Hi powieass teg nlanly : 
One The Carbere rhea fren Aerg ier ae Lob Tee Si 

Det Gi C07, CTL Lin 

a ee 



stores Reeenrepitie deed ot kd 


jes 03 henna niente Pe 

lofted prviie J eige: 46. Wolo Leas 

Mey— Gor ¥) ¥ Cote Cectine Gukasee 

: Boblh. Ublaiecare Ep 1); ye § 
ee weld ow tee, U Ronee. E 

© ne Oe les bedr LD, AEDS os 

Mahe, & Om francis 

eneee a never erent 

a eee 1 er 
éi wiPAaineter TY we contig cleg Cee Y 

“X re x 
Ht Site JS ollopetsr, - 
va = roy a7 / 4 y ere a 
Geee/ = 2'f% ca ee Dn pe A / 

mei => 6 6h” ' « 
" a Ge « t yb yf 
7 OD! gfe xg DAs Cee 

te enim fey oro =—_ IG q “ You * ' 
; 6 fa Mes aad a. op ; 
Melo 8 Ceteg SE hy /y LS /s Vela 14 4 lf le 14: a 

AFI yy he 
|e a ee ae eee : 7 
} ectiee cetera the y C P A, ) frome prrage U Ul. cle 

{25 Ky WA y 
fot fe dr 
CPt, f . % , Ber 9. 187 Ko pp eevee 
4h Pw 

a see Dertee 2. BS ) Be “240 2 bs 
3S J " ary o 
te ce aS ee, : I dees 7 of u y 2 . : < 

} wie cr tod ; af A A 4 

bh LT 

Ah, Y Ae “of ty 




AD. Cpe 

Aone ALLO Aas OL oer fu 0 
a op emt CA 
EDO Cepnine cea 

Jo A 


b ofired frow prog ty On Lo. eee ee ay ees Ey o 

Statice sss 

Sea Be Pe 

SUSE ae Pe ey 

Oe ( ky on 

My Cr 

3'8:O:6:6:6:6:6:@-¢ 6<@:@:6:8'@ 
/ / leh 

//} r 


Cohud frome preg Khewatis 

Biewvo Ger 16 


te : : 

Cofmes frm Aes + Rheocti eernde gory 16.1176 


ar ats 

Bother, a 



eae eae ee ea ae 


Sepa a nL Ea a I ER TE ee teat eee 

a G | 
x ; Cofred frome Puy e G. Rhnuwliiy waenych Mer lb) 

i 8 Plage) Ln 

. diflee tho : (ho 

| ee 
WP on ifs § ~ 3465 

| ahae leet 2 Ow 3 Arcot PRE 
7 Owe Pu PLLA 

C3446 yf, Z 


EAC, Eehi 44 ANG T ia 

/ Sones aeored Sour Ve 

an Lad .te : 
A ho antrm (eaetir 
me y fle He 6e obs g 
ffl 10 | dkeoeg defer Soon B60 obey — 
pn apes gee eam 
bp SH Wa Corte Kew Rae Dey aha 
a oe eifens $ Joo Ohwy Ore 
ee Wifi 7h 0 OL an 
4 rbrocs * 
Bone utd 3 ces, H9Sa buco’ 
oe e < 7 9320 
| ee is ST theva/ Bow 
~- OT. Abe ann 1 etnabite corres Taber okeftucliow 
io Mi aces 7 Ce a 3 phy 
: 0? 
| i CF Hose - 

¢o7 Onis 


nboco need Laot ee 

frucoure 3 ry 

Jo/ atanf{Cer Butrlogw Meat CI Oeste fe ths and bi, At 

walle +4 Ihr lead 
Mertiiiiw 0 Daf 6 we 
Uswt-age Jo a 
Wolter ai? 

ey, fy i tral 
en ei ~ £ he 
Trelis wf dow, tes 
Nbtlnwe lg N-dwt Beate 
Unrebnge An FA 
Pr ye 
tela. Vhs CM 

WA wdage cA / ia 

= Urol ww G lat 47 ae ia 

Ho $ CoPd 1 ents Oubinud Meflrey te corte 

OLA ee ted Sfna OLS | 











Vhs OL OD rabtud of f akitts 4 
gens es Chien Lace 

bupS frome fuego P. 2 kia recere/’ obbh fh 

Dy Rcssesctag | 


PRT ES MSR TS eae eee 





& cfrove focug ale ae) dee Me Meese” Fa Sal : ord ti i 

Now NM ~ 
ee a ae 
, 23 4 i g 3 
a eon ; | | 
Pi By * | | : oS 
a on: ci yg _ ; 
ae \ ; | i 
: 7 ip ¢ | | | ¥ 
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4 ee Week SI e225 | po | SS 
: Pe ty Pe 1S 7 ar ae ~ 
| a ce ee oe oe a a | ’ 
: Q EG) SN ae: bo = 
oe ee oe cas ee ce i} fy -_ £ nN 
Y od Pa eae of ot Sud aa ; | 
Y ge Nd aS evan nss Soe oes 1 : 

| GK IG 

Yo) $1 

© 3 
AF Rirercarg od, Rees 
ey De 

LE. * 

OOS. 4: 4 

Koarkor ee ee ae : Sy eee 279 
Viag rudlenrL i . Oe, Ne nee yor Mi pleZ Bop L167 P 

S Ctll @ aller id (Satteny (Bneclley Bale Onmerisen “Vle- SY ot Le 

.. 0D hivnbogy Das ts a“ arte hes —_ Bs hose tlo Se Oe coach 7 aia | oe | 


4be Seree lire tt atbruy ; so 7 yy CZ, “‘ Se. ie, _ oe ieee 
thn Doe a i a Gf Yo proper Clete M0 efrouv. a 

eee Pye a re ee a ye ee ae ey eee 

“S—- ASV a rte i. 
o wthornrv Prreriuy o G2. " 2&0 ae | 
a ray >> lhve Gishecs ES, bf he = : 
AL Ys 2b liirinnis Qecwy 4 SPE gE IEE i 
foros ong . t - 
AT M53 : ria Saeco Unth Arvo FOG2. eee Sf ALO 
7. 373 G4 Conwy 4 DON ; A 4 XY AS YO 

7 ra 4 tp ae Ee oe laeteo Calta. / Phe (rise Wore aves 
. o P- “f te q 
beim furs “483 Preune” 
Ata ¢3-+F9¢ 

BP fone 

/? es eeeLd frrsonune Bape SSP O 5 

Prthier ww Preteen sek PF 7 6 ) 

Fhorwy uf BK. 
: ra atte Garp ar . + PLL : 
Copel frss. longa tt. Kavetanme Kacy! Goran yt One tne £ Cello Cutt Sed ZS- - $740 ae | ee 
P-Crasems, WL = F-6F o : 
4 lore Yo eetto Be eee 757 pede } 
S Ce. a) Ww 
E 4o eww PF Core WH L400 J ee 

x 267 



SPw Sw st 
2 dune wf lin 
Zufpr meant 14 LO 
oy a te yo 

74/7 Sttoe 

1a Kho, fae Ger MTN d- 

Cy Cunecn Po 3 eee be 

? 2 
CR a 26 Go & Ufved frou Tope 

Vi 1400 

sé pe je 

Cotten Beaute for : Lak wear flere. : bof 4 “4 ~/7F 7 y 

AS ST ST aS ea TS Sa a aE ee Se Ta A TTT RS aS eta ESE an 


d Cogs weth free 

Vorknreg reade ann 

Chit Yrwided we y pe 
wheeh (ake can wheels hy 
Hoes, ed UATne A eee 

» Kevory’ Ow 2Y./Nt dA 
Le tacel grve Pred henatat Kevorvo y) 

WS Gina Sees ies aeons Resin araaa 2 

presen mpennenente 
Neat Rigen pct renyecteceppaapeurrreoreten er rrtpEm . een 
i Bi Ge Epa Haeseies Seas Bekea QEaas as 

ety wirted Ly Corns au thaw wuer yee’ We 

free dat 
en vue ot 


hhed Onthey wor ae aed ho 


oer ere eas Reolaner, Laude Gor Hs 

ad Genbow Movaticwer pr y LASER ATG pp 

7 “ fle. Ching oud the Js iiss On presamny Carthy ores Renny hy 
and eee aeccugethie we lor they af 
; ante Irewaranes linthorwt 
og 4 ekeo Bate 7 @orl 39% Ware lf. 299%o 
36 batty bceee / be 52% ? [re then kat 7390 

20 eg bree 3 Gee Ashe Vika sr i. 2390 


hy. 2 

{00 dreces. tach, frrered Being fay tassel he ee beg Lhe 
f Cereo Catteur ds 4 loevw MEGS here Voswsey lat Lhear v Jireetwn, 
Rien $29 re ai 3* 70 
Vw Segue FZ ash P23 0h. 

5 Yeo 70 
(a 7 
' om : [its Vo of. 

%. Bye 

a ee (5%, due oy Dupre 

oe 23 36 Fis terfr- 2490 
vi ‘ fii lars geiee, 

4 ae ay Fan ta fr “ere 

: 28h gee 3y% #43 yo h- wh 

: t ’ 3% As” “‘ Edge 

FAS dB oon 

2y As 7 bres 
ge flO vt J7rs 

@ arbors oa 

es BEB OY Sts WS eS 

AGRE EtG BORO k set beni etna 

a isin ease 

eRe x: 



LAS Baetuar Ae. rp 

& opr fromefey 4b 



| Oe (@ wae 

tire Cannan 



' i 




siaiecedadabehaeienarnee ee Ee 
Pe One taint gS Se . 

Aa RTs pegege cere myel 

Ae eres 3: : 

Experimental Researches, Vol. 5, Cat. 997 

This notebook is divided into two parts. Pages 1-47 cover the period 
October 1875-January 1877 and deal with autographic and octruplex 
(acoustic) telegraphy, batteries and battery fluids, duplicating ink, 
applications for small electric motors, the electric pen and duplicating 
press, the mirror galvanometer, and the electromotograph. The 
descriptions are well illustrated, with detailed drawings of component 
parts and circuit diagrams. They are frequently signed and dated by 
Edison, Charles Batchelor, and James Adams. There are also several 
pages containing notes on new ideas relating to inventions such as an 
artificial fragrant rose, a pocket spectroscope, a flying bird, and an 
electric shear. 

Pages 48-134 contain a series of illustrated caveats relating to 
various aspects of electric lighting and covering the period September 
1878-December 1879. Many are signed by Edison. There is also one 
caveat for the telephone, dated 1879. On pages 171-173 is an undated, 
unsigned caveat or patent specification relating to telephone 
communications. The volume contains 640 numbered pages. 

Blank pages not filmed: 136-169, 174-640. 

A t 5 
7 ONK INarKd achene 76 cstercaca 
4 Pruckcon snovEed co Ceutr Ocke ° 

, He Slechoan afar gn opl ak | 

O peony an odes can Eleclitcal? 

CUrn ect cK a 

b pape ebtbes Jluough a woaquet 

ar bob Gun of WU, url Colles. 

allochect , Kept conalantl, 
Meare ne layed, a qeminy ute 
oes Cohtch Ls dpACKLE LR frne 
Vier filers Jhe point ond tomes ONY KLOA Lire wr cting ur hon 

ut Parecy ver cuomerle the won ~frlurnrgs cactas an arcmoaticre 

and—athack Acloaing Jhe tune on Whe pout cl , 

Jumeng fork Semdernrg oun 

Cunwnnrta { have q iN ieshe. 
Ucbrof one “Eoe aperuet 

woth queef AaprdalG 
Jumensg fort iret un a 

Oho ey Sepnrat nag net Rept emotion! ot urtiw at by “a bus Ce eh 
: s Q ofr clirelower fe, ™ we fines ot & otk en d § heeled forks Ubrolun Ee 
a) Oe notes’, ; ; : : : ; mee oe 

Otte ont Wncchene lucha Qcke Chord tthe duefaxt enki. 
"Renwnge “Gry we a conulat—ucbrohim CG ox, bh: .. 


Connectoons for Coane fig Breeeunes ete brceafs +m cx .erhesek peort. one Ok wan 

vo ecb na P the ctimcficrit FkKose AE di hoon_ 

f. mg —_"Y mn ‘ 
Geloben rests Wage hil 
13 ote liad 

SFrsfead of she ink ackona ce “frcctcon temo Ihe Coe and 'd Y WOGL03 andCa-NO3, 
, an dry KOWOs, 

un (AGH Y K WO; sparks SO3 1s parts HO, 2o-porfy ~ ; 
Shes quves N03. + KOIO3 wetk~proPabhy Leos polargotion 
thas cree luck, re IKOCAO3 oot 
Dry KOO ICO3 so parts, (Brearbunate 40) de 
S03 1s~parth FRO 2zoparty, Carb gos proGal, cacope, 
hry KOGO, w~parh NO3 Is porta H-O 20-part ” 
Bay Vee Ix TQA03 b—pacls WO; porto 503 157 proxfa Ito anes - 
TE Lund-a Ci. 63, CombeneDwlk om Bavelr, choeempoacdk 
“Galas. for nvlanee ai doluabdle Fe AQ; ow afka Pee 
ny, nrelal = 

Ara Nael Sprak SO3z Maperh makes ehloremesWoker 
Ye Eleelroly tie A weil pro Gabby ~forenw’ wrth TITLE 
nu neeede a platira PCa€e Cw Uke pp ar ones peo 6 ron oe 
atte, connceting JRew ame To The. Carl on ak a 
it haw a seca | Io Aepolarae , oe sepergtaies dotlee: 
pre dows, Murrett Comer (Ge crebeme. Sera) +: . ies sel 
povews ccd | probadly PE Combunes cucth @oowe afer Co 
to foro, fly vette tec thay yl pouaanates 
q Y Permangcn at KO, sports S03 / spac NO. zo do” 
hafies NLAWG aera teptaxi he a Mrz Oxy hosed 2 
KO GO; pts $0; Ispho Nach, + pte. Ha lene spss 
ey AlackOx Nin mph S03. M4... NO 20 0... (* Boab s a - _— 
ii ices ges Of Peltesh to... ee 
 Chhereta KK until A bole aa brqeetine pa 
ero) ae 16. pate 

open/ and clove Hhe corceatX “Ag po nefetres Ma EF Gey he 
cue graph. Prese pew ae) (es cose A Yhe pocnt Car Pohene om 
Ake he corrrey (Ko Css LOIN. ‘gas nf & “pownk 

ch to lever ou braked ere Tm Cae se ee Soap Bete bey Che may nat X 

— arheek WOW & Laut untt- The tet f. oe. Veeng net MM. wr cake 7 

i meepelentt Cerecnet CrLeohen cuss onl he nS z of Co tea fr wee, P pet 
bokeh “f- 

Chere are no hale, mn der ot eete nol allow Che Comer 
wn LE, TS Te eh thse pou th Grietrerkes rs 
a and allowa Che Cases t 

Kale creaco uf En Cers, of. £ 

forrek b aKd eloee Lhe err sutets 

P : 
as . mes P tanoforts shiny Waffen e, Jheonallest 7 ener - 
VL md ? 

a hie 7 twotta CU Crcare ment Ma wrer ae oa 

ce me vam nee a eee 

eee Emon neem me ta eet partner e trentrentd oe 


oa alan’ | 2 
» hewn eppemmintn. Coun oC Codd dtvcelnneee oy : 

COchobn s6xk-7g ae 

Shoe AO OG im. | 

. 3 Wy 
eae WMAcaw5 ae ; = 
ale One 13a Wen {C9 


aw IMaLll is eeu’ ony (rea lleray F 

nolatect Dhar, Cy Onn Electric” Exgqune’, 

Revo Cin CAL SP. a 
rae re, ave ZS ECE St date Lancs 

poe eee 

“eh : 3 Slants D0; 19 

ae KOO; § ports SO; 20~ ports ho WO 
ea KOCO,; (OfakK—S g © 10 Net 

{ NO; alone — : : 

Scheme ef Alay ae pkia Prete. 

B eh — ma aeeh o& Pane nthe Yhimay Qo t= ie = 
Poe “G pote. CO thee. kKixte. 2 N , 

her eee @ % sae Poh ee —— - - 
. Ae meee a” Cece Wena Ten Chea. ihe e ies 
Tho, tee eee, Cee CP. ss 5 UKE ) | fe é 
ou - i Sos ( heart Bens ! - ‘y a 

SP ome = ees ! a sa Rea 
é GS { t & e Ce ah fe ; 
ne tobe, he. we hee, : 
f, Wn Ot Cire a. ue Anew Oo Cg. ec, Che : aii Soe ar 

Creme he q —t On, 
or = f ow Per ot porn ne 6. 

be tee lao ~3™~ (S776 ~ 2 CLE a ee EES Paci Ske ee pean aes ae eee oe . 
| : — — ~ “a, ta mectoe ¢ 1 Re’ weovReno oy ue X § hertel .. 

“Ghed OonmeB any, ani eek: eee wo 
portal ee m™m ACh ENA ert ae 

Ae o-pehanuge Sy, ALL 28 eP6 a 

rk f pee wd > 

eee ¢ ere ee 

 Woele of-dacch/ an noluxe Chal Ff wercrlet SULUAOA 
~- SALE omc at tRe Jame dtue absor6 by capllcry 
_odbemzhon atts of. (Rone perf ame frm a Guitd 
wohrohy oh frulhee wT bh weohieh aeto amo Ihe... 
heloterd ur dite Gutta Rofo: . Sidintes 
Aug 2 ef OCTET os 

eee bes. eben A a3! aA... Cheap aoe ae 
Spectircepe woutel aolP mith, obmel The Sule. 

Cosh Seacdk ov Line, Canada Bahrarcn.. Hee 

Lod cw Req ef eA SA Coremm ia lie. frrcomy . sont 3d ee 

: prank wr dhot pecs Ae A 

tee pes Tag mada Acwten B aA Oe, pbiaa cana ace 

| ' . 
4 cn JR ales eee tolean SRot. Sot ofenal oheclhs ee Ont 
hs the. (Perea ee oe Ebetna pen: dure by ct 
OR peg machine gw th Torger Roles. Ac pacer Cine 22 

- Outline OtRtiary, Aer tre ape Ele Corcer le ! thea 
eK Lowy e qprror tt fe Drug yet Ete ts , A, Ver OPS 
2 OT Rew en tT WNiaares cCocmO@cuce Efe ‘i Weert thie Sh a - a 
ete a Utne Powse 

3 aS ee Avalos, a wv" on 6leeh ef-chook 7” 

TK Ota, woah PronetJ GhACK ' 
c 6b owe” pl Cee eS: 
tu-T O & p Carry ole herrea”, 

or, LT 1 (Sa Pas Pee Oa nm bac. : cece pant unre. ee 
aw pth 0 enn 
A’ ob 
oe uid, { CQL ee ae 4 Ce Cone n) 

i Calor ete Coro Ge Lads crf 2 Uh ceo pen r@ua >, a 
of Vexet | Mert a oe Pico, Cones Co : 2 Piven ee wd 
Prrof ens la +7 fjrewe | Ce Co Cel G hs Ce CG 

fad KAeousokic Liteque r-& 9 pronase (. war 4H 
“Eo Ate eneG af thach ave 

YA caaabicn of Ca AM es fk 
; CA ow Cfe ste | CL eO ss. 

Severs mos Cz we i t~ffh Jura lo cn 
w ed biew. . oe L. 4 pe na Oss, Sse & 

ae C. 

We ws Cen el 

dv AAnA~ basa | oa, a a are 
Whe Lieve i wetion ounce Ann age ey Qui. me 
r t 71 { 4 ; 
hey (Sb. Alam 

Cy a ef re eere s fork. we wa tium, 

f’ on on pn 

On-bie Pak: | ‘ 
He: nie oe 

7 2 fe Sid 



Sas f 


cvs OT ati. ae 
— Bharfoalehilr, 

Ae = 24 

at sy 

sf tt(g 


fe cape adornment nan ine a 

, “4 YD 3 ooh susie ee 
a 4 Cyn ~ut Cana 
2. : ESA a eae ay ae mm 
yw mug 

SS hh eee 

Sora Tee gol 

Lnnmsy(i Do 

p2fromyg MYTVID YP 

a en ee 
aa ee 

oo x Wace bee ee, 

Cen oe yn) 

i } 
maa a an) 
sok ye 

ao ee } 



(|. aust 

Ny ee ee Ree aa - | _y-— ed ~~ e979 enon —~oTx wy 
[ Bae ays ae dagee ee ae a ios =p hy 

a ep as “ye > Lup l—mg_ yy 1 SH age 

au | ip oe Jao + eee, = a re ee ass eg yenney oD 
OPER" A: etl be ami pat ay Ree eee, eee Oe : 
Sats Spe or oe = wy ye RR ee os ~" ° Tee ae 

See —t youeeeyeye Saeeine ns bce ta, i 
' ee 2 a ? aw (ecw ey ay") ; 
ce ae o- I~). [= meee?) i oy: aD at fagetot— Ce a rd i | 

Ce OP ia ea aad | Bie y, 497 ae ee pee ae en, eee eee ! 
neta poe QD). = pS q : 

roa SP a a am coated da29- > —¢) 
0-te es Tay yy tw 

yO OTF” 


sot ete 


NMemol ol omingice bes aL pol, wt. 
IR. Abeet te Weed. hao 
qucet cleat fevee’ aL \ 
os acti & aaa welt 
Lye ore.) Grok ee “~ poeta 
ppc ow poet potion y ae 
eee re (IMO arene gest Pe 
i oe b+ pr “a pean wl a) 

ficane 4 wet! he Caan i Coats ote Ee Peon 

pease eae 

Lian ba 7 ra Seer) 
Uahalidy a nates 
Cae : Eave | : 
‘ reprd ae gna’ 

On Cows et ec Aine tenn fliee 



Y We noe 
fr H / hy Flan 

pron aye ie pa cag pl. an 
FG lrelrre \ceune te CCK ; ON nel apo hess 

Noth cofren A renee Geel... ede ike Oe 

Cnty” Che promenk Zt (pen yy cle 

¢ Q y - ' Useless ; a 
Cop i aca oe ? “f° : eae! put Ve 
yfmeeete eareenr ti Ge Avett pet ek cu Ff 

yt 876 Sa betce. 

fs ae 


Anuther mettiok ut wols thr ete fp thi- 
weet he of? ECrelive oe Coq ww 4 p eee . eee 
keke oe p rn every ae , Ne home CE 

de, é 
o >, 

a £%o 
oO. & 








Oe pe ear 

DB shall. wire oufepereebl € | 

act “w Wool Tae ie clenc 24+ le® Mc-19 conc cds 


“WE Vous Ce CRT 
att Batt: f° Af 

wg rahe Finn a od | 
Che Lenk, “6 the. Em 

Cy thea t~-nar- Ce The O48 [ 
es a trek, ~The. wo 

ta Tle bua 
vee) ioe ciao aoe a 
CAA Pave , ; 
a tl Ele wel Pe ett 
Eke yl 

Qaww cormary] ae 



” NA | “ 

: Cons p00, 

mee “7 wetre 

| <I Le : 

ms ee hae ailoluler, 
PONS. 505 Cee a 

die Py. dae. 

ean ane conte etek ME Petey 


adel ees vit se a ie fe on The Cc Le op BRD Ye ene rae a eR REP E aie eee eee NR a lee aa aaa ee cr 

eta, AP Tony vad 


i se ie ple. Vokes een tg Paar 4. cut ca : 
ae aie ae af rok Coveney, shun fa, “ oh. es a Oc: tte EE E 



oe eS a5 a a ee Ps. Es va im (. a 
ae oat eta. f 

. Oa, OMT wom F nad Kee £ - . LO _ 
& Cont ae Yh a a ote oe ~ / v ‘ ca Tey se 
| ins soe es a fine Od Sie i ts = | 
bea ¢ a " List tate 
ERB Aw Gane) ba 
eo i an Fhe ee Ss 
RAE CE MBIRI Leno ae é os 
i a Ol a ay a 
ne g aa La Le PEE Bo: 
rama: oe heede ia ees oe — 4 


by Way RMN om eee  Qae. 

ar ae ae th eae er ae Dey ears 
™ vit ede Ok! Caen j : 
fests ee at oe $ fi : a. ; 7 al Ate} 

\ brat. Ny Lee fi a Poa : . - 
i . fs 4h Pe ee: Pee , i meas, eA ¢ Cs 

| in oy cae Cee i. 3 | . . . 
I. os ae er ane oh Seen f oe 2 Pa thal RS SOO 0 cn ec rsa Sy Cas te Rap stats: ‘ ee eee 
nds om ae aa EB: és bad tt : etiaatedoone 
|S as Sasson! : 

H a Ne ee a . % ee : é 2 _ 

: rea oe ee 7 ea eee 
. ded Oe daria 

wei 6 

bade oO ek ee 

oo Jimny hte 

ered | a OM Pal DEE ee { es ae a 

| han Yy Ol ane 


iia “”~ 4 witine:,. 

- RA ee phate 2 tee 
d f fe tpt 6 aha C ‘~ 

henna oat fanl ne 
Henge nn ote: 

"daa ur~G hau’ rok, 


PHC form Chan alia, 
 —“ p 
Schrokelh Reegparg $oLnae ett pw? foe G etna, ond fon 

tre fool 

St SP GPALO NAtonwvre 

Wrcatoee + 
Oconre he Uibvotr ~~ 

86 NS Leth Ce aie | ; 87 
ox \ 

Oy W cranny . ae > ~ Cant ee Po roe VIN DN aden dee na apr... 7 

with ren acto, apn. <P ares ct —efe on thre wgh 2d 

crevustie aie cc 4 

a =) ine 1 a PRaben 

Cota tg " 
co A Rs Pa dhs wy “ ra e 
s : . 

len bolle 


wr dinwebin = Telgh oe 
mon (oor 

A ey Ihe: 

ae Propose | ‘Co cur ty the ke &R. ea a os t- 
HE joe gmat potent meg 
ie. oben a. chr prowret ob A. ve 

co ei baced: ae ae 
one thy tatel Set ofarbask wa 

te peers nese 
x T aes ; aren ‘ 

deca OA, nine tet 

) clilize “Plo fe oth CheLaurp b... fe te 
dol—~frse ORY Geng Oe fom ee ie 
me een Boa ne peel AP eet 1K tN Orn Aro. : 
~ propose fo rupface the clockwork fom ME ae aac ae aa 
© Cloomir ofrinorene Lampe thal umn fl teannnn epetie itped 6 1 LP 
Bo bles he notre | 
aq ee, 

<a a 

rd ee! a can “ . 
. ° rena Gy an efeche | a Ca 6 Ox 

i: a i ~ { 2 or Wot OPES AA ie Gs Phen b« 2 

Ht Uaioe ‘ ? (“.. @ 

J A. Colh 6 xcee inside The bean of Cle haan tthe 
~femtiows D green Cruse ec teolad helena fF 

Qt er weer ls Uae A. warChe ¢Res—-4 

there core. 

wile { oP Cu. toa Che Cass GB ican 


Dene set epider ck” nas eee hae emiaaceaeagaiteeenrhieemiapeantientieeamns ss eaten 

: : ! : 7 ‘i A ry *. 2 
2 - - ‘ Q g i OE pace. ¥ pean neste OTRER Ba 
t . : e: 
: i : y es . : : . pasa 

i a 


fae : Re v7 i’ 
Loerie ad Aven. 4 é 

Proposed application of-emalf eleelare Earq inves 
which 4 han obra, EKprLortavcache cl cared 

eng wee wm ¢t per eabiund vol , 

auvse of 

3 and CUWNL Wolly 

aR rtteetgedeeten cdg de vag bee 

Ghy ey faurcl.. corn pored of hollow carves PO Meedwuk Peyaen 
ee gana: ‘se€f velrre lowes breale, wrth iw homeo-potRie 
viet otleehid eunlaric \ Zurc he qhty camo 9 tanec oe 
4 Cemtrem > Worn alia Grehromate of. pefool , Ge 

i chee Grumng AK al of maf? f fa) CK LOE ov wacre Geet 

= ice het Retort wika atleast ng sng, 2 

hi 4 ( Y- CA conerelsraty-fo hin trweee Leech 4 . ae Ro 
Olrenn. 4k f(y cho G a Ulery - ca 4 ad burr qe ol Ef Loe 
OG je.¢ B po-Pre ice ra) CA AA RG c “To | ye pcwk op ie 
ce! ft Gx tae S few Cc. mannan 4 Coeracans Atte adm~ nay 

Jhert chr ohumes wapwtle O iatia woe Lo nrelen 9 

CN ewlacs Oks fw Gan (hu. a4 ay De re f? om POen, fas foal cte ’ i 
Cunro.4 by a cAt dies > wel ry Aewoly ong phen ta Ecker of ed 
Alot. “ag aanaabog esx C. tt 0. Ge le ig. «eae RCN ae? gah felged ee 

oe BO EN E oF or + me 
pe alys Ge: C. Ke Eboels .e Pou 

An elechn ic Oma we, cor th von ey ad Ke ee CURR mi ale. ef ; 
: NN : : ie i 
hol Anne a chem wmend pe wel Pg ie oY = cr {- ne omy vilblvad&  __... 
leg. 20 wWeleanaded eed tee 

ep brcins Oke the pores 
The Ah sy (3.028 - b~ tangy oa (nw. g lun 
\ iJ é 

An Fleet ac mpom uve pon Ce ee ots ~oloo She are is 
che Ave os wie so hae 

ee or Pree Efe cbnre omy end, Cucth Low 6 Pe neealle ome 

ca h - ok LS. = 
rere a: Jd koe a A gh AO UN yh C | Cb Y Cho ine 

Ie ey 
=i es Reap, jor yO eee aaa . ie ~ 

Cocem & Leas wrtark | 
fe wee ae 

lu ur heresy, a ee 

ee Layee eee e 
Ae Reereterng dhe Amer 6 > 

; AL. - fe Jaa : dow y Ged. uw 

Pn A oy Mee Ragen 

Recta Mag pe ~ 

Wake a Dr0b Ling of yearns Ly ctw hg ha lap Ran {~ 
sor conctez fw ohn, (. onlin. 

by CR Lond, Btabaese Ani lice els ole pel, Gets P ee it ea 

WN ery -§- [foe fe { Ht Uh On. 


‘a Cogn TAA ch. war Maen e¢. ole, pew (RA ae oe Com Ce ( eee ay 

Oka Be woe gy | Pe gah we Be pee 

Agu oleae a. os "Winer thee ' by Cho Gr ro. feo eS 
fe es 

ie ne aN CC t Chenen ¢ {, pperlo RL. , 

Phe x bQ vtef G 

errno 1 
giente eek. eB 


SPN ena 

‘ A 
Drtarrlee Rak ref Ochre a. (IDF 
Vhs r latte Ome of thin 


Cov ute: Couluens | 

dU he jt Let oa O Dp sas Mn els vemvas Co 

Gai ole orce) pees 

rr Ahhrrcteree Let ra focrfloree) wo Aapreelerla PA Co 
OAM COH-OCACALERS by the, Prr0nag.e of OMe Chee lj ce. Cermedl 
lvoe Ae thie tier. Corer re ens stertre Lene of f verte of Rarete 
gee a ae ees A fr y ? : 
mcelelo fr oar ae oe a fre at of CLA tleolrpue- Co ce’ Cried 


Oratemtuled® at Creinmuctto [wert of the FCA 242) 

” ° 7 Yi : 
ti 5 4 
S; Ler tamer se Cogie (verrtaca Ce tert etree eo) cutee eb ey ee take 

# nag re 2 4 
aa We tor / vi) lene fu Cter seek CO al~ 

COD tindet ae ut fr coir o Ae ’ 


PAO Ye lo UE 6 checle. thao Le refer ce ae ae of lhe ttt 
carcdecwiut peel enle. Cadets paerocd Co gee thes Lath 

é ‘ 2 a 
Wo thicct; tt raw arecer abllbeocuwd ly 7-ccrcty UG pte lle 

J. ? 
[CO Pere eee ley free RL werneay OU Chey DE ok atl, afl” 
J g 
lo PUwua le ee et bag LE, x 


SO enelo. Cy La alreis. ial epee Cl Lo of Plokirire rhe. OD iiciates 

, 2 : i 2 a fon 
ond othe a teeta feet teeeee nee eceled pelt CAEG LE 

Coretecl Cnr ttre ferae, Comp ees of Elcss Cee weak € liga 

a ue 3 . 7 
tf tran bee tte g ee * Lees wo lo cu plerLe. af awlreurtd/ecertee/ 

Si ra ; ee : 
thio Deri & “G AL Leck ou corepil Peep ulalrow of ihe Saat 

a ee : a 7 

al aner ae of Chun Commer fl Le Vibero woery ot. ceune the 

ara ; ; 

Clune corle ELT st! oe deel Lee, or foe Ccblered cu Corny (Toa 

: Fe ‘2 
~okierea WARLLAATY lo ye oe Og cco Cogtet ° 
. , . : ¢ . : fs On 
Fue +f trv leis te co o filed lo currcorus CLicg conelin t: 
: Ai eee etce dba 
woth sulrresa, Orie) Acercaar Lette af reeds L aulonvateacly 

f 3 a 
regarlole to Uris Gutt (prevertover . A abate Ocwerc bel i Le 
i ROE vith, i 

Coreen es the Ovececs botivels WD hives 

a vA of oe a erfarrere ry ae core thy ao SS 

ae 1 AR oO asa fae ly Clach-cw 11ecthine ac acta aaa aie 
5 ogee. s : Sastlc dia seit ; . Ctr rrensle Co OTe ee: a Zz . zs - 
KR, fe. C . Ele cee pew ee lonr eee) jAbevesd ood the. corceet’” 

: : aay Ale eee ) Aone Ces rcatet— ~ 
ak Cte [rece re Pe ul £ tol ta, C)eae> ec). ‘ 

Batt eh, oie : Oaweere ebbercaro of Cee fort. ae of hw seca AS 7 

fade. | = foe : has Sine ait a 

; r : 
oe CF Chverag he tu aren lative w fre veal ceere, abies. Y ree othe, 

4 o 
Cotrduches- ceterce’ coo ty rae PAA OS Ce CU aa IOCE Rede 


i hee 4 
a te 
an wy Wyte a Ao OD Mier, 

CMe pergeen. oF 

lnc baa tie fer 


af a 
vis Cay mclal or © ee elo {cet y 
fe Leta & i 


uf /, 
6 a os 62 [ele stes ate 

4: Aveta tre. URAL OL 

- iA. hiwedu ar asta 3 as 
! / ; : ¢ : . 
re ‘f opr % Ce thee or cfotes la nfirrat) - 
G wo eo 4 we eae trvndiay of 


eva he, LQ, 4D 

ov be ot Led eg sha 

A : 
by a 
on ew or ollyr- Ly’ Ae teacds kag artaGy. 
la a ae ree rovasede 

aS) ' ; 
V3 or 10 aree Tiicies oo, bhrergh me 
’ s oo é 
a ox the vA a Cotiiecke ale th *. Olea 
yt) ae lay bucl’ vA » GR, 

Oe nda cos Co oe ow Oueeamat o- 

hoe Ce tolre 

te ORL 

Lee vr ae 

nn e 
1mecore, lo Chua. pe. Veecey Colecea ths 

lee. det “of thy. Mpa. Cw Ges Cened b Clue. havens 6 ay a. 
fbvTive x how we ou ltcedo tte to ar 

the fhoitiive flasitie QO Ce“) vs ~ 
Ct1re) vo Of lek, he CLeerercd | Oe ere Psat ho CAS ds 
9D Crraulated PD Upson Setian 

Md Previne 4. the. tron Cy Pie. 
reealeicg s, 

uw ct Cl erro! 

raw G 

co, ev fron. we) ty : ; 


Oriel, fove Coarie i eatery ar danas 


44 wR lee. Wye, of chs, tieddecvisik: 

iG Ua 
rte uy red S* 
MASH CLL) es Ce Gin, 5 Goede 6 th 

te oe See oF 

the @ Rftavcl. 

n’ . Uo Toe f" 

Cathey LO Arae: ag a 

fol Ceryorge ie te [rex ALY OOS ta thee re 

” Chee. 
of CL 7) Cle, 

ec cs OOo ee 

4 ee ies 
OrricS Seca ae 

Dhined CU lo Ron ciewdecliae rece a0 

ake Hes if ie YT7o.G.. ev end 

o eabes Yrorre thus 
Kis ale 

eae Ae 
" fotbe C0 ele ory bene 
On Crrirees a Be 

tates 7 od af. 10. 
of thaw ihe bpd tes We hg 
rere. 6, hen then Ceerta€ Satt 

Ft COrivEe tu Corn, louck, cnths Che 

ALLO revel. 

ost bes he Ce SOO Te oup ov ety aftr, oucheo us long 

okie 5 whol, AA afprrur OY outher eLawlio 
Vklelcoru, Co the Meoveeg : vA rial | arc. Cisse LOO. i 

; oe of the, cara. 2 peices: of the ctl? 
7 ee feue, Leaves iL, aoe Pigs rd noe 

lhe. Cr: cree 

Lar e, 


rte eli, 
Or Monin AD os anaes 


areca tt tucks the Lab frenrauerw af ae a UBety ad 

ee lo aa Arvetve tae of Hee Ri esutpe 3. 
Bb fg 

J — 
ltrvah urterco he Grocer 


Stee: Cereecel vo Arr Leg - Lo) wae Becoady A rticerer. 
ne then cone Sou ceore ty thee: RAYS ana 
Rene of the ee. Ge ae ID Cowleck eth the Ghoul. we 
and forme as Pecond Serco coraacs Chao pees a2 ah 

Cer yeu Phin teen! ontenes the. Sprit ® on 
Oc clucering the (Q/lerfrevelure 
ae (fe tees Oo” the ofteretuer 0 Ofie. or pene EAC 4 this 

Ce A eee oy bfve. ee rewly ms: Q1.p20 moto bes tle . 
Lawer 3s 
Soar fer 
Geilo S, oy” fan 

boobs ie a 
Cio’ chrv Sopeere mie Cet ct 

a a 
a ay Bele ai COS fe Opie oy tye robanle. afro « the... 
litnereme acenrnemle oe ahefh. C the other erd 6 w 
Fler rivconeeh pars Come, 200, the ohafy LL 5 anentade 
clivels afifrrwehes or recedes from ov plaliiva fe goa, 
led aereed. AV. wher the levis fer citicre proce. cr yells Le 
Of erabeote a0 he goings ao to o. ; 

Dust fagure § the erponerorw of the re® G ano. 
Sdintecese Sead of Ue Lever & AlLacee 
Oenvaliow containing ths. vailed a fusroe CY, cies: 
etree reacelorwery 1 urbucha iedtwend he farses 
he current —— 
a pie hai p10 lire atrefco 
her. G Ces ake cro (B fre C ceg Cero «. 


pi 1 IND) 6 . ow gta licks kL Arraaco throrvugte gifs 

eharrek - CL. ieee: thic brides facnal | 
r-oowd GC. Oh — Ag the Servite. 

f- tO Os PIVvo De Boutin Dewees... 

[> ae 

ME ere One . > 
Trey. en weed ). Shheas or » Pers coy mae ae 
os. the pine Ge Pie eK, ee Comdinhiow. 2. 

eta: Gy 

2 ee rae 
thee: afuret cet, t0..<h 
th the, heme). OO... 0c. 
Coup bore cur nbrefir.. Cowl 

| LAAs oe vA ols. eller BA seiih: rian 
Ss oe £0. par Oe liptew fas %er © 

Knee coubs. card. (2..werntes.. oes av coreleceh. cect 

Onl ao. Ue... Se 


peer teeg in tne eg cance ge ma eee ata 


vA to cea the wire Co be Ren erered eee — -- 


(a teh er ferrido FILOOe thew, Che olhex vat 


2s / ‘ 
Oi ; tGerne) 10 the o e, 

vA verloorme Ce ths ef, 
eu od ery ee is eo bieg cus 

) f ¢ 
ChMCEs cle’ tie Ure: 
F 7 
a, TOO ROY a 4 Mien ; 
fie 1 4O deve. Ot Nee re oe eal € 

ch Cone’ lower & c 

_ 2 
Crt Ceely ts 

i}. 9 
MG Play ee 
¢ a 

EO Cotten fe ft r4 A 
Corececd | Pda 

Pert | 

4 . , : s, : | 
Covocegd OO i ARS ‘t) ot fle wae 

anor eee 

Lug {> Cites C 

. at CT 1 DONO, 

y Cha sia 
“OOO eis Cre of jy : 
te POW OS ce: hh 
cord en Oe SVC Od 
j / 0h 

nny Ars ir, a € 
SPREE ONY Ota bes G 

eee Oey Lee. uty Z 

tse Je ff 
, ; vf Le (or ir oe oF, of ~ ct fee. é q 
Cltuct are iw send ced ~ aay Ste ; | is 
7 Jd ye TAR. Che Coeercs Le, PA 

; i ™ five}; C2. Lo Bre] lanead & 
x trefler elire Tite | 

LM, Es 
“FTL UP Le poe / p a cg f 
ia if Olrae ee neds © PECELO pee i vas Lae > h 
Coe ; - . . i ha AAD bi tcf, “ 
4 einen On 2k OOP OR i) / ull - fe 7.0 : Ls & Ls { : ; 
e A vida. Pee Ore CeO Cee ce cel Fhie f he . 
; Coa ae oe care 
yr CL Co tage: aw as t a : : i ; e 
7 : tre Ofte, ‘ tected (wary fh ck 
| | ; eae * 
ay te Corvin OS wae Creoacs) ff 
; ; \. ue ’ 

“, wfleeeo . 

; A 
Me tee g, Corti tan ‘ 

Cie. : ; 
TeT ter Ccecwas, Co are lt the 

/ : 
bas bf, Crmrerct frre, 

: fos 
re x! ; fe A 

ey The treo teg lfy. Der 
MALS ee) : 

ioe » 

oi f VU Ow Aer sect ° 
ru er, o ; 
i Fer. 435. Cle, 

: eet t ate, tiaGad (ore 
ne A tf y 

ttee, Cle tee seu 7 “f ; 
oe ot OME Cs Oe ATS fA f. ; 
. os aa td GLp5 te 160 arab “4 

ary Le. Ow 

e . . : 
te Ce is Greky c fest 
Yet A, "tao les { ; : 

CiCecruae, | 



Mead, te # 

_ Clty 

Cer Cecad” G ee 

Cia L 
2? Ctaw 1G 

fee Cte 

as: tte ch 

Qa, th og . y i 
os . 2 ie ele thce fvle. X jbcece) wd) ; 
} oe vy le Clee. heat wm DReny tf 2 ce ore 
ak Oe A cu BUUVOO are t- as oe 

a Pe vf... : : 
pe ee Re Ree ae Cts. eer PU Gnu 
d Cor. té Qtech Combo i tg. oF 
t et - CF Le 
tw Otte Criherercticre of tle, A eat) / ioe 


rere en ncn 

si "7 pepe CP. cus Limes oc, (pled: bow OY oth ty auboleruce. 

p fp “ yee ates i - ; z 
ane a lo bie ellé ne vv. thes: ceuew 9 Caruty rege ales ek 


Lo ee) ger Gu Lig Cup! ul A yy i ey (v4 of / Ts Mave - 

cong ht X oe cls BT cian: Bees: ay) MP ULs arin el ford Ca 
bite fror ti te OR LO ea COLL Got: 7. Ld hae com) 
de arth lve food ils pf Crit D coe [ow vee feccarel Os acfe = 
cuales « I cree 7 Bator Phebe ee vakeley Couto only Co 
Wi ee Rereheiee eeasi POOKIE CLs CD Cow = 


a, U4 ie LO CU rreeg 3) vad : Aa ut Cory L Cow orecle wa 
Bol : wg ae : 

7) a Lee Ll gn oxen i ae re le Cnee OO Weur CD27 co crv lire) ere} 
‘ eee o a Pa ma is 

the, Oerurcteer cutiercw hee ecu wo true athpeee th. | 

; ’ ae a f | 
afrrot CO aa pene Cuewerch tr, Cee i flu. <eoewnd cre | 

‘ i fp F ; 2 . ace ¢ ( 
no Ore L Cc cutie wu flees C1. ue ret td OE CAE Oe agai 
, . S 
Cine ty CeCe teu the ORS CULL ees €e eur CoO Cr [Cnn cx hee L isis 

CL oud 
7 Ce 

arek atau ethy CL 

epee Ng 

Oui Cie Coes cree tie ce Melac 
ome Ce) baw Cooeel « 
rong uilea lor Drei: vO only aefeck 

oer LA fen re. ¢ pr ie Ll. are ¢ pies pee € C C7 Cvar rable, Co freee 
/ Pree 

OOD tee O.c. tie bs prac Oeabrera Gere va lle uF 
Lov gfe ‘ ze 24. C rag w hth oof fuel 4 ee , LOLe > conaucling re 
A e) hock wabaek bo ete. caboer ee Oy presse . Thu0brutlar 
nn plored boetiverse Jivn o7tetatlce Ariiratiures ¥B.~ Dw ovo 
Aveu wheuela Ao fr Ae) Ooreastu wfeere thes Cvrinvetiure B by 
ths. afprice E Arded by hr, aor F - X ar ge anvelirin 
ad arnoritde APIS thos AD ALCAULO Peering af 
eee | biblies 
at tHe lod and tral ufo the Lever Dat t nace 
Far he Y Ae pfarrot ¥ She, errvindt jfeoames Sais CASRICLAD « 
/ G ihe. Cuttiweteute, 1, § Perey oe fi. (tee. trurtlore iG oni, - 
C A. CN scl F ciate ei ebeads 7 
he Re ue a0 ye by tbe. yore say of fin Co : 
thee, roc. xX 2rfrord cand cltereciace i uae of th i“ 
aver yew) tha berrtles, rito.cetorrtt. Aa Phat baw Cyrened. ae 
he oe e ets 

efurne D-LOTLRAOLE , Benen ty al 
ofrrig wo. thw afurekt mraey bedi 

ae ; ; 
Cfico Oevren 2 


<= E OCERTD a 

RI | 



O2 Scecom 

stp Serene mesgrniass : 
ner orerenes yrcege 


eben 13.1578 





; 4 
ae wo 
| SORES —]] ae 

ee at te at a a a ee 


Sites ieee = ae 

. 46 
(Ggleivacse of, Gavcal bor Chichi Legit Bfrraly 


. fe / ? 
Dele rge Mee Pere eof Chine) Mand of Uw mie \-. 

: Sons! 
Dt frequen 2 Strer con Be COREE Ee eh Av arniicutial Of ferceced 


; / ” oo. 
bbte CER AD Altes whet oer cro! Qe traced Cfo pttocel ele tes 

< ’ 


a A ¢ : a ay vs 
ay Cass Arie llerne Tip rece Cet os re hewart he Carer a rote the... 
‘ pp 

a peer ea oe PCO) Le Oe ete " tla lon 2 (ere kere 

/ 2 4 ‘ Yaa . 

Fie ie LG, weurned LB 1.0 elec CO at once ke - ¢ uh Leh cvbrerce cl 

rf v a 3 ‘ - . Xe : 
an hocitrad rT ee pee Ae Ufve fewer, Os ise. Koo Colo h 

? J 

on CA RUM PEM rte Cee fu» Fl. 
al he. Ck Cte CE A ete oy Cute ot epee lo tool CEomecend “LZ RAfiivtakd 
ON Le We ae at 

. » : a a fo. : 
F. Pree sta nee 0. Ceecrery Crvvetied Ofte. crate eeuty Cede aft utes hl re i 
a ene EL peed 
pf weet cael bfer. ot feet Fete? a) of ble ferCoree wned Lees, oe ores 
op > : , i . 7 ee : j 
Sug Lo al BL eie thee. Ag eo fiver bth Oe Lee of Llu, Ofrrrve& OLE et mig (oa o 

f Pe ae 7 eae ty 
oot treet Cried bfren wort cat feet bering fe 


VALLRSTS ok _ fecbcrrucsd lo Gelb on ‘COUN 

Suz 2 aterro th corres: Ge } fn a3 hive feune euch the. My Loree hy, 

A + 

a ‘- 4 _ ff . 
* . : f / , a coe 
tote? Chix Ceoret ieee Crate iO lot ug. fu eve eel Mpa cae 
/ > 

‘ 4 . 

f ” “ ; ; 
vo thed fhe year’ al well. 

, 7 
Fe: tee eae Cee Om dete EtG 
‘ : . j : : : _ 
4 , a , : J ME rd? Oce unt UCASE 
Bek fe che Clad ariere cele ‘ a cred Cfre CO ures 
ie Soar bitte 
On wk Cra i? Cte Fb ge’ / AEE eee , 
of ; a ; ; 
a f vv 4 F ~ A+ egw hp ahr tl het. 
S ve QG vtbizeeo as prt trie Ge cuwth rig 6g tre cee oy : 

fi Ae : 
c Z, of DLE trey FE Ce ay hale fe 

CUreeelca . celoekf bee Car Cott fre 
A . rr. Fae wth Guero, 
i os 27 OAL Ls OY Oore b-Cer whancats 

Coiunecla G th ert fierr aerrg eels PG Cee TE CT eT, 
“ : f Care 
wth, wouticd poor be 7 cs! ace) 2 ao lfrercte g 

; ff. & Pe hope 
3 f ae) Chg, ketrer 

li Cenele we ore & mua wrt le, hes QZ Lo — 4 ae / co b dl 

Urily | LOR fo and Aao2 the casrereccut fo FF ctrtire te - 

oun ankhes Lasse nhs AAU e ‘ covets S wa by 

L CUerte C1040) 

) caa'at Cercle Oo. 

Pos fry cs a Ree oO (AIO SAAS jem Le n0 ates L 

ay wore Che o1t9 

ar 29 Btewo ow afurcl ornetoke 
t : . ae is 
hand! 2 owls ogbiouly 

Ow .. : ye wuulask 
frre s - Ao ether : has opens 

nthe eB 102, pips col oe © 7 7 
aes f. eee thie a fume auth ae 



be eg lhaees Live PREECE cr thi “ait CUO EL LEE 9 oe Oe Oe 

) Sd 
OO vi r ff. . f Zz 
JE ous tel Lo cf tat ej Larnge wite bo firte, cntech tre ale, Lue 
Ero Bie) ahcaswey Che tote ne La ’ sat On ; 
? : ! EIR COMPO Lies tegeg. ra & ” 

u ao ture ¢ ree ff teat 
a } 
CheeKew by btvrotoire nie 0 

ad thes efunely & roc) rp 

/ $ e re & oe j Med 
Cult oe COOMA Be YK. eee QW éy Keown eb Coun lech pree th core 
PERN. CY tee i FILO bs a 

+ ~¢ 
cre) ano) foarte 2 fr pred a Pe OVO dhe Otte s th. Cad DEOL rte of 
ey rf tet aleraresg us inf ee al ae att jp fzer ie Li ELF OLE &, th. Ahern Ff Ch ¥f . 

euler nacleg 
A. 203 a ¢ 
Chicuneceh « Obie apr emer. Tt eG fad le aun! Ciecey 
7 eae - ~ 4 f , a 
ete le ON Ot Oeeod Coe err ie alla G@ thin of t he 2 

i Cenady ot frere eta bitte Cub eS 

. Q 
Pie Ol Ofecu cer Aw 

toh 4 
, OAL ofc le 

Oa feoogte?e fieath, MPs gate 7 Gok 
Gs ne , 7 

wets ene oF he fr oh Case, van : 

7 : f j 
of oeteorw agur the 4 
prot Oe eee pes [has >, as 7 
, / wy o7 (oa redigae ey. Z DAES Pa degeel™ wee Ff J @ hi. Oe dD Che bt grr e here fe Liriee pte; the Jicwivds ol * 

TOOL afurats Cr Adcel Corte Bem neg 

. / ’ 1 oy reece Ly wane a ffs fe hder rey fro (6 ad 0008 bebe of Clee Sh tore ©. Cees iy a oe 
1TYU Cte / by the CE dian pts / / we f : 
fatarre of shy 

LOR Wes ee a ee Os Leia. prbes ¢ 
/ ta / 

oF ‘ : 
A - ; 2G / a a Be ae ce je, Reppin SEED. oc he “3.9 te foe yy) 
La CTL $9 a tha ari 23 YS abe fy ent a Ge wf ae nt en a a a ot YG 2. u 

, A , ; 
otu ihre f eo Baers i? wegte i . cA Y. ey ee 
4 . ji Vecues- i 40 was be 4 Oita Tass : 4 / Meee Mek open a ene se Cnr Oh OOF EOE live APL Lek be 
oP{e: Le eer, i : 

FEC ee oa Crete err Coty 

s ) C ars a - 
ay OD Qhiorvw cu RASA, eed 

preecvere orf C ee ad iad: 

(vette cortl, cours, 

or 4 


WAS trae i aa 


: . 8 f : a. 
A ds Coe & I Oh Ct Md Fed Oat / li mie Copa |e cee! tlncere C27 
Oo Qinrta Ae “ f 4 One Pema eo m 

PQ ; f wie dok Ceo le va ere ere e bie Cou atte €. ¥ v3 CUR COMP 
AL CrareS ¢ / : / ae : ; 
PER EE tts Create veh dne Oy the -ishesat Aci heridiig ¢ 
CO od ee ee tbce ah; . Z vy IMO a fie ic a A Va if 


. Jv 
LT € flatts ‘ ; / ve ¢ fi, / 0 OLIEE oe 
D w, / 129) C444 2D Cue Lee. ae Zi ol ; - whe Oo hp bye Cegee ea the eight oD Chae) AL it? © A 
MU LES Le d. ; 

Abe f ‘ , ; / ; Sg ee hier “buy 
ae ah. / VLD ees ap, tt rode ‘ Bag areas cy yo fa 4 PATS me fey oe OL vite OL of Clee tre gity Ct ok.” a Ce f 
wb foows £ : ay . hove of beet 
ol / \antire epee Ch bene cet d ore ot el tee) Len fect OF ELOe t 
cao VG Le ate og Co Orra ct: , at oe CE + ‘ ‘ 

J . : 
a cou Fos ; Py ue , - rpy 4 a CRM Cys 
: 0 Te GeO I A te pte ae 2 fen eis i fee iff oe er ee [ee 1 Eke cA 
Ae ahr Pre Sa mA ie . } . ‘i .% 

ii a he eer oa On ly 
Coat tee 7 Le vad: 7 yf 
To try Decor ae hee Cree Cert by ciate Al tenets . 
¢ 7 AA WVORLL. SOD ) vA . 
f bts thre, L, 
CeruwAht f tweak fro 5 ee 
ULE ECD th bcepigrs 

ane 3 of, i} 

‘i ALS ot ele, yout 


CLAS Crepe”, : ’ 
i Cow lo the afiurel K. 7 Cece Lee Ci be ‘ 
ye nae G “An f TH lee), 
. “SC CL, One 

ereges ta eres A. 
Vins, Cree tt C 4 

yo L - CLO alee elle wis aa 

CMS uae ai / . a 
ere few pecad Cpettieiam Pe ryat 

i fi ae HD 4 *, 

owe th Figs fer ro) Qf ( ‘ ee 

pa, OU Cot hote lo a T woe 3 

welt, hrtwore ee Cou 

7 , i , a ois . es WA go et ClO 
a flow , 5 j : 4 r re / PP Da em he Ge CEE EEE ow L® 
panel Lidwe TRA IY > Sag. oh a ofa EAGLE ICR a f 

. / i 5 
. ; ss 2 2) sae) CY fle ir Cre 
iat : 463 co abies me afr reece. trriice Cue os 
L ; 4, ips a wy Pop k es le Crees: rier Lake fect 
CAnieg tt “4 f. See the. Tea kd Oe Cente OPE Bete ot Get FP EA brotcce pened the 
. . : , } f e . ; Lege : Sortie b eae 
lithe oes J if eed f UN. Levene ch a? fe A oan eee Ue erates Zi 

COP Rt Eftm 4 rust Coote the. > rterughe-t the af 
¥ (ta \ 

das 3 > Pe eee Mes 7 me Letieadey, he fs : wns of Ptuwu Se oem 

: , E é C yrveg » [ane 
th, os : oe mA the, Crue cet / Z PLEG. ALY rd Y Ci 

fered ihe GB Tg etek oe S- where several 8, ent f l ofura Aa 
Pa Par ceva ; 4 
Re ie a 5 rf - J _— . a Curley co 
teats x Hiigs tuarkrrig ably lcth : Ge ere’ so aeaneake 7 gee tt velqucree uf AL! aa S io 
sited : f "A C ; Pky andeet Ce crreanged ache HMueter © 

; wa Otuvcen 7 iw a wurloury . tf Lea 2 “ ¥ oe 
oe y: ye a Pi): ele LOCLY Of Ur ar... 
f vw ee, (kee: Da ne ree’ of MAA cola at 

p . j ee aed COR wane 
eww the ‘ . : ; : us 
Werner errocet Rig ilatee —_ a wtmoughh uw 10 oe 

3 : WA Ow NAL ; whe a ‘ ae ttre a AL Py ae Thebes 
eit eae) Arochke vA a wal PLE. uch tr (ge. clrceh, ao awt Lard le. [Olu Ge hfe je 

i ce edie: a f z x the 
r o Ord F , curt j 4 cr Capi liae ALLEL 
A aga Cakceren. Cake» place Cok react © oa : 

/ : * : is 2 uraka 3 
ow dae 2 Maries ae df Cul qrecsiloow tat 2-2 pr : 

if ate ae vue Che arrauw WE" 
acai A Dt rey ae 3 t th Cte i 

7 nna, 

He Fane 86 abe ? 
7 ae oats Winer eure 

] . 

ne thee Cc reas at ci aes Ctichs cf OEE OF Orey ae Cs 
foe cue all the of ae tie te big ray LE 
H evnte clhae > fae are tf eid 
f Coe ee Reel ey ou 4 = Mee of Ot 

ff) Fo lee Hi 
eee A PAP ELAIO MY ‘ " Ceetien 

Pag i reeks fae 

ee e's: tere, 

pay oe CLA y Cad yw 
Thee as tra, tof Cuteenee ley ee QL Os te, tr foreved 
plas aoe Gi elie Driawltesie a. 

f. 4B CRS cea i fa ee a 
$ / 

fe uk CAVE du fr eh yy cee as ar 7 ak A pe an oc} alececer sf lucie lf 


One Cele whieh ae-ters CC Mow 4 the - hee? he, 

4 2 49a bee 

“Oo Utes ol uct. iat aon by ee ne : ree ‘ fod or, 
the. Pegs wrt ehvekiee hy ae Fly ah cl. (eake 

PERG Mis AG Pe ois Bees, Leche, CO gar Letlieka  C! a 8 
frovece eft ee Tn ceo! Carr ccceg by the. Than. 

eos a ff ‘iedoddy 
poem Rie Coe, of Line PU reLo 
0 hotl ye evade. Clee one . 
yi Ke. peeks vg C ch cows fu tLe C8 Coe ice Con herg 
wate bay the fre ey f bing Coe. Se Mee per caed. Ly 

carey | 7 aye 

[ {fir Croce worl oa ctu Le acl. COLL, 


Ulntrirg ClUge Aiefrve, AON: ai PIG 

er ae ae eee 

ere ae the. Meee aa cat MELO & Let, | 

Ler boler sulin roy oo ue «al. 

oc gf retcl es. ee. the. CO fervertee. cK So 
ee TORS Oe, by Eiloetine ly ¢ oie as LB effet este 

Co atrret thé el, Mee Le 7 frre we Pe igieitic mei LIES 

Chitwoe itee 

a VU rrccgaretes COT aiee 
[ee bt peee, OE wes o-b ee heed 
. Hagen ee eer eta Bs puerta ns 
ia 6 Delain toe onli ae al Jove | 

HURL feetecer, ne 


Cow ge ie, i Corel y 
Z: Sie arreth, 

Meche, Corr fro pane t 

je ww Cor 

Yee ocbee Leow 

MWe cy prowlsiol, Ai Leite h 
.) ———e fou UG CorLiegive CLRL OD, 5 

foavnet ate & 

Yha otpect of thi suvculcow ao by bubrhude the: : 
Cesk cs Keg hae. | _ ; Guhl BY, 28S 
Deft BF. 1978. 

aver By ft Bae CODE ee. 4 elects, Cig das 
OG hiccas ay pceatacl Linco je / 


S cant Arsaces) wre oan he ease: 


ane Mas aeee ieee 

Pes vee? font aay lanaed. CH 

i de cea 
parsons Obprstiace crook Vy Bee rere 



Fag ta 

bs eda Omrany 

08 einen BANS La RNNNAT RE RenoNNRIETe a on 


: | 67 
Daftar SA 37S : ae Tha oby eet of thes PV ees Ae wo IE Rulehaae the CG Lebie Light 


She eae Po eee Orbenas OS aa Ce te eee cad eahel3 of wewernfrhatuuy we 

R ’ 

ikea oby eck wsbretu OW civix cree Ca Aerie tition “pow 


paced mw avreut aed Kah ancundeacert ty this fassage uf 
the hecticw eunrand, Bees Bfiuvnd vo pbheeeds tellin cu9 Coa 
tithes Ko toed trio awe its Care 1s flred ue anither tutloryer | 
be pt . Ceteverr this love bude, coaronweondunetr of taduaud | 
yee prtoced Bien 4 8 Flatow of Chi . ettlherert ef + 
haf Pribe able 1 cliorfeune wethe the gles triles otter? 

rt Fas PDE eH RS Mim J) crs teh ape LE gall phe our te sna t 

Lieb stictcing aetid bus Jivbiew rere then frloer ‘ ed 
3 wut! be rewtr 
Vhuw wns fploy Ww ee. al re ow ore atie pieced We of be pe 

thes hee App alin pre of (Lean od ~bt-cle een tfte erflenew of the oe f 

. p sige fics i j 
ao hee. ehvalicovhy aes resgarere el ISG wre Avert Rye er, {v7 +. 

Mithuae Ceewww dace wok fs Wee fe be afrreeaneawclectenh) | | 

y ~ Aevweru ; 
& a0 the iat Cardin are ete hy th. ne Ss Lf 44 
wo eartcnnds ws 7 the Geis nae ee fet Prrecwreo 4 wing ae 
if te! tha (dnvemce” Oren’ ‘ 

Orne Cw ww 210 ce te Cole teres toe ; | 
Chen, thes pfrrae ee Bas tage io ete ee Ca ED Et oy v 
of hes tue’ 73 iwhiede as Perea te Cow rmes cee rn ae 
towel! branag phic Laan & Stevie adc hen pant Peal OY y - 
a phe Cn, = ae 
wy Onn teal ort of tu. afaret od teat ve. tang Coord i 
 Comtioed he Aver Lf prom of eed they Copan cere tale) 
rae erre By whr eA, rhe erie eee tie cage salsa 
< Const ‘ phratie ‘ele e ¥ the pArvefure drfalawere aac eames 
Tey Behrwe nvilead fw fresh tf Gener, OE 7 | 
‘ we owned thas huawny ; 

wards Sasa a eT TI Ae SHAKE junpssiDots haven ph 


nd, es 

Waele & 

Crrerras & ji . 
Cyne Ge 3 foren 

Lites OT FEE 

heat’ pnuateae+ 

~ G4. 

‘ 2s Cond wets : at elavek pie ig wort eae 

| ef Op) the wubalawve weed ae mie 

oS wha kee ito” lovhercaliven ha Gwrlhete berey prtcveted curt, ch, 

olban up furl tee ce Ywteeiie tiide in Jeveut Oe alee tes 

Pay Ss” Pheises al that of Courefinsdertind frtaliinn frre ol, Let! anelry 

Y rie! hstacs 9 aseeleees <) hee Lh (RY CAAA ae Creel 

Fug, P Aha r UES ys na, Salt: 


ve afrce S curtts ety chee tiny 
Le OM Seine ated Qtr hoor OF / 
ened Er iad Av the Opunruaks Out ff Curent 

wth -¥ oluce bet tit. eeuttty aver. an 
teed $C 

Cine Jorg Chnrery lo ote 
excep Chat Co mantis Seas 
Whee nwof- Wanrtles” if. 

ww bunittcetd untly the pie 

& Nive a ses Dies Hes Sao 

wha aay toulaat urlls | 

th d & 

IO Ane z he a 

= 7 afer, afrory 7. wvrhret Ole l the efurut 8 pny ; 
- en AC ge Mth Giles to. td v 4 

SH Oe 
+4 Ata Conbiug tl arth: wt CAN we Owe CA, eee thes an, 

og ca Fag A eherwer a tetlin: fares the Heltah Lover Lhe oo th 

ae tae ee 

OO Ce ret alonrwa 
Whole as 

wthervs bhi, Aevene & G& Con 3 

Sat pe ae 
Syeda, Lotated teoele aanw ol forrwrerrd 
whe or ae CHL neverandt. Ooo 

; B tas 
of, ct. eesd the, voters Ocerceecg foun Oeeuhed 
: ovis 

errete ne Linch Cuithiansuan 1% fubsshicrurne whisk dinana., wf 
Brrncclecieaesel by than frvoamgec of hy Crntah, flaceS wv [ax Bigisi : 
Cire ro w leiifinatus vey beating Oey 9 : 
hag bodied ce fered of CIES tutes Poot eT Fee wage Hore : 
Pheort oacadicnwvin, from the CeOres one Covered unrth QRanmkow or i 
Otten prey Heed. Cows wade aavetlesw 4 
oe Uf Otrecvas (On «pew cried / Wy dvey fue ae ee thy Che ehrolyias 
Manel Citba alert garnclCrurrarice! tiaras ae / terrary” ff 

ara an aay oe TT el | 

YOrnrt£o Crrt Beft 2 Pe wie 

Above Am Cod a 

OZ ie Hig het e)) tol Kou Leute, ‘ 

4 | ee oe 
Whe rlpect of thw nrvurlicw <u Cs. ae a ne ~ ite 
fs Z ac Ker Or OR eie te urbv ety as actlf - f | r fone 
tee ACOH ca ow ; 


oe ces CELE bw clue : 

he arevtercleos voreasate J Cree epee ene fern ernased- 

i tt, te. ee cety vlLue Cle : 
aa aaa ee ss Bus cobbled fr ae “| 

“ab near: Lec! Cove tld me cot oty aeveret fori |. C4 
. O Pisa atkrenely feee j df 4 | 
aa Pe ORES 2" ane Qheaww: ond He 

Lud of Garennp O af 
Fag 0 @hoeewe Phas jarelhod ff wg Of the 

the arc bv Cwus “I 
oe wavcnoticsrnbofincih 

tw Dag Ole bittonn frome wee Bei Sap ed, OL 
thed yey ee ov otcrneefew Sg ee 

NRA) 2 oa ROCA ABLie a at nomena a OOD _ 

j ore ee 

the afrrae at (ein lore lean. ft oun thes arn @oullaelh 
the cbuafthnreg bead reece Oey Ano) the, Orr oder otwow gots 

SR ee a a ca pliliir frowde Cath.) ¥ 

tt , . 
te acufehy Coleh, Hiics hearin AD @einnectae Cy thee Onafl 
an ee ne che foornta a ee Gee ty Neat n ay 
Connector eprom fo tdlcekest . < ? 
oc sd - a Or of Owes the; lasutfiar- ating 
of O wrtt rime ality ri haep futn. ( hut nok AG Sia 2 Aout) 

this ante forer the oy) Mnedouww wud the OAurut Cu 

Oecty Mes BhoD Circ. clogs . prot “10 af IC wm a vee and y cule? ; 
¢ : * 

our tylre Caled ae ANALG tat ewetd: td: peck ot, 

outs nt fra ore cleay the Curent. thea acrfel: Catels : 

Oe Chem. aes } 9.2. 38, 44.8 G. 7 A x the Avg Ofrramga 

ee aes the Ofirroee wwwale Cawew cre allowe/ 
CL aCse or Ward chery Ole Ofrrroe Arnrttle. 

ane Clea the iis) | 

with the fart Cert Sy SO oArarks ples, an 

Gfrtted unths Roti posse Comtecduelr 

pisces Ohne 3, CAA Oa) eg Cane A 

tig “fo 



7 Soe BA BB -B4- 3S 36.87. 358 BY Ont chi hererd JOU 

eau tie dn CC awit Wi rehearse 
ye thyileat for df g ering Aght by avecuchece a 
due tS thn tloesnge of thy G6 hacliie Current —thsiongh| f 
oan | | 
Bhareo cv te aliniy wie iw Aud tons 6 of. 
free rietiilre frrld (efit arveceweles cent. 
ae, tr Ahoew.s. w Aen fits gine thoe! og sy eer ths 
baler of the efirerte & 
Chee Probe bé, Cheininae a i 
Of oe woriOirveting Coety eB ere! anne cvoteateent Oy. 
hens See CCE Cree by Canary ‘the erLfe corner ow | 
wise pees Lge Gr? aie 

of Cie aw cutivety wk a0 

Ae Spe RS oy eg prio tent O40 tilly ea . } 

go? Sha @onwrbée werrviteret froiibs or acefcty cotelhso . 

(a Od LEELA Llag Cs aad forth 
4 " Cand 
oY Ste VO Ler Lis Ci pen there! “fy lhe arvetenOLe- 

Houle Parte Bet B. ED ta 




Tenet cacy, 
tee ten oe 

aig so not ky EP Eee: 

| 6 | 
GGG is cM gph Ss De eae pee QGatrazd Ma. te... 
She object Of thee anvvenrtow Wh auleeiices th, ELackiw - 
kph ty Comrie eivg thee. GC Lecbive © wrueecd’ Ge frace through 

Corrd welrig fo ol. ard ean Ber there MAAC OA EO Ott” 

thw Bare EET. i pa a Oe eres clevreee or AG... : 
Couflebrp thes oty cet , 
peered Withee Cofp of the tea ee! tr ar x 
: Hei Lhe evritiel 

Onereye Gave Orie Cb An drrengied fea 

Ofniny, B tecXr npfianr Ade ond towers levee enTe .. 
fore he tp Cicrne ene of 7B na fred uth PERLE id 
Corleietk no ps weet ore ee J Lectrina freed wheel vi ’ 
odhwerd’ pee eT ee anvotortd ercthond ining hog co | 

are whet the cleurerw ware acenred. om thee abiaft yet 
thes Atortinve nele % ao iw reteled utusrth wrth lee 
pee a tere JC enpigo are Cle Gath wrbere Che acne’ ; 

the reatotapy arJScvhecd ¢ .. | 

BU ad actyuetlid OOtorvever 
1 reatweilicd atl-oit Ao of onge Aavest/ thino tog neg (ad OT 

Relat for corcecat prinfrome/ every Come hn Leer 
NA ere eee O40 the wthreet VE Cee ant dy aw Chane — 
ho chant, wm. merveenne meter afireing. TE Raal sithand 
oe th. sprig (8 or te Che frroeweses gore FED ERS 
the otgeet of this tafruig no tech the fore A abic 

Pa af Bhoere-a ow Cline es for G ; 

VODA BL 4 t 8-4 “7 

thee BPs JZ ies 
hes fore AA ON Ne Caen od eee” bree “sd bh fe one 

G Cr Oe th. 

er i ca A 
fae og oe Ot ae Coney 
“4 dewmdaery 47 ¥ 2 ane a fr Rtn 

Moketines Chee WU Wied rhe thes fre A 

Ov Cty Ate) tre 0 rg ee tant, 6. mf 

‘Ve Corin O-bre~t- Cree i” ator yf Oo euete- cro SA, fof 

urea td, Ge 

J Lh tn fered ere tf Lrg Bhs the CONGO VN a : 
aw fe 2 G the, ee ae f Cee outeli es 

aie a W3 Op Per, AS r+orhes/ by 
OMwrewmiw ble efor eer of hes afrarruces ra creer. Q&S a 

thes; ye Dlr el ; ey si bray 
OVA ¢ thy Oto Cancun learg, prea. ee i 

f , a a a , : 
; ae ro) pag On Loar. lies Sf Aw Lowe foot 
Aeetig 5) coy Ou an . 
ey a Ly - A UVhreee uf Oi ters ekg Or OWN 

ok ve  aeterees tu? wean lo-ca-0-Rang "Chass eee 
te fs, eae ey oe 

“trea ro) ne al, o 7 
f os, ARM CAD tthe Crc- er 

Wheety Sas as the ora of has like are thera ugh, 

Cue t— { 
c : n 
if Cre fay Oot ren, re tr: fr20r/ pets: . 
hes Xp ye. ; . 
fe Z CALL eC EL YD C8 cg, Cent 

Aw c be oives bho bihky coat Ce oe ra 

cats” (9 (Bland Ce Cr teat a& 
aw “ly Of frowrtle clan ae te ee acy WAY ch 
DH ye 0. Co nea? €h eho axe “@ 

Cornreedir atv. 

OUT areenaae © tty 

Cmrkigely Oleg ne ee the free! ar 

Hard ew dv afr of Onrr seis : 


? Sane o jctind 
~ wwatontls @ormts rh 

r de fe V2 OQ ct bole fs t 5 | 
. c : on cf fe aases AD braces a9 lee Log bh Qut/ 
Pare Cty C4 ali pre 

Aa Cwistwey 

da fog ve 


43 Ohewr Avably LASfe Or. aecoed tworrete Co « 

hes Saaicaate 

Py, WEA Ohrawa. Coo Gunrtyusa f LY ros horing ree eae 

CUUTLNLD llows Cone Coun gy Eph wed ae Cece by repre heeecestJ 
\ - 

Pr 5 1s ~ 
Ve aes 

Fee [Gm AP £AE Cure Chote pate OE Ore 

Ohieuxo ov efor FIVE Con Mer teres brine Pe fe 

of Ob ale AY we ee oe Wane Chis nile por Q 2 


ie 19 Ano Chua Gv (9 cw ere Ly) pbhropr Civenwt~ 
bakes Koes ae ao tify of trerewiuy # 

J Lv fre 20 Qeverat Oven Wor 2-- 3 anv used anrvaG7 
Cunticetl aborted Orne rare thi Chine & o-rene cliicg, ote 
be precee Oo wows erithy Ho aud ehyurr corel tha port) a 
Wemedsatere be poved by the Obiinufe § heaving Bi} 
eines oud bles Corrienet poesing Usreouigl Afpririwe of 

Crnd rene licain eee KC Slide the ocr aaling LOLLY wer hin : 


bontwey bo « <@ 
lag ern ees | o 
/ Apnriuuy- ett. ester CAS ee 2 SOF Zo cod 
7 a Y : be R *. pe Hrsg 7 ae 

Bow fy “ey the os aah ae Oy Botene. coo 1 Ia : 
en OO Ee of the (fb celine WNL’ A pil ieues by C4 

we ae aad 

= Oh CE Chie Covrerrvo 

2 oe Henig ae 

Offeror — of “thes has ae cle) x. eUey Crate | 

rete Geese ists Ce. coer OwaeapedV oa clheele aie the fe / | 

aw the wateher ow the Ap beibnren euLrecl< 
ees ertriets wae. the Arvueewecles 
of this forwe and whet frr peo peunfersee Arn oO 27 
Crete iret ; 
rae Qe ~ 2S an 2G a-teoweo rivtitiercts of CAtreet 

: Hisas oOo Per cag ety thet ri ervend 



oe ty ; 
Arrietheds of Cotta etiwg, PeareroLs . ate 
are conned for oe ’ 


« 13 

Cictien Kapha AOves aly te, a 
Dh oe cede of 1 ee trecelevty vy 15° Ee Ee et eT ae eA on 


ph « hoy Cord ing Gee 0x 

ives of AB ES Ah wheneley OE 7 As PE REESE De eC - 
ana abricgth thee, fork Co, Ev pando and rictahs the eure... = 
T oreiiwd Cha olrae C ty AVitgens sf this @ Othaft Ane <s 
tre! padre up rr eerd AU . The, ae frsing i erin te Maps ' a 
thes pre A atizteLid X Kan fel ha ere thifore | 
of the chulk Ornae @. ted fort no meebuded ww Che 
Bevel. uwleuw Sb epfonde the anu B mevee to 
Ghee Laff ornD wile nriow of ths free hoe ee meee 
phe chia: cues thie Ceuta aliuy PRES SPO IS greviey yore). 
no hires me covered wclivecting Ke tinufuvutiven of A Reve’ 
A cone tree mv Ginfleruline G tlie pelle ap front 
Buy © rrbrorr ev rrrector) clecrenaung hu rreraliiorer, of tis 
trewewet fru A whew We Cvnfrurnetine reese) renee hee... 

Fy 27 
GiGi ritine Canwest ut abrue ce conden eprer. 

lifvesw thin wtfeirweruw of & the Lever (Par brvaghr ad | 
Cotes writ. CU and w fPrortow of he cred frost! — 
Arrow TE OS ois ow afrng br fete thin fork Aba 
Fag J J ohowe he, megrtotier of the Gun puretine of - 

Cha frome A by ee ~ pened batacntion|, 
an ae eg ae Ove 
Tine ab atoortee i) were! aheorl erreniturs ethnd tnthe| 
Bo coduten of end apten. taurine for toranrnig. tes 
 AMeennwdeqcent Bin wate Gf od Crrent plies 
Se eae I fA ON 
KE th. coum C5 Hush Us ramcattrinesse of the Laanss frfertiy 
t- forte onftieed ty ths. rcv}: 

Fog ot 

Crea teanrt . Cn AD are Gortase 
wi Ke Ufeore. Ha afpwoard aavuvetet 
oo the fort Aas crt cai aes 

a fe 5 shewo onnetheoo oy lieat mrvere or abe, 
. a ee Anew fects wakeieee wee 
+ Orval ee OQ. pst one cubvet ee 


“3 Vteed ¢ 
Aw W reed leffiang the er ebernay Mooi: he thea, they ~ 
F Cor teseche 

: r 
AD ee Oe, coke tu tha Cocina a, 
tes Carne, 

a en Oe OA hw Oe af p- 4 
y tee % fe Cand Bixag 


| tas aad AAO ence) “- 
OW OLield worth, the. 

Onoloareee ¢ tee : 
we Ceor thoy g. af Pett a! tcolalen ae Al the Orr 

ta z : 
cuesipls Ie ba eet Wsugese pour 

fa G po Oe Abani cary 

Or heer @e 

cw 7 Bp Me 
WE Otay facet Ce iif rid 

: | j “ x ff LYLE) 

“ 40 Oftts Ortaca re, « Artes, fort 

hh tees ae i ; Cunnas Beate! £ Te ; 
oS wt Owa. OV femdom pd alloruw C o> 

rootacte Orn rreorer forts s 

view Ceneolny 

hee 9 pe. 2 Z. § 
id A WA ne hoe hh Lae 2 Oe Cun Geeghes ‘c he ea ; f 

tao s Ltesg et CVLOL errc! 4 

wy, E a Laeecech, F 

PB AO ei BT ; fw 
Melo eH ere whreg ’ 
| Vad Cer ene yy” 
: vere @© 
ring av wtlarw Ai CVi[rondo fe 

e : 
Mrore or Keegy of the Cine o 

Onoinwe A 

the Sotiris niles Pers 


Altern Oey Ceser’ Obreny Coreuech 

Ms & Chive i Be the Bhirveeh 

fai 3 wf nies, a. SY rp) ; 
J be ore tee x Ms a wie : 
Lene therng which, ely § 

Shee L, 
wet Ree ode OS Paw 
He TOR Orcery ‘ Ihe Chen eriecay ot of the : 

“$7 creo, ice | 
con a te pe Pete Che Oftc vats zene! 

a ae Fs nal Whee at, 

WA a or p . ¥ 

Be. ; ir Cte ters the. ifre Pee te 
Pre PU a Meer Cpe veg “ ] 


MeO oe te 

ee mol. 
tbe bro 

fag 16 fh, gos ae HEE oll bug Pee ERS eens Ge eave bel of Ge , 
PP a ee oat OOO a Codes of VAS Curtore 14 Wire. tact | 

OtrerrneS a. tha Oo Ot G eYfunwwds or covitreccah 

? Fay 17 Oh erea Sevrcew cvtienety Gre rie ccc ev CL 

Caveeect PrOorwra tne ig Mena MoE Cr IC S Cong th Ss Gore an ad 

Cfo oS aieg rowenta ely rthete tS tha ltere eu Cary) O-tn 

fre (B Breed Cb ao whreny W Kenpy the foe 

Pre lOheS 
Ag Sf OFv ora aren prvene tenes erey Lus of frre Sab drawal pend . 

Coreen. log rbtesetarg 6/7 Cu“rwe ebeveng ine tinder 

Av 7 19 OV O--tw Cw Cotbed atreril wt este Sees eccaes 

¢ a J or OC OL Me a) oy pire apne «Tr 7 Ceoe st eouwlael 

thie Qt 

Wh Miterery , .  E. 

a9 | &e otrerow/ Awe renvrrtong Boviitaey wreeta we. e: | 
Avieture 20m corilootl frei tts . ee. 
Fa. 2r ~ L22, atrecow a viacely ole tiny searatance | 

Why g anrenged 

he ee, parent One” 


Of Atrenner ony a dak ieee CR Sl agit 

Cy thee. OO &rsetts ce fs eA 
pei Z 
Aprny OL bewteoO vkep ca ore Ge er evilty aty (vous 
OL ovliins thi. (elrerveedr eed (eg Bote : 
fj ZO o- BD t- Ot wey SLivScs gers Line end ter Abie CLE Ae ; 
: * sea Z ante, i 
epee of frie when ¢ ee 
Pin 25 CReruwe. ag fonearelouk 
Were w-erssi2cisF iin ort, 0 ot- 

fA b wpre rrnie tu of 

Aree abierct 

Dyn 2% Bh srlen fy the 1 

Ceciwed buy pb teri OLY 

: ) 
Jhlrwrte Glorlc. Ces a a7 8 


rine ose : 

ommemen = 



Dd. es oly eet of oud teteetetinw tal G prorecduced Laghi _ 4 
by coneeubratis: of heat cays of Loup wave bergthe 

Lowey CH ye Ligky 


dhe etitluen woeiwaijls aw conubreutorw tytls @/ 
uplclor as ee fleelor Ley ERUOLI UCL of oe | ftvery tocudecend . 

LaAtruG Ff a2) tose e se) acl ew frow He te flacliiig Avice Cilhirn : ne 
i decuwh cucdwale ow or -Ce Bervielierkee1e aud atl | 
Z Z. 



fe Pare | ufo ary Oss le Puteri Of reatlre Lif frentt i 

of f tO 00 OO), (244 de Chea Date 4, ee few “Ne Coty tet ahi 

or Monte fe weg “4 ales tler lator lo orered twejmenceleks Ceecee || 


: : \ 7 
lhe ash oc th tad ae ae vee @ onctilyaled av at 5 

i 1 
Se 44 S-— X 2 cw tracy & drew erreliuciag oe ‘a 
Viet le eee Ow Py 2 ee oe eter afrete - he a PS Oe - 

. i) 

fb wlrr of re of fese Cowles Urb ae or / 7 
P i] cy Atistei ee vise elesetes pfrel x x! clo cu atch ile, 
Jaspers velo aed Cures. 2 ag a blesses Recor he He 

Joven or DT er coche les rad Ea ss eas 

ae a owlktereny 

; a ee bs 
Aug L anrscoe/ Car 1 C4 OER Cer Coc ai aed f 

a C / / | woe 
RL c1- oe recto the biccal PLacaeLda Uovaigle COT of bes. 
reflector / va oy worecd ection awd the hed 7 7 
tins Coeiutienhd won = te fore- K ae oe 

Atow © Oveti Cling Corin 

2 i eheiged bow Has fro waa lf nowy te 4. 

heck oF Pe ee eG bbe. . 
zB we C. » o& PO cele thar ete tT 
ae frasaoug [Lirenses G powseton efloy 7 - a 
; Mh, COM, go & toNw corclualer ofheet Fy : ' 
Z, Corcsli ated Heat of low Cera fer abate apouw ; a 

: frate. Arrbalare ee Aart aluckiotty an tet 


G Ou. det res Meh Ss: LZ wv 

Nhe si, laa of this Ane vere e119 OB eC ormieve cbt . t olteae 
fre ate Legh hy Elhatbiitils ~— 29" 
7 v 7 , ig wits te aes 


Whe Anewecheti Cau 3/T ate Carcoceo Ai 
Bid tes eas ifrow wrheele WM sciee, were cenpageed = 

pre veutiny Wlexiy Uitte as meen of aotufiliag thet |) [~ 
wheels os ove ator hf es eos pprveteadts ocee/ adh 7 

L Cowen @1te 

Wlhiw weer thi» Aree ceure]|tlev Crw Ce of Ps a =! 

ee ore UL, prove ofte ens $hes tary hp. Cire! ipl sen thes : 

i Protieee ECR Lo See a Dl ices aw Cock of Ch. ilies 

ie cod a oye) tr heen ow 

Wa : f td tte ote 7 
ee LIL oC a. € vi ve 

LE j 
A po w ey Lawed of of lw, beat cantrie Cor ww ow Lattis 
13.4 tvutretye are“ 




(-w7 Of orene, wafrrs AG der ith. Cave Lo FGte Aes 

one d Mee dieses furfee - wore otleerta ae tte 

- Ny uries. = as thes elena f- fur Aare Ccnty aoncty oo Pog 
. hy Chee ee spas. ies We elec of Cae ppt a tA 
if Roky 3 Chine rec, a, ae wets gears BG le - 
f & & i pen pep iO eres. 
ss 7 we Chea rw e hy LY te eed ceélena I x on | 
; Cw. mvoeukide | vowtuwe Mere tet eM on 

; om 4, Gree a ete! oo no 
nn the eee? 7A Cas cee Cece red Ss 

: = wis : B ene, naval : 
ee : He ; PADK P Mog eas d 7 4 | : | 


7 et cere 

a or te Yana CEO LOANE “ terre ty ra 

: rel oles’. 4-- 

| “ | | : | ae Boa Bet on as deez (toe a 

te : : Parra his icy Gh gran. 

‘ : laly ¥ ‘ = y 

cm : ee Pew 13.1879 i P¥iltir tte Gartow- ty froweet Ay 
> ge ee Or 

oY 18 oyeee Arvowe tee 


Meee ds 4 Lnobengouwo “an 

v4 fey anvlal, ceeaiasel, Wvaukeled) 
oT we Siam orn. 

D.. fs tread 

LY bcroptier 

, & pe Pe Oe Ret oe raanted fea Pe 

of he 7 prveny 

ado m Dindet ad eee ew) caret td Cecceeee —~ 
pena Gung Ree" 

4A Atorso)/ tls 

Cw Dp 
tg Alte of Lear os Ouitrae 

flesh a a7 oe sa bled p Ortancese) & as the hh 
Any 3 sect bain Detce a 

Tree, Het Ce oo aw ff 


fern cow eerie! wey. Catone wy 

reo od Ateey lee for. teal 

hie Leg, Lee hes th. 

60 ree oes af 

fe ee rita te) o. ‘real feed liveeg- being 
te then, ty 2 

Claas ae treme th Ca Ads j Genie) ucla 

Ccbr Of Ae tee or FOL. 

rw If Oo Aci (bias. EYE GOs dE theo of eas 

oe fey” bey per ence ead of ee ae, ee bons 
learers torre “Cao 

t} Casig Foes Chet the. ee 

of tha leg gr + Crews co Cenmceteene Avbe, tingly ier 
- a / 4 

wo posse fpr a > Are waeg aa ot Thies aug pwn tw |. 
of Chee Clee Cert. 7 FOO eee of thw lites = 
tug S oS” tre rnd OO, ea lag 

the Ce eaten r “bee CP 2D 

of libe cey coreccugcodele eas: 

° f 7 tue 
uf irons grec! Lb 
ey Cr ep ld eee wae pina OO cet aed a thes 


Cr 1s i 

Comerilcifigre of 


ra Cus fren “Plus © manuel 3 
Z F 
ee Cre, 


Pine ee ake tee 

ray ire 7. ? ¢ i S a” 
ya : Pom a t-te 
, pe cen fay OF VO OA EL Cad v4 
« &re nus ke 

a —_ 
ne! rer 


of ce coda: 

ber fa 2 

ef Cone th. ere eve © herry 

a Bhar ne joe 

wa! aeay fh 

Civothanr nett. fu ond Kis 

hog GS 
atrereu t w if v4 


poco teos 


d . eae! carts 
of ae ow Clents Ove ferns, Kae. 


Amore! leaf 4A ey 4 tee tAtaace Aj) Benn ee ae Ce cetlaree) oe oe 
v4 t ees Prniecadk tut et Oe otterh cellent) 

yom laaa 4 es art lfc wry hes “Ge f 7 ts. a 

ete aul fptac1ed ower thes Cité prea lirfeee ED be vay ee 

lhe peace! be any | Qo avo bine na eon a ee a0 ees Ab ABE ae eufferd 


: abet : 4 a, pty  figotks Ae i 
/ alia fs One Cl n¢ ligt, ag . Conrtuadterin Coty tte y ea Tiod Ct aw Cte CL, he er the prior 
ae By ree 7g : rex aes a ey Ore er Cte OMe e ; : Cupe her’ tae ap [RO (EO OF Oe 7 has ate Coe Te ema ecer fier ale 
Cotte. CoS ( Tighe ny MW hh bay be an “af Bia a 

oy bs bens TOT ty thes, Cor aay fae torte 7 

y : Sep aginte 
F ; oe yA Os: Heed Cd fe. 1A ea PA sae Whersreal pe, a ; 
Livecss . rer oot! Dit Ca htm Meee o ae . i 3 1b CC A. th A. Cte Hetty O° (ff the Cue weak” 7 
. G Seiten - Offer. tte tae OL a Cy. Loe ae “ (. 

CL iy Oe Ce / 

‘g 4 
tote tao we ad 


Ou tole tte Cad. Pf) the 

es Me ead to Lt se -. rine el af ce Cette i (ae Oe te hai am ame eet COM CA LIM NY awee Lt oer. 0) t 
2 ; y TAY oy ‘i ‘ = 
wnitdter cole 3 ig : 
; foe. ee a3 Obie “4 Pees fe | OM eae pies COs, Ob rw ioceerd 
thew athin. the. Mihaly OO ens cw eteisa dl bes CP eee cure, “63 het 
/ / 
Ue Seat inihon:. 4 Vebloge. us, 

han Cbny a ee 

frome Che: (a age a Se rd bf Mon te / Wane 
‘f wm beta Soe 



7 dty meee cee Anwars 
tas Oy tho ype ko ew hl 

tad aoe y 
Tr Thee: A. Rate fons. ae _ tcl fag [oo a ie Of ass “ ae 
"Me eb bs Caren f 
pe bate Fes i Chay er ye O ritcne fe) Legere fraaay 
A the = 


fh. o % tt, fh ave eee CED MOL f he Grerctwoa €& | 
i / ie ~ pate 
ie, ioueary ‘ { Se bon: cele: ‘f oo. 
erradnare f- las Coury «wv AO! oid lee Cr tle covth 5 (Eau, wy) the a4 “4, taucdat Cr a Ciotle Of , Lek 

Oiled om of + 
Ceuted Ao oC seers if : we de ort he 
tee . Mere Arad, f ee ere Ley tivih ots of Cotte aud i be ee 

cts Mabel ed h ; see? 7 ee ge Hates ca. OUE 

beet te lie- 
“y ce vA “voatness Gg dy 


7] wor ern LIEN Cee & 
tle el Mf rym ta ult” ¢ F eC OEE Chet A ce ste CE OTE 5 a / y a 
7 ie de Ae a) on 
Por we oo ae 

a ; Po. can Nexo 
ties tC fe, asncrc! Tet 43 ak fecte’ es th tes ccc’ bretiireece (Nese, y : _ 
rietrt ae : 7 f, { he Fea G ana fie DLAI ee 
SY fl. 0 R2 7 : f 
Ms Y Ae secoteeie yar of Lermnnfe ‘ 0 Nee Bete tse oe nce ole Cored 

“7 = ag . whe 
/ ae eee eee - earths bree y neiules 80 Oe thee, Coariclhealor tha 
Le Oe ; s df oe i 
re ewe, Mee lieee ov. 
A [Oo OR ee Oe. 

tee co luas pes 
Lo. & be 

iy. CHO Le! Site 4 


Ce erreta LA hg 
bea thes (Faw, 

Cf Oe OWE Ce 

Ok a42f5° 

elk cutis. 
, aa + fe rteey 

f trwmInterh ns 

CME 2 cg any Meee, 4 _ Weke (a Me neler tio 

: ees ey oni ae} 
; @ blues lotrt ee 
PA OTC ta, re he ey fore a I 2 le {4A hues 2 ah be Badr Ca tee “A PM a ae eee ah Pa Ah * Bet as 
It, y ia 2 % rf 
ae Wek low Prorimy ow Mey ot oh as gi 
f 7 ine 7 Eat, gaeks gh aaa 
& thee by erect be thas : Gord CO onectewe Cor ee Phos ob 
(Slee tie , of. gd 5 i e . ; 
oven. - 
Lola ft 2 f fz : a Le. Fi A potole__. bya Oey te fh 
Jn OC tte, CALL, ss aa ATi 3 AA he he neg fe L 
3 oe 
“ Za A ore ct cpt 
t7 f- the 3 ae Snr 

Late Ke % 
4 OFe cee! ay alle ot i " ae 4 : A By yoieg Ci bes A : 
7 Ll. ye © eeu din + Meo ee FRAT, e + te One ae pete: le tte t bees J a Gedy 
F a : wy ta PAM JANE 
Om wey =; pte ee Veamessis allaw@alh> & Od wy crib for cf Maer ceri a2 
OER ot fm : 
4 ac OO hy oF. Fogler i eee 
f & arewto- 
i ‘ p : flows A, aehk clrvczpa enn’ 
Be ite, os Yi Ww ote lea. eevee Lay raat” Chay eet oy : frome thes aAurn bd 6 & te ; LO ; fos ds, oe ele 
? ae ia a La : pen rf EN as OEP 
Li hse eLivey 7 Chg ae WS ST Pate wtues i AY tte, cf 
wo lurie awe ww CAD ret 
Porters Yi of ths Lb fi echeser 
Path SOM ee plan {" ~ i theo a a Pe Siysi on tae Br Be 
OAL) a, Dt: _ . Cee! Vs ceo fe : parce? Obbe 2. lr ere A Binwele AAAE 
d ae fre 
ote F Ravel harley 

vs the. onwtccles hein? 
ieee vee . mn) 
~ Chr Lei Aes: tanto Ptarc et" 

Comes Ueto — he a Le soe. Sty 

¢ Sy 5 ae tee 
See AO lave werecee pila! freee OO Tg ne 
FCA? Law ]e 



aan Elo ctcoekea of Pune 6 ; 
Meta Peek. hate a 

Ez Mee imurction ‘ iv oe is OG 

: & an (eee Katd in i, 3 aa a Cee ctin's 
q ae 

4 Ustad Conraccls 

eee, cae (ireegls paw WAL: aro tr [ro are OO “ 
me RAIA Dn ther P Per t G 
pe ae Op pbind 1 arrevatt 
Ane be Crrnren ty olive sod f Arann eit Lene Pes wt Sam Pure P fs 

i | SOU e 4 ee aL Or fe co haretod, Ge Mae is of aes 

Eheckiy ( ea {ORC ay , necrks.) as Cy oh ay yp atiks ww “a. 

pyre oe wualal ov Crm) ve Mog 

J kei ‘i sir as Of wr. 


ok bie AL ole ork, ot a h. Leas 

We eS eee , ES se hs ORE Cees, elas: AS is boned 
Te gl tk oh tee. Dee. NO den Eg: 
Ampfelind Anette arr nent” are a Aton rn ohne 
Othe wet albiens Corners of drreet Pruett 
Sethe ttn 0 piccs thee Is S one wire of The "Ct as 
Dartianged pth (one Chis nnd rhe Cnn ie ALi bl, 

Poeeed E ks. an ‘ae Ont, Jere of be Pare Corr a ny 

PS ame ee Ackf aoting Cracteet-treler ov 
A , Cert | epee rae rr ant of i ONO OCe = é, tha 
ER porwr dencec, cia ictby ; ( y 
“he EBON aw) Ae thes Wannrernd | coer otturo 



te Ode ip) Sore ae ee fmvakelry x urith bothe ot 
: | 


: on Aunty ee titi tf bene WhiK oun HEE teem 
frvo vy ree Pe ie bth. ike, Loiort 
SIA tbe 1 ned ees 

nape sae 

— | as eee. 
aan ee! ee d nc gergelD nae = 

: | 95 
pct conned by Ue Leela dae | Vic G1 One as _p 
bales ip ha ek Conn tet” te he, Macs OK 2L. pore We é ts ee 
ere es ott, sai 

A leer. thi portage oy Lhe Cee mrcat” Ee crn frere LEB ahs, | 
Oxygen cs ato fee at tue pee a Mog br o~-9 fan. oot 
tte they Gk. fo_tte Den Siar etx tur C, : . - 
) Ve ie , eae) | 
bi hrm ty He tiles, Non Lttay bo 
th, Pits Bee as rede: ett Cees Be em Pi ea) “7. Ti 
the BORSA Cbe Ong {ute ents tle Ed K-25 | | 


he +r Ces, T? é, ta aA, Aas Q er eee a Preece , | 
of cae x ttdareto from Lhe Aeetste, COfoon | | 

Cle Lrrky Ske OY gee olathe w Un wed Vlacln, a | 
Ss. a Ap awe pi puns hgh Fe ee oie, ie | 
pan aie . ' eo 

ny tr ley hte) ote TK tan aes Va vent felayul, ; “| 
“F2-om~ hi Loses xq Ln ferctrnry Ora ll flor iy i 
toll Krodry the Ontick arian, Cn Ce fore os | | 
hkueay of How ce | 

Jery fren. fe hw Raney Cite a-o? wad a a I oar q 
(Ly mats a Shi ce Ooo wl & be p.. oarectry Catala f5 H 
& if Tea ee I 
To Z. a | 

w. ao aed Ly HRLA y ae 14 Meco Con gh Cordes ml 

2 Renee ape and ask Co ampere ee ae A 4 

~ ao Gooparg parler on be ee ie , | 

Adult Crile cv Herourm to POOL | 

Ae tule 5 ep naeeee Wie COC re 
Tage, ey tledy..- 

Hh Goare tape -Cstrelaprte bony Ula fe 
ey ae da neccly or Colleitid & Ge on 

e ehh, withs Cote. f 
RAY ed evel ry 


Soevrr Py) Ca: Can AL we Oo Lane 

lap OW OTK, ee wrctenad € 




ne nnn a hn ne gt ne enn te 

yf : 7 -_ 
a “WAL 2 ah tas. i g the fee eat lhsy ty eee ae tr sews 
af t wren se 
(Cee ome brn Da be — di. 

ya A, eae ie a 

: ‘ta lh arab a” ed Cae A hee 

nd Hee. Qe e ay 

Wecns oe ne) GIA & 

ec ll teat, : ce meee os thor 
Ot Oh kes EOE EACS 2 7 “tee MeL Whine tony “fa 

{ A 

AnD. i aad hy eee: 

x] ae &, th ens: a fawn. vee fe re vane ae ae “f e ? 
Cet hoo. A of - ee 

Off, : 

f fad. td Awae, oe Peres 
aseaereaoccee UstALy | 

a 7 P-L rsa. eles 

for eek. 

le eee PPD ce Nhe he. & 
tT whine tt, Posudeis bear shes he eel ec as Cea) 
cornet | 
4 Conv He Cris ilceh 

ae nad 7 thas G 

tesa ee rannss ») t; {; 4 MAD wile ee Qe hus ALAA GAA 
fe ieee “Lee es; om 6; in den Dare d, Me bnar 

‘w bee nant fret {i a QendAaittlaen Awd Oren, pt 
ARAL Meh hast Uso leat, (Uh casey nae 
RRacticnts Lo. ee ft bps 

wall GL, bw ct 


Mtn. ty te OS eeaes 

ti ' , 
i - é 
UTA Low ay oer “f “ap tM was ‘i ee { Paste & i tA ALB tat 

: 9 
Yh es he be i ee 

a Othe, Chr hircleng WU yury ; 
hs or Ae bo cakeow one Hs 
pairs vat & ta ff ebb be Ey mare ome 
peck av thin wit S Cong ay Phe” 
fret han ol Shon ae 
ra saree 4 Pl Sal pice aig: Deg weniencpe tae 
be eh rc heer act A Ph rde nve of 2 Canttt + 

v q as} 

trmntthsd WARE Con Log ee 
AOE Ok) Pets 
Fy thaws a nee) fe aed 
ohne, ge Oxide Sor ane Lamfr# 
Ont Prat Thy CNL. Sr are aa 

’ Tak “ 
a a the Chy TA riodened 

poe dig 

jf ie 

parcel Cor hin ttn af Ret... 

a wb i urn b&b ( peat hile 

yl Peep Gl eM 
G; AG LPO gO ha, Hs ins Sern is Rg frors Bea |i 
Sila he octkha Kart Cobe. Chera,l bt Cabo, | 
Are OH au Phe Le pae ace Vogel ovo a oe 
Vhwrobiiied lorges Coforr foaeriny Mr —ph bar | 
Det if 
Ce! ee Oe fe, en here a 
Mi one hull wth  % Koueted Yad || 
f eee Cnr nin Yee g gmp OG / 
Me eS SG Coa Ant oy 
Laufo P29 ps Ap ~ Pebotiniu — || 
LORS SETI Mites) ise ee Paes 
Lhe Cort G7 Ke td af Wea. Caln ee Zs < 
ttt Consrety” Me ax donne a olka } 
wha ct PRA Hee te eo » epee. FO: Cone || 



ied a thinfer mele l 

CFs ie Cas a reas form 9 


. of ult ch po Corus ota lr tLe enn ly ee cto oo : % 
aig erie be Olmsted nnd mt Pb Tang OE 
a Le as ae tha: ule a-eth oho a Zhe porn : an vo me rarer 

m.. ty t 4 ae Ohta om € P eis bi 4 nl 
en eee ? Of ae. GS 7 a Cen f es r x Cia. AL see onU oe, tae wee a 

eA Re 9 The OC ata g yee ar he Kapa k gnaw a Che fives OW =e 

ey ae ao sy a Un Mg een! ene, ie); 4 Cart Cael ho Ha joo C hewn, 
fois Meng to Cecled Pranlats d TAs So Res ‘ ee , _ a 
RA ite di Ma ee eo a thirngh the ta, othas ade 

Se ie Kcdksics ee ee LN 
the ATA MK AE nr. tLe ew 2 G th v Oe PE (Pe Cor, G : E 
je vs vas Oy ona Pray tog ap ptce) 
: nth Ene. Oe oy Yor nae COCK a On. or - On 
; f} 
ep fers < 4 en CALA ee, eo Pe j | ORS res nih, bd) 
pe C&Cy 7 P va le Va L¥ eg aed ~ ALL, OA ine w " 
a “LL > ae ae ee ue, “  eew a PA ne Se Shine Pre, é <4. = 
Ett Chee Ke Ue, fon ta ot frrt a Oomall J otha 
ae - Ku Re ° i a CK Ca ee We: A roe ie [rou (Pe. Pe otro Ah 
roa ‘ Bet SAe Alig ot ras hae tat: whack mel 
; ays ~  f- Hh PS Conmeet Go MGs: 
oN Caw ot Hey fe Bs a, ney, tga 
~£ OAS Ce nar vy cat —y be th Ce nee. etd Bee 
Conon. kag » ls rs WX” Qn ttn. 
ef. Ls- i, baz -O- - ny Or Cha, pds! of é 



| aa es gb eee 


aes a 

: : 5 4 H 1 i 
3 H fi H 
i rear ereresincmme eer ater, pseanersiactyppcemmery 

peel ated Aceprvedtil, Gees Magncts Dae 

: poe epartementa Of a Ais ae ae ad? ears E 

: cman 2A te 

; Weqnita . 

Py iene - Ce a ae Cotte. ef L aad ti forming 5 Crde ConnetLid L te Ao 

/, Gos a th: Bh ete wary a Lau he ne tap. 9 cle Ine, : brimao t . 7 
} of daar amowmelir -¢ auumauees y lz aati 

Cn pak Wha iia e, Cx Renee trethe X Poi ae 
beathcry fat on ths lone Serer pour Obrnite) - Wee Seymacisc Peele 4 
oe oe. oats ha a3 ee bg Cx na Sor ee dengue Auch L Bond Bis Seeeeuas es 
om eo i" “L : 4, / ee. ae wi vi bye ee. pre tennis bn 

fat OS Lach ak La ¢ uf des noneetid i & Pe igs 
lo Th ae oe tye Ariadne « [C2 raagush a doe othe hy belts CL Scie Chapt! Gi Meni adie 
ean us ao asa ee — the: , oe ae drow birth Soran gp Aen ang ey oa lei bin. 
Qe hare Comms tid fern eae HE hagep— 
ME 69 tome Cele Magnet te Conteh whens 

imine at le teed | 
ae pe foe Pana L Saghy, oa. ‘ T7984. 9) Cadte-- ray oy Tk: 

Seeaty a oP C.£6. Ae Sree Pees Oe da Ca ne 

u - 

fomete Maas Gp “A, Htow ¥ he 7 ; at eeeea ley _ 
DYER Rg be In hg The wh s x aire 
4 af Y : 2 ~ . ai 
: va me EINE GPR, ge. Dy. ye a ee -e-taue a ~ ea ys : 
fy $5 e nf . fe a. : es H 2X a pie He Aonnuno 
nw Oe <a ae) oa ha is a ar We ay r G@- AE : 
wet Se a a { Coex san. ROAD SS ge lr or / > areas Coe elr). 

ae ek ian Ose Ce = 
mae raw Te xe et. t C4 ae Cee peat rae ie tiny, oY “tele ee 
: 5 oe ely ‘ts AA! ee “A on, oie : 
/ f2 ote La, ih L figs ao 7 ot - fon, 

ne ii x 
VE Poe Mie eS Ee eh 

j : 4 fees ec te i age a 
be S2 f 
G at ane 5a ar one re hg Le Aste) 

ee lhe = Bee few Pa CSN ‘ We aay o~ Cm rat te. :- es AterAed ty 7 em Dann TT Ot i 
Cd To me lr by ait Be pe ee Bey Bi 
- «Ges os PRR ey ve ; © stake Ce rrents 


raCrang & Go pot want A eta Te “Seb 
: ‘ he ot too Me fre sate trbirnnry A ond are du & bot ete ow ae as 
es we Hs woo AE. ithe, Clred or é oe Tru soatel, Ole ae wilt AY Bom 
Bee de Cte an Cone Sa ré f . no a face 
: ae - foe? eu wee % . s . fe Le ar, aes ie p Ain gn Pie kin at ; Wagon 

ae tare Meee © d eines ra The ta Udtahkened ia ai ae On. 
kat ‘ 

i 3 a Dg + at Naud ht 4 ere Ce. s L- 7 & reo a. + se Kk. Hors he 
>t fogs i ° hang b “dy ie 
a \y eeeas ~or Te AN es ares ~~ fe Te tha Dh atk , 
ee oe Ses ee eet cat Cats : d iy & me She (panes bt 
ue ‘a f. : Lot ae 

See tae Be We a aie mes . he 
i ; i : ce ai re 

it re | 

ea in 
tes fh Ure: 

“fata egy 
Ay ty Res =, e dk 
fx oo i 3 nr Sn - of 
AS TAAL Ct oe 
22 “Rent, | wl 
aes Ser eagty, 

Leet See ae Carat 

a7 oan qo ars a] ee. tena 



ie moa ape: to-cte ousted ae Lisa. “Oks 
POURCES dander Upag ested Jos Wes ed: J 9, CO ere 
kts ao p- ~Cef, if he Weed ie: warily fre te ier see a 
aX ther ay the cas eae Ele clre calle, rr 
te ee UL ahr “OSs ‘i Tha. ned Wn On tee S ono 
a oy) Ot putt 5 7 rata Ko che Ct fapakes 
LePe Aatrway a Ge ite ee See FAL Shell, a) 
ata o Comet_ey Z Yi; CrAAL at 7 ne At-ae Shell ro7sts 
aoe gat, Aneetliors, A CB Rp ES fag opie 
on hs pprwd aan He ieee 4# Ww aH 
Dice SK a Ce ones We of 7ha ep tant Mets 

Doak. Nghe Gane FEE. olen) En by 
ey wire yes Ci Cree eG Via Velo 

I Sime “ae 
We hell Menten ag bay er, gitar as 
ee yee a thy el Hes a. Be, Ary 
~~ a Mn. vee (pie a rs Bee -Yorngs 
r, Porohis May te Corrib ted: Gas AT ots 
a lad of lwo d at Ghie Oom Ce The 
lig fosket peer Oe Rika CF Cy prtices 
fale Ure ethorrte hy Zien Marcle Tot | 
eee me ai eo £oC pit hwrgpd Fe frrefe~ 

cee i; ott li. a May. Leaner Carnet 

a& Ceo MALar f > oO tw seer 
ae Prtocurnt int a7 7 OR hl tanh 
YP reieaaigs Coe gate) Ure GA: tbe! bone mses 


pipe bed orgerer tl uibie mae 4 

a de ara es sar ale 

= = aie 

DRS Her. ms xo G, fps ee Th stoi 

AS ty ane a gyone cteckay a a EAL. Owens Mio chine . ca vat 

EAT ep emega espe nee oe 




bi 4 "a 

Aan URSIN. BEC as Fate 

BO eres ea 

oe Ae ee ae “k brainy @ Orr ney sey 

-n A Cr ALA LAS aden a. pec! 

64S pos 
Why, mit fig. 


A depres omy fh ERG on both, foe ttf he te. 


' hacia: Ele 2 Pe Wigdk Sen oii 

VOU Ete 

Lhe 05 cid i ee : 

me encasement ASSN IT 
- - 


> Sit Seam ACTORS RAB 


foray yay 


af. rbycel of. dees Tue rlie a. AG ls, Feenumece Uy Del lew i; 

Clot ree ANG 

€ é 4 2 t t : 
it Anvenk On Cerne coke for VALOR us olt witty, f, p Nodas e¢ 

ae Af reid the Apes <p Besta ia the Cogent tino a 
BR Cid Mate: Be pe if bills Me nbn Hee Crag in 
/ u 4 
at” # aQ& (va tl. thy t, a Sw iy eee Cond ote, us a, x Kx es 
I CPR ae So by the 2 e, 

Pn SG ey, BR aes oy Ase 
Vhe Ebel. meetin Pores ale le the pace at BBC i 
MM! hepee the Ap htrenee an th M60 permet” Coe 
a k., the Cowarh Ae ke Sibel sn tak the a eas 
Stew eels cd bx ie 4 her OA ha he the Veet 
{ow eee i Cond bein « Gi. Oe i CaS ee A a 
jor we. Gels, litt, tes Cn en olis Amite Wwe bo foc whip Chas Ces 
When lis one othe un is hon Deferndtnt af Ue rnaverdalle 
One i c Cisne: Sgt Aaa foo Prt, Oe ¢ nettle) ox qe And >... 
b norm atin livcece, COhes Soles - 

wow oh pict). tercaaty sds Obs 

Seas eee 

Y : 1 
a ON bate or 

po . f ve ‘ . af 
eq act aa claw mete oy tore. Vin Mae Ce wea . ty Daa wrey ) enal, 4 

Lee, beowty 
uf the i bi toreth oul ah, 


Gatos 4 ce gen. of Abas tretig tua Sed aed 

ore tay cae gee 
- mere ame 



tt, tle rien fave os 4 


eee ows heures A, Gate aa te, athe plat the é4 

NR aren reeeeta eer oe 


Pte te ray See Vidal Sabaapverbambaes ee 

ope { ras 
Us me th, | “Kh ANN Ama tae i 9 { 

“Ant berrvil ac ON ORR Ne? f Coes 




ay “bbe osu puke 
oft ‘ : g red 

q rat. het OWL. fence Y o| (s nol ( (, bre c. Chis tony : 

Efe el ree by, tar fd 2 Oung. a fn Qa. ee ¢ an Qorra, ake ;? ae Mack ow Be t 

r O00 

OOO gs a Om ophl 4 


tard oes en ae 

- t 1 eS Nnan. Aes Cena & tA { tno i t wf te LES ee 4 ie oe ‘te ¢ is Pvat ee wu) Nt aye Se ee = ly Wx ral tents at VOU po, Paka a Becasas ote). 
: ! 4 ator Ohm Catal. Page tran) CMA ae, Milne tee, potas § E prrrnnecity | tu- yy OAR che Aicvmeti, ee whe ase | Pook. 
ce Wo ae ~Atneeyy, b Uw. rare t us Cres, ne tk, ey ou 's Tunce ay te, Cl a Aa ~ce Can oe ALN at O-neee Ons. ] 

the Heat hy Utetrometion force any be ob a). | 
ita, sy Mere aning Vl; Yaa ‘sf Uae ye Or o- tte 
OS AS ies Sree hea Ce ntrgl alo. AY noswo In@ ek. Lut oF Cx tal hee Retro ts pa ee 
MARY Aes wiles Ord eal 5 S Ali Ly iB Rees Petre is fy & mile ¥ a 3 fwmanent Conrtact fy Hee ; ELD Ara grey ofthe. tndaty, f 
baits mbna? Conduilons Until a bert oo neneked whee be habbo “tf the markers of the Maca Condicatitcry . Che” 
i; Kage 0, 3 

ss Pent aad ‘t Corn & CO We 
{ ue a. ie a i ees £8 : tony” bay Lnnae c Gfering uw e 
#2 fem Calon vs ers Head ae as on 1 Conductor of ae 

5 ( 
eek aye } place a 256 (, 

| mductir? Ae ee ae ae) A fret Ce reel, un Tha be Cae “rant dag WME GS eit plat te Hfag-- df 
Lend etn J fut 295 mor Conmpey, Mite ene he, creel eyda mile ‘Mae Ce 5 Uh ay Hey free soot sence bung Veprt'ed tf 
| ee ree Se the b, Bt, ee {ut oye, te. tte re twine Tee G tits tay OPER ee ee tell. tt 
isi whee the (ren WAL put a ~)- On Sane 4, Kup 4 Sonn ed “S thy Lea os mati fole ane, Mee latte howe 
a - La Gant! 

i pa w th obemstiee Th. Cowalad iene, thi a. 
ae ie iL . toy ma Live bi bed le (a. 
| ‘tm Ut ft La sep to ty thy Core ‘heise ie Ae 100 Coun J (Lo A veoh 
a a By Wine ab on one erect that will ents may fh DU Letoren 2 

An RE . 
u Atte & ) Soy Lowe hy be UL Packes Ae if “tk, Coc aut. 
- gon Sep Caw. 

i ; . : Carey » Root apo mets Bene Civ bins ee then 
oe ve Eure brestenten He ty be we. aso faurferv 
: fa ne ie wt. ate a be 

a ee ty 

; ano) dia connected Mire fron an) He fies magne®.. 
, , \ i Wound wy th oo os i gick, Perna ies Pee 
deeds nh nat ble ‘phru rad volly : arte Lope. ae eth eee he ped 6 otk, |e 
bd GAS Cicceted Te the Mane Coxhoe. £ bad 
The’, ev oe per oe brad ® -L prea etten “6, tee lan caer nd f 
| the awdinvstion hobbir” be, withsat- Ws br bhi, eH 
BAD AAT Bg Ue Ex ecko Wd wots ee Rs fick) magnet} 
Bae Auphase vat ect Por Cia eh | 
te seo. Pein ttt Go Volte whith se Aniadf- 
Iva whe the RGR CN FN hs SAE, 2 “hued Rofo 0 | 
feed. bie eT Hey tnd 2 a eee a def —_ . i 
po neti fore Fe ‘tle en ae Bebtan. but 


Op Cosmet th CMa oh wt. 

at Ce 

(ES law eee 

ta tan Sfrow 

Oren NAS Cate oF ite. | 

rane 7 "n Ae of Aah 

RSS, Vien eee ee 

) : 
Bue wee Ee GE 
OD te. dv of re 
wher tle 

, : } 
Mew hard COP | tg & $x Ge ee, AMD 

| pce Megnrils che viet CPfpr on cL rm. 
| “fh TM a lao 

CGelicy ner (ive k; 
yi feo meagre of of ee ty tle ¢ 
| Md untintel if u 

‘f * wher eay 


Maia hewet 

' 7 
See ey my 

Maa Carty, Bre 
SOF lf OL Ve 

Me Tha % es 

r. t. tay le Coote NL 

CM aes ree do tga wre 
Me L@ ewe { 3 oe >) ott. 
ie see ae CaF: 

taal re Co Wont Oe Peer all VW < 

“a One Sf 

tt Cid net toh CE : 

| Mol poww AGe ses 
i (Guct d 


WD Ca Ch 

tx Cun 
Bay < Can Melty Lele Arve &. 

ole Reade ? Ce nrknely. ¢ tag te, Moa, . 

Ue wtrolt Cir ney ALL pac Hfrough 

tly (A CCw Ere UGe wal of. 
aw i tls be wt cs Mow n tn 

Cols ‘h nC. ihe Maw Miva 
tstiste lag hs. Con 
Cre pe Mat tf 
Ww cy Crs. es g 
aL uth} -t: 

e x CACAO Ca 

| if i Or, \ bee les C j 

oe are oe eek Pa ae 

. | 
ae a | 
- 3 | 
pa tetera a 
a Be 
& poe ae bp : 
ns 2 : >? 
fa wily { ihe 
é ADM (hearagy 4 c the Les 

Chetty oo rik We Coe ey, lurtar ana [pote X no Ours” 2: 
thr Lica lhe, 

p. {ze 
“ “{ aA AC st 4A 2 ny Fa 
te etki 8 a ho: whan fl 


ne t the rau otk! “4 BN, Lance} eo as oe : % ce 
(eee ie fie A ne Ke pe ln “ 

a soit oe 
afl pede Re oe \ ead’: Ux on Op prnn chey i 
te seins wh the ( a e tne On kas ae (aeties Erne ie 
Gi alt hal ran Thee. 

nee] z 
- the betta, ot sath 
Se ak dei — Moco bat Cat metal Hi moot fe 

t y cule - 
hw ‘a laut ees beg. freak ss : 


4 Onn tte Conk on tf, a 

J off Me 

x re Led 


Prt Arety—a afr 
yi 1 i a or ae) O--— eaw 
A f Cpe. ioe: ro) sae O-r 2. nar”. AQ On, tbe Or 2G ff 
es tn beng 0: ie On 4s Or He Cow: 
tena ie her ough the Nackot vii AQ Grd we, Ea sbi 
AcyY nae: FP “e OLU9 le aa Con: ch i on ak, r/c {* LL tai pon 
mtg on Ort. Ups is Ae 20 Lop 
/ 7. d 

wc G E- rae ep ww ee lew pletion 
Aetna l On @ F 

‘ ttn S Ce Leg ae 
Hs Ln ael alin” ae HL. 

a nk . Pan 
COL ao of rae 
‘ icy cee Meh ef ¢ aa 
he en 

Le clue c . 
Cf Ch do” the LN oe es (CSAC an | 
fm Whe Las wncll Caw-aze. the Conwy ps ee (Oe 

only Ge eee ee ZUR TF: ee of r00) he & 

Rar ot8 Ha Atttauut po, Ab pisos bacseams Creel Oe lng, P 

6 The nel h AS nay Ca inet 
/ ° nd, wae 

hcl i ae ee ‘oii 
y/o Cer cael aA es RA a OCLC aabinngs | 

iy LY ora WH hn peeves aes ete’ (os untet = a 
Uetz wet. hy x an relation an tylCra are 
ov Lorter COCK rh, ReAtu 4G Ckosh, lt 
ee7 Wart co Grrin Ba & Lat of 
thy ee urthe a Ke. Rares om ao le HO ieee rr, | 
Ly yy ee ee Megs ay ee “Kn I 0.6 gnette 
WIG. Nits Oa ase UG Genk heal ae - 
—lolalion . Le ei Q spe. os rae werd wweurld Bers Ht 
fi ure Lut pr enent Kel & Ota, 
a Che a a, Awana on th ¢ ee he pp OE 
Any Wnrotey ls Keat from the Cant 
a YY eee ohn lever, Siced 

is whart t, 

Coan Coie 
Ze 2a, net 4. G 93 


a | 


ME GL therliernr Oo 

Letpudicinp) “7 



A a 

wa ein Uh Clretrrct Conk CG dab nabley 

. WThate Ferrie Ceperitad for Aepig 

7 ee 
oe 111 

GG ec We es Dew 

Be 2k. tHe wre Aiea 0- of Ce Ve ae /Vittelo, 
cD CLK Lou Cie. Se ale” vy Ate hos wes ar, Lets gf 

Chifbleredeert_ fe Keg ILS Ee cok, CLA tcf, Ko LIE JPiiromng, 
ay Me scaiigie Ae far Ae fisfe ele. 

IF es Ciibeorletny Led a Zea Aes ct oe a | 

tooake es mele. AAG, fe (te ed ee Re Ben EL ae Et. d.. - y aoe 


C ee 

37 a re, (ee ro ean dat & il Ban ane ee 2 eS ears é: 

ae ee aie. Ze Keel ut a OE sep Da 

"Van a a Ce. WAGER. Fes ag wg Ss et. 9 ” mA A Oe 4 Aa C. ab 
ee {, no € C Lh ay, ae a Ger ON i ane ae atic ~/ Gy C ; oe - ee f LAY ea 
wl Cea .t ho | 

wjH Lola. wt a 

aie aaa G 

_ s 
MAL oe borer ae Oe Pees © a cast OU Aaa 

i eer tS a en, p Cat pe cao ae d 
ee pei cee 


cz Pies Seren Lloe Lee NEC cae C272, 


tia [ae caer Ses “a Heme ty 

ol, tosezea cay ns bd soeeg. 
ae eeanee PLCs Ore fe-ciy PRL ¢3 

ME Tee CO Cope he go IMR Scie Bibione, PS, 
| os re a cA Oe a Xx tan Cre Oe, 3 ty iz oo , Lo. WSS folic We 01 ® , STF ¢ Se LE 
i — Ottbe Ke meron bore ale urheel Cv fo UD ale ah << Cnctat ta Aeceace Maing aii Ceccdon 
tte prope UHRA OY. ¥ orth . ; . : 4 Zo. 4 Ley : 

2 OOP LPL eben 727 eee etleay va WY tate Koes clad 
: Cre Pere enc hi Be Ceaflde 
; Sk he follneisg eee Lire, “ye 2 alesoeg — 1 ths Kocerste- 
d / , ‘. af 
: a" 25 - ie & “eote?g A’ Cutlery & VLECEPPO We wea CO LO Lhe Lie 

A A il De , wa ercighh Lret he oe pea 2 CBee eP 

VMlereLlo Caarl ri). hie at 3-879 

: Ercveal Lhe L226 ee > Me fbr ies, CALF Feellwo - a.” 
I ec bce: AtKecto wee, La ern eo cece tt. a 0 Ore at 
1 Re 44. operr of eased fetter bray Ae tigeclasii a Sew The 
7 Bets o ts by Liew Lhe cetececkh L weve Crrouclic, Co Ceo 1K 
_ cy I Aeczeccaee, fie Gao crates cFeceersd) LASS Catiies; Lou Cceeuct\ 
|G. LE Lie tpeeeleey Gf Le Lecegee a2 S007 Seis ALL, AN 
@ 5 fife nye F es Aiafortbagen 
Baw Cecertef a Kies cigs Leader pee scone I 
é P- oy | cachoy ea Mie ELA LIL e eergfece 5 ere ae IF 
S Es ee . : Gta We teenie Gf wn oe May eo pide i 
COREE oe Gs, . 4 he sreigh Y way fe 2p gua we PROPEL eZ . 
J ; ay pe a Pees vewateioy Sa ong ae ch cd a _coceghh “4 
an erates Vecee, Cuele, a ew aheafes bre one 
Elia eet : Sete, ey heavy, Coe Zo 

ta At an nen ene rie goa nee aint tee dn 

caeoerctaee eras ie Rae 


8 si a 

(oe dlee lore, an. Peewee oe 
t nec Ce che ecéiccedk, eu toe ce Uitte off auch the, Live enagh 
tee a Mle G teh Cie Lie greats tre, igh Cniack wits tack | 
Beaty! ee Lecphragon &y He Mhtong @ arc. dew Q | 
24. 8. Mie ts ~ak tad Co, B eaves Ly tte Kap heaguy 
Bega Ray colt a atk lhe Crce ace i, CO Bet, le Lozerseg 
Ceo2ed Wt Fee eg Ge KAaphsagne forrs be 

Miia yerecltte. C52cx, LO" Piaget ty Baio gh aoe 

Sohn Ghee tw tn Lrantinilis, 2 ti thy Luwpheagern | 
a. tL Lrecblor weVltizn pu Lapheagess + Pk Yaa Lira Vi Ie 
fan ee Sat ae 7 | 
Ge Leceght- & tr Orato, Dee aw Baty ted doreg Levee cebrze a 
Lice eth boy Se Catleoe Lek M.. be wheeaticn 46 the a 
Maree cee SeA- fn : 

aS 7 . con . _ 
v29- 6. Hoes ee Aad tredcie Ciara Cte Li Catloree, 
Cone li, Lip tlhe fleveee Cua Lf fereoree Tt) ( eeae 

Mtre CAfled jAkac AX Léxs feral 


Vuwit. Sterntiin Leak the taddine pf sition fogs | tami: Hiay | 

fe Sreliuc o~Lhe Cifl ferrnareitty Se Mey fray Ee eee if 
fll A. ately Get. ec che whtee Méirn dart I lies cecagtt tithedls 
So 4 Mat Lear Bree a f2ecne x& Lo toe MYieeng, B tied wiay oa ey : 
Mac. eyeaelAle. . Fé te a bcemeacunk Preagreet tetechs ree : 

° eee / = 
And Chew toectac Cv areuae Lee tirdtiid, joreceute od) Le 

~ a 8 . 

Morne f7e Gy) Lee Litre onlio At cuts ct Cy Ce ALLA. 

| Phaagms teh, rv i Lita co forrilict LE @ Gage sek 


tile: Kh ed Prececcesy,. exh, pe 
ie : oes i 
VRE Be tote Cote cl Le 
BS 0 of 2 . 
3 ee PERE ICLED CE Desc I 2, : ae 
C Z as Se C6 f FIAT e erat WE fbte, tifsighild 2étewent Lo 4 
Wika Fo CM eeM tt deccesed to che, ete afleragow, Evy 
= ea ve ae 
he Ctetl9rd CeBielo MALEL LPR See. fee Lbeey Ce ee ee. 
: : a ae’,  S..24...., 
Dihta0e— Lotecelo Kceterr 2li9 LF Cr202ecf~ 

. j A Moet tyke ee athuagrou 
Bey a a Length, Sth LB Capp : 
¥ 4 

. 7 ; 

Eeesefe Conere 6G bare LO ek Gea 

talizt fEteecice, C0202. Lol fh elu PIRES Lig aoks. Sead | 

fe OOP PECELEL few thee Sbeersa & Lethe, fi rerefn Gok aac | 
- ~~ ( 

Hawedey Prete Actpedtlale,, iy Goecatetve te Lie, 


a on Leese ee. 
Ye cae v4 : . 

ue /0.. Ps Sa wa Xe pli3ague Cots Lhe, L2tceiee Ciwooreliting 
Lae oe, bo cf Crm Leccuc Lis, Clrrrtad Cac. < 4 Clieng 
LOALLEEA . Lt. : a. 

7 z . : . eae. ae 
wco.//. Love Ce tifbwveght a. Loy LYSELY oea 7 Leek te SAI n 

(Jit trea feel tifoord He Catlery tev, 3 tech es tev Lhe aa\*- 
= eae C's a 3 vc ’ Li 
a il ALL, See" ¢€, OPEL SPEC PA 7 che Leaporiagreu MPCCEL ACEI | 
: A270 Kecccacee fe SOCEM ELS Lt foere Lee Calor. 

ya! = 

. 22. V°. Ahcove cnrHer larconillir, £ ci thee Rafiiisagnd 
| Youreg Lever Cetceho ev Qvecry a lect, W2etibro lhe... 
a 08 te the Caclrre xtLZleru acrdh. Lhe, lie Yura, Ce. fetal. : 
| i CLozee fhe Ceeecech, See [foceitivee ee Gee 4y Hv... cx 

j aL ae G18. Litre Mootle Lac 2. Cit Ga cadleu A Miter Mb a 
A. [I Waecag Late Leeced. erect Darecerc0 be Aaa ey eee Bhat. ] 
ie tes Ltitbou Leet Lien. . . as a 

sax pee om 


ae Chere a ews cb terineccia be Pu api freagel a 
ee Beg Leowks CL B- enue, Catlree fC7e, On» cagauneh tereids - 
* -Ybecrpy ca. A Leck . Lhex, tte ete Le é ees, HMR 

446 - : 
Jas ee Cle fitewee twilly Lie tcaslereg Cr tf 
Hs aa 45 ets teelivig. vee het Caer tt Cf, arceghh. i 
a ae Lith hots Mefol- Liforrs fie Ly Lhe pura Fe eerezsd Le, _H 

. py i a a 5 tats foo Sou joe 2. ao, a e ; 
_Areticliatiteg yer! Mee ve we Hrach for SRS oe WY Recteag ing. i 

\ Lthy LFilioww of te nlectigy - 

TTT E TTY sae AnwEees 


i &. Ya Poe Mira ae f4 oe Cs eifoh BW whicel Ff Casly 

NM ee eek, 

EO ee bore a. trutkh J Ye bo BS 
UW Aecaud a Carberry 2. tetling vv et ae Les0 Mforings 2 ano |i j 
; ‘ P y 
Lhe permed PH coeoount~ of Hee Aafthragew rzetiaces Fe... 


| (ireitn ak Lathe bovrte- A Corelaeks 

hs, carter co tia bry b bie tivitist pbecsen pray Je raiay 
Mae pa Cle elia bag tect SO. sey sf Feta fe che , Cab i 
HL gLite 22 ateclbzeuse W Aéteorruckat eu fiorw, Se! tbe fag be. 1 
a BY geevrrariestd Prag tect et Sor0+" Afecat ou flak rena, toy 
Vise ceecet ee Me Leafizag wey vi Halat cor Lhe gl jordin 
1.60 weeny toteghr hay Le wee. 
: he Live ce theverd on sop. V2 L Comtlay Co Fiat we Meg. ae 

eee, eee 

22.20 Chrowse a tite Of tathay € Bret Reale Afouings 
, ; A.0, ctu ana Cfporralia 2y Ge dtr. Manne ae ne fig to 
: 1 Lg. 1 44 am sifceght sre tthe Cate of ctecehy jt thee bari 
‘ ee 1 At Nal @ weaghh a 2hole pas Veellect hivigh + 


118 ee 

! ’ ? - / 
sf : — 2 ited re at, ae . re 
Hy Lien? WLI pm ae toes S tek 2. Mere 7, Lo He CEU ca -~ tet CLOUY eeeer 4 N 4. ’ a 1 ] o 

ee Otc 762, Re 620 Eat ere Pe 2 Aw, 2 (fe LOE Ee 
- F f a : of e CO ON MAO RL OC PERC IAL CY Cb , a 
LEP ee rieslone Liliviy re Tie €.th hee Sie RCAg Ha fu, |: tjeps et ees ae ot 
Z ee » Lilet etl Al Bedeay 9p pets we ia Loe orereg. Ye. pew Lhe Lea 
bo LEE ft eal 3 HOLS LetEen, wae Z ee 
7; as ea eCvererer SADE! fee rE Ee odes Bsr ee 7 


alk : s : . 
MN oO ar Dats eutidille OAL tol te 
r , 


‘, . Y 26 ALENT. Pot. Cho hey ) foe, 
: ae ae ore Sate ao ¢ 7 ws rok a ‘ 
wl £ SS 4 . sf ake, Lo gt Cpae ot oi ee: me a a PANU @ lse es pacers pas Pee OL er 
‘ to& e. ee TE he ee Pn nd a gfe pee eoter Forced eye CL AILIS lca z, Lee, Ae: IC a ste a ne y 
. ei eae A ey Se ADL ad fa Lo yee pe LO ite tee WA Oe : 
pao Sa s = fe af a . & 7 dt < i - ‘ 2 Pig Oe a an wHepe ch y 
I MW od Stee Late tele ia CTT ola FE RO GBR ERP II Pha fl Oot Laer ie : - I 
a OB / LE cltcecery. Sof ee A on Pate a COLL, 4. ioe | 
ik Z . 2 oe pe 4 o ee hen psy . ee OPM EIT EE BEE acta. CCX | 
A Ae BIES CDA Woe J CREALEE LOE te GH LOL Fo et r9c/ Le a Be 02, tig “ct “Je Le IL, : pee : 
ate “ e : F Z SA are r . + te, 44 . : , . ae ‘ 
| if ca AE - 4 ae) A ‘ , 4 - - : iach reg. : e a CONE OE: ee aa eo e™ te et Le ae vel a EL, CL oon La ‘ 
A Vg Pm ME : oo . Ye aor 2 as ate : a i 
’ nie, Pele! LOEB Cp OAC PLR OO Fk CSererec on es : . . . H 
PS) Oe cee 6% ; : ‘ 7 : Pf , aa tet 
7 : ce Le a CAE PLEAS ONC OAS ED OO bm eT Lk ee ae C202 AAA Mrieg. | 
‘ ‘ : PIC, LT Had pees ona, tf "Dre ,. i Sag va 
i A fo y : Z 7 a OOOO ENEELE ea Cae oS eps ctv elie, ct2tNs Ll Hr | 
me d eo ae ee ee . on eae % Dig le os ee «@ ae : a a i 
a a rr rn cent PoE CI MOE OTR CT Of SLE CCR. Soavad Pr M7 F pir Grr ee eae a 
it ] a a: « ’ . ig 
* L, aan ee sry, 3 A ae 
i fore Fee Ma Od LEI oe OAR ied ee Cee oO eae, wt). Wee nm 

| e 
4 ~ 

i 7m ‘ 

i Hooa slows} MSs icy > ok . ‘i ~ ont i heats Ae = wf 8 Ss x. 7 . Pi id ! 
i eA’ A CLEP LD RL OI LTE OL Bh of. we : tk 5 ae 1 let be Se ceed hes 2 ee LEE ore pes etseecsie Lek CAO LE TRON: ce" | 
i ; | 

Piston: te op Ay ey ae ee : i a; . 
J Bly Ae re HET * LE. thea Le eer ae SM Pee ober : Gear : A 
fet jeey oan ce ee cd Petes wt “ < eke ELLIE) CAM : Parr atc Sa a COPE tere? ep eee nas vad Fe BEG LOBE A he CE Boa 

TH hh 7 , ‘ oe og i ' 
: Ls 7 A ecg thin'y. aba ff oats 4 ee: ’ . : ; : : a . H 
Weert Ce DEPM LEE O ce os fee af OSGI 4s Lhe. Fac AOL ‘ Pn co 5 Op pert cl cake Boe ted eey Le: feed, CACC I IY Mp LD BSI ORD S j 


—y 4 ay Lest Kg fom ‘6 F4 _* ‘ : , “¢ 5 ‘ é : 
} ae Geta tectte va: UEC Le COBIY, CLL OLE Af 9 Ga Cathy CI SOMA PR PAB Meroe, a aecclin Lf te | eecafbearoee ee Dit A spits 
i ‘ . 


4 7 
| Wi] 27 ct eB Ave 
Ac “ 




LODO AAS lerteet L. ca  . fertclys Ae Oe eas PPC RLY LI C72 . a tele 
aa “ 

taht dey tbc Gad v. fe Jés LA tri-e/o 2 meee Oo fo see eel 9 oes Lé 


if ” 4s E a. : 

le. Le. bikes Dine ar Ltetdkeev brsesee | we coz“ BL LO we eg. zy ~ ce, cceccethe Te SLi EPA iat Olea Lad 7 Ahee BOLT} 

i : + 4 i 7 
| elite PO Rete2C Cecilia Pa Zw Sere iets LP og ce Hhelet ap.uni = ee Le ler? t- ie via beef Ceyperd Lecrte a MOE 2 ee eee | 

, ,o4 . 4 
. “PI, ne oa : 4 a om i? 
CBAle or er ne / 0:8 BB ¢ OA CLL OZ ThfELce, sect fe 2 nuller Pee oe Pal oF She. eA TE CLL 7 2 a 
me ,) aN , . , ‘ : j 
A FA, LL E biee 4 ae 2 j 
7 “ , : . i 
Pre OO  “oocree .t Qtech Lollrre eee ereceee? LO. Bec oe LG (ee L ETE Fe be |! 
boa, be Girl F > tee, ‘i eer een ae LO Da ale Bue. 2 : W LIED COB iy 30 CO 
Oe PEC ee aa acd , . W646: tere eae Vo dy Ae 6" =: Le. EO AELEB MY LPM PEE (area Lore, are | Pre ae nF e 7; ue 
se ra . 
% ee Leilene I One he 
wo" . 

mnie ‘« fe . i 2 . 
ye oC Lek Le 2, Pu ee ” Lite ieee OPPO De CORR Ef" Lv Fee) EOCENE a 
nae? aan 2 oo - ’ . uf . 7 / Y x52 a : 
ie Were Ls we ee sh, - Aa AN OO ce ey ee eg Bemede f Atts bes Ceelrecierey! FERd whe 2 Mi esetlatig, beh 
Me . hed 

. . ay ‘ ra 
Le Oh z 4 : et we BoGoRS . ce, , © ee. we Here! te 
FL ¢ Cha: CREEL La Le. aie fees 25 Beri ogee aide tesacech yf an - Shey POL ESLE ILI oe a oe jet. fee C £06 ede Lf, ye 

ie 4 is : x oy hie 2 ey ©) 4 aw, roma oe wn7 
WLP 2 cCeechan rel rw vet Bee F Pea’ es ee Kae a r2egh- . rl FR CASILLA eile aver Pert A! era pe te ue erage LE: Prasat saegs <A 

enema . ° ‘ . 
SP ee eee Sev tfe wae Be hecoee 2 igus Ce LeTLOY vm Oecd ery ss PE ELLEN 

O82 Cee LZ Co am Ba hee eis Seley CV fe fitiae pus gar fa- 
Ter 3 at oa ee ee ao Boe Bea y Bote Leake eet Sede ch L Lerfct 
ge 2 A Ll eLero, lO ae Peel sen : Yo nt Borsvteclects Crp Cb8tcél” 07 0 Lie oe za Ce. 

JRts0 Lhe Eee 


: . ‘ D 
reegnu LE hate a lite poten th ug ine GEE 

SPETE! 2) Lee tess ‘ 
2 wee ere a ¢, Toe Loney Ller te fee Core sal Lien ovat a ae 2 - . . . Se 
“7 Pom 2h LE a L & Gy “Ze. Ph LIE. LeFO PL ptt BE Wecetted 02a fe“ IG MP Ceety LEP 
every ch ret Lhe Cath & Mele. oe Atha ie . : 4 
At exch for - LI F- Bugectesccey, CF8 (alte O flttrent Like Lereceatecre. ee 
4 F se ce zane C CPP Lo, aad a ee ‘7 : 
wie OFC ELg EL 2-2, Le C22 teenesls Lfeir3:Gh0 Lite Beale. doe Lite, telbvaale | 
‘ tH Cranes, Lit Aieresnk Vexeexa ee " aM Boag 8 te é LA. 
" ee Mipgies, pode ebro edad BEE VECO TA Lee fieeLe O24 
j c 
FAG ; ae ; : : — pe Pl. 7, i 25 ‘ig wt 
(Ca. LF aes, 4 5 = eed: Pee POLE IIU Mice ee. FM, TeLLEDLI, "0 Ath as . age 

« of on oe Pad “Ze, Safe yore, : 
Zoe Ae oo feck CG .Ckat pee nt ia. : f snk Be ae os SP En, 

7 f al Rea. oP cd le A Soe og Veen. e co Cm PERT ated 


: a 
: ie SOO 
7 * OK A S ee 
AQ. Veo 
Qy R 
a See 


Ae i 
Lees sa - f 
Lae PU Bee La ae c Hy . 
tte Le2thent. Khe eilsrertecr 4 a 
CRS Pretiv el js, Cerne Delete c2le . ee ners 4 0 ab veers rane Prien, li 


e AS ie! (CPA LL “a 
oJ. 4s a - 5 (... yt PE Le EECA LE 
ARO Atlee  ¢ Look Lfitet LAE” ig 



time oe 4 

+ ‘ 
ae 77 A 7 

OP lores 

ferme Tomy Io ms $ : 
er ary we OOP TU, Pays Ted | Koel mf. 

Ne ae oe woe gee Ss t/ p72 u The 

OC 8el tg 

LN OLE Bt. Deer all tecle Lehee ; ele: ran 

7, Yes uteed, 

i hes ; Seite: ? is ao 
’ eee Rte CL: Secee, 4 ca cares Py ae AEP, ee, ee Ela. See aie Rae 
at . Be ite alee a cot Pra. Af OF 
LEO EO SER IIE Ftd eee aI MULLEEL, . WA ae Sh cle pf 220322 age : Hb pz 
a“ ee . ’ , 
aid: c” 2 4 “at 
ma: Bed far wre ‘, - ses Ewes Joys ae ap Le 
MH Wee. % MP. Ore ler ona mee a AO ew 22. Crecel¢ a A SPCCL 2€y 
| poo : Z ar Pee Y ; 

: VE “20 2 = oy Sas a, 7 
qi, Hl Fee tea ¢ Deere 2: Vee Ree 7 oe Jet, tfnele” an CLALES cL fo 2c AD ta 
> ; 

LCE : x ‘ 
itt. eRe Sei a wie Ltr cae RN 2D, Le) Rte ee eee ares 
i : po KL % ‘ aay Sa ie ied. 
| | ores tyfocz LOL. Pops tp foo. here } 
; 1 ioe vette a 2G foe2 , a Ee Co L670 8. efohee ke oh 292 ete Ses Btn 
i} { 7 
1 : Ae 2 Sn ASwe is Test es 7 4s _ . Z ? 
| ae OY CEL, BCL ok “LB ae. ze PO la tc cede. s ak 8A ee, Ce Zac c Ces 
: : te 
- © # é oe ’ A vo 
pe oe jus tL foe yt oe ee Pe Seem : , vies . 
i fC one Lous Seas Cn x. ee Me Aes ROP RL, Cope AK oe Leste 
Pow: Ot LL, “Qe ee. : : 47) * Pa : J 
i OLIN A Ee we PtcVee LE 707 MELO REE oi % Yad PP aang 12d Ae a “stteducwy 
eZ x 
ott, FPOee ee ya = 
: z a weees-u, ALP Eee d, vo, . Mee Meee vse. Cite. Rerraed  cecu, SC bho Lead, 
‘ 9 
2 . “ “ye 
: wee -2rrel) Ivo segege8 ay B32 “ ; pe . 
| 1 raat Me GMC WARE IS 6 CB seee29U eet ante: SCCLPeY, A Leonean 
H coon) . , re 4 2 é 
Pey J2e OT EOP gd ; : ne : ; 
Hy, << 2eceece Betecees SL aeoenl (OM BY WR at), CCktcce220), tA2tténe 
| a : a 
Hl az Or v Mee 2 LOS eet 
| i ie C2 f Tee as Ze". Aleee2: xv, Crete. BU, Cet crtceczeu tr~e 
! 4 . 
WRLC R2tétee 2, aL rt 7 
7 2 — a we Y Sageceteten: te rep tocecee 5 ia 
i ’ . 
: "y. ’ ar td . 
AH. Yee Creleveeies int). CO "Sates paps Yes oa Dre ae 24, e 
} 4 ele, COME LONES OCCT ES, sey coat bape oo 

| Wy COLCA SI, A tisceteoiu, Lec, toes: Sretiinse LE ne 

¥ ‘ 
‘ cerresow , ete peeset), fs esses, ee ROL fix = LA 
is oe . pectin, «Cog Keecectee (AACA Lees 

wee po w3 . ident: ox? oO 

OL ere seu . 3e: tat 56 ee, 
4 F786, POO oten oe OY Sea? OE eee J vtezu, WL cer: 

7 ro 4 

é | ae eee 
! a“ ee 
fig Cay LOL FU wa eltlid cerecehe COW Lee Lt Leelee ce 
i) oe fe JO Cree tel aes ae VRETPLL Lee, ty 

= naka oe 

yee ce era 
SP 2th f 2 
| 4 need He cies of Ee PLES Lkefbjesrren MCs L277 
| -"CLRE cw Wiasefactiined cv ~tatine Crlelexen Paw. ke cited 

age Le te 
tate 22 Cn Claes 2 Lie ewe ecg tee D Bl 2ttle. ila 12d 
tener ALE rea “o 

Segrerce by Dre Lies ~ Bas F Cheeg. 6 Coa, S79 
iene “lee CGC ges 




fasta yf : 
| peas Lvte eAeeor eae. 

ee o aa 
: Chlad MS 

Le eee 



th, CCAS 
He iki ths Le cas Levu ot 6 vas 
i yes Alttilanes, Lb Ort ce ee Biabiee , ag tL A bey 
2 es Lhe Ae allte abe gy 
Leer if Lees Clrtcd « rly vides GZ th Bh ois dl 
ptclte, 6 Cb lecareriats aed Bohm ld Dieted crth Ce ee ee 
Ee Bevel ge at we igo 09 we Besyed Jiee arf loa er x 
Akad Seen oe Lo Leorw P2alees 4 ee ced 
eed, Caeser YZa congey fe RIAA tae Fa a 

Lah 2k, BOP 

Z vA 
wee PD FPL ALI, I 

cape is CSP AE REE SEP CE. 
ae SY ft ie Al? Btereee ¢ fy 

Citta Copreniants| 

“0 igh Ate? oe Hie aad 

Cipedid eorex 

Serica C>-Lon & L8 P2H thy. 

a Bs Lieve JO ODES ELE “oe ay Aalirg ries Lt Hier sP culet te 2ae : 
. eth Ce ffc cert, ee a 
ad a 
fk, litle LE Lo CEs 

PI OC ALE tees tO Hite Br Tew preeg en Hale 
ee to tev) the Leer pee Oncep2. teu PY Ll2te, fot 



A tar ff oeerg Ltecs EA PY ar 

Mcinrecas LL a tt 
eee DI 


7 ft be beaffcy Lrg Boa etediveceds 4 lace Pee Sw cone 

MkITRH Cre tellescog .f veer Ce fone pie, 
acta Cite ta fecaffied rae: cs M26 Bee voew terife a Pirrcter Cheb, 
bb + ream crab uregell, Za Cooverld” sl leckeiag a asy Opeleldrece 

~ de wpbech ZA ers Cueee te Circ ~ ee egesectedl ese LOh20 fo ee 

: cgffeee Seal Semghrcee ee ee PH Bo tyec 

| Clete title wa wnrefhiev Te wlacia Caileru Letio el cern 

ae ea LLEE9 2k wy thee I. Gofaer Woe2ae 2c fe Walle tb 

(fercecect iy thew Poe fe. *ecstg fe Cectes foc fiactie tahoe 

Certo | ai AP Cita hétsrew Chafee Be 2 a stfier Sheral He Catt oe 



Gf faded < RCMB thwe ee nite LF oe Woe HcLe ty -2tterg 
4 ‘ Z yet . 
CY’ ete, T ke Qhoetlie elem OF Lee; Span hee LE Cb Lea Cette 

fe crest ati Libflew fb ey 
Cugflee [EERE LL 577. o Lk Pendle isi 
Lene CtvPe VS LIAL eae Let, 

OES 4, tte ete lo aw Loken Bede ‘4 

LA Lrtecleit to Lhe, Mathes tad 

4 kw Ce L2003 LO - My ec’, SPC tLe La 

i Do2ee lia Pormen awe LED 


é 4 

~ ee ca few Poeco2teled | 

ed Lf 2a. Lhe Lotiencter - 

We CPDL cbe, (ete Gy thé Lib Aeesce Beceserd/ Vf céz2 a 

ne ee ile eenfpitacts , teeleiles pees pate |t 

Be. Z ee) ee oe ert He 

- 22g l72crticre, aed Lif" 2 b2220, Leese 2 ef 

: fleclig Pea Zi tact cereccctee aL e%e ee ne a ee ae 

i Btacy Ref foc Lf Tee Gfreeatioe of ee PLE bar arecypa eliiicte? 

L22cv as Dey A cee Cofectizeg Bee. freeeie Gf! Hiaten 

Opezats Cf ‘ep be afin Cadre a. 

te Bites Dard Zoe 
tie C4 Z 

Zt C@lltw réaec 2: 




oe 23 

Ze Lite 
BAe Lae 

Jo te $F fet Ore Ghee 
cafifier Yotiae LL LaLEPL EE 
Catéoou coed Lar" baler pumeee. read 


wea See eee tee 

pe , fos 
‘ ‘ ay 1 3GF, PRE LA 
4 LO BOP ey LEO a ae es wt yt ; 
% Px precy BEA te, ae Mae: LIB LAE, uf 2,727 Le ; 
| q we, Battle 20 LEP AY A ie 
Abc eT eA! LOL Le lierea Lees CLIO 2D 

j Z, a WlAlt 
h Meehan Prt Lit 

ms ‘oh, y LP MOT cL ce, Lhe. Le eee 
| 2: saet bE Wt , POLO Foe i res) = Le 

| 4 . 4 we oe 
aya i ahs nL ee Mele w Ln eer? fs) 
f | ene 2. Nt PAT sepatere' UA Lie Le Lele? "@) ‘ ; yy 

I | forvew. co ‘ foecito “Lb q SF ye PLE vee Oe EF ak ; 

TOO et nev Dey, rere eed fw 

HT , 
| ae | dow So QLeelor 

i . y 
i Kecvorneg, Lee? ze 202 D j 

leet Leeefeor COMER LOBED Ce PAIR CEM 

we bE 

A ae 7 ae : 
AM i +f 2 ae sh Paes i : 
i ee LLIB Lt Jib tececlr Py wEtee2: ie 
| : Poiestha fe Es tee ely Dn ae , 
| AW! 0) eel becee LUETLELR wre ee: ato sy" Yiig 27802 wectil Ce , 
5 {| Dre 4 : er: Z. 
MY, 2222 2702 2 kevecztsr etl lest “T suse Lrwelrou Aee. 

Cel yeiadiz ae feo Lo fecak re Lhe Laeleont bte Macnte age 

Pare A stec“e 

iw es , 
| JL 079 Pate CIOL Lp Ll one Otee Sy" anc Celery pe ekaeleo EPL LES Oe 
: i. KLEE, Ab ucar BA Cel rored AleF eS 
815, on th ? 
| Sitatty Mave POOPCL: CECA cater ae eter tel icees. 2 sifecert a 

af & 
Behe Ofte cca <a 
4 rs i c oo 
i ¥ 

Le Pucwrecfe Lk oo YR hetilory ret vee ute btu wee nai er 4 

\ tuk Mhithe Hae BL tack /D ve Preae 
i ee £23 cok ce Lhe te foerttuccleiry A tes 2 > A Line, VUE #2 

a Lagi 

(Preece _ UMM Bares dij 
FI Bela neud ee 20 W120 ae 

cee. PO (EBE 


Lit 7 Ae So row. tb. of Maer 



if ‘ kw a Or a 

| Cttta# tet bcocedLext OL Lee Filla of cbr RiPpa li {ocees ; 

L Aeop 
Lett Space , Le Arif favientty veel yf ogg te LO Clete Pe Cresta 

i 4 Le Absols 

His as 
: Z - Area eae gua «ald Hace lle 
i AA: jethaee ee | is 

fave car tolled She 


eae. ee VAL 24, A avete Lottortd 

Clore CON Pic ithe Lede 

ed Y Ge Ccettesek - Ly thee 

} coos LT bee 2D 
Fea bo SRE 1, oo 

PLOT MY ok DE: Neen, 

yak, pee ie saa: oe 

, e “ Lo, nee: ‘4 
high babel CLL MLAS yore L000 ete h Aol ds hehe te CO! 
or. Ps rf * —. cP tt mw At) og ¢ 2 2 , 
. oe, hea fe Vee, ree, VTL ero Va ee. ME CRE ts Le 

“ ed : pe 
. ’ Ler SIA» te ea = a . 
PTR ee ME TNC EB EL EL Mcltctin OL LO ler: tote, ce Pie igssas LO La 
VFL LEASE LY oe" Lfiivt- atk 
: : io - B : 
Oe MeL Keak Coicors pelea i OL BLE AS ME Hee OPEL Ea * Leet m7 a Pople es 
i: + a7 
| " Lescet cil se Sab ree, hea te Cove rvez OW ctor Lota 
U iL 
CLAIRE Cectuterey vee tent /Cafler ery tre 

Ge ; ; 7 
ar aa we MOS LE feay le 

Math wy Hirsch od LETP LEO bb 

a) 2 Ve 196,49 a 7 i 2 
a Cee? ce LLL a : 7¢ SAE: 
7 Pinttct r Aare $e ets arene fey merger ate poe CAA MASE IFES 610 

Ge teu. TJ Mh fF. [ordre . Hy 

ne queer eceaneet 

“ave Bir Cory LLL Ft ew Kld e- Ties 

a ibe Ly Dke400) lens co Lhe blaslis Pay oy Peis Y tetreheig 

bes a gitalet lngit 

LEED 2 Seemecns 

Gap lag Mh etn See eejod Heat fawn Lo Hamp ¢ Mh f° A Mbalere CO TPEL ELEY 
7 Get OF %y ia 
efftcest PRRs at Presaeted fe cay <e : Le LOE. BZEPLEM fy C2, sae ee 

“Lp claTle, feted Luh 2e ae 

12 3 

ey wee, seal . ’ . : 
ve VL Lacled, Ae s ae COREL obs t eke, ers Ca! Gas Sad 

ue otal Ae 4 oeeveuw 

aa vw Lae ee Lo 
v fab wrelecs: : roche ho < ine fk Obs etree v0 ; eee, pus ee 

‘ * 
or . ee a ‘s ge 
PLO OS LB Se aceses OLE tak 

ZY DI 20% eae 
v a 



ee 2 opeoe & ta is Fee Saree : 
ry ye PEPE LPO MALNNE SS, erate AT Siete Lira wk artes, 

Lo Yerale Lie Marvleile 


Shoes ~ iS : 
: apis cm frst fe at weer. (Ten MD Ee ee) 


Me hersevtede- 


‘ é . f . . o 
Bre w LPL EL PLCED 6 Poteet, LAU CFL Laer Lore free Price pmo 
“ Z ; 

= Hs HL p 
Ke ce glass me ee Sat zay PIC Cet te [WTS Ce 4 
: 4 ae 
ve Bde fae QL 6 LP Oy Be 2d, L22e heey Le .2f6u 2.2 ferser ye 
A Deco ee 2fihiev her 

Cpe lo”) Feecfo Y SeccIee ecteew Eo LIP Pa oe COM Se 

Ct a Caeick 

Ee Vale 
ee 2aé ce eph) ! 

Canlru st sth Aree veel: 

( ; : 
fe oe Aethe cerc the laclee ee foes 3. jo veccle 

rs ¥ : 
AO 2 Porte ees ett LEO! Come fee thie ; 

a bay & £tarve Lee Lgbeelo we ef lliree ate i Ze tide Leech 

CER Leg”  ceeidie cacetae “flr. techs LIB tactore serie ela A 

ee LF erie. Lie relizre see? Ves be “E wefracetect Poser Be FFG 

ri IY Mee 

pe Steelisu . 

4 et, ELE Mage Gf Le hat: Zw 

ye ad fe Je Sere alt eee C2¢ . Pe ent Ma LD o the eeiges! Core lect lh yz tan 
c x ri a é 
7 Lele cer LaLa  Le@ered SC Cece ree 7 “MALE eae? recess ce Lott etFe ce 

a . . - .f et 3 
vreetereg Lf KELME. aici 6 CL LCL BCCI SPO JAterelera Cclterforse! 

“em . : i ites 
“Ke tlatlee Gack: trifle Lae Aiaey Jeeps eee forint te Cie 


ee D rheome- 07 th Cttcrn eee tectHon Be Leen 7 ot at 
} acl 

tie LI fee eulees ¢ ale Clete 

Aires Le ieee? Lhe seid PILAR LES 
ante Atlee I7th Lhe Chua enn. Lie pert | cee (hed Le 
Catlru MEY OLA VES LO Lf soot hl so Fe eee MLO ered, (ante 
clad ie eeout Beate! Le wack Gc echibee 

: i a 
ODER Sacdoregect Bea hrentlape 


a e albsiadl 

cAI A tothe: Lhé (bac Lee. 

OLSAM A ia Co2tEee ferme 2 cee feck tft teat Le weellect feel 

ee Vetlies Laecloru cbtie Le eG te. priate se celireegect, toatl 
a fel Pip een ieee copy “ree teeidca Le alerts 

res, REY es Lewes’ fede fe luc. Kiet ats EBELY 

L ; 2 De 
OIL, LCE, Jf 2 Fruaad ol 

4 yp eneg Paa77 <tobes os, 
é ita a Pay Ce Zz 

anyb = 
. r, ais faba sgh, deel Eital la 

tubediniee St Lheelazs, 

Bs vetted bee Bre, 

[Oo cet teereee ae LFet are: BLP LR lected Y ce ele J Mee pcedtie Ctl | 
» etic weely clack ite 1 Clee ey 

lg asats Ria clit } : 
Pre £5 CLG tds Ree Pee 

CHL ChE dt aise * ‘a ; 
ereacect La Peveciee cect a , or yee h, a Ghuace tone ala uccncecau cele be Cacbogen 

: F ; 
Le! hth Deleadlirey . Ibe AAG, C23: OT eae +" of Ch taact Stele. ht a. : . ; Sa 3 : Deleted a 
Pere srlles, ae 70 0 whoa, ‘ fecha" oe ine Che, MOC Bitagy 4 —_— | Se 
op ee Kpfesenh tO. ds ty ; 
: rE eee fa 0 Carlo, pee "e- he moe = We ee lie & tet lis : - 

[ APEX: Ee WlE or COMME 9G was feeee c.eare el ee Pedetedy Sy 
CPI REO PL PIS | oa PPM IPODS BEL ye ge ght if Lh yon 

ate Lb teed ,drmatce > f wf Lhe. fe hatees rea Le 20gh es eee, Gay’ 

} * {p 
MEL tt LOE OCR ca Podectier ol Eu wee geoih epee, Cedece’cay , Cy 

| OfL5 ee eee be we (ode ritled ects aa es ye ‘teeieat Soe Ledt- 
oe : 

jp ete Cte LX Ee hE 220s 7a La es Ae Poena Ze Be cele gs kxcgite 252 
1 Fer vrtesy 26 Hesesitee fon OT ae BOA SO MB ot Pe 2, tliruk a 

| B2icak ete LORE. Cre Che Meher iting wcocfreee. chk $2 Lath Le Solid. 
ey oe Lterzepot “ae C0 aes Y, Wh ade (ss aw weeny - meee 
if ia © 
7 Ae ceccsry Mars ilee 0 Cop eemste a L40 a fer Postascele™ Lothecé f 77, ate 

: as) a Peis Laitle ADE, Pan aez LAI (pices fy a Llecregel : tin so cr ana 
C2702 he HIE 2 Hevvies se Vestes oe Lt, flea ODL, se ctf. Salfsus “an 

. sf . oe . ate 
Acccd, Mw Ohh eb fore mete , tochynrtecte esos Le, Arts fz Cee vm Se ote 
4 Gifece | fev levr les: “eg 7) 2eceeetss Crfherw tra thy Pay ey om Caseuk ——— 

[oar a yerenkh Keser Liz AE Le oet OG ove . Ve fooetditec tek 
Lack Feros, F ayy lire, fe bee: ey Catdmry Hoey Ge eg tiple 

Lt BORA crete 2K reg fy ‘4 oes 2g QV cepts. re filer: < hl ial; 
dips ECOBL PC SLIF Mad 90. oF. Ao rs Lialice, bce tng «ieee 

| He ell iclre Pee Ge CSevedet Ciileassepect frlce ere ae ares 
I Jey Ze fete yu beat Peay te le Earmea 7: veh of Chee ohe a os ee | eases 

MOOR Br tt <b, Lee COMELT terile- he BL, AEAE Bo: Poalgey 
Bracte 4 site ees va Lia be bla Ce aeZe., oe ¥ im Saee 
nce tothe Lee pore a feacne wepeys yf ea , ee ee ae 
a teak teri eve ou & Craece PRL ‘nay Le tet wt Dee Jigen es 
CPT a C8 (eetpaiting, Ditters fore Ge Aafcce Ana Le crecruca 

Se eae Bigises ee eeceeees setccl rig fe; oe a i ae ae 

4 : eed 127 | 
LO. oO Catrcapk ctee cd Erg lek, CP reeteca wd 7 Geli wy he a 
Alea. 19 S878 

a nema 

os he fy ae ia Bhedlie Lighter ¢ ane Wabreeds os a ecee care. 

PEE ae _ palit. eee be wlihie 6b “Lh bt. P21 Glide» fPeew dtthe ential | 

Meaudéin bibbab townealem Bho naa tonalite hey pete ed. 
fall tn (te Mleelis tnelite free ane Lh fling 7 01 Uf Ganfee 

: teag Cyicet abe Br hele Pole. is S100 Abat= tov LecbiphileT. 

| hnitav bi Wat of Llehtew Sit- of bughs Aasilasia 12 asd sorpbarrenusl=. 

Ybor Jha tecligratley Civereg, “tly Gecata 2 Le abdlele, Lun A 


file Gt. Atdea- Wid Ci7IuxaaE hese She PP2 et pe ee 
 atterhlifole atten » (ora 
by lng Ayilime a big et Berets at Lf boli Mevbiiite tie Lead. . 
_keeltiat- (hia le @ teslial Ualivo ee ee ee 
kote Ce led care” Lrolkive fore Bra Llecleie fetter aldee a kiififels,. 
tal a litle padiue Ce Ths Mahirs S tnipley bay fro 
eh ag cvece LaAchy af 297 Arve jefe each Ath wewe by aw tebe 
dhidtiparac Lm if Hhafirg ou Whie Mafliig to fella dag 
40 Chelsie Glrictacie, <0 ftir 22 the Lean bia tht dy llise 
CA lrureiltee F2. le Corud td orenblli Leathe 7 
Aehege Moelle f Othe Ct Corte a be firtrvidd to Cle fie... 
OG Lttttte Br, CBoe~a Corvaseeest Lucet ate Bhearuged OD Hab» tat 
SG tnwalie thay te placed Aedsit And feed ald bib Lit Shaw. 
a MOH tt LTE Gli da Blvavalie teh Coane thee Brant. 
iy een Lorvmecti pr halii~ile ate AHA fee fea Yea git of i aes 
a —Gerucathe 1 flo trourad te Ue 2 of $e prctlg. uficrd Me. 
LAR fF. Bradte Mittthy a. tht aveelee Fein Lith 4 tacitada CV... 
_aiouaee tf tpsced Wt by a brealicneng wv Mir g of te = 

fla Pragner- tie lia Withir fre GF Mt tua ucliie dobtee 
tag He Capote tb thane py atlg fhe imu, Maclep 9006 
: jee ae tt fie titer Weachustes | I tonfile Len arbuidte neg. 

a - 2 » beta Cnr bee Leash. fen hue Tracts th, C1e—. 

nea by Leadeny tere li thi fild. Waa af ALL fhe oe 
Ze ea a tnlens fle, Z Lecora tuue Gf Hie 
ptadbnes we Aoulia Uy He jb Lif He deve 
een dub lestli- Lo be flited ttt Otte tif 2. 

_ ihe? 


T ~ 
ey LY bt fbtiuAa Siu Ot eek Logie cae Ce heizh 

Cturmne, Ao thange Gu 2 eclet ee Bile Alig fora PPK tf 
Ifo 8 Casey ‘fo 92a ae ORACLE | 

Le wel a re res 

Cf antliey vw 

yn ae é 
Pee OL SOLE EF 2 Z egosele™ FF ae Sai epee es elt eee Kid PIPL eR 

Mba Biw Lele Pe LY Deir ar weer, Lise AG 5 ne ee ew | 
Lite ue tae oo te OrecseceZ, ss A. eel gees C2Lg.  dezlcheee 
i UR ie ve Keely. wetin ZO: met ee ILLS CLEA ee OPE PLT 
GA Pice. Bee bpcide Litie 624: vee =e, /rcewezceday Cet Pre 
fap thea WP lasies 
if \ “ Le ete 7 ieee 4 “ ae - ve fo) wm aes L a ~ ds ites f : te apes 
Bo CCl oe Ce ng: ee : Poh". AS TPs ca of WL hile Mite MEN TOC TA 
Hoe te we, pies bkehie 7? 2 other the aéueteah Sean Pe fer 

[- tts Mzeeghy de fee (elagiate SS ak a wtebec ale aey 

Wl Pencalste Bther re Stteee cb tn tz hldjile Ate. tay LkeE Cbteiak 

if Y fave (2) Las 
(= Caliadatecd 

2D eat Lache wie wl ata! 

od ee 

sr a etry SFesrLy ce Lee 
Velo: Lacks Check ions tac 4 a sie 
Mitte Lie LUD Lt eg, ee Ltcetile” 2B reals no cateew R21... 
cb caine act: Weta BC Ateseg eo 
pie ee rz eek a Me AGiuCL of ta Ahde Leeate Gea 
§ Lins ae hla Lean 02 Bias LY BRecteweee fa epee: 

t WZ A tinr we fi Lit alueere rttyy b Exvbireese Saw, wrt 

| Bz ee 6 hebben oti 



Cain Wf Becaces Mu eget 
4 | eed WMeagriite if the D2 aw: beret Ciunalesd Brea Eitits a. 
| oe ck fate. as Mts flLiicectt, Cal Le clePove aide Sree Of the CaetiMe 
I <<< AY y22 gee OV Lte€ veg. ee na ea a eral 
re OY ef Sanfin on theleti 
Met S tne trialled dg Cake & tate wv 
| eer kittie sore % “iehereg 
Lo 2 thtdeeate- feo 
A She LO litre 

a2 wane . 
ft. wn a flitdiiee m.-- 
J He CAA stil ge frandle 

fe tac Fyne the CIO Me. Cleleray nimele fee ele. 

ht Mera, es a 4 Leribe 
| Zi oifaretis . 
AW eae Mrveeie. CM acestien, Mea HOULML Gi, Ah tec. 
BU. Accccordh- hers 
| Letiee Crd He A ovonent= of lhe £0 

(Het ons Gp 

te Bi ae cage a oe oe 

Ie i, Gear e ee. cg hae ee LéP2 PPtt toe Dg, HS Lhe, degre 
a Mie MBit Weatliga sera thers te fbaepter dei. meats 

OO tv! decals Vue atte, std 

‘fe Sree li Meee tvs WH AgIre Leecartrered. Vea oo 

crete. ee : 

Pos iB read ererteddbe? Bleed noes ara tlto Biowre pe @) Len Maedtiepide See. 
a % 

husniley 7 Luele, Lf lege Sbete Exh... 

nie: C)tet fill “oy ’ Mecliven clots [we bee ee ie 

ai ce’ Ge. Lenn ote FY Pecew of te She neg ened ath ae Ae Mies Aan. 

a he fHactid vw LZ, ah fone fhe Ataliing re LUE LY fb titi te Cb daeutee. 

Lat w gerecate Crit, deatd Cb i ate eur a LF Me Pacwiv dibiregh 
Lhe ete Labbe Le til aap tbe. SH: 
he bitte bene tes HEY Fibew tee Cat te tlibiteuty 7 opted 

Mb tHe fetes ace SF taut Lier Poreatdy Lo aia Yor pee 

te feds ls afte beern Lie trie, LE See. Shes te Mize ate~ a! Lark... 

. beetee PY Mbt C22 et heFOv a Livetepif- bce cde iat ys o2twtse b feeble 
M2liil lottech ltetl piiill= gine Lieve We MEL Yb fe pereeatliy Ze fefove 
ee) Gutcat B@ Beak ee Lactid Yip wee yore oP i (Abaca aw. 

tl UW Mite Lifbar oboe cefiveg hie Aefir’ wbise Me Le 

a bod ee a PO forever Lite fe AM focedbe (these Meo 

Ginctac7e va “hele LP. AY PILE’ te LAY L0LE/ 

Lee Malley, 

hs en, Koran ial. af ls fewent-y eel Sy ys oe a” She Paes bbe ecet/>. 
0 le va She gowaml Ne Cugeret Hlsinpek eovetlay tb the... 
sos se de ey flac 4 Boe fuetfore ve 
cA Miaf tig.» ’ a p00 Lh ial: Zia 
yf es 20 Ace geie £4 25 ay we en atay ele Ze cake bu 
ie He, Gee een the / brealliy 7 
ee. Ate pe, bgh Beta fous Pibce bdeds Ble eis Phe LY } 
tee gee puveee oe i ita tk vt fovefer alle ey yi ee 4 

_pucaliel es Gf He he lee Berta eteal ape Ce err’ the fee 

fore Sith Cove 

Pleareg Cp eT eae, Av PLE Me 

PUP LL it. Lee, ee Asus, 


cele Oe 

simone = Tagine a ES Hoes CPr2clt BA acheanee. Lie fdétille jee ate... 
wscin JOY Pracherte ae hay Le A evade 

a ey 

Hs Measles Ate Vovaotere fern fhe Coton ey i thE le stuck 
Ey, Leelee Aieits eat ett 109. Orzechese seein a tes, 0302 ALO 
a ag Ope Phe Seerl&t guy W Le ae baad ee Bee Lntveng, Madu 
ac Lo All rw- Wf highs hei te fhe Beate it eet als te buce. 
y aw feeclet ie Leven frercie? Sa 727 ye we es GZeeetleg G- 
he Weashese anise Lew tad Crum Lt. LY Fone 
Meth gy 4 te fitccse a Lighie Ze Su atls oy vo the foictlen J : 
. bs Glas avd) lewd tetececaie Me demwnicte LE Te 
il we ip et alt ligithes. Loa fb firlley Uf the boolée Cecieg. 
Lh fucclite folie fill rave Fhe joe ola Cae ewvtere. tele Close) 
hed LY eae oe fie delh- tt Mipbbsd. 7 LL dears. 
Evy wat Cre Cant I we a frat tttheeh, tether Me cowl 
eeoneus Lis Cou tlozt le tueunk cord. Cpirtecte fie Weel wovtle 

he, OR Cre. Grea coten’ te Mena At ti fein! teerPlan 
3 (ah. Mlewiree 4 ceca remeat- the clita dott ect Ala 


180. , 

; ae 
Cee athisi . ads “ete ee ele i aaa tee. LO LAPLEEL! AVE LEBIGD Ee by ey, = LS pl Ty, Sis, yf yoo 1 3f 
eee Je g ai Ww, (hoe Leoce ene it LF Can tert ly StL MECC APM ACL Abst et. 
wtediteiid 6 elects 26g) Lebo! Whee” iP “atk ie Aa fe SPIEL EP 2 Ce Zt, : . 2 
7 ee a of elise ; Lerateee lireg, PURLEY, | 
LEC EID, 6k a oe ws Blas CPL BI PML OE Lotfe- A , PLES: fax 47 € " 
2 Me Bivcrdleny Corttele it Meeeereb Miligae Le Yb itr eee, xe fosbveeg, 

Lf ‘ ; : i a . f 
eae Leceahe t! ! Balivtd, Otter a ie fed ce! Leter 77) her) bo o 

serge h PRO Cectoricth (ia PIL, fe ree Mie Coreceth, 0s 
y cae ve fase, Pe Shah espe Met BE dele ae wh erate, Ge gos 
el Mee CBR ze CO AE Afb cr Shit Dideore Meter Ose ALM ALS Cob | 

oe Werte se cevted lo tte GL SLAs hte Leet roee. gerd ee, Yilee eg) ee 
oe Legereg. Bud SAtev oreegy Hot eaet ale. Staten cette ital Creed 

He: Cp dey 
joa La! 

| OOM Bebe Necun ¥ Khew CNG LA beri fe LP RLL TG, 4 ftow free 

te ates Lost Joruien coneloreiy 0 at ttl Bae Lb Ly eA Feersg. See 

wate LIE vA jake wre (Pa aeE 6 Citten fucanttag (alte whe ween 
ieee a EP Lied cbee ede cur C7 sect i heise ag cee 

Petocrs LS’ Cetecter elie mgs Liew wt ee eel Lo” be Lee La. klar ate 

ba ‘SRAM, 2 ” eal- Lite ; Cee bifeecr free Ps Seg Lee Dt alley 

nd aflic cutting La Ale a Pate LF 0 idthe Gee tomaueleD 
7 Laeger, frie ve Le bat ee loa ee. “ Sree Phase ae we tle len. 
J tagar oe Mlertol 2 Li it! # ees we a Be vemblet WeslsFeu Ge 
owas tit Mein pte - athe fete Moire fist Le tot tia ble Ledgentek 


A Ltdeihitn ew Le Sdn nd Gf lop Ltt Buew Le leg 2 ceed a ee) 
ti line WA eepad Yerta Ce teec eee Es a #egh Aesildnee Hee. 
. Mieneglhe 7 te weliléin situ te AHcreunervia Lee det Are 77 Paw, 
as of Z byertew Uieeh e Le ey Loe ae BUdli¢ abet Hai ate 

: wn LO A lohech tre 6b Pilar P iad Lest er ciztle Cite Clee fes , SJ 
phe Lith TH a Miiaer ceee C2 LED i Ace ted Ka Yo afee by ae lig Lhe. 
roan = 5 ies Gacttiuuc LIAS, «© Benes Cte fy errs deake FOL 2 ee we 
teem ad _ igh ley Life B@. we tte nvr To Lac an Got terre Le riot ab Geen 
he Jhevi povclirw AHA cee cashing ex Lu gar canton os 

ht tlt arta Cf $natis A iLvhid pete #: Book ee LW Zelliw 

ee "i Haws Uisesedion Gee hating, hate tetas vv Cobpeu, Picttel,... 
yy hu fru ale, Lrtecds every Op Cebit, ttl les ergo feliree... 
bh Lharahs Aridi Gide, uf Cf feel Gee fb rett- ty Hanger, fhe .. 
Looe tier A wre etecite ae Ccmeutlin Ofte, ee Boa Falling. és 
| auc Atlinree, a Lotdte “He Cerf bi Ae n fue platiig rtelin. 
Gu fii Gee ei ees ee re Con nag bhi (Ulal Beg Lilet Ze Koig.. 

2, li Cinl&el-pietfe fle 6 tte Of tha ee Letting. Be. ae toreg.. 

- de file ele By beantha ee asia (Flr fie GF i Hh. 

mee J ereslly SS thes plate Ge Cras bey etc Ki eS 

LULe . Ale. co. Mee. eda. cts ai cient ee 

oni i aoa Soe peu. 

i i : : ; ; 

i 5 Z + 
; : 

j : 


saan eatnnt Seemann ments snemennnemeennas 



“ ye Gal esi Area 


els we Sere Lnele Ze, Za e LAU bie 
e F a, 7” 5L, alesia Le del 
Letet _rihit Catt be etek 4 

Bicges Gu « Alacey 4 a trae ¢2 Mier, 
Neale Se Ce. Deter on wl Jeetial Alou a the ae 
wer Cetr~ ale textes Wenig Leth “ne Geez Cau 

Lea ae Cares KAM LTS, eet ET CE J att b Yee febcce Bo ktk 

Wtudk bb Lat 6 vineLe ie ales Bho Qcitctue LF, 2k 

ES ul a Khe a ee yi Pace De Ag prep acK ana 

Mfiarrials @ ga iW aaa Le Arle Sua ex ihe el 12 Leng 
74 . 7 

a a A 
pit Lovo! Ctr Ars 232 ener e on 2 saf— iijend ae Ae aes Aue 277) 
Fi ; 

; ai Hie” Lf - - 
loa : eee ep ee tz Lasepait oe Lescy 

CPC Crt. ~ 

, fo 

Bg mi Fa a 
ee a bin “Ste, Ft 

pat Le, 


H i o ae oe ae “2 z - ‘ 
Hs Che bemor F kasasiciee Sa Kivu he tay Ld eset, 

1 oft as pt 

i Leg PoIiram eae tt La etek, Gao. ee 
Bis Boca sat oa As 4f Blac Z ’ 

era Bere ot Awe GFeiehaud Leta Pz ceanefpereg <é a7 



CL Cre Gl tha te (7 ppha 
Lo tls 

ses Gar. Gree, o¢ fees Karp f 

. 4 é is - 
a » /” bead ees . 
he MALT a RE NS SE incl 1 <  SPe S OY O 

s 7 ne f 
MO pan - we gs if nae : pot * , 
AOL thee a teen SOPe.u, Oe Livaee AEG MELE 

Lededi tite hb ded ce 
tz Cit Ze 


ee LOST 


on Pa 

i a ae 

« lage 9 ait Aiki, 4 G 


"fete eZ Prager 2 poate m4 vey 

Loyal, Lf és yo 
Oat ft # 4 se . =< . . 
Owe ARG ee AE tee, GO LS EA ee LR re Lami ae Lala 
Hee S, 
hy é 

Ps essa ola : Sees ps = 
Cael Leu Eds :C-r720, vi a 272 2 et ZEL 422 a jhegie 28 Latte Aad he 
Pipe Wed ee a. 


J gow ch Fyre 

“e “Leces Bu £2 Qe tts 982 ae ott fe od —sigav 
2 ee Lane lily é 

k — . af ate 
mere? “a Cree he le He Kam OP tha ash oe tees ali, 

34 4 

Dib Fe pitye Poeg vs 

rei Fe SSE + € Cans (Peed Vf. 2 ha ie ioe: tag wae 
a7) ees oa = ' ps 
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a A, 
Lhia & Wy des taday: 
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er ee ? 

. a 

Ctten Gate te [votIteD or p@ereaclrw ig 
: ee croup eee ed wise Carlow ce Mbps vebre the haf 
<4 bathe Lar, w, 
woe ‘ z eg net eect jhe pet Caclany atin Btw vce f! 
eS “7 “rg DI bse uA Age ade 
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i e/ remida CALs Heatley ath file, Gah 
Hl 43 Pn. Hee te Bete ally Ccowrud +3 great lien 
Ba Mae Ge ‘tbls Op Fert OB fie etl & “ alzaol 
airy Olt Gf Ceeelorenge Bia. Zo s7f ate. Ta haw: aa 
. flr LA 
Cis 2 a Cekeatly, oes dora P 4 ily 
Ghee. Adee. etd. ; : Fo 
he tt CEA.. fidttv./e 
hn, Aeamuli 4b. s~ 

I te ohn tay re diphly 

tol ML etic; 

tre A Lé 


‘ f . * 
Zee, An: alt ee Cae Shaw es cecil Mtl. 

diaccut Coca Gh bile y Fame} 

; | 133 


E pt tle w culling, Me, hs eepte ce Soe 

uve Gb tac LE eta ike 
Q tite Lv yee ae 

Le ¢ v Peg lie lee Lhe. vag ee a... 
lee Nall ri Vite Lhe Crul Cat isi herd law 

eecllee Lea. Allee. ee ae OITA eed I Patan ‘2 EL SP. veg a 


vag 47 rw . 
Ve. eSChLE AF CEL KOFI PLA LLO A/a, 4 fur the JClic bt lecy eels cement 
io : 

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“wag Tees aw forte X22llecb 544 Lie 72 2Y ani LK Lge J tw 8 Ley. “flr 

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tL flase dk au ihe tree LAW ZL, of Lfie ee “if ihe Lipee et Mace Giplig 
Cafu Bw wg fray fe fe placed Crew sh thee plas 26g, Le fea 
CC hightty 


Yi L. vegenng git! Perecilre b0O Share boiled Mee fo caret cs wee 
2 Letuw paber Ciliresy Cacis a he A vyhee cheese we fee Sees tole 
iG teeeghh we ria aera ct , 
Mecttel il. ale tacsnig we kf. LIG ce litle (kalie , an Be Ttltowse ff a 
ire et [haeee we ty Lecce 
lin) a Poe han thantee, Loh st free 

LUdletech Tice eral Jtitclenl: tila” ae 

bee ifie’ a PL EL Settee Pe a Clade cb x ae fi begbee’ 

Pat Gee 56 it Wh op tf cage ww 

Lr t2liach, ia bio (ate ate Placd 


At d & bl thet Lee re ee weasde ues & AEE. 

ty the Ee Br dna 
Tew th. Ape L1Cl, Sevag, Zee tow ttlisidfe Crliak ti. a bop thar vb ugeday 


ape Lo4 

= fe arm the Li ota Faklh elt < 
Cite carce, (adie ur er Lt 

ons Cathe o LL 2 ZS ae J 7 Mex Marske ee 

fa thieh aoee viet Lr 

hid jU Bl acre adda tipo LLeee', 

Mild 2he ir: . welelila Cok ty ie a fot For whe Ube Lie oa 

ZA Xt L006. TO ye vo sectane 

CF ww tetinn Ltccéivtl~ alle Jetalia 


’ wd oe 
ete oy VP? Lelor. P7208 Ly, .. 
? : 


Lectle Cai ga pee 


ie tea bel Lorie ESPN Ete 

week tet WE rigs le 

al Laat rv fv fog 4 Ite ree oa bi” aoe fue Bete een tig . - 
1S earn tes Leoveg han Lee begs , Vlalertesat @ “eins Lo ae. | 
4 tutus Celie tarlaer, 4 Aha ae 7 aia <f bec Ligh mcg e 
tity grt Mtl thee fear Whee az, Ihe ‘failne Lt Ch carefrc o. , CL» a 
‘ : at jel. bit Ge doe ee pak fhe ore A fre esaise i x 
Ei Ow, bhew plac Ga Sore Le it Lawnyd Caer ee Lp Gling 

E eeLete Ccrgh Liu fle. AY fave LWweale jhieal... 
‘wth foes a Leah a Cie ia ecu Ox fi tila fei ate = 
4a Lach, Of lhe plalirai Cred whith Cie alid wu » tihe Blase : 
Vhew 2 Lief, ee Lhe Cerise Ladle e cad LovT Wer bes ae 
files Jn Levlicils fatt fiom ahet Gepl | tte mi 
2 Aegeumee 6f fouce to + Mase; yer Jee Lee luccly inl ie 

ie eee S lase te ohtaia Jeli he Agee. : 


weed, me = 

etre a. 


Save bres Cee cate Lee Cencaces.. % thet 7 ta baal 
¢ . * 
Fie Fe SPREE ge ea 

ct sane AD Laat Leta Cee 

AG Iie 

VCR ree hes MWC, eet wat BALL TE ele Teh Seton 

broserse Le vee eu eek as a re a eles e a felivTt rete LRG ia 
teed Ota ete ecdlet Sree ee cees wets Soe, WV BR 

we BEG oTPtase ethe sh neuee e Cs LAr Lee COUP LAE Bee pee; 

Sve, pt ade th Jlee Lee heed CL ree Lhe Corea ; 

Benes: he 2% eeszcla Le Lali lela L988; MacKay LF, 

” ; 

Pit De2ee S* Ceres herevern OPEL 

60 Brevi 

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Cele itor Franny, 

Meese Hap: FLEE Be trenge 

eee a the Coon S328 Sik a”, ‘Fhe 

ee : ; 
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bse = Pt ts ae re 
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Creo wietcasr ret al reaeiret © ge Z Lit CeiscetA oy a0 PLR eh Pl - 
/ : 

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a fad Meactes thle Th 

foo, . pan es ‘ . ; 
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cp t - — Ee uF _ ‘ 
Hiaaim Aeeliee de I om. Zig C672 Eafe 
spo ros : & 
et ce Cer ce Orte Fi g/~ chez 

Pte pect 

etree” Ate freemen 

e a 

Aeoerter S08 bets oe Len Oe! ‘ tfte ves aire ditaft- 
* ’ : ie 

% EO A aie, TOTS EL Leese Piecry pr L Ly eee 

Citlet ee ae ae i 

sak © techs. oe llr 

; : eps 
EAL be oe Belief eer Shee Mn Cas PL “i eda eran 
At Liber, tins Vip avwcacdone ee RE ate LO: met toe 

a, ane 
lay Reeere! ve Le a : 

erie be tet! 

. a og. 

~~, 4 - see Pears , 
“F fp? Otel 2 ey ee ls Lo 

ae riae ye OL aba sevsee 

SPs ze ee She ee Shaft 

LIED ae eee tone OK flr 
SC Bete a2 L220 thet ‘ aiscce aate 

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oe C2CZE By ae TRrewy ga 

ie ¥ Flax ae Key pose Lire we hice lined 
. g . 4, 
Sree Lege OF He tole Fe: of, 



J 2 46 Le Laie woe Lh aftr He 
ahead 3 od Z . * 

 Aetr tay a fleece ‘5 Ll the Lalas ‘ eee ee che Lite 

Lb Sac Zhe WA of~ ae 

phecad Gee files ov kaa, Bee Cots ff he 
- Pre hire elie 

Uecuga GO Cet ect ca Ans Bk ahrle ALL age 
.. Ptoph ge pe ect ee Jtecca, Mee es 

so Hitec ibe ' kag hity Ponte OG hute 
we Lhe a Cryin. Chen fn aight CH etctilyy be Mean cee one 
oe Mad rep atte Ca2lrey Mas Le bites er (te 
i LOA trcr9n 

Ct Kersey, Ltrs, Te ey Sig Hl Ee cag De ke caslinged 
tte ticle , Boise ree Leh” ay ae 

~agae With Le grek rein ww. 
Lise bere. Lo esi: ch eeetiag De sie Boca eapey: Aeeitetes ween 

es re 

Pale 6 Crate 

eA Ror aP ETS 8s OE  f NTTESS 
sorte scratancee meric es 


Se eee aes ' 

a Tora 



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Urs. Coden. Ranney un t te Co-nb-Un anlio i 7S “A Yorrtouwr Penal 
rink Ae PY sium Liark-rwo wcth K- eet atte WALA ete anki. “: dh a docet... 
gC ee ot eee Sn, late fake ce S. : 

: t 
saa Atctle.~:beem behets te nrhark wrth, I. t AA mw 

See : 




d ; U 

Fe / ok 1 _K a a A of Aa aaa 

VAL Sonereno Where unto eborOu. : Ware, 

A (eo “He. Cra, B a Yul tamits oe bes the. 6- 0 Aone ay ork ee 
see ae of MWhitai & pa genetey of fe rs OO TOPO 

“y ue 5 a aes mila” Wren a Motes ae frercly mid 
Abin SrHUWtAL, Cerne. ToC eee b- ting Reed: Qo ty thee ies bai... 

| ao melilbo peng ap An Le ae Ye. sar al A Rradhe a 
AS ; 

rene yee. diunKdhad ee ne Cree: Corda etes RAK ate, 
On th, ere Awathy o ae ace, “h reckil E or Die. a 

es Nong Fane Ws Combatant? ee POS 8 ere Ogee ian whe... 
J z ‘ a 
Le “reed ~b. “*. thes ree Obmor F Ue. Beem ig Cominecte) G 


« Pas! Xe oa oa Cc. x 7 4 iB bh 
URE wesc Any the “Lob Fel ale F : brie Cha ow cher dicd thee, . 

Z 5. 
3 . 3 ; . ‘ os Jou 
Cr eect of the WKAR Wren AP AAR UN Jetix (Cro-eky 

y \. 4 as 

C AoW ees WRK acct on Conmtred wel Q Co wnd ven 
Co { ’ + ‘. 

oe i da aac pau zt “tha ZDoneraums Wawte, rhb benches. (Raia 

: , ° 

ey ee ae ae Cearwe. Woo \ gta de not ne a scat aac & Warten Hs 

Vegece of Ad paler Us Neer AU ere arere Om ome An Oa. PONG ee a 

“se TT ‘ 

qin Burners Urdu ey ee 
: kon el aN A ae - g. “Hers Cawe db. 2o. 

oak wn i t 3, 

the Rann, bo ee deetlrm folate, a) “lee ote ce mne eae 
i tas Tmukenwrt , E re oknte narctte Etices wrto Coqre A 

Dil Ay Va oaths ae Comtnst wncth Seiad cdl 
thas Ot, tees G La the mrowlhe peers The. i wetinenans 
oe saa th Fo od tis: irae eae pre ne 

a “h seen pe sfere whieh Ue Ere erent a: Woniny, | : os 

Candee 26 Marr. , Gane RAG wt Cartan, re Aa. we ban gee Inte é 
wrete of ROR oe : ele Vi breton, 

Dae ee e 4 Corben, Oo Le " cee OnRD bl ete cere ices Aon : 
. os os a pe iC. Any Cow Bnthn a mehe, re Pore OLimoat ah , i u.. iit wat S. of te. . 

ni prety thos: ee ‘Writtle eek . Wt i 
< Pr Wrne! “ 0 ann haat Pne isi " f S 4 i 2 . ; 
Cantey Bc the ata wr Ate Wh bre “if enh eek pe wt, arbre do nat ara haat. On nape Ce) Ee eee el 4 God, AML, 
‘ ~ eee 7 Py oa 
. Come ¢ te Cortnet weth tock o the, oe eR Ce rmtelat - Be Tg Hen orweoes, Oar, een Z neo errs 

pee =. eee % 

; Oy career, ie es Coe “f ow feu fe- blaete bacthon Wi a be al 
ln CE nmmeticr 4 eee Cale wte tea ae Cee ALA Aen, esd S 

; eeeiammened ea vreth, y (athe « od 5 deans a a Lee ae Nol lex), Cufehen Mom Fe chad, 
7 hid iss Eve Oe 5 Cae anti tes of ie O”~ fae 


Tony * the On i ALe 

qn VV peed Ab uty han ch. awe p 

wruloys day... 
eed vf Cofepacs Bevel Arey Bb g 

ead Kicat pes How, treh av birt fhe vi : 
Ces aw we led bane oe Nek. Cy 

raked hee w Ants nA Cen ane pe Word ab fre co Che den olny Ane, ; 

en tg Bane, 

ideo ks er ore Fa me A Carnet Celine. Aare 
Oech we Cet. Ca cadk 


ies a the “the as: Pein 4k; 

BAL LA fe ee tbe des 

“Pitas bay raat jee hacba Cin 6 sldlese: tHeukass SY AS 

L ae Atel to, Expert, Whe. 
Ms i g nN \ c Ahan 
a . paki oa He S aka » aad Be it. poset. 4 ms te: racta t Ce tot Are ut malin le > wy diy ont uncle Ie mn frre: 
Tht wm Ore Ata Kennan Vom the aan om i Ae aa ee te & Wied Geaieek ee & te wees: : ya: si 9 Hohe. 
as bultin pe cn i) L 

Chae Me Bie dO PHD ue oa rie 
OD beret wll. be eR aisle A Cecteg: oe tha... Abts : 

Ua, NRA Ce > “te “Ff. : sg rae 
/ Pus. 65 - Moonee: rfrawnctc vite Leo uti 

cn its. vibra Cereb ct, Red 

B& Pen fane Wey tly & Omi % Aye tents wt hte a &o hottan, “hee 
re : ( t 
“frets demided trbitinn or 6 eo (ie Sats poe’ of | 


move fiecepe ° a CO adi Os fe by ome jeee Che, Ao Arnel per“ 
‘ 4 . ‘ - 
7 ON Aornwdy. cf Peete ALA oe ba Droge de dQ CALE fe 

ae’ ao Cnflltton, Ce. t nw 

oe =f Tee orm one Gee ee u, Beeps wey 

ee a COneS a Wig wa frie. Ym ante isewenee 

Whand wr) | Mttrend . oe the w\ 

oe ’ Mom ky 4 se oF 
ene ts sac oR te G a 

. A aaa Ua ne. Oe ft. Ww {1 48 
Ps cee ane ee aa | 

‘ ‘ ; ; a = ' 
Un) Aanvebedid te Orad “Roe a “be yr aaa a) Bae 

“YM Ray Wee 4 OSD dale eh ny me, feet adit, bon ant” bance, or Wee 
( ' ( i o 
a Laren One at Aert? Pa Bee ar heed ilee CONE eet We lieattic Autre eR . 

{ ' Spe a : : 
(os Loe Ra Oe, ke ddd vee GaK GL AUReee lt Ae wt, ‘ Onn ap 
Ho ce 

o wl. i) He MALE ee “Phere 4 ptt davehed edavtnty 

' a gy ¢ CAr as oe 
“paathiy a Pond ane “ty Wen BC Set nN % 


i tet Chee oe 
Go».. Rome re: on (TN ee Let ee Lao 
’ “ ’ . ‘s saan 
oral ess i aaa awa We Wore ae PA 

, y Sh Ke. = ees cnc bles eee eee rae ones ue a xhed Pree as, 

— $a See Oy Per mere : 
“He Ada aan) Chace ele) » 

Uo desen CALL 

Fag / A® bas Mar SAL 



Gorman lis “ante. 



Experimental Researches, Vol. 6, Cat. 998 

This volume contains drawings of "Electric Engines" for the electric 
light and an "Electric Draft Lamp" copied into it by William Carman in 

October 1878, The originals of this material can be found in NS-78-005, 
Unbound Notes and Drawings. Only 

Pages 1-4 of this 640-page volume 
have been used. 

a TL it tyr Si IN 

+ tee na ‘ 

titiantti al 


Cholice € aw fir AERO a She 34.9997 
tha chaos ALL Ar.0c Bunt cen Roretthug Cte tho UnrLh, 

X+#+ meek “4a ‘BI dag reco 

Seco sts, 2 

Mt sav okwuy a toh G26 Des | 

Bost che 

Cofed fron egy T+ hawk Mend oer by 


Volumes 8-18, covering the period 1875-1879, are collections of 
unbound notebooks relating to etheric force, acoustic and multiple telegraphy, 
the telephone, phonograph, electromotograph, and electric light, as well 
as a few other subjects. The documents are identified by page/volume 
numbers written on the back of each page, often in red and blue pencil. 

The notebook page number has been filmed below each document. 

Most of the drawings and notes were originally made in soft-cover 
tablet notebooks. Edison's staff subsequently removed the pages from the 
tablet notebooks so that material relating to the same subjects could be 
gathered together and so that tracings could be made. Numbers in the 
upper left corners of some of the pages indicate that tracings were made 
for ae pages. (See Edison's testimony, Telephone Interferences, Litigation 

The page/volume numbers were probably assigned in 1880, after the 
Patent Office declared Edison's telephone patent applications to be in 
interference with those of Alexander Graham Bell, Elisha Gray, and several 
other inventors. In letters of February 16, 1880, and April 1, 1880, Edison's 
patent attorney, Lemuel Serrell, suggested that one of Edison's assistants 
"sort out the drawings and evidence according to date" and "lay out all 
matters relating to Telephones." Serrel! would then go over the material 
with Edison and "number and list the drawings." 

The drawings and notes that were taken from Volumes 9-15 for use 
as exhibits in the telephone interferences were probably never returned to 
Edison and are not at the Edison National Historic Site. However, facsimiles 
do appear in the printed record of Edison's exhibits. (See Telephone 
Interferences, Volume 2, Litigation Series.) In some instances when an 
item was removed, a note recording the page number, the interference, 
and the date was prepared and inserted into the sequence. By correlating 
the numbered drawings and notes at the ENHS with the exhibits in the 
printed record, it is possible to reconstruct nearly the complete numerical 
sequence of Volumes 8-18. 

Although the drawings and notes used as exhibits were intended to 
establish the priority of Edison's work on the telephone, material relating 
to the phonograph also appears in the exhibit volume. Readers interested 
in the development of the phonograph should examine this volume along 
with other documents relating to the phonograph. 

Other notebooks at the ENHS may at one time have been considered 
part of this series. There are bound notebooks among the Miscellaneous 
Shop and Laboratory Notebooks that are labeled "Vol. 2" and "Vol. 5" (Cat. 
30,094, Cat. 30,095). Another bound notebook (Cat. 1175) may have been 
Edison's Volume 7. Its pages contain penciled page/volume numbers similar 
to those in this series. 

The following volumes comprise this series: 

Vol. 8 

Vol. 9 

Vol. 10 
Vol. 11 
Vol. 12 
Vol. 13 
Vol. 14 
Vol. 15 
Vol. 16 
Vol. 17 
Vol. 18 


Notebook, Volume 8 

This volume covers the periods July-August 1876 and January- 
February 1877. It is divided into two parts, each consisting of a series of 
soft-cover tablet notebooks. Part One contains nine notebooks, 
encompassing pages 1-256 and covering the period January-February 1877. 
Part Two contains four notebooks, encompassing pages 257-363 and 
covering the period July-August 1876. 

The notes and drawings in Part One are primarily by Edison. Others 
are by James Adams and several! were witnessed by Adams and Charles 
Batchelor. Most of the notes relate to etheric force investigations; 
experiments with ink and paper, including ink for the blind; and 
electrochemical experiments. There are also notes on electromotograph 
experiments; drawings of the autographic pen and press; and notes and 
drawings for the design of a mirror galvanometer. The last page of Part 
One refers to the speaking telegraph. Most of the experiments are 
chemical in nature and a number of pages appear to have been damaged 
by chemicals. 

The notes and drawings in Part Two are primarily by Edison; others 
are by James Adams and Edward H. Johnson. They relate primarily to 
experiments in acoustic and multiplex telegraphy, the use of the 
electromotograph for telegraphic purposes, and experiments with 
batteries for sending telegraph messages by submarine cable. There are 
also notes and drawings of electrometers and galvanometers. 

The notebooks are arranged in the following order: 

Part One 

1) "No. 1," pp. 1-36, January 11-12, 1877. 
2) "No. 2," pp. 37-71, January 12-13, 1877. 
3) "No. 3,'t pp. 72-107, January 13, 1877. 

4) Unnumbered, continuation of "No. 3," pp. 108-125, January 14-16 
and February 3-13, 1877. 

5) "No. 4," pp. 126-160, January 17-21, 1877. 

6) "No. | - Platina Solution," pp. 161-182, January 21-27 and February 
14-15, 1877. 

7) "No. 5," pp. 183-208, January 23, 1877. 
8) | Unnumbered, pp. 209-232, undated. 
9) Unnumbered, pp. 233-256, February 2-14, 1877. 

Part Two 
1) pp. 257-280, August 2-6, 1876. 
2) pp. 281-319, July 30-August 9, 1876. 
3) pp. 323-334, August 3, 1876. 
4) pp. 335-363, August 6-22, 1876. 

Pages 320-322 are missing. These pages were used in October 1880 
as exhibits in an interference proceeding involving Edison, Amos E. 
Dolbear, and George L. Anders. Photolithographs of the original drawings 
can be found in the U.S. Patent Office Interference Files, Box 1103, 
Record Group 241, Records of the Patent Office, National Archives and 
Records Service. Photocopies of these facsimiles have been microfilmed 
to complete the volume. 

The following pages, containing only samples of duplicating ink, 
were not filmed: 218-229. 

Blank pages not filmed: 70-71, 75, 121, 125. 



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pore 3 ime, (er e — 4) 
ty ott HO Pr seen —l 
yd Joe pre cher Pic. 
Caner Vee ppt t Thre 
= perce Uv wt eee of 
Copper Wee wa Lee | 
pears OR ee aad! fe 
peas \ —annnts Lurtae been 
gw tack tut. et. ve a 2 aoe 

ke wen Were of te Gog Ste. 
a Se pie ee fl 

I pe P . 
—~ es hte raamarareciontrt se nese 

ee a al 
1 ne te: 


wath eee ns ‘ ae 
Meee Vivene* He Fee | , | pf 


ye Lr” foean, 

Co CCN AEN eet borer 
“ ers ar ° Tags le. Chom 


ml Poors ae ee tanya Or f\ aa olny : 

Went Lao a Leawe Revo 
Ca ae! 


ed fre \aoaa' cage: 
{ rn 
2 oe hth os CNet ea VE. Cree, 

| rs Gt Bot | 
Rory Y Aa A- eS ee ee 

‘shea a aN = G4! LG = 


| oheoAthe Leape | 

A Ronni Bet aad: 

"eee no  Aeesa hy [ne aie: 

fret of Di Oa ae ee 
| oe ae (Leep | : 
E lime ab faethe eee | 

Ses ee 

| F tekst hee ot re ai ee 
Ei Uy 4 Cortelet Am wr Tee 

, Cpl 

AW LCe Yy Ahentt 
preprrAe BZrre 

Phir. ¢ (or hanwkt, lee 

hit tees “ cept art th 
hee oe Ca Le ‘Goh. 
bet CRose> atthe Enel the 

Peeas ork ey dee. 

ate vuaeetcat the 
on. Sa “TnL. ist. —_— 

eat ae © nn 
Mpa a aes = pee nme 
cae Ct vend on 

Ct. Lee 
foo quimen or by eins on a Sern eetirtons ond rz 

Vere ee text . oy ‘Ue nvee apd prep —e Ciinbey 
iv li Une tamer fearnen Cn tel.- | o~G- nay 4 Coe B. 
eaerai i ree a Wethetite menting on 5 | 


eee least « Beret Sy, ae coe a 

Aha hee pe ire panei? ee aol A - OAR ~ 


@ lo ‘Midas es aed clurtin. by aoe Cat 

oy = Pics Celia char ae eee 
po Sree ate ee» w qo os ae rer: 

SLs Up Bass. oe at eee pe 
Cr eh Tn ny frve Wore 

a the S\N . ‘(4 o-ewctos 
we pty HO, CA CL mat? jo 
A eaiaceetnd ia on ad on pp easter Raut: is 
ia i, Coe - oe aH Avo ao. Cn nnn faye ght 
ma Qe t eee anes ut—wee. abn ttre pe 
AKOTA 6. ee e. ena. foo 6G eae aes I ee 
Raat f.. . ] -_ . | 

eon matte Freuencé | = Che he 
Beclaaae Cit = = Uke Che P-L h~ 
hme a Pt a A 


zy wa @ Le Loge Bane Be 

ce age ner erence 


Q ae OVW te Deki ten Paleasa 

Nite O- q nee Be 
a 2. O- a es : ee 6 yy 


Not CU_t1un ae) p—o—eb. Ag 4 ok, Pa 

he a ee, 
ae: ner apr 


ol ee Ion Aa Ae ~ 2eo 4 ne. 

SD aa aia oe pent A, 

vane nneee neon 

OMG poara : Chet. mre Y om a, ey 
Ag ate 
poor ee | ae 4 ie a 

BE g 1, Wu Aare Sie HAL eer ere om. 
: Soe 
+ OL ae mene ee ) 

Ha, grees, Cate an aR 
Watney a ae 

Pee wis 

| et a of sok 

yes Paes : 
ae ra rans po 


| aren Cr brrcoba 
a wi ae A — eres Extra, 
tortor ; 

the pete enti 

pe nae ie Pe “CO Be On, Rh - a 



ee ee ee ee Clare eae toe ae 

Very uri ce, 7 Soo ohn’ =, 


Linea aclaniates a anases 
aes sic 

at |e 

“Weens cleats Cottle 

Groce Cyc de Wer curry = 

Viny weete ward herd telat, ares 

hen chy hean Ub on bung Close ts Cathe 


Wiak on chowt 

Wed howe vy. 440-0, 

: 0 | preemmis “Mamaeen ote 

ode. an 

teas eee ook Osa: ty 

“Kean 4 : 

A { - - : — . 


Se ra whe: 


Pioneers Cuedlate: Wiha 

| Qn anwme Ht popheserote Ped amete — 

1 Onm- CRiorrele, Cojsjyoen —— 
| Weak wm dRont. notion om ue 

1 7 qn Gas RAVE Lach > le ue 
tL : 

, Not—vrery Neck: Gul qu dow vlpret Ba eobbere p | 
Hl \o (= Senne = Ske prume| Eee im pow = 

mi ocdaw.s Com fuer READ at-2t-00 otis 

Qood = Fou aot 400 oRawe — : 

| ic See Dulp Rote C Pee ae: a e 
[tfonthi ken frot—cheaoo = clheed oe : 

foucdey aweelef ot se 

|. 4 
Hie a hate eee 4 v-o—o-Rwo- ee 
Nore i = | | 

| Qn twee PRoapoheate Pal Tot: : 

q “Ft rr—e} HAG) ae eee Te ey ne cho Besos, 7 
! = 4-00 Otwnwe O—chtmregy jrok sees f- s 


voor Claas aes ere Fea || bbc weal < 

| toa (Moken elas lsd Xs 
| Leow’ fracr 

s. ria Clore ase Chie ; ee 
Sona PA~Fira aes aren 

WD A eee ee ee 

eee anaeeaiaeeiianare 
Z ps 
in 4 
ar, gr. as 
Go at 3 

: oe Yee ; om 
: as % 
_hfoprereren i aaa 

| Anawwe Phowpehoe O ola — | 
ose apo-oe ohn. wr errenef, co oe 


5 qremnins Ostet of Roun. 

Woetrery Of oe A= 40 olin relewme 
te oto aa | Wee vk q ve ec 

5 sai setae aa Glnrsrs COwenmenetia — 
Dncthy font CPias = poo Glen ory 

Busch urw clee ma = 

3 qnememes Ox oft "OU eda — . 
fest Claes — 400, a ee Dean aad 

is Abe are 

ay qr ni cham ote, Arr omar, 

TA . 
: ee ah par ee 0 oe ALO Q bs Aas . 
enya eer oe 

a — 


o eee a Poteok = 

Arche hy Ayo eles ned 2200 ‘ites Cer 
50 ot J. oN ere 

ik qrw4 NR ate WM wqness —— -* 
itak=, “RO oO ote jute he erro ty = 

SO Chr ammes C cts omn = | 

Nearly Sag one ze bf a - bowee Veet i. Ale 

| OLD ne Cot ol or woe o Tse. let. eS 
nen q— Oe ft Wide —wrrradt 

So aaa merece 41 

eee Se == 

Test HOP ons = +f0 © ro eee hci Gece hie ct t- 
nee - 

; 5 Gan ONWAANWVLO aa sate Oat rey 
toot eI Ol a ih s 1-0 o a l{-. CN teu oie pte 

| $$ %— 
J Grr coment (eens Cee: od 
Weok = 400 AE Aan oan 200 
3 | 
Ee genes pon FE Xs s 

Ne qood= wm oe hoe Sones eee 
jet So ee, ae are torere = pro 664 
3 Ponta Bina Je hagh aes 

anne eas ig ce neal : 

“ 2 
eet aoa joie GURL recur in aruce rein alata at eer amet spre ohens - ai ae Lo 
peau plein, PARAS ai ies fa har ce akan UL teat cit ga eennerer tte soner ages ER : : 
cca bale eases) Se EMER MTC rand Song Rega eee RE IEEE ee ~ Seememstmnemwrneceienemanrrimresnmcr con, 
. ts ia 
7 5 gree 
| ~ 

20 qram mts OR? ore ole mies 

Week “oo Keak, heen — 

| ‘ : sa Rete A Clypemmerweet a 

ZZ Ory = +00 chins Cen lebeew rtpbarts 

| secre pa Oe Ss (RT Ue LOO 

i . Pits = to eee cas a one 
perineal vac 

po oresass aeg e eee 

——  K—— 

ts <aue Cow: ee ae 2 ee 

(Raneaed eee aed bn eel ~ | | 

NyAnnte = bat Cov 

yt Lene tS Aion trfe,, 

Whee D QA hKoltse co | 


US Cate, See ce ae ae 
= CED Benet 

No 6A > the —- me, | 
ee a ee de Ott a 

‘x “ tt 

Lore Cues orn bam tng i 
Os PL som CMe aks ae “ 

2 ONE, 

‘ ait (che teas od oa ota en, 

ol» ae ee | Heshc Se jp ea is — “e 

aa Poo tie aero is wo a 
Probate, Mang on oS , | 

ies hse 
Joo Shaws 

ChI—. Com 

a at oy oe 

1 ! Jo ke 

vA fettw~ 
fer Cirvroh folirhs Sf 

20 pecs, 

fee aie Vat) eon) Hert “1h an [ 


i. Frew 
| ; ye @ 


yee, wet 

i; | ‘1g uli dee fa 


| Geom ae 
(Ylpricre Weer Coser 

; 10 — mainly 
| Ua oli oka On ere 

icon TEeaty ere 
| ria . Chor OL, 
Lo tn bbod Mh ety On Ortter 

| AN ie 
i Av, ren oe. pty 

M7, Wa onthint A Loy Knog | 
— . . ee 
A imad) Camel | 

ly Ate Sete fw 

VO coe sds hota ondeg. 

Deng te Cre Meh — one ee ; . 
KG Y Sees : | : - 
“Wp lneee mt Cyn 7 
oo gee) Oat Ae <emw 

20 Grew + 2, 7 
ner wu Vv Ga 2) FL; (UN ppad PF fe Z EELS on) 

a ee 
fan, TT rd 

& fam 
Gott Ow fo aA bltddw- 

Ae ies 
cp, ret 
tle ma bie path: 
id f 

| agrees sestfec 
. : howe fhavp 

pa ae ans (quash, Das i PR 
Buy ba Aagn clare for a Ce | 

% Ee bine 
| allo een pee ea. 
Apel ag tee ear Ce Eno <t ~ 

/ Pharronece | 
| Apne tinphe 
lon See 
“Be Plow : 
“aia CU FEATS ae Oba 

FO Pet Code j 


7 ge cage 

Lbroer gett. Brrr 
Latmete Padagd 

Ving Veo? 

J anrcnet 
he ny See Lig flex 
Ta Phos Dre phere trees « iid 

— Ouky Aca) « ae 

| Sykes Bagep0a om 

i Rektea | 

dLuih A ats Dit Oe 
xox fo fahs DDrw biva o- P 

Lai atk ay ofr DAerrmg 

S Ghogeaw FH RPAD 

_ aor 

/ ii 
ull M atlD Cee 
ie Neen On. Ohort— LMG #682 

cere rt CO LEENA RAR Mas me 
aetna stetne 

- 9 Cert VS 

Cul ae At thy 
Com Anty fica jl Ove More 

ci i co eer 
£7 2? Crrvr D 

Alka Lo # Poe 

Ne lien on aes ele <a ade 

J _—— 

Ceieeo7, Yor quiet eee 
Loz P wok. aw dhir? Cor! crake, fod am 
‘ phagzintie 
J Pacers 25 
Betrchtrni er 
Caw Auihy fcc) i Chor ae. § 



a i @ bfe- ebtrto bey 

zs ee : é 
(Per “ Dp cee al titty J Ooltinsry 
y, ; 

fhe cut) aw ~ Ad Chins. CFU foot Sai a 
[ahi oe Ny EZ oo gl ae Lo CA rsa, idl cue ta inser, 
a Dye aed et ee 


. oS DR Qa mk 
Dads yap iirer fi "3 olla, 
; a ek 
5° Lee 
Io sews Dee ; 
(ike ee Orn Biting C Ove — Clove), 

Ss yy) Cler LA 

thy eo tfches eens 
Posy Gage aw Phin C4f teow fae, Ate 
te, Lime 
a Pe 
leviian he Clammonsis [nr re 

Tbe OW dtr Ci} ALTO ae me 
| S$ Grorinns 

" ae 

ce re cmt i 

& pL Pie, 
Gl rey Lb Ber a. 
Vy ye f Z Liihe ened 4 

Wa / Gren 
Whar agi 
Vong Gore ar Pherl- CoA 
oe Ae) A- thin A ee eee 

ee. . . er noe 3 
ph Ting pwn iis A File? Age ol, ) oa gt 

ees Aes = 

a een eet, 

See ey, 

neces am 

Ly “ez t 
i. ay / che A gohet Os 

tabbrO LLIGON ba try 

FE fev . 7 
Babe re Cofaad. 2 : 
ey Gev-0 Pd ae Opis. ts multe ; 
 - [Botte ay igen gop 
/ Piece ~ _ eB 

Py (oebrarere 
dy Mig Ord Phe e QCM Or Lb ry) 

oS C$ Blbpres 

(up, ae ( Mag nerien 
Con an Vee on Cia Vee, 

Ee es 

bulbs a US OU pines 
Car. om hea Ye Chives ty vt 

“loot Miral aie Quel 4 55 

voy [eof 

is 0 os da EPO eR 
mae Ores CA Bra flag dele» 

eens wt CQ fos Gee ~ 
leat pas VO eae ey re 

Ha pow. 0 then tHe= " 
) Pion ee EE Ts 


aren | 
: Net ees les oe aa S al oa og 

ee coe per = 4 et (hen On Jf te on : 

yen PR oer a i 
CV cs, alle des = Hog in - R proba Cy 




ayo ee en 

pie aera va ne * anf. pr~— 



See enn ee ee 
— > 
: eet: 

a tee nnn en cet EO 


he oe ss es Pham pes a 
a Ad, CC yet G re bees ae 
Doerr, Bef. ob a Be 

og Wine ery ace AT Gi Besa 

| bee fates cLos. ae fai 

Wee ss. He eas: oo ne as 

fe GG pre teeta Cas agen loon 
| | Cex et Cota ee 
of Opt “fs 4 ae es) pce eo 
ae one a ay es la vi 

to Fine ae oe OD Np she , 

OWI (Teron LORS s 


a >. 2 On’ ohort opt Lhe water 

iit ieh uf ouwel es “WAR eee = up. off 7 ; 

Stroctu harp PR proor ony pean abouk 
y aor pe eteen J Oo © ohn 

A ?s a ee 

core (oe que > oa Seem _ 

OM _l ewe! 7 r pe 

| 0--o-o—e 


Attn Mad 7 hanesteer—ty yy. era, 

LA Cre Geen. Ae as 
f Py dass 
a . QaAnr fh) ‘0. aauel = OU ea ae 

pe ‘yw fo ee (Gut the | 

ee ee bav4t- / ix 
a 72 Le. a 

oe pt 
A ee acai 

a \ 4 
arentos “Tue Neg poet « 

quae a hartley ON yn. ettye —= 

an ; i. Sa ae, om ee Oxygen” 
O Go Rn 2. Lage Og 
ee ie dure rae sia ae 7 A | 

i : | . 3 [ . 
atin) - i: Ceres Sanaa 

pg NJ pmeiae 27 a 
Vor. | aa OC ee Te vee Ta 
rm thers a | pre Cuel ede. Chk Ney 
(eon tiv wy ax : tic @ pe o¢ 
pprwclid “66 ay Le: 21a” Ble Bos: 


ues PT ae ee an, 

whe: he Sat ene 

& aaa ‘ 

- Cant 

OE ME tee a ‘Gok red ee 

ee een 

0 eed a el cet Pon ieee Sa 4s ae 

ee Dey ae oe 


EERE ar 
. = 

cee ares 

Pa ung C oe lA 

CZs tne 0 rte eee 


Cree ae 

Oe EE Ene 

Y ww cle prmar le yh Peete es om \ 
y a4 : 

<3 F 0)—-— : 2 
VU 7 
ee OOD e C Bs bch - 

oy - Ww he ie 5 ey eee ut A ' 
= 1 ee ( Stuckey Ute great Ge OO 

eo ne 

Cle ae yar Ls om 

ne wenn 

+. DM Rae 
ped IAW 

anes fe or Ur oo U0-eetaan Q 

Cele : Le ie Jus lhe Ge Ce al Nb eee 


Actas. ee 
de Co EN J 2 ayhle Lae. af 1 aint 

ar WTS BL oS Ae, 
porte got iat ewe 
Lee ol 6 PeecouP Cale Lar ~ | 

ees in Ms, OOF 
ee (aes De ae ae ae 




Hewes ee ap ey fP Lv > 



| 7 | a | i 4 f = im Ok-d ark cree a0 us 
ql ae 7 Chel iy of peed rae 

Ma Zee pals * =o N 

~ 6a 

kad At Z rere 
os fle ai ees aera bie 
WN es ee mS at, hb. 


he O ca Aa Oe 7 

ones ste! a 


ess ak) ts Nhe WAS 

a ne LaRiwn oe oan CG. a C_f ae ae ae ps 
rer ae Se gree — ne AR es 

ley ea re 

He | es 
he - ae 4 orace” 3 =; ee ae 
“hee 07. Arte Che oo : 
P | 
utaet Cope, 5 hh 


tae ue bly 2 He, oe . 
aetl”. meee 

% k 

| Bo qrenemee’ 

Re ee a = ce Tet KAO V7 L et 

AK we O-enc ll. ee Ss AED a a 
a oe, CCC ‘< —- ow a ae me) 

CP ee, : 

| Ley | Oe er. | qe 
ee etm. tL. PsA _e. ais y : 
dere nt Sep tae at nr 

ee he mm CCR 


Bi it ars eee 

“ail 30 Po Ty. 

a | (- ; ' s 
; 5 | , 
Eaaeae : pe at pol stood . 

D wk a a CAA. veaole? 

Vy / 
oe ye 

ms iis 

ies MA 


pee tenn mt ta | 
(bet AL pee i> . ne of 
Ub amebatl, orem te “Cy 
Snare Cote tom : 
eae RE Crt ff a Te 
eee 2 ee we pre . 
ete gles: Day 4 poet OU 2: 5 

o ; : | ; 
c) 0 (ie eee (2, Cn) Va rakk 
Ve a Wek OR own pnt 

t t-te fe aly 


. vo [iments Vitae Oo? 



Ae ; 

oe Bee hac 

Tees Relies ape C5 Ra 

ca ry Pea Sas Ss See oo 

: hai . ; i) F t--P . 
| ae AOE TIE Te (2-ce eee f7ts6 ao He NN 

ekg y Ye u~ oe | Bre 

heel te ha Oh, Gg 


ty ER Se ee 

ae ia Saal i if 
ada qefa Le | 



“oe Ces: 

ORL hte - 
| ede oe ae he | fot 
P| peeks =a 

pane Cilées a 

Ore eae 
. ig 

is ae : ot : 
HPP pW eg Foc 7! ne tLe 

Ao are _ 
6 Nek y ober t—erone 8 
SS Opp 7 ty GAH 

p 4, ee ca OL Ve: CD 4 ee A 


ee omemmemmmenl 


A oho 
Wy A Le D 

: a> 8 

a / sts. 
oC | “Ve gp fil 
Cds L eywk Fine ee Note 

si a Set ee Oe all es 

wats O Te patie 



1 ity Ce 
es hae aoa - Cee. Pa C 

Vine Fallin the A 

ait Se ened a ~~; 

ia eres 

Ac LL 3 a 4-Fe ~ 
“ acca =, 

yy roe 

| 7 
, : 
a | | 
| : 
a : —p 
is bankr oe 
| 4 

Ms beg 

oat fcuk tek Pan 

Se a cecal a 

a ee ee ie 

"e a wobble - ap. : 

: Wie Onn rks ve ae 
Leh athe pl etek. 
. ee OME oan 
v4 mah Lf, ee eae [Pe CA ee 
he Cras t i La Cente Cake ihe , 

a ee gm Fiber I ~ 
er “Ke ree 

ee ae eSoamel ie acca 
pe ae 
eres ae Tk. — ane 

5. Chere. Quinte = 

ore 9 i eee a ne Ehoelvdrs I owen Cg 

Conureftous Uulens oe 


ata gp ee 

) ; ff ee! 
: heed A 

a oe Koes hele 
WR eee: econ: Lage yan; 3 = 

pm ge 

eee | sac no es en 
prow ey aos La I 

/\4na Ke 

Pie ee. aaa vt Late ve | 
Aare. Cztag. edocs cre Gy : 

4 oe OfAraor 


eset vate co uterine 
Worle : F Agde OO, 

20 roma Pret RES o on ~ 

| J wolee| re orem mo curnmrely & © 

he Lad — hard uamead hee, 

“a 4 ame le a ee ie, Jeeta) * 

ett Ae in Oats a hed 

OO WEwnniv butiret Groh es 

NOUS (> er CAL... ye dis, 

ne — hy Owedged ~ 

20 gre fa. ‘axe ¢ 22S pf 

| aa Wott aad potintt ~ ¥ 4 Cy 
APL con Cpe wet frit-§. C6 H: 4 oom “Ze 

[oO me. Ae tine Coed 

Von i Sed. tat OE oa Cet Lb oors af Ds tee, g 
owas A Sr Pic 

pee Orgs 7 

Vin.28 oe , ine 

| a a 

| | | tM 1 . tet at Zee fe 

Ep f (Sromebe Veen 
rere Ca ee a cae kN | 
Wher Comet te Bo 4, 

eg eS ae ute Oxtelat. url” Ge aio_ 

| : a ae Oe Agee. | 

| ) bea. 
pokety of on hi poainny wn all oe Tae 
See ere ea | 

i Ok clea daeanea trsens t= - 3d) Pr ape 

| oye Dee Take 

rs nad Violet 

a ETTORE a one sina cacocaoaataias a lea <= ~— oe . _ a 2 ne 
i oe er ee ee 
eS es : 
es . 

Ae f~ ss Chl ik. os pe a a. : 
: ene, r) 

gree heey Co. papses Pr, 
g Notice AD lea 7S AS Nae ELiob 
ae Gt Sa Co- at Lee ‘ee 
yi Cpe het ee SuQi to, Wee 
he 7, Veg vr Cas tne bch, Plow, 
Coed Gy. (zo. 2 Vex. 

Na Ls vets Wie 

_ tale se vee bea oo . a i 

Raia tewtan i wear tt ERTS rs Rees 
Sere ; : TARE es CLIC E Re ee sGistis a 
“Y iS 

t . 

ZH credit ee. ‘4 ig 
| Cpr Ce ae 0 ~ 
Arkon foreua comeerbel wrter weg 
Ot fet Cll ten ob a 220, 5 
DOK 4: eo gw Whe hoe c ola eis: 
| — APG a vrees a Coys = 
a 4 ree he me bile by ie ok 
KL Lv t~e tien Fae ps 
ie i Ar ann aK Cr a peek ‘7 
glcekh GB At = ho bs bate ba aol, af 
bo aes cs eae | = | 

NO udu Hu. ae Io 9 fal 

| LAL. Frey eS edo frum 0 pale .. 
He se ag merge! Ae dey, 


Oxt date. Une As : be POI nice Nf 
bi-Buabe Wn C4 zt vo_chiwa.. ie ke 0 1. der 

LN gore Sco re as 

oe oe * 

. ; | Pee a2 re et , 
euids, Sa fee pees 

ve ee ae 

aC pees - 
wiht fant vv | : 
wer vi wre bu - 

See ee eS 

Seale ee eS 
fire os ce eos Ae. are $e libs \ 
Ne aid oppor Acoma Andi oe od 

Tht ane 5 ts Oo; rt oon 

M4" eT wns - 
get 7xRCH = W TINE, / 
7 c. 

Peat & oa 

ert Auta. a | OY 
. | eee | 
Weoble —= with Ebel tHe lly meg 

om grins Amy da . 

ste ly 
ad v4 “pace PAL om een. 

Mw 4 eneaies 


| gree Nutro yeu Fe dod aS, Z 
wetter th (Io ge x | 
tO Ul Ge aely tag , | 


1 Oe et reer 


113027 30 Dae ve 

36 136 [30 

2 1-1 ¢ | Arne 
9y |24 | dsr 

42) 1321 gone 
ro ie lar] if |B [ast 2 | 26| Aree 

He Mp ; 78 1 10 
afl o.|ie.| id|az, (ere |43 aed” 



NY Lleohel 12 


frm BS Me ie “gree, =: : 

ip aa 


Leyes 0 
B) | porspe Genet 


eC CiWirndti 


ae Se, ae Aw ca Atoantls, | 


f Betton Oecd. AM. 

ii his DA 
craw the oy Dohig. 

“ec i pe ae a 

ech Co the ole fe 

Ls ca | Ae eles WX oe 

3 NOs * F $9; 

~ eel of 


; ae erie ae -f fhe: 
uae = Socata whe p-oprewe aA 
hw blab? as: Sooeioen the 

pomesezice “purses 

ge lew 

ae Uti do te nee Uh oe ae 

ier ea tn Alves put eA Ces thn . eS ne eee te 7 pow one 
it setae wee ccho ConpiitE a 4s apantes | 

fe ote = Fe 8. 


oft. Bo Te ESS 



iS etihkie.t veaisirss se 

Knee {fem or 


; ee es 

TAL haere 


A ” ae eh Te <— 

Mat bac 
& i sey 

parcial cali 



a ] Me 

(Vere — ees 

peo eene, ee ee ot i. yey re Pe ae iN 


inches ed Ein, Ae ge 

Neate he fen pe ny 
B Ging ede. 
2 Maple | 

‘ toy Cry ® 

bey ” he See = 
tak Pe © C4, ic ge . ete co ae oe cee LAS than. | bev 
bDAWALd 7 ape ea pes 28 1. bt le o. ae oe 

V2 WN i ; ’x | ‘ ae =. Oe 7 ; 

60" a) 
cette ik et Baastalee* 
oe a ye bate : gies Deut 

cninnewer antenna, tet nie etm sne 
wn eit 



Sy ut Bere theoreti 
. ) ol ore 2 ii 


W ik Copttins - fick e Co o- pr pene J. phe 5 rane 
 o nes ee & age sae aoee Cx te, 
_ eee ee O a 

ees yee z= Own a athe : Mee GB 

Chee ep 
OSCE Ooo popes 4 eA, 
a few ae oe is, ve es ik — w) poe ek . ; 

ee ea nee Cee. 

Oe ey FORE 

LK 225m Be, SUA Sangeias 4 = SI 

¥ i= weeks wa = spake % 
tek ee Graeme Callin a 4 

Da ne / aks; J “a . / oot 
Ly ° PO os af $e eta er. + WN Ser treet. Ga 


ot LE , a eee Ge a O a a ein DS 
Aric wae Gor Be oe ae 

s Nawe Reet seats Bez <ae ries 

ere A. or laf G-s ee ee an LYNN Od. Ae 
oi Pee ae ee pape re Ce 
| Copp tt 
thy ai 


Gant of CN Cook Pics Ang of 

Cent. iA. % 

Soe pb Ren rm 
; ee ol. Lorre poe Due 

. Epa | 
ae ee 


: ee Gal weet 

“Gr aye 

‘ f 
Reis a eo AE aay 
Ma. rae: 
EG Morag deae wi eh f 
7 Pe ee at i 
as s SSE e cars 5 
pcre no ; 

a dO oe ae ef Wt Chayrwee ns er 

ae . CA Dive : cu Le . O.W,T . 
Chien’ Reybrate on 
F UIKA aL " 
SNOk Cobfedarn b Poe 
ne Le Cee : | r 

7 AWA In 
( laces Bar prs Cr, es fg. 1 Wk 
| Broede | ao ( Q...- : WK 
Wie Coss Pale , aga 

3 Coelve Qocee 

% Qrengek * 
odin ub es ee 

| Lo ae qe Out od qe te w,K “es 

i terme a Pas 3 ate Wane 

Glen fo ees pas ye OWT, WwW ad | 
*p- iascapte “4, are drqred ¥ O UKT, Aysselyes ot dul diloe 4 
oe ghee A-curt, oo FJ uple-ed “airs ahuce dy: 2 7 Sel 
Up: IRys. Worn ote Lk p tne 6 ee: sate i} 

(AD Thyme, AK - 
“ge -ewr wy 
. q—anitine Arf a6 WT eae, 
| ode +O UT wey 
0. ce qucteate pense: FOWT, 

x J afte Wet 

Cds an , ‘ss 

BtIm \ & 

\ ee: be i pace meee: ca 
fe Sy AES, Ow. ares Se as 

Pate * | na, (lua od. Aeon Oy, Cheval hep dat Mins 

bows, N Nex Senet +OWT, Happen ee | 

a bane Cyn iee ate Cy Se =~ A CA. t—clres 
Weelerss tp Lifeen “1+ 1% oie iia ee, 
eons = A ae ‘aad Oomn- Co. 2. -oC- — se yf Fy 
fi Pe \ ew = «Qe Oe ee a cir. oe oe tv 5 og wnt On. 
ieee: Wt b~ Co san Ze re ¢ 
me MATH, fe ef et ee 

O- Uv ae el ne, na : 

: Ghavl> if = AM LUTL. “at pe Ore Bi, td el, an Was tl. 
es Y Ces. cat , ar ee OA ts 

sateen > 
ae oa An. flew Ltt a 

; \ 

4 = AF: c pastes Cie ee wap : | 
aa aed Guediel Con. ee ce ioe 

Ree oy bth, 

. 1S, id akan G6 a ote ; ioe e - 
ewe ¥ Soh). dh ee | Wotan : 



| 7 Cae harnantneetin C Laney Namba GR 
ek, ee ho os ee paon 
a <0 > ad | aoe HA tn te fe AAA eae t i ‘ 
| fon he “~~ a te Cate i | 
ie : Ud l.. = ee, a 

ne Vibe sau ad Cr. Re oN. \Reeang Rel I) 
va Ae | i 
rte (Pialta-t , | | 

d ; ae of pg e oe ate . ] 

eo: (Koen Te been, Ot Eng peice 60 i. 
ee are sah aca See ——e yon ee os A | 
He LAS p par eae. to A Pu. = a aa i 
x RE Wee PO. ote 4 Cy pees . ‘Ce 
ae eae 
ow Ge € a—eo-le- ie pons plo. * fe omy Lan Sa ae 
ba aot ee ee Ce: 2. 
ie te Ma, | 
eS nn 33 der"F 1 oe Te . 

sone eee 

tetigg t 
RA Ac ed 






| & ie 
fr : 


= : 

a : 
Sa os a | 

Oty, “ 


by pasa ee ele etl ey 
Dre ay ie mel. : 
» Athe / Ghat Appetit a teh cA 

ae fee! ie Ct. Ch Cele Cor ay we te ae 



j 26 hia he ee 
ee on oxide): wr Te & cone 
piel Sy, phe ome eee one eas ta, 

ft aienitats 
‘ if 

he v AT "Dee vik, hey tH 

ae, cA ea 4 ee 
ee os aa Low ye a 

Qvw nln t at Uta» tthe On 

ot Pers Ut he A q a 
see ne A cad ai | Lief . 
nite! Guo te bt 
Se Se ae a ae 
{ L meee a aon Cope 
eet. pees a Wo 
ae ne A er ee ae 

Via geHes t AA oe at ‘ 
a ere ree 


eB 1ST Cormeen mm Cee 
‘ of Minn dian dso a ba Cn cg — | _ 

TOT es a S J + 

Qoo-Wha, ea e22s, 

or es OCR MONS Day cars, Eo | 
aes : fae. gh heer Ree re nke f oN 


Meg a i | ees ey aan © Map. 

ea pn si 


i ame F ro teerentate Compan 
Se ee 
see bf ecleerne Rae ol EL he, 

pear pon ar pa ie oie 
aes arte baal pool aeetewny 6 : Oo. Vw pt Sere cats) 

. eae Se. os lee + Gye. ele gf 
pier few —~ 13 % af um, ete, on : 

hue. te fe ce = 

_ Qlal QC 
CA eer Wate O eS LET 

wicket Cletat be <0. Ya ee acts sbron. 

Derr ont en £ am oe 

ee Ce CPL aM. ie Cues es Bix 

ie ore. ae aoe ee a Rada 

D get = As Aceh m.t! 5 
Seeing 7 ty) | fe . _ Age 


brnatty nbc = prc fee ors wo. heh 
oar aC A 

re aes 2 

Cte. ARAL At ¥ 
het 2 o an eee * 
fitee ee RO ee oh en a a 

aie: ial ome AEs As 

Oe che Ore ren ae 

Coles =o. Gr K 6 AAC, 4" 

+ aren ote eke ag A, 

Warde pons 

ene Otic beyees eee 
hen Conte LN. haw nee 

Vth Slret it. DON Emeg 
Oe, Fem pt i aie 

SAAR neg re rar et MET HTSS 

| aol, \ KER to vl Ble io» a. 
eh and en, Sea: tote. Bone Se ~ 

ar een ae Peon. 

ae se pntly & A. a 
eas Ort. ee Cae 

Yet Chace Kaname Cfete Maton a ore eae fe 

: 2Qo ag bvbipba AV ime 5 as 

Quist Get te CO e210 
ode Be. . thew pRCn1D any 
Elvin Opreete mA-- grenle 
A a ne ee eet oat fd are are 
MN Cp he. qo nd on 
ele oe Low br Gan teinw > 
coy G20. bow qt a tly pass 
Crate Nhe ied. ? 
mee, QO ave 

c Saale é Wwe ee 4 

Aen OF ST ee Br 

Vw tot eI. ake ty he ng Peet Leen 
‘ba ree oy Ce 

aie L oath os 
a ; on re ers a oie . 
teo- + tes aca ei as rn ee hh ’ 


ie ty ae a ek O. Vg beh 
byledy Ebvebat.' YIlb an : 7 
Ee moss) echenn Boy | 
Cebalphe VPS eer 
a ee Orie eee 
oo yes (Pare = Agee Unt trr~ Qn 2 
Sk es oa ont ete rt § rele aan. 

Witht ECs, 
‘ Vee At ee feo le rc 

Seis. < a ara | 
Crraerb ea a ee ee honed ig 

Ox as Ve acme Autitw AK os 

gb bw Ee OO oe TS ee 
ts ss li httt al Ren oh eel ne ao he 

c.- aren he C.. C9 an Cowl fe 
Roe came © thier eae Ws 

np Re Oe Ce One. Lane bee 
. ‘ a Oot} & u 
ithe Ctl L anes oS 

tee ° oe .. 

a aod 
beset eees oe 
esr ne Seen WN nego re Fy 

as renee. als 
ce -| H + the ‘a cha Che IA, Ch gece ws 

ree ae ae a Pe ane A ahh. ol . 


ee Ce ee ae oe ee au 
‘Gr for Ee RR 
ts “HL .. (es han areremeae’ eof. = 
O Veen. tr’ WRX fons LAn a part 
ace Pe ea ee 
of ate os ef an Lago bu GbR 7 as 
les er ae ee Tse. elas en ee 

sretenete es Senin rt 

; 7 ae a ; A ok, iol 
“Nerd wait (Uma GO Ye rey 

; » Porton fo Pefetene anes Ebon 7 one ob, 
: + (le. : bes anda tan Wracert pb. 7 : 7 

og =e We BoE. totter CE OO. om Carrel: Soe 
ett OW LBD mts rene G4 fo Charente s ¢. fhe py 

Crt antep ye bud. abn Opp Prana. mth al 8 tar ela bey PUnene 
eet le 

LO ant o Ps ae oe ee a, 
_ Sposa Dh eal : ( feo Car 
oda Leh 

Weel Aa Vite thr metre on Vac os dD 
! | do las ant noth opp hL, Oxides.) ~~ | 

[ sneveynee crn rman - 

cee agree rte 

eg eae De Bari ——— 

cn | | | 
sea OMimel. L a2Bouk Ve Peano 
cr ee ah. 
4. Oo. Oxyd phag tt, . — be uy 
\. , neore ici. as ane en eae ] 4 

iy ee me - ‘ : 4 x 
ae (S em 
a Welee, eed ii Ve bern Cl 720 a 



aes (31 chs 

both tet R RE ee i eee oO} Nm Gor aoe ay hae 

Pome terfme ot oC, evens =e aut ox; u 2. = ey 

| S slg mag ome dam, a A W“ Rendition fo be, ao rn 

(wot brn Spheviea, ee hg: 
o ~ —eagik 


| Ne Nace et - oe) : Oo 
re Lae | oun ttn, 6-~ eer oh f~ ca 

| Shae = an a AO, eee 
(Pein teh) 
Paeding CUTAN Pity CD et Ye Meg 
U-tthey ae Cred «Bey Fe a 
fer t.> = J mee bho prteg 
of bean RL = i ae hte ov a 

asain Seca 0° a eae ee 

f v oe eCove' 

: ae ae “the Oo 
{tte (Ree tan.” CETNA4 pe ler 

ud . 
Crave hk. O Ves Ls 
i le | = ee ee Sie tk: | 


Pee ree pm = 
wie bt, en Ut A toot. 
coo i wae eC, ‘A lope fer oa 

Ag Gee) AT 2),5 4 ; 
WN. voy, G -O- ae pee 
wt oe ae Leet ed > 

ra Cotte Cla, , 
| or CDs Ap 2 eee) ou Py 
; feats Ol. Vira: noe 

ie ORL me 6 pote on Paes ao cel a cy 
: ep eee, Q. a 
see ore: a dss iy eg 

chroxccl, “oe Guy - -M. Cut are 

Avo Ro Bre te eat 

ef phere» OH Cunt A, ce rea ; 4 aes Aas 2s 

pte ket ae 2 


! é se . Uru Cee, ae 

Tee ae 

ease apa BEES ber og TER I op a at acer ree aa 

ie 7 Yay et ok. Ps 

BT eet beTa DO ig as Ea oN 
Seo . a. cu then. lo CO 
Ge Coete e2e CL ft 


ili VG at tO oar ee ae 
the AOR URE ey 

ee ee nee, 

te ty ot tthe 
pee ig 
OG zis ote or a NY. 
ds aioe he 0 hy, obs 

breedes at ag nla ae % 


gong elk Zn o 2 
fnoeel Ge. aaa | bh? 3 
epee aes, Sie a aa 
a pa cs | Clan ee ee ee | 
TR ify "Or. Os. 
Cannas ~ Cl Le 7 RI 

20 pV 
[tq & 

ieee Oat Lk Gwe “CO 

A 1 

| \ Guess ea tae _ | 

| Agtaobite . 

Woves a a wheb 

th, boo 
ura che rood 

set ee 
Ag oe ors ae 

faauan Ween nee i form 0, Celene 
Gobet he Oth Yop ah | 
ow lees Saas aia @, De | 

atten ane neni anmipcn negate‘ pemagoony 

ee a a aE SET IEE HOR : 
: arena = Sa Ny ROUT SCRE PIERS 

sage oe 
ora. it om oe ‘nai thes a2 

, Jtes sees ee ee ere 

dro nares 
AL waa 

: ql 

Bo gre Pe Ie 

I Wed Webbe | Spree tt om O Le OLka ¢ ~ 

| yeep <= Reo capa 
Werte Ate + not be ox, 7 

wot aie atm rrope Lely q 

a 5 eri = as een ae bat 

a e. He aati os “66 cry 



| | 20 
| Wrobel Ge. | ee ae C0. ab. oP wes Fee 
ar: Oe S Yasmss One 6 on Ai! te — 

{ ~~ Crmp f-. ne ean wand 
a Y 4 bmeme-fe. LNA op 
lire he ae: 2 = = 
| rd 

Devine an PIERS 


| ssh ce ee oe ie ne ‘ 
pee Reooil, daar 2 ae iecaecek 
| Key nae ED: he 

a ee a 

: Wak va Cy 

Van 4 porto Vana 

Vo Ware ss Qu 

| Fee — 

Orde Meera gireae at 
Soe wares 

eee NGS ako EG = 

Ht alee epthts and waki+ 

Urwin 4/5 TO ak 
aoe Cc. | te Tlf! 
I 8 285 oo oo 7 
jig Tae Awan 
OWE 2 aes a tes 

156, ie 

Wp | 


a / he ae el. 

| cen 
Werble [ allracteot ol. qrtt, & 

La a . 

hse See ae 
rare ml, RL 1 on 

“00 mG. Ay fund tlw 

ian] by md nin Cop gg 




o— ae cas > _ 
pelea LL By 

ei) ae ae of ‘a 64 bLL, : | 

ead tnepre enya oe 

a Se 

Ve, Wy Le 
Pore gif : 

peghteberteneunu seca: 
a . Meendie 
seen rieas 

Oo ch ieaeaienapine nt SoD SI ne Ni 
i: se ° . ee NUe cal 

: oe phen an ae ow OH ype 
ae ativan guns pw Abus nes aot 

fora cryone Codi Prods od im 

Apemg Quiel | | 
Rrorniour Potooh bipte He Phew anak. 

Crane Polder ae rhe Potadaard 
Ble monde oh. DO Vora ® 


ow jek eaicc.c3 MO  Chomege bw Behadicen, 
Wee J Geum trad 

lice PRS Gruen rm 


Protas datas cha 
je atten. on 0. Ab gh 
of. ow mesma am 3 

, Polood “Beans 1 enn a | 

m 6 Chow ge be A, d Ri 
Pro-bnw A oy he : 
‘ \Su PUK Ours ye Ne aoe ane iB auf Mt he phe 

3 o anonk: Cre ote. Olesen od &§ 


OL ich rw a. Ox okt Iron. to Saas ~~ 
ee rong mat Ani eels ad Bat Corre 

: y een 


aes Tr raneee 
ae pn 

Ca od 

pen al 


unas eres ani 

ea sora : 

, srs. on) Mall tired) ; 
ond 16.000 ote a) 

Abie Atay tra ABOL | ony ah 

PL nae tw 2 

= aoe 

Comat LIAO nee Ontos ow , ; al : 

Ast Obre amd | Ow barr 
yr ae v2 Mote Oo Cee AGES 









ol Carbo Fiereiptnn Ut ry She 



.. on Dobudi on! 

ee Okan Pe ae ir Ome Wena 
0 of Potaorn. nee AA. hore, on hel | 

BAAN Crbrmmradimn, oR on HK Oy 

dro PRAH) Wh gete] 
ow atl pen Crane A TRA TES Pode | 


Ke Ra rac Hitt ma Pt pa 

ae Dae Caryn fitro AY eta fhaannt o ately 
ih. ober od EVEn18 9 ae 
) hos pw /E77 

20 Gram (00 62, Me, 

Josten oy gm | SH 
drew ie” ae 8 Av Be 
: ia Ponce Lao ean a 

Ge: Hug. | 



Cai: Ss rreny jh Crbor edi on! 

Oe Se ae prem 9 ‘Ce Ka, 

(fe ee eeng 
Upr Mot Phrte 

Boun/ fio? ae be 4 ' 
tefrnr. j | WAL pr | ' 

ees TICOB Pt 

po Tf 

Sy nef . 

Wtf : 


De as Sk Bho Cohn Ar RD 
cook un an - | 

; A ; Kee Se - one Gna 

Aibre! | Clover) prs a yettons Cats 
We fn Fis Dra. @ ‘if a oir ory Ane f—~b) A 

7 Ka. 4 night be Cs tang ae i i Thothake ay any, 

Leif Af. mae 

: iv ut ets te hele ee. Oe €y of rn Come 

f, oP ae : 
hee ae ieype i Mf ; 


3 aes 50 VO eS Oe, Don ie 
SG rw foe Ce ewes o> fa 
Ayer ped 
Pros fur 


Np oa ny, 

pce enenterge ~ 

| At fe 100 fo, Tru 

Beer bases Cotr 

Yipee Cv tan ¢ CO€realZFy 

Toor : Grn te (elo wk Enby 

Ms Get Jae pret FL arte, Letitia ~ EB Atiia a; 

f ad, AOrr oO 1 OF CLOLIAI LE one roe 
oe Pe, ; 


on ree tps 

a : Oca wis 


eg fe Be ge Ry TO LL” Pela e fg gna eee Te Ee, Mee age ey 

Te ee ra 




5 ES A Ww ane 2, 



me Se Co EO 


(NY : { 
| ee ee 

eect enermneeinn siee 

[ALAS ha 

Wet Mitr Grete eh cea? 
Le OT | ee SO Sis = 

SO aa e 

vo Ah 


Wey ho a | 
ty Sheten bt, 

ee ee 
BATE ae ne 



The th. ae we) ge Oe See 69m, 
Beane Dhol ad ects ep 

. Ure CP eg pe tee gh? 

7B, Crave, Sareea a whe TO tar en ky Ree ete 
- ares Oe Nah tht penotn 


* Gaatee ate Ao. en229 


ee ane Cie 
fen CL gras be token. 
a Wisp . 6 uh pe CB ae b=, es 

Ades” a micas eee 340 mp ; Cornet we 


hey re as ve Obi  tt~e~ 

aacwe te voue a o Ge OE S ree oy Hos ae 
KALA ae ag He Oe be aw ~S 

oa beep eyes ee To tp RO 
VON ESE —iapieths a Rete eR 

ene Hey the ve rhea et Gg 

; oe dha. meng toa exes 
4 hae : = 


Bate os ee 

pet pty (an 

. ts. QR wer san Askanrte 
phe Qe 2 


<a = eee 



i ate oe eee eH Ue. 
eee Ye ee ak eal eae ee ; 

There be RK 

| OLB arco pane ; ‘ 
Co Rate: ay +10; eed ees 
aaa aaa pesmi eiceueds Ae: 

i Qe rs alas 

Mot Hen, whe a 

Orbe hepa ecguaed “7 

0, Nee poe ae ae Ca. 
Owes Coy oe ae 
Ske eT oh. Bo 

- ROK a — aimed c. 
: a ees a 3A ise 


= cS me 

dr very me 


OR ML Chae : 

WAS Aaa 

MnyvRmeae Chye win: §Fee 

. frean ar el 

re wn the deat 


chit ra ae wet tae 

wth OD 
eer 2 ee 

aes we 

4s he. 

Can ee a a 

CH Mi Re Races en = 


wt ees a ee et a ee 
LAO f wth : eae. = Lb opek 

| s. un (pte et | 
(aa betas 1em 2 “eas | 

Ue Yee 
ee, PO 



: 9 aoe, 
GC poe. abl? 



{ Cane ra wee ‘ 7 
gue Sa ‘ yee 8 Z 
yop WW ts 
A Al Now ie the Wwunten of 
oy Cr un Ur olloecaentemt made 
| an io gfloeriausr PAWN TN ON by 

Wwe “Ve 
ee tea tsa. Agate 

wt th we f 

\sur” | Now is the wunten of 

Our oltocentemt made 

| . Glorizur awmmen by 

Ae michted POR tne: 

> ip NO?- Seo 
5 i o- | a | e- 
: ? 

i, Se ee -4 2: 


ofean nen, 


Rah Som 

‘Shagiee Ren 

ETN ai em REN Ne Een ne ren 8 

fi #f~ 
Ctl gihae oh 

m= i 

hawk ae 

Parca neoe 

Qx~0 tl Orn. [Ras PLCC aan 
Ct. det GC tu bretler 

~ ie Jot /. ? , aes at 
7 HOMO p Cred Ot rt aa a7 ar ot, ‘ff 


pect es / 
Jiferec Ch ae. Cy Que Af C2 


[at fore ie Chetty, coe | rie } 

i eT 
tot Gl 

pai gon & 

UA a" 


tA pelesy Sd 

MA fetleas jotta , 

jt (eg fo my ab 

Lia bez, Chow, Lt. Leeey Hex; 4 

fc Lote “a Va atte i 
pid [Kas 4 Show Cte. ng 

On a 2 hee ae. 
Pe Fr fe jer ee iy 

a ee ae hy oe f Pues 
( ii cok tt ea a 

Meta Oe, 





oe wept ae, 

he fel He , 
(beet “or CaM teal e efile y 

. iy 
a a aa q 
I oY 
1 a: 
20 | ; 
Pie re eee ING. 
R See os “akis — ; s 9 

4 3 

ye 1G 6 UE ey fA 9. 


j Se ans 

“hawe mas Ea iw jus Kee 

y es fi ition oy: Ma. 

Le ) rad Clty piu ee Ee ee . 
HE PA ehidesn) te oh re) ee ig a y ree be bs. 

wells meet we: i a ae oD er ons 
Bia Maar “/ “ch. we fat a in sf « J7, é (hh, / 
| 7k iH “4 oy Le t be ef = 

Pet Gary tenet “ | 7 


Je, f 
GO Oe 

Bs Reyne 
{ a 
fies ads 2 Breed iin 8 eul@ oul 

ey ya 

f - 





Date OB i 


per 5 

| pool aw sAObak va 

“fi Aton “p Mas at oh 


ORE eRe eT Aras EEE I 

OT peeie cae 

ep the = 


/ ee Gica gs pe 
pod ro | Prt hehe y Cony 


ela. re 

a Crt 0 — ies ee 


Je zs) . ree i ec —— & 

che fovea fond roe anak 

cote Miabe oe 


is ¥ 

t | 


iy aa Ad A G cee Cea Ae 4 

yes Gu 14 
i : eon bt SZ Oblast cp 

ee ee a. 3 fap, | oa Wi ls . ae 


A, ; a KAAS 9p ME. 

\o° 1% Carbon 
i UY hana fo j 

Pert aes 

urctk 6 dheels sponapend fort mn. “enfis ro OU 
tachtout pt Ging 12X & and The a 
Chetan yfrct—qet apart ep Often tan 
sei ae rte 10 a wpnel crnrnr_etre Re ak 

glee. tro septs cee Opn Bar) eter 

4 OY cee cae) See 

ee eee ee | 

wok We Pt 20 gre t8e 8 ak apt 
pate a eo 
yee joes eo b&b pene Corte 

| Lee Joke <s -A. ak os = 
pres: es : dhe, sete ¢ Sree a! | 

Ue se ae L&é iO phe 3 
aoe damit aah Sac Ce G 

Cee ea 

——_— Kine < 
errocy ance of Goer tbe caer 20 arms po ee va = ponlt. 
BPhenomemon -~ aft oe Be nenwtes Chere eneh alate” A 
datt Th phe. Platina atthe. pont here cb aceboy mARAS 
Ppojer’s un den Uhe NuArcre seojee ~f[orw power Wy 
Us due, tbe oa peres “f Aatht Ubet Annis ity 
ewe eels c6 6 alin. “| Gat Coe. Cle. oes : 

% ly eae nos, oeto quan aonet GF Leoeo Ura Aer 
bitmese Uke pope. Le clay A wew 

Anne <= 4 

t. walle 
~ fet eiee os ob Ley 

ee eth or luce t react 
: Meas ivan corte Ws lop ie Ux : 
a ray eis 
2 =e Oe ch, . 
a bine 

oly w abaght qreeneeh Cabarabi | 
OR OMA tee ot (Eames & Cpe. tay a Pe J 

emt: de nd on 5 aA es mit i ., 


| ee perro 
canneries HE 

| pom Mrnro Chbern aeitie Beat - m™ Veg : 
xf 2" Feed yh font Tele | 
: Cet peaks age O60. wets ts Peeve 

pruer Oe Coat os err 


joer WMarcrocosmce AAA, had Ms | 

\ nr Ware — hee hte Metre WAtel. ie es 4g 

rq pCouplbat= Ris vuth s Fy y. tole 
bd mM cannnma Proved of, “Nw deus oe = Tein 
| schloreQote ~V4, | 

5 apres 

| qr pe) Be 3S Dias WK | 
arene wre eae oy, 
Fats ee mq Lumen Conrati ic = we a | 
pt Lodidr Le er ee Wy enn se 
i: iets Poth Tt | 
| Wik Wren Al jt yell (ow: faidat = Fn 

ee | : 
bal Wyse Ted | ay a : 

eeaeere ss teys} 4 Pru Pale 2 

ou ioprene Y 

ere 20 qr ee ee en “dep | 
is We On ai P aa fsck” US “> 
me hh ale ala oe c =pe(<s oor pests | 

atid a is il 

| 242 

ay ww Clee Coit = Fy shies Ohad | 
the ofp Unwenred and wm cort vet es he Weiss 
Fie re os ow ee lm (AO t w colored PELEZE 

just Cuter ‘ od hes ce) Ct U-CAL | ong € a: 

ae vn TK Baek den eh - 

O plorrnn bor ? 
I se th. ee | Oe Cris we Oe OE 

3 ULE ke or pen jaar dil 

Wan ex oh ae er = 
Be am Ban ox af ale (Pat S a WK | | 
£ Pa ee a oe ee 

ote me lB aol Boe iG Witetehk we OIE 

Ae are i | 
ae es eevee a buds we a4 - ok aa ae 

ee poesia ty 

S/) rrr whol NWwet2 mp a Rise 4 - “s 
| ol Aa bee .Upato nw pA CY ba ff 
ON en we Near aoe 
aks Aa nett ft pew Shvy 
: : ee ae Lo —— a 

JIN, An AG at oe aah i 

suk? Reuwlers abe a Co HA, = Pk seks eet 
x Undo cetrm., pects 

CAA you o a on id [Ome hy, 

mf AURA, bocce, r & 


GK pe AAV ba 

| | Ving vawpertint as tal jel 

E . ute avery Se 
Botte. Gore ee er 
: U o Oe coe fee Or a o ae 

: (prea e ee ee fh (pane Aan cliw 
pot (areal ee, 

a4 ne 

= ‘a Ue 

| yea Y coast poe P es 
|] Weeree cere SOI ce sok om 
(srr Ak poo bbl) Art Ds creer 
Cote ee, 


ces pone 

natch og 


ss ae ia: 4s Up = Abs ff 

ot oO yatlers’ 
Lege ella 

{Yin ts Coe eee ae. Ue Kn Arun eee 
vp ; a 
; LF Hee WiLL yh fA a JALLCEL use - ey eo ae 
io se 
i Rice Que tk ae ; 

. } 
ep SAD VW 
3 arms One ee ee 

& oo (Le a an Buy 7 Ce top tdowm we 

emi At Ae? 
QO ¢ 9 

~ | a pon (eee Pc. mun) oe AX UM ve od id hy, 
of sy eo 


~ bf Se Ree “Pp 


a eae - ~ 
ow y 
te Bild. : A ; “Kay 
ope 2 had ; 
pnb 2 oun Ws 2 a é 

Qui Lpegeee ag i ol is 

ee & OF 

i t ’ . 
y “ = + fT 
a =. 


! L a Aww e% “am qalate se Ox » deur = UX WP. 
; * . : : 

LE qrammrmnno fai po eee de of ™ encury 2 WP Wy oun ny 


t if coin We Lf 
Dorcale of be de dosti Wer bof 

4 q ¢ qroNwm™ ey 

oa \ Voss 
cea el © 
Fgna ? 

WW A Ate i wy 

Poder isGhca ) ny Al ann tes 
hy a ye eve vy ls Pi carbone poe Me Ve ah, = U4 
* Gitehot ‘f £ ae ait a) reste a nae ot L ic 2 ibe C&R Cn 
oe OT 7 ie Powe - ¢. nul ? 
j - { . Ue le LA rae AK, 
-) | ued Ww. “ a fg 7 

ae oe PU eal <p M4 
ae ae 

fhe of detick- = Ue? Abang 023 ned oe 

, ~@ oun . 

—F gnowmes qum On abec, down up we 

1 Qhcuwme Crafts c. Ch 7 A usp, * aA oum WA : 

5. gnam me Pynoaahe Qeid.douwn. rp ~ wer Rung 

20 Qnonnmes Nuthete Pefaoh, t a (3 noot 
A Maoh, wjo. docn 2d eee 

A ethi= cusp edi coforfess under Wlrerodcop<€ 

Gutto naked eye there arse Epo by copopeanrs [e 

OL am. & wall chepooo ub mM Be) AN chou, ok 00 
of Potato? ov, Perna Ws 3 

demortiuy cs Richrom ale 
AOog Cram mes {Dnomide oQretae orm down ay 
ethan othe -forgqé - 

qet bur yweab one quicate we 
bhee ce fo,a Ors on bel fic +é 

cohrch - _ 4F use 
clef oumure ushech Beet mast = ee 
coh Pape 

Pn a, ae ne a! eee 1 ee 
= er daca ne ae % aaee s | 
a Chae ie o-ty ep Ow ges ‘ ee | 
aes que yer ie deep Ge he Te ak Roce de 
a ssa ao as WwW neaelion ev > | 
Bromide Cadre, dour rp nak Sy 

oF qn oe 
G ammed OGrate oe Poth wef 
eo Ain iaeeas Ve 

Pr oxs- jk rae r 

ae qrommse PP 
cela % Ges Wide 

‘| 247) 




ae e 

HO Qnorwwwn er WU eta Ch pee. RA 


| q 
+0 qviewium 4 Ni tn ects Oona: (ud Wt ak om Up. 
Wotide alrime dum butot . AA\Oy > 

Carbonate toda, Sale aseet tees ones 

20. Gnroarvwn 2 

Sor —— 


OWWLA  Idy p of en We 


Reclent, Cot nts re é 

20 sail 

20 ‘cas ese vate oan sO ee 
20. eee 9 PR omens oe ee 

5 Janse Led 


| ‘ies ube Bigs he Gere ote yy ee 1 

ee Ca: Chad - bes es 2 
Corben ats Lith a Sivoy i ae 2 

oq da ae. & 

Clerc fale Chie ALALIAA WraKk 

Agrenate eo? eu, -. Ve J 

[4 AN CeIrAanrls 
: b 

eee evra di al co VA 

Ae | FMA 

/ : 4" Sere: CRAPO °* Runeorele ® Gn Poole : bre : 

4 . tr. ab se site ee 

Nase ye . , =f} é 
" thi : ae wor, = a ofl ( Me by fp SoA 

20 arte iy Get EN, 
ode Wwe, “tee oN ee aon epee 

ole 4 


ere she Cn bid : 

| qnw Grebveestatr Shes WA 
o aee aes: Fedde og aE 
yoo wh Ee po 4a. MAK. 
Sears a ee ate 

dd» ie plececte ix. 
de one. ner tetas }? ae | ee oe Sea + 

Ce Core ee Lm 

Oe ey A 

(dont ar Sane 

on Doct : Yon. 

ital pols Pat eel Reotomtelin Ms Cx hia de 4 ty 

ay ANPP Anco Be 

| | , 

¢ {—-f 9 Cite tet er 
ame eee ee Actes. {~ ie 

2 Ne aie CO rnaole plehdrge tH | 
Rive Noecx Wiis ; 

. : ee ee : Cahavrmacnia gg 

oe ee 

| PONS S o-# sa = 

eae CALS, Py TO"* Ke ype Jed A, 
4~ see Pace 

pole Ltwrs. 4 Fn” oer ae 

es dood un vi, | 
MS Po ade ay 

ot inte 

ABEL ty c : 

Ohler let res ie 

cane i, 

s ane @ ne Ono aoe 

eee ae, Chace ; Pode 1 
sees z Flare des &, | | 
ae Uinccaltie wee’ 

che Pettit my. 
on : | 

eae o nS 

Se onesie 

A Nee eet Bency fem ne Pomc pese 

NERA aaa ee Lae aceaaere 

socks SESSA TO IE epg 



i & 

vol. 8, sheets 


afl iw 4 0 
er CF tl At 

1) —-AZZT | 



Sclison | 

coe Golo — Ecliaon oo 

By Cloloms en en 
Cielewns é a Golson. < 

et ata icbend's pects . | 261 a 



ook y eA 
LMM ieee 




, of : See 







dlaAo~ ob’ Bass ot 
pe ey (ane aa 

ape | 7 
Store + Cor ow Ry ; 
\ Lacie — del ¢ Jodin ci: 

ove. | 

post et | ee GN 
Seth OR Gongen en Eee sere 

arte paper nneemenyrntlamanet 

Jaetenetien = ~ opposamihy uae 

AA eA tee DN. ae ot 
ees al 

Se on ae 

= Rec apa 

ter Cer: -_« O 
An cage x 
hire Tp on Sina Coppin * 

Gane CF 

a ee fap aby = 
has stacy 

py eee a 4 % 


— 1 269 > — 

ng Ty A? Sul eae Ks 

\ — a 
Meso paar eameiie. T 
bth, QPe ima k = © 

wn O: oan 


JW erhal Wael 

Qe aaa 
| VEPe dip ay 
oe Mook l Saved ofBoawuse: ° 
| ( | Cry sf. 

OD ne aid 
| OAS 

chemcp OO Roacman tates SM 
mares 3 


@ ees 
ete plea oO Ge tee CLL 

the pba from Eth Se Cl, 

Once y 
exe ——fuft] 
Orr F 

4y* - QHherkok 

— Besutphoa, 
ke nett Cobo [Bs Satpbacl, 

- don Une diffnt nrg kame of 

. (belaty produced bag fan bff 
= fee eats. 




hi eg 

4~ Cell, Canby, 

fe eet aegis. 

7: Nee, Oe I . swsiaitee eameicas fits Al esate Sihierierctahets Bie Sitti lgtsd 

| _ . : 
7 / 4 ba “DF Carbon J Om~er-0- uv 

wich Coffer C2. ~ flo = Se me Coen) —— 


ee ~ ahem Ho bs Refit, taloreel MOS of fear, 
p) tee oO bare Y : 
Ty, De Me va Agnes GLueer> Hon; 

be re he ef Gig store ffhrna tf | 
coe Oy mt OL re gaat stout ff, | 

~ aus ale ee om hee 
FA ORG Smee natal, ageoe 
c- Cr €£O MeS/ Cc wd fhe eegrsee ; | 

ge TY Ses: 9 fn B caer. 

oh Seep ae cet Seb, 

r ackol S - Se eR 7m Kabhie foo ay ee a 
Chor form ~ Gyo i BoP ih. oO SGP Eee 

Hees ~ ifr wite cofered of aan 
oe saa koe tower 1 

[oreo ely iar oN 
SS pe sletal Gee wattle pull Py 50 oF 

7 ford hil Wwrae nyaX A- OGornnree. a 

Crier —~— — havrttrd of ce of oe ee 2 ate 

sane SS ee 
es OCR ae 

pg ss ia en 
a as ae CLE 
fd he ie i. 

A a ee ee er 
~ ne 

aa ae COE ntl i, 


ae 76 fr Meenas Cn China) ae ne. 

with or iiasg) eC habhess 

Caeen rd porn 76 

A_comfprarition, Cri€h_ , hss 

By AMS IOs, pel oe 

tot Baths © I~ found) Elicladeo fotoog > 
Anfrl, by om Cael) bf GOP” Cen ns acd Mat 
Wingo oe: 

oN inn LS As TE — $8 fe 

Mromene water Ptratlx~ / Lf, tte Pareles fotan 
[5 CnetenS 63 br Ye bebo = ag Cullen | 
6 OEY e Oks ce Pe ee AT eee hal He Po 
hep hffirnwer  —~ Prats. enc Khir ve soir 

Pork om Gutta batons) tu ofomror ogo | 


Cortim I/ Vv a cea Cee Dd Ee eee ale 
SP 7s gets Yaa rear a 
ee a ae = ee eee ok 
well / ff (for nae> Eolunwene inn tas fy 
Agha md Cpe Gy pene aa aren 

cadtr, Aflckcinn Hower ex KG, O 2 
Ft ow Carbon” Theos Cate ec oy a aro: : 
eee dala 
edoted ao ear lomo tou Gee “aef Pi fhe Caton 
iia Me reds Suck theta,’ 
oe ay pont Cup taf to Ey 

. t OY cae Ce ge ene es 
fo ~ Peas ue 
2° wo Le a dete 

4 fh “po” Witt cts fotne nt 
aos bot. Ye deg peers 
| Py aay mewtact yh, "Coeredg te | 

Pegs het A LAA 
iy a A bok ie Cas eptn? 7 
OS AT Thy rect Hiatt rhea bal om 
focm fo cig Serpaak nad wire we 

Corto Yo ctg 
dof bow bain Lo 
ee re AB ot 
Cp Fons, intone: 

aM ate, 
ie be ET, Dis ig songs 

a ay 
(Es bos % SS Se Oe 
[beloua Yowering Cart) Chew. Chater More 
te Ge AK Lewxkoe. K 2 tlegre, Mhen~ oir GE 7g > 
way mn we Ke CO? Zthila. Claes Leuk 
Gliecat Aterel! Berd Added Aijliatrn. © 
GES Captive teas Sy she eee SO 

A farer Carkon -Ktuxea Creeci~K -~arl dg, 

| cual tue Rett Alhetr. Gare, & 
Cartland Abs Captonw Bb SKrod A leg 
a AR rs Zo Sit ates A flag 
zy = : A at 
VGapidhe, Abid Uv we Sh tH, ~ Chrecect 
Eleatrode (KH Yertecce a ELL Pe ee 

Cl -ae Ce AAI Pewces/Rice. 
Ad tbicr CCececec coer ~ Ky Ar ate a SRE “teed z 

Tt gp 8 BTS 

Stet: ret. of Lom dett Shae... Cx Geo! 



A O14 0 gon AL Eg fap Ag 
MELD A hee ata a o : 

A Gift nnn 4 lo tary Ds 


or of Pe eens ese ge 

, LA ve. Kereratl legrito erre Bflag 0 
fan Ge Cfker - ht OQcee kp flericcente Cua 

(WE Latarcert he Corton bC*gfhir eg) 

Khe ot cu OS KA< a hen g Lore, oe Cre? : 


‘g At. KA 2. & far feet Erlacec Cacti 
ys ehh, 2 Pi, Ob ides, eee MOR arene 

(ig wan Ged Hig) Ba Cacao ne 
D-CA Ae cm FES Mhee Aaa h Oe Catan ne, 

Ka ge 

@. Pe , 

| Af ft) [1 Call «AD 

Vil, saat on ng Oe , Kt Cg Cee * 
iret, Qu al Ri A fletlee4 har 
Hef 4 Ad, Zoey 4 4 4G Aeg Fare a0 ity ee 
YA 7 Soe) OF POTS Sate ae ne ee 
dhe Boge hy Koeat aettin on Ce Aetig— 
Me KAA putters Ha nan, Ket 4 Stee: ek, 

~Lforting Heth CRM eal ha re 
jena alia | 
te C4 aticced, Ctl GE alae, Weed, 
Ftlaw —- he Carcetiars OC heflclicn 

AU — _ = ~~ oOo eer Ags : MEP Ltd. a, 
Lo 00K 04 HM Sree Off Hee’ Se 7] 

A A rtleree, iit acer ee a 
ohn an , Lewes = 2 hee e pte ial He “” o 

dt Cte ate Geet ece ge — 0g Miyh Mastic 
ed ; Boece: : An oof Keg hi EP seed 

dee gees! ore xk. 
eo KEoce se ee Flo Ky. GLE 3 a a 

Ahi Go afitheg ar we SO Mage oi 

° Mb So ‘ 7 ‘ 
Cy t 
Ake . Lif © eck , oy aes o o a 

0G a 7 vr Cnchatn fade, a ” Kew Ca, 
AdMhtfflic Frat Codi %* 7 2 

oho fan 2. Chl ord. OL a Cah 1, 
HI C Zags Cy ey, - ae Bu ¥ 
Apert, , a ee ate A r r yy ss 
poe in hede LACT ret cs c+ fey oe 6 
Ahn” J Pprnaid. ty-Crdtertnn, 4% 8 6? 
kha Atexate of Aielcf + » Va Lorn Agk z 
CLL gH ee Clad oo? ae on 4 

Fassad aber ; 
Guede es eo, 
Ve Bes Leg he a 
Le Ge ae 55 EE 

ig rg ona 
GEE LOR bee, Va SF : 
Lb Green Ces 4 4 i 
MOA Gott. CF reds Of Kee Bu oS 
Oar tone ouialaiess 7.” eee eee 
hyp Weehaee oaaaaN whepd , 
LGOE htt ey Lr “~ . a" 
ArH, Get | + Lee a ie Ye Li ae 
Ly. Gl) A, eid, Pony, Deeg foun 
Ale Crecextes ya ke aghe : 
hye WAthut pow eB a Aow 0 
LhiHhy ho Sh be ohicke Gat ee ee A 
Aiil' alt. ALM, s c_______—— 
Ger Abt, uhh » Pence Z 

Bates Glletis gacd belle -¢ 9 Koger av, 

ge toe COlaxee Cle d _ Made t oe “ 7 
Vek ALurrdk, Coogi, Clo te)eM obs, + 

Stages, Tenge’ Hy, Sse OGL ya ° 7a w o : 

farcpee Vege 4 : Fewer 
Cet yearn. Cette 4 op 

ZZ liz Ch , Fer frute , , 
tog Makes rahe, 4 au CMe eee _ 
‘ a BOF: Sree o ow a” 
wo Ayla, of Aitemeg, 6 
” Cored dIE . * , 

7 eed ae a 
LO GEE eee 

@ ww 

ae mi LO Fe cram 

AG : aaa <a Nias j 5. oe 
pogeg on ae = tle 

Weathiu, Learn 
ae i oH 

Monmeam Gps Gy Sos Ske + 

Rita ces aan ae eS. 


| 744 
Diates ; Cote cee OtarwK . s 
Mls 7 Moai, Hy hoe CO» Aged , , 

| \ Man thf Kho, lary 6 Shane nerde 
4, $- - Clye erly bx, Elda ow a 
pos \ Je Pele heed CT 7 ” 
ZB atth. Ceplen, Ctdin. Agen 
CU Merce OLA — Usry Vane atl, -etaxy } ee oe 
Bo putt Corker, Glowing eects avid 
pie Viobth 4, Ws 29. card Ce - 
Mor Weed flecLicer re wen WHeczcecec, nek nal, OK Cis 
Jit tf i 
sc AE De. ee 

Le EE: 


ws no- OR Mort 
4S fee clerrmeh fe ts p Heth 

epperetty ot b= 


it eae Ne Gabby re FE, 

gd ee epee 

nee epg eet tment ies cee en eine magnate con fe enamine ste ne ete pen eaRinapeecegem ey ee et, 

Nourtuxity = IR Roa 

© pout want? Hm neon eclqe of Garner sothere sholf Fe_, 

nibs = 


LastrrgkP- 9 noKael Come Reng CheP~ 
Abin, CS he: eto Gt icean Be 


ett 5 

See ete ce PP ~§ 6 Play Qonnee Di nw 
Dhoum” va potas fUS wus Lo beck Come 
Newp~ os KX ohn baie 2 fal Rog WI 
UP wt Ce cbpereZ oR tr ma secta om 

; { 
Arn . VO no Dl” hore ad ae ppt 

Sone 6 eee ee Osean 

My paces ce Come Carat fT 
ee en aia 

i ~~) 

Pe ies CG Oe te 
rotk urfio oll } ee aa 

Bink sea oa ach hyo S tS ey Re Rs Je Mat eee ae eee 

ee as rise oe all sa htt irae ae 

/. Stages. 
a rare /JGO 

© BRR Joe. § 
OP teerte Jaane 
Oe 9. If 


as ieee levee § D we thet RE 


Evdpls EXHIBIT. 320-87 
HOR oF 3 


(Goss 2 9 pom 
se 9 U<ecda morelare pla (y 


| ro. 
in vhlom | 

| cs 
dhe tec hes ceouue em princi 
A Wiupnt- AE Se applrdd ae an Obs ote uragned, ee 4, 

Aired a Flag rab Ex laxsecrel ona. Core. bay ae eRnmeg CMe 
Onno darns ar err. uf, := by om ee wG ee cue ~ehe 7 ‘ 
Feeap pea ra os Lang aes —fe ok Panel - Og 

nba WL e 

eft Ae angen a (P- ore Faas ae ba Cy frcht 

4 fr DA 
Comers mg ipa, aAnok hk wmmnok fp, 
: . ‘ Xe, 
“her “(pres A. hparack, 9 Jorn Ante to “ % 
Caf malay “OR Prrenenp fe un ee WA eben 
f ° - 

(> Ce A weet eo doe, 

praet| Neen TO OL itinerant, 
ie Lonrt Fp oelh 

1] ane fee CARTE 1 towne pla er he how Brags 



“ZXHIBIT. 32l— ie: 

cane Nr: i. Af famenen cee F ita coe) 

DA Avert Le o-~ LARC Ae ee Pare 
ae arc ean by want we eat: ek! 
Loker fe Lodi fp} It 
vv! fees wu ake ate “he pis of ete et ee, 

5 ae Cr ae HRA f--Ch 4. f-~erks og ~& 

7 Ne nee 
: i eee Wee 5 ee ee ct tea 2. gh 
IN Sait (ho gee ges 
trek ie iis aes 8 wile ee ae wrth eer ie 

o7 cae Se ei Lever akan eed woe 
xk Was ~coo dkny ke eu one teeter det 
’ eye ehe : / ce C. ~ 
a ee en cea Pp - fue CAG Ae oe, 
eee ere } Ae fp ( nf 

me seca Ga agtd 

(-- ASORS, “PAs “ 
aks ee Vw eee oy Series ee Pe a, a ie ani 

. C 
wm & C wert es oy Va ten 

em ° 

on KG ve — 


clay Ary or 
G Mtns, SR Fes ha tne ae a flr. Kel 2 On. Wsy6) 



ie eee 322-8, 

“= GRQ~ 


, @ ae 
‘ Golan» Ss eee refh REL co 


& lect Aulomehen 

Chemical Gaslo umemelen 
cm 2 

= a 3 7 



of E795 SOFT 

INOS [6 Shaol 100 w pret = opyret— 
pre” rae eon ee 

Lwetk 2k £6 ty qok cage Jo 

dade Pt 

hc wt Ahmet Te 

(Caere “ ote, 

) ——Pp, paneer Poe ee ee 

ee OR wt 
VA % G w * 
b' platy eft-re4 i . : 
4~ yo 
PERS ee a ee 2 Tes | 
a BRR oi $a cu che ao 

Seems ae ee acne i 


(Q bad . of Aw tf o> ov 6 te 
oto of ie mich: he Heh ve 
fo (hoa ae 000 obuu & ae oem 
os ess uv Bictine, 
on Pact wor 9 beleive, 

ites t. step 

of Ihe (vet oot (55 ES, the 

i came Copland he bee eee up. Ce SL> 
oxctite c Corian oo 2s ree 

oN. ‘AL [woth Tet ea 

6th. O Rt ah oko 

Meaboe pdortbu', 
Ae wrereens pets tis OEE 
Poca) nig, Phamemened _ 

Meck? el GOs etaoc of Pisie . AID freol fh 

zak AoA 3 tote y 


Mote saee=e. 44 Fheg,, 
notqves oo EKG Gat ute Pq SPs 
— i. aati Cowes ov Yes 

oe iene eo ew og TR fe [ Cr~2 

i; va greet bat 2 
Habe Arche We mites 

ee oe poll | 
| eC meennae, Tears On ie 

" Y, ft He - 


Bh eok Gee dawdarae Soret fel db fee. 

am pTutpokde atrnesn . t ia 
dn. » Blarcda ” Hoh Ter Feel &- 
dhe ~ Mla + Megretis f# elass, Gack Senet Ve 
lho HF F00R hk veo 
Nels Goupiare — Shower beet 
oe Th. ~ Mork fot Kooy 
yea iw t- —— 

adegk leh (bk: Sy Mereary 
. ; cota. Vk AACACHL 
G kLoow% 
1S ce K Seow Opfore 24 gat Avlheug 
ee borin Sede. Atabt pe § fet - : 
a odes | UM Cee gre a- Sv 
Oy ee ee Sm, 

+ dee Plan Kit? 

ao on ceed- = Cee os: ee 

Pratiet OnE ~ Pe Thd weg ma : 


ae ie Of Ko OM = Seer ee eee 

ori ehwtoa flatter me eds flavin kun sere — 

| Shi o alithe Graal | 

oa Spey [Plu pycns AfYforely 7077 ee nee 

FN KY Apt ily 17 es see : 

ola Ve Aata ee POH ig ee 
an y CU laredd Of 01% h, a aarhelg A 
Ae bh Lactate Ee ee I eigen 
Ab Vz oy Ze Ley eae) ig s 

on bere is eee ae ta yics fle ftom, bifhim a 

Kir [Keccbit= G Ceomuth - - Mn ae 
Kyo ay ieee A AL Koiek Jt a7) 74 Gs7 ig 
Pole pedis WS idles fottel feller a are 
: ray IE: oe hr Artan Herts 
Gi Shine -Fiaslit Aight —————! 
fo. Gir Meetork Ce fy 

ott KL io. od wn Fé LLeZL7, 
eis i Ge ice 

pia BAe he, os fe 
oe So yd VF VFurfreeLin F204 Geb be 
Cit hese ies ~elekil.~ pv —~ F207 : 



Basics eae: 

Dee oe. pee een = 

Mi hipaleaietas ee sc ae : 
ie Bg RE I 

PKG ES a Peay Le 
oe Ge Yictws Ae “7 a 

Cy. Shutlhir - A ehiae on 4 , cK, COnt— 
Ce ME, Ca _ ox ae 

Kha. Khe. Tee (Bacto cong 7 
700 apiouraas PR eg -~MEGi ee, 

CPE an 4h 

ee _  O”t—S—S 



Miuce ecg AF 2SS 2 © Bs 
Bie tubaaty Bn ee 
5 eee Spas: Utes ogy 
a miced. ple hanta SEro Votre 

Mek fe vic eee OE own Anera, 


cihecen | oe = Gee POX cr, 

ale Sead Aetie, mower, 

Sedat aa 

ae hn forefeete o 8 
| — ae Ce. ) 
a Ear haat Jie, €Cite#: 
as ‘ Gece cece ie a oe 
Elec leen 

Geta, aj ee a 

Bored eter = foat- He COT “xX, 

Grape gon = Lae Faces - 
lege oI re hems 
ia de en lo Pacts re Oe 

-_ 350° 

Crest nat aA Liceore's Gre Cathe 
eee a ae Lor as a fli 
ee = WG re Coz Vl Oo” 
25 a Kabu a” = 

oie ae re / Gotecc - 
Ad cork 

HT e 
b Cot Oe a ha. ss al itd | 

a Ea. &Y Achim ae. on | 

e b (fee ®. Gas. - Ane cet Se 
Pe?  Beepe | 

Pus ar Tae for vast 

Ce lfilick . 
- ; . ra a ma a i 


hag foo KOE oy KG co 


Arve KO yn 8 Ohne a | 
— eer po gon 


3 eT, 


Hse Glee’ * eed ee ae 
Ae oe .. Suet 
| uot ren Chek, Lam. 
Ste eee Rach Ee 
Got Qt ee TR a fee srk, 
| AAs pede ep = 
yo welion ana 
, aad aaces i naan 


| sige mae CA SFG - 
2 cob, aes Qe o=--o 

ck Cor wt ea ie a. 


Pyro rCar i ies iia = | 

(eee ; 
Gare (ees Kw q ols NA ko ~ Pare 
plate no quod 

CHuvk wh Qe are joo '-O ~ no q ree) 

ie ee ee 



2 O tke PS tet AheChlae F T KO, akon 

a es Qikio “peter Lgrn Ke . Be 

t ef ec Lc Wy ee 

Cyr i ee ee QO ewer aw Nig 

) teva" qo baet Greases ee 
Meth prece. mie 



ae pr Wig wo er ie <= 
Y ene PRA LK hot Feel_¢ : 
psa seas CT peek on WH OK . 
ft peg OTE ete iy) 
Oud (hs se ss | 7 
Pores creas 
A ogpra, Cnet eee eae alt 

TipbhiA nn 26 1% [00cete) pet 
1 a = 

of 358 

SOG 90010, P G, are gS ee bois l00 LFV 
AAS Grn Faw G, Sb Yoo COG 

TES 8, hE etlr & Se ian PHAt is st 
Va Faia we bases os ee - 
eu “a - Agg act oe eS, 
oan D hewr Contec Gy 
' 2 a~ uw aK, WX, 
Bis “ee, Sd tess 
Zillow sim — ems ag foot OR 
ToC te Cat ie. Ge 
VE fe 

ae eee 
Aisi = 20 ee. Sn, Meas oe 

YG, CO A Th tes 2 Aeed -~ LO¢ tc k@ a7 % 

Ge BOG ae, Hebel rele S00 Lr¥a, Ao ore 
SH ta a PO lerk t « a 1 heer Loe 
LG Capileiaee Lek, Meee g, vee * He ~ FE 

LO 7. Fr, Cy. Of éak - feo tt JO, 
Zs Gi ahs “7 CS ec LOO BR Lt x. 
Ga. Crane of Jo Le _ Ps en 

28. Athre Preiadtgna, Code KCo ro, 

Ae Gace te Oecde . Po Aor & at ai 

cia si Bae ene al Lee Sf a> 
Clan KO Dee t= Les 0 ao +. — pec 

a : mr 
he Cutler % Mone tf ag ax ie ae 

Ay Chon sy hoe cx'y i as SO PO Wa _ 

LOK As COL, Ocer1 ~ “O00 0ELHVO. 40 Gy 
AU Lo 4 YG 20 Cer. S00 C8 Wo. AG 

pe, C. Lo 7 nl phot Of x 4 deo, S008 /¥o, — A GF t 
a. aeO « Vor ltteu greet + Gf a Linn soot ‘Vo, ~ AG 
Ba i Coat cecePratra DEE ov. Gre ¥ Cries Ce Sela — AY 

a7, Wikis Bard - : ~ . . HY 
oe Hits edn. Wate ... HF 
ee WOR ee ig tia Te eag G 
a “fo gs Glo envi _- he oe ee Ar. G | 
| | 

SF EE Boe etn 
Beg pc. che ceveic, ner: 
Cee. A S&C Clea he'd Dicais: a. 

a ote ay [fretiin <o Cacyeg 
Hee ent acre ol oo we nates, Tee Cicomscuif 


32. / Go Vii seach SKtagraden S00 2YLG, A. FG, 

I GFE Zar 
O° Caer Virei. Clecoki So do. HG teu 

2 hie P oem. Sonar, PBR, 
fey weg. ene 2 | 
Viper Jar - 

KW Botte, Utd ry 
Carte. Faweder'h ant fas Fak, 

BGfl. Cie (Ae Os) - Ha-> 

JO (n, fUbk+-1e 


Notebook, Volume 9 

This volume covers the period August-December 1875. The notes 
and drawings are by Edison and Charles Batchelor, and the names of 
James Adams and Edward H. Johnson occasionally appear as witnesses. 
Most of the material relates to acoustic telegraphy. There are also notes 
and drawings of etheric force experiments and a drawing of a pen for an 
autographic telegraph. The volume consists of 23 numbered, unbound 
leaves, many of which appear to have been removed froma scrapbook, 
Some of the pages in Scrapbook Fragment, Cat. 30,100 (Miscellaneous 
Shop and Laboratory Notebooks) were probably also removed from the 
same scrapbook. 

Missing pages, found in facsimile in the Telephone Interferences: 6- 
10, 17, 

Missing pages: 1-2, 4, 14-16. 


(Wve. en v, wang wh 4 bys. \y Sateen ob ue 28000090090 a: 


ad Jj fg dll de fly . 



ae ee 

S Pe oy 



re dd 


te < f= oe 7 } 

en Gee 

Inagaeh col 

X copper core 



8 mom 



Ker 2grkte 97 

 Qitg dst Te 
CRY ne 

Sob s rae 

es Bt Bae 


te 1 [Sie 


ote Se reed. Cu tndrre% c we 


Cerne 4 ; 
‘ i , 

_ Veg 24 iy - 

i - 


Notebook, Volume 10 

This volume covers the period January-November 1876. Most of the 
notes and drawings are by Edison; others are by Charles Batchelor, James 
Adams, and John Kruesi. The material in this volume relates primarily to 
acoustic telegraphy and to the use of the acoustic principle in multiplex 
telegraphy. There are also a few drawings of the etheroscope. The 
volume consists of 116 numbered, unbound leaves. Pages 74-85 were 
numbered in reverse order but have been filmed in their proper sequence. 

Missing pages, found in facsimile in the Telephone Interferences: 3, 
25, 58, 71, 73, 101-104, 109. 

Missing pages: 1, 12, 68, 99. 

ld of, Cie? 

com ge ated gprs ste bat nytormy mate vein gg panne erpane nner ema ot gna 

dee etie teen, gs Wane LR eis Rete 

stone g APA are See nny wed eee mt en 


coer teense 

eee eame: 



re roe om Ce eres Treg 
ce ee eet et 3 nee ; 

aa ee am =: 

Wath nana Sw cieaitcte onetime ngs Lo ancinbed hn 

Ste nae teewetaneammencanan men LLL aces ones 

secs, 7 




Gipcecaion Rca 




7 ee } | 

np Oe ES, aye ee 





tenn nnn sae 


CES nan fe 

tii este Resernrted arenes 

es te se cect 


set Se SE ek a ee Luss. 


: 62 
f ' 
= (. 

tea mt Ri ot ise Se alice in 


boeug [e noly 

tur wale, 

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pe QA a wtade dnd eprn , Tuo. at POEMS) 
£ Ou Rsk, Ace. Aad Spee + sere poe) mw. thrice pnsraodn 

a Snes 

leone Pere eb 

i hen jem 7 

ee eet sneha herent: Hangs ne teen a 

Pore atl danhoaer ntaneaeaieeeinnaets mronmmeaal ace 

oe Frlney, ot ae oe 
COowd = | “2 

9 fen Rok Lean moake TRE now 
Cleoustic tecewen worl oth sight. f YX clo = 
Highten. The UDenews, -It-clors not corn t-—- = 

_ bese tua moket thus 

qui Atte Y CR CR. Dh amg 
ae pes ce Le ete 

ee ee Ba Foo 
Cori Ye Oy censom Mex wo 7 Can Put pPofer un ek ‘ 
Aiton Ove. on have Gene on Ke Ce mre Mong 
7, | 
: ie cats | Shaka g haaf—noteA Sh awe 

Semin Takia TE aa ep EEE eon a 
Tien ote 1 ek : | 

a in on ka Tee ene Oe eee ees alow the __ 
oy LO er ge 





: Ee » (ie 3 


ngs g- I STTO — 

ier inn Cae aco 




ci gortaned at 
adn Le I oye 



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{ U als LO res Ges 

A eee aie Mrcede, 

| a hovel. | ks te 

y ik deck | 
: i: o- Us _ ; (Gis ite | (Bete | 
e be Gen oar Bar. Cee a, OPED he . “& | 
_— ee sive ce Se seme aie ee Lae ne aes Sots Ss 

wack = gh r 

Ne biti 


Wwordne v0. KH 

Moy vol | 


conlyaNing Line 

main. Line 

te pre een ged 

[EJ] wavs Reditol - a 

: jo 
tos — To ore miei Peony enone 3 : 
a ate ec ? ; —s \ 
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. 2 } z 
i ‘ 14 : 
a: Stee eae : { t 
ho haa tn cate a eh oad 
pee ee —s , - ; rae 3 

we , 
i | 
; ' 


TN A td aed ea sora 

(deco: We praepte) 

i 4 unt® [de 4, 


— G 
bi aE Hf 

I EIT a 

een eee a peas 

ees en ety wT OK 
Combine ¢ chine hiuhich Leta, pres . 
USK AS Rp ee ett 
trae rhe od peetrian  mty Ne Len (iE 
Of many wine toe 

Sa Orie eS. CA 
N.C er oe eg eee ee Ue a ae ; 

Jp ek a pot eh CO Cat 
on Gekinw’ Of Ce CR me ee Cys 

Ce Come k cee p~p Lt. RX 


ies Coc ere paren Grea - AKY 

PS GA ke in By, ae 
as a dhurt £o- wee, ~ ite al & 

etal “peace ee aosGe US So 

Du. Short cht | on omt encke 1 

oF cee ce Nee ae Dette Eh Pe or ee 


LA PS | 
we) eee 



i: 3. 

St ie ee eb ete 


way g 
| be rw OP er oAe 

CLG axis - 
Ave = 
eos oo 


CG } 
ine ht 

7 oe = . im . : 

 Prteovbena PowGe hw. G 

: g, Aoohes = Yp-6 ., ‘ P= aan cme, I a 

zi $98 = 

oe het 

- Cc war 

OK Apes. aces er Kl Pha 
hese Dhew urtunetthe 

as We 

fen hoe k 


ee eee 
Oleh _ [yer Ayre Cre 

ke lege 

Sel. Ct DT Ghee 12 Cheam m 
Crrdeneanr se lana 
ae nm er 

it byctk— 28 oheets m €neh— 

we tte ~ of te cA omaye er 

Cebitte Wo- hegre? ake 

get Reba 
Whole rhe! na eee 

oe Copr— 
mw = 2 beet 4 noxt Geet [hen - a 

ie oa Ms 

maGR > (Og es wt Foy 

CH Cote. Ee heeds Cowes UL 

re ae Corse” {eee aaaenaatad 

ae gel ge No dae wth” qr) om fag 
(hg aL 

Us wow Aovese Collars Zoe Ge 
2 AM qet neA—— aoe 

Yh neta ER ery OO" 
denwd wt nw Caber Ona get 
ee ee er ee 

A Like 

eu aoe er fone, ee 

Cthic ihe ea ; ots 

(o* ea Goa Weta h eon bay 

(SES reece ot 

6 LAGE Ee A Wigan } 7 

es Get SNe eo ee 

rth «Getth foe qromdLs of ches 
wack abh oplte afte grr’ Ty 
fy ay bee or, Aad fou ob 

ew | Ee ay A = T¢€ are | 

CehkcGh Qi Ahewe Lite ee (gm 

Oper: re as 

; Ge ee ses ae re wee eee 
» ag — Ce GE: CG GA 1S 
| Cell, lm ny Ann 

yr i Sher H~Ce 0 Dg Sa cacao et so 
QQ " lo‘ 
R? | 28 19 

potded “$4 sheats AG The §— Corcke—’ 

SU oie il aie 5 ea aaa 

View %197000 ve H1 shetr © 
Qetese VS 
TN cols me nen Dalng Cotte 

Cre Lo 
Fan 1 nips 

: j A , 
\ i : 

: i 

tite ee ke tee ae wi ay” AR e ae aah lad Sine zw! mene 6 ere 4 ee, ow > Rae bie. - iP POH, eae Hh Ca ee eee hee + tee ce ie a wo 

7 = ees Sy gia Scaiemeniiiteammmeeememe 
Var typormeuch ’ 

Yoo ehwi. qi shade ach/ ope en 
Key closed putting. GoCab4t at eS 
[5~ CLL Of frre ue Fete gpromn dl 

Echt B.U 

tard ohh oper- 


pone ee 

y Lhd thie” 
frum if 
VD. 2s 

jhe foe 



Li, Thee’ us a we ste haha: 
Push ferfore . 


aa Wieck ee By eee ante ay 
at anette ae 


[eee ee ae eee 
Selonore opine tlhe inceet ipnitateled Sout Poesia win aa totetae Lane ndclacds eats ech 
a ~ 


ee on eee e eae a OT RM re! Oe eevee ee a 


1s tec mameanamenntn scence aerate te act ree ena nr 

nt pene ertnanereptt greenest 




Peace tt 



f Vv 
. a le 



PO a ald Coca 
ae | 





Notebook, Volume 11 

This volume covers the period January-June 1877. The notes and 

drawings are by Edison, Charles Batchelor, James Adams, and John Kruesi. 

Most of the material relates to the speaking telegraph. There are also a 
few pages devoted to acoustic, multiplex, and printing telegraphy. A 
cover which was apparently used to bind Volume 11 together is still extant 
and is labeled "Old Sketches Vol 11 January to July 1877 Pages 203." 
The volume consists of 203 numbered, unbound leaves. 

Missing pages, found in facsimile in the Telephone Interferences: 5- 
6, 8-10, 14-23, 25-32, 37, 39-44, 46, 48-49, 51 1/4, 51 1/2, 56, 58, 60-62, 
65, 71, 76, 78, 82, 86-87, 95, 99-102, 106, 111-116, 120-121, 123, 130, 132, 
134-137, 139-169, 172-173, 175-187, 189, 191-192, 195-201. 


sk ania Vina tank Lait ene annie Ne inn leit dan nlan en ead canta ac ia Dribon te 




cg eV 

Q eee trad wit: 

i nt 
4 Lead wee rs Qk. ke 
dot lx us Pw on. ee) i pat 

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os Alyson a 
eo-b. eg ws 

A 0, ots eas 

we Lolo | ie ne ¥ 
ten geome hod’ 

Be LUE Fee 
ae _tatel aa lee dive 

‘ba 6 2, OS od Lae. 
"Bo Bodee 0" weds momcad 

Bae CLL: fam: ee o 

10s rien 


fia 6 Cispeote, 

Of evpeny’ 108 Gee are 

jn tet, = Posi cre at 

2 Allele Coperte Pat ech 
Sov 44 oo. apomfud 
Creenk | wedt Pal ty. 
us enels 2 tla 
L. are Tw Y In 
eco As “e 

pt ne areas wh but 
\ oe p eee 1 QaK rene 

pute Bist hin. 
ats mt 13/2 py an 
pene ees ee wed 
pret ot fo tye a 
pee ‘we ong) ts O™ Se : 
‘he ftest cu ok ae 

gene ® A 

& Wohi, 13. Blemle. 
Cot Cees Ama aes 
ee i 

tA ar Fi al 

yee Cf eum 
(Case ti es \y | 

——_——§ Se 



eo ae, 

a a 

tft es 









is # z 



acd Meth 


Cr Cred - 

Whar cerae [380 52 or 

Menlo Park, Ne dey cnvmoneneennenuncemacnns mmm LESO, 

SCAR Vorb. 
Cpe, 1,1 

Om ug tre VEE 2 

to a 


elegy WEA, 


ie Ly Le 4 Ao 



7 @& 






’ - € 

2. emioeniitnerawecinsesial a wsiamnnal 


ee sete ; a ‘ ‘ : a ~~ 

o Bpeok oe (elegk- a AE 


We Cam et drvuylhiney perfect—ex capol Che Avojee e ie 
7 bees oe eae p Ros a Gopecel dace hk ae oe 
ae Ca a . ovet pie Me — rca ea 
YY propece UW acolo toe. 
eee eon a to Kae cn om vel 

ro - ors, 

a Qype os _ 2 eee 


. ag. b Hoe ae ink Shedd } | ae 
 Bownds, 2 9 poor spews ‘ce at cal ee Cpa Mob A Gee 
Law tone out Quel nee, oo or acak un See Antrte, ne. Pa eee Yong 
‘ Od—“Che regal axe Clee. SP Gop ee te [nar eit ae 7 | 
| ie own iam, oye he: ens ee ee ror wosgeed feat Gy er? prents | 

Coa Line oh grad Conger of Glock omecte «6 
Wee, qr -t-tet DRE cop Pi cA ad RL A ed ee ee 
Cepek rete fie ew me heel Aen a a Sater tag 
Meas 4 brew a ene p Cednans is - v, oo A tReet ie 
Oh fon oa fe getiee tak: Shan, (pe poten re abe 
3 , Vv Hea, po er er ee ao Pee se aaaere Aw thas Ck yee 

: , 
Cott . Ps Le ey ig hp 

ad Sate ee OT aa ~ edt os i eee 

| an EoD chen teh of nw i Do gabe. pe De aon are 3 oo 
| CG ee 6 
| bow. ‘ camara tes ae 

la ¢ ; 
a or [ 5-°-o SS © o O ie et Ratt Boe ew 

sl G gtk 12 dsgis 2 eere CS tae hee a oo betes hod Cae aad SA i 

ae : -~ 3 _ on . Nig 1p ighthe. 

eee —- 



ie = Cae ee) OA PN Ae. t~ 5 

Cieripieys er® ore’ (Key I SP phee 
G oy Pees rp“ 
om) Yi rrfrer on belle nw parol 

Be SC ae oo 

ee aA tu y Piss B ene 

7 “4° pete” Ore etx. 

seit SUR. 





Apr ”) 

Sr haeten 
aa cae 

oe ‘ Se / " Pate. | 
q La) : ee / ; 
hy “ ? ; ae 
Bed j 

‘ Fis ROE es 


2) IEE = wean? * 

ee cee oe 


: udit-oo nd Perera. Cerrar: tf 
ae brew CE euet lc” toy ee Fe on vas 

| OO a o Uke ¢ Ay tad of x wrl AL 

i . | : a. Ne TUN EP he Apel WBE. 


| ies che. lov o f uf Beran. he A.abdtne Ogre le 
A... 4 Briss my i ih site ch. f CAV Sip 3 pt LDL hone 
BA Wun ha we OU LMA fh Ab CANAL AA arn Qu le 
“™ elie fete araphs of {dh Aw PA a fice aed. brw es “9 
U ‘ A 


Ca , sf 
OF Ct } beac bi 


as a 

ee Metra a tet Cyn BOS 


i one 

Wi af eo 
V8 Yoo ff ae Senet at OT co OA Ch 8 


4 ct ier eayvton 

aR, a. Speck ef Abas (mM uenhon ig Kk ees nae, 

a ba 
aie MOOT gy, ere af. Clea 4 ce "yg! 


ee Vidya oR. ae p- Put fi. COX 8. Ao e on f- tod Bae CA. 

ge g® 

Komen cyvenrtd acy: ch Pitan fee gee Jké 


of wees ial prrete of, 

genet onde 

f 4 porates, & aldo ele, 

O of inmenticqn” Cerdeat d wn TKE — Goorpet om 

ben Oak'oa of Oo Do-tlur fo prs 
“i f- Ths ilies. Oe thee ay Pere Badiel 

nen tim 

a og. KO veda eee G04 af foie yond. fan. ay 
Vv , 
“pala: ifs, 
af pe baa 19 oo” Pe. (a. fp 
# g J 
ange Lt fg 7 Jke [Rau 4 af tO BA, Cth OAS AN OG Ff 

ore ey Ati, PAB, £9 aiid ak ecney ee 

od ecend) doh Pie OAL ove 

and Aigaunawwoh. - Ke Carrsampfs fa gin % 

sn havea Sor 



ape t 
Re il os 

ex AADAYS cpm cohvak 
] : 

: ane “6 C2 ALe erele ro Co / OKemae a7 
fs ole Co eta tion” cy; Onan oer ee 
| CG RACKTL bq Clo ehemerhy, 
Hike Comelruecs « a [he tesenl 
(Ttanner evelh She excurkedn _th ae 


= ie Pawnee i : 
a — 

Mer ee pease ie ote 

Re eae ne oe 

ye ee a 7 , be. 
pelKCTR. © yogh adver Radrg  1F et Crm elg 

° 3 re # 

pu an Se a ar yaaa he ary 

i Atak Am he... tha x jie: Eat i = 
Vea er ee, Ge ie pane?” le, 
Con. Be Phe Preece stn 4 ghaornt alk Red shy 
‘alan * the. bevitwies Asses wile fie at 

proper ee are Crk OU. Ante) ime 5a 

Wee t  Coo Sr oa uae Cie MRbg & oi 

Cee. ats, ar asaras si aed 2 
thaw Foote ge VE “AN et, ae 
“ceo Oz ge Lee. XY fer Pa fu ws s 


the Gover. ay g Per un| 

eheaeenee 0 ES 
Ga See £ f Out. e 
8 AKL. Chemeaed ade fete? a. 
hos Lie MD sine Dre ag an AL SR betta 
At. (Ppatanged Re Greve Wrens. = 
Ae Oy ce ee eo “Oren ye een 
pe Pie abin ol oe lke tn curhk.oelss 
ce hed Ca an/ Ye hne  olsreh 

a ee, at anon . ete Oe “Oke VIN, AA Et 

Si Atte Coen. Cl sae ot. ane wk 
Ree cafe The j j Lediine ele wo on Ds: 

OD) a 



HE al culw Lo? PLE 7 

: Ae. U2 oo 

oy’ -C | Coenen par bentestesig 

NO B G2 02 
Ain io 7 Y 

[64% (§ ori | 


Ape 28? 17, 

Ad nw 

Hon 8 Ta, 

A danrs 


: wed , t peas © : 2 , 
te dese Se 3 No 16 Aen 257977. 
Cf a oe 




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+ een 4 

ee oe Nis Gil — 

pd] a 


ts nares at nh 

eee tas: 



Apt se eas 
| Pica es a 



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cle 6 o§—— 

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\Ariia ae he Dow: A rare ia oy YI Qo ve a2) 2 oleh ae AS Wraa 2 
pe Qo ees € ay KO ¢ wae A er ! Aa SCY, Uh J iA ; Bosco as DN. 
@) Pes 


Alory // Lm 73 ry 

feat eaters Suet Fas 

A Lp LhB. oy B° 1p 

= Senlp tg 

Pies ‘/ bil 

2, -_ 

4 Lg 

\ 0 C £ Lasr, 

Re i 

‘t : - ) UM hf, 
Ign. | ae 

Ke hi I! A (ee | 
Urrwk Qh a 

| J : a ee ees eee 
cient ~ — 

tin hte 


Nhe | Le ae a 
7 wes 

San SeciEaencaeenrcnmmmmasenarscsss 
yi ? 

a ee 
we eee ony 

aig sof 

p’ Spruce 

| %ef 

well bridoe w’ 
Corte wrhias Pevar 
“ fortes af a 

qe~ ye te 1 ov [hot od outte even 

Rete Be a= ate as ee EE A see 
(Pe. ‘f frtokey rol umch/ tock ices Elqes - : ) 

ee otso eh = neeuaned Fea Vin As meh high Ihas’ 

. . : : rs : a , 
: 2 < 










a ch ate alowed tty aa ata 

Ui Bin tapi acca Ee 


Ye ‘ ~ . = ( Bice ee PEN 3 ies weer ot 
ee Sime Yuu i} Ae , ox 

o ~ as re ‘s 
€ S 
Bo 3 € 
er eee Nes ake = ) . 
me a a on min in : 
ne Sa aE ~ . ae 2 Gare Raa Mat Lak a a Sk he ane 

ees 6 < ue 
2 fA eae 

\ fe ynible pase Aloe 

ere ee ® ais : ae ie : x 
pate penbests aad a < 


Menlo Park, Ne dep ccccewnwmemennnnanee anna L580, 

SN 196 Vet. 

reenter oe oe are nanan ee i 
= f 2 eer 
Lo bvin wy CAL ~Z erent tee, 

/ ~ 
paren fi kl 

; a 


a Tego! ow _ un a aie Er | 

a 4 aA Z (alow o~, 
_Chathigd DP 

hi wftbe Sho a 

monly ae 

pt a lr ene at Fone yeas : 
ol (Sa es 

PRCT a? 



« chee of 40 array Atte : a | 
seeks et PO 2 oe ae ee ‘ 

Ge, t oa i eee to 
Chee ea we, : ee i 

seek Fa ee a let 
G bak we es eee = aera am — 
eld): Ber Spee gee gseer 2 . Ss 
Re Pi Re ee EP cues 

Ba cram og a. 

siete oem 


9 Papa ob os a beSTAG ih sis Re 
Lkot thi ht sh eh. 8 on L0 Th hisa org Down Ab Soe Sa 
_ Ge wenfoen Rati, new the clea phrase we acme. 
he wot Arepowe)ed G au Appaiens OO: FS ox revel tothe 
OE Pt eer ements me rn) 

efi bh te, on ane RE tenn an Fe : 

ee ee ae prey (0 fan etic ek 
iy ee Row F prwpe. Gor ge 
ee TB le ef epi el Fhe 
| ae ian =o Che TF poe wpe GO have amo ol haha a 
Ev eepe Be ite. ricci 2 ee ease ee es 
[sae we pepe Lite 6G Re wh reed 
Le wi Cee ep i eas G Amer forer Cher 


Menlo Park, No deg cnc sna wan L980, 

Sg Sthg Exec aiired Repes Secheses, 



Menlo Park, Ne day coccccsnuuneene 


We, Be 77 



. j 
(a ¢ pO 
( ee 

ae rt 
Lb at ee ee Ae ee oed Goer e| 
eis 1 
'@ ¥ . . ! 
; i 

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EESTI pee Hig ee 
fe : De 

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ig j 

2 o-oo 


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A Note on the Sources 

The pages which were microfilmed for this collection are 
in generally good condition in the original. There are 
some pages, however, which due to age are lighter than 
normal. Additionally, because some volumes are very 
large and have been bound tightly and cannot be un- 
bound, there are intermittent occurrences of slight dis- 
tortion of the edges of a small percentage of the pages. 
We have made every technical effort to ensure complete 
legibility of each and every page. 


Reel duplication of the whole or of 
any part of this film is prohibited. 
In lieu of transcripts, however, 
enlarged photocopies of selected 
items contained on these reels 
may be made in order to facilitate 


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation National Science Foundation 
Charles Edison Fund National Endowment for the Humanities 

The Hyde and Watson Foundation 
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation 


Alabama Power Company Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. 
Amerada Hess Corporation McGraw-Edison Company 

AT&T Middle South Services, Inc. 

Association of Edison Illuminating Companies Minnesota Power 

Battelle Memorial Institute Foundation New Jersey Bell Telephone Company 
The Boston Edison Foundation New York State Electric & Gas 

Cabot Corporation Foundation Corporation 

Carolina Power and Light Company North American Philips Corporation 
Consumers Power Company Philadelphia Electric Company 

Corning Glass Works Foundation Philips International B.V. 

Duke Power Company Public Service Electric and Gas Company 
Edison Electric Institute RCA Corporation 

Exxon Corporation Robert Bosch GmbH 

General Electric Foundation Savannah Electric and Power Company 
Gould Inc. Foundation Schering Plough Foundation 

Gulf States Utilities Company Texas Utilities Company 

The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Thomson-Brandt 

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Transamerica Delaval Inc. 

lowa Power and Light Company Westinghouse Educational Foundation 

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Katz Wisconsin Public Service Corporation 


Rutgers, The State University of National Park Service, Edison 
New Jersey National Historic Site 

Edward J. Bloustein Roy W. Weaver 
T. Alexander Pond Edward J. Pershey 
Tilden G, Edelstein William Binnewies 
Richard P. McCormick Lynn Wightman 
James Kirby Martin Elizabeth Albro 

New Jersey Historical Commission Smithsonian Institution 
Bemard Bush Brooke Hindle 
Howard Green Bemard Finn 


James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology 
Alfred D. Chandler, Harvard University 
Neil Harris, University of Chicago 
Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania 
Arthur Link, Princeton University 
Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian institution 
Robert C. Schofield, lowa State University 


William C. Hittinger (chairman), RCA Corporation 
“Arthur M. Bueche, General Electric Company 
Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of NJ. 
Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation 
Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund 
Philip F. Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation 
Paut Lego, Westinghouse Electric Corporation 
Roland W. Schmitt, General Electric Corporation 
Robert |. Smith, Public Service Electric and Gas Company 
Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company 
Morris Tanenbaum, ATET 


Copyright © 1985 by Rutgers, The State University 

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and index or of the 
microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, 
electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and 
retrieval systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, 
New Jersey. 

The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West 
Orange, New Jersey. 

QL Edison. pers 


Thomas E. Jeffrey 
Microfilm Editor and Associate Editor 
Paul B. Israel Susan Schultz 
Assistant Editor ; Assistant Editor 
Assistant Editors: Research Associates: 
Toby Appel Robert Rosenberg 
Kelth A. Nier W. Bemard Carlson 
Andre Millard 
Student Assistants 

John Deasey Pamela Kwiatkowski 
Leonard De Graaf Joseph P. Sullivan 
David Fowler Barbara B. Tomblin 

Leonard S. Reich, Associate Director and Associate Editor 
Reese V. Jenkins, Director and Editor 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site 
New Jersey Historical Commission 
Smithsonian Institution 

University Publications of America 
Frederick, Maryland 

Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company. 


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